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Happy Axl


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Anyone else notice how much happier Axl seems nowadays. During the illusions tour he seemed constantly pissed off and never looked very happy on stage.Now the guy is constantly smiling and seems to be enjoying himself a hell of a lot more.Guess it shows how rotten the state of the band was even back then.

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I don't think it's a case of Axl being unhappy in the UYