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Is Axl banned from playin' in Vancouver?

Screamin' Demon

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Is Axl banned from playin' in Vancouver? I'd say the band if it was relevant but I doubt that Vancouver would ban the rest of them playing if they had another singer, as it was only him that wasn't there on time. Or has he just chosen to omit the city for some reason connected to the 2002 incident?

Edited by Screamin Demon
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ManetsBR I'm talkin' about the 2002 riot. He was up in the air and 10 mins before the show it was cancelled. A huge riot broke out & riot police came in and started beatin' the fuck out of just about everyone, if you read up innocent people who were walkin' away were batoned, pepper sprayed etc. AxlSlash, I don't live in Vancouver :tongue2: I'm sure though that if they had gone through Vancouver, they would have played in an arena just like the rest of Canada....and it is winter there so they can't play outdoor. Anyways, I'm just curious as to why both in 2007 & 2010 the city has been omited from the tour. Is Axl banned from playin' there?

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there was no way gnr could have played vancouver on this tour due to the olympics, GM place which is the arena they would have played is the main site for all the hockey games.

on the next tour axl can make his apologies to the vancouverites by doing what he does best rock3

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Please.... what incident? What happend?

Well in short in November 2002, Axl didn't show up in time for the first show of the first Gn'R North American tour in almost a decade. Roughly 10 000 fans stood behind me in line outside GM Place when a security guard came out to announce over a megaphone that the show had been cancelled. A beer hit the door in front of me cueing the start of a riot that cause hundreds of thousands of dollars worth in damages to the outside of GM Place, When fans opend fire on the police with roman candles the cops fought back and let the dogs out literally. Fans were chased by police dogs through the parking lot. In short it was insane.

I highly doubt Gn'R is banned from the city of Vancouver but I equally doubt anyone associated with GM Place or any other venue is lining up for Gn'R to play there. They could do one of those secret acoustic gigs no problem though, :thumbsup:

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Please.... what incident? What happend?

Well in short in November 2002, Axl didn't show up in time for the first show of the first Gn'R North American tour in almost a decade. Roughly 10 000 fans stood behind me in line outside GM Place when a security guard came out to announce over a megaphone that the show had been cancelled. A beer hit the door in front of me cueing the start of a riot that cause hundreds of thousands of dollars worth in damages to the outside of GM Place, When fans opend fire on the police with roman candles the cops fought back and let the dogs out literally. Fans were chased by police dogs through the parking lot. In short it was insane.

I highly doubt Gn'R is banned from the city of Vancouver but I equally doubt anyone associated with GM Place or any other venue is lining up for Gn'R to play there. They could do one of those secret acoustic gigs no problem though, :thumbsup:

I thought he was joking... but I don't know

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Harvey Jones, who seems to care more about the Canucks than rock bands, prob. didn't care one way or the other... Axl wasn't there at 7:30, he pulled the plug on it.

In this case, he's to blame.

I can speculate why he'd do it - he prob. didn't know Axl is known to go on stage at 11 or midnight, and the local promoter might have kept that little detail from him. He prob. wasn't expecting to put his people to work into the morning hours, outside of the people hired to clean the place up.

Would GNR play there again? Prob. not if he's going to do the same thing again. The other question is - what was lined up for the next day? If there was a hockey game or a trade show that had to be set up in the morning, there's no way it would've happened if the road crew have x amount of hours to break down the equipment. I think most shows that end at 11, they're usually out on the road by 2. The band might stay or they might be on the road at 11:15.

That's why I also think when a band is playing multiple nights in one place, they actually have the luxury to play at any time they want and no one can shut them down.

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I know for a fact GNR have been booked to play Vancouver twice since the riot. Unfortunately GnR have backed out of both tours they had planned. Both times they were to play at the Pacific Coliseum. They also would have played there this past Canadian tour if it wasn't for the Olympic preperations at the Coliseum as the building is now being used for figure skating and some short track speed skating. They probably would never be allowed at GM Place but the Coliseum holds 16000 so it would be big enough for any show they could put on.

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I know for a fact GNR have been booked to play Vancouver twice since the riot. Unfortunately GnR have backed out of both tours they had planned. Both times they were to play at the Pacific Coliseum. They also would have played there this past Canadian tour if it wasn't for the Olympic preperations at the Coliseum as the building is now being used for figure skating and some short track speed skating. They probably would never be allowed at GM Place but the Coliseum holds 16000 so it would be big enough for any show they could put on.

Not saying what you are saying is true or not. I wouldn't know. But backing out of a show before it is even announced is very different. Many artists set tours up and deside against them before it is announced. No crime in that.

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Please.... what incident? What happend?

Well in short in November 2002, Axl didn't show up in time for the first show of the first Gn'R North American tour in almost a decade. Roughly 10 000 fans stood behind me in line outside GM Place when a security guard came out to announce over a megaphone that the show had been cancelled. A beer hit the door in front of me cueing the start of a riot that cause hundreds of thousands of dollars worth in damages to the outside of GM Place, When fans opend fire on the police with roman candles the cops fought back and let the dogs out literally. Fans were chased by police dogs through the parking lot. In short it was insane.

I highly doubt Gn'R is banned from the city of Vancouver but I equally doubt anyone associated with GM Place or any other venue is lining up for Gn'R to play there. They could do one of those secret acoustic gigs no problem though, :thumbsup:

Do you still have the 'Axl Sucks' t-shirt that you got custom made in memory of that evening?

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Do you still have the 'Axl Sucks' t-shirt that you got custom made in memory of that evening?

Absolutely dude. I don't wear it anymore. the joke about it has kinda come and gone so it's packed away but yes I still have it

Id say if anyone needs to be banned from GM Place in Vancouver..its the promoter from the last time they were there...and thats all.

GM Place panicked and prematurely pulled the plug on the show....

Ummmmm.... NO. They waited an hour past the time the doors to the venue were supposed to open. Axl wasn't even in Canada by that time. The promoters did exactly what they should've done. There ws no confirmation that Axl was "on his way" untill after the fact. When it's 7:30 the night of the show and the lead singer for the headline act isn't even in the country he's supposed to be performing in and it's Guns N' Roses you don't let 10 000 people into the building on the chance he doesn't show up just have them pull a Montreal crica 1992. . Let's face it he wasn't showing up. It's all fine and dandy to say "I was on my way" after the fact but if he really was on his way and was going to make it the show would've gone ahead as planned but he wasn't even in the country! It's not like this was a Barbra Streisand concert and the fans were gonna say "gee that's dissapointing hopefully next time" It's was Guns N' Fuckin' Roses. The fans trashed the outside of that buidling. Imagine they had been inside. Anyone who thinks the promoters were to blame on this one is rather dellusional. Sorry guys.

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Bono, I think you're being a tad melodramatic with your comment about Axl not even being in the country. LA isn't exactly that far from Vancouver by way of the plane.

I believe it came down to the Vancouver authorities not wanting to let Axl violate their gay little 11 pm curfew. Luckily I was fortunate enough to be able to go to Tacoma for the next show.

Edited by ITW 2012
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Bono, I think you're being a tad melodramatic with your comment about Axl not even being in the country. LA isn't exactly that far from Vancouver by way of the plane.

I believe it came down to the Vancouver authorities not wanting to let Axl violate their gay little 11 pm curfew. Luckily I was fortunate enough to be able to go to Tacoma for the next show.

You realize it's almost a 3 hour flight from LA to Vancouver. That's just the flying time. Then there's getting through customs, baggage claim, getting to the venue, tapping his ankles, it would've been nearly 1:00am by the time he was even ready to go on stage let alone want to go on stage. And if there is a bylaw curfew then it's the artists responsibility to abide by it and at the very least go on stage BEFORE curfew. Playing late and paying a fine is one thing but when it becomes clear the artist has no intentions of even going on stage before curfew that's a problem. We contemplated the Tacoma show but it was just too much driving since we drove through the night from Calgary and arrived the day of the Vancouver show

promoters fault, end of discussion

axl is known for going on stage close to midnight. period.

Really? Ok whatever you say then. I'm gonna lean towards Axl usually(always) at least being in the city he's supposed to perform in let alone the country. When the artist isn't in the city or even the country he's playing in hours before he's to take the stage then yeah the promoter is in the right to cancell the show. Especially knowing the history of Gn'R incidents related to riots. Why would you think otherswise unless you live your life via excuses? Any sane person would realize this. Even Axl if he was honest with himself would say "yeah I didn't think that one through as well as I should've." But no it's always someone elses fault. C'mon. :rolleyes:

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Bono, I think you're being a tad melodramatic with your comment about Axl not even being in the country. LA isn't exactly that far from Vancouver by way of the plane.

I believe it came down to the Vancouver authorities not wanting to let Axl violate their gay little 11 pm curfew. Luckily I was fortunate enough to be able to go to Tacoma for the next show.

You realize it's almost a 3 hour flight from LA to Vancouver. That's just the flying time. Then there's getting through customs, baggage claim, getting to the venue, tapping his ankles, it would've been nearly 1:00am by the time he was even ready to go on stage let alone want to go on stage. And if there is a bylaw curfew then it's the artists responsibility to abide by it and at the very least go on stage BEFORE curfew. Playing late and paying a fine is one thing but when it becomes clear the artist has no intentions of even going on stage before curfew that's a problem. We contemplated the Tacoma show but it was just too much driving since we drove through the night from Calgary and arrived the day of the Vancouver show

Axl was in the air and close to landing in Vancouver when they cancelled the show. He would have likely been on before 11pm which is about normal for Axl. Ignoring bylaws and curfews is just how Axl rolls.

Edited by ITW 2012
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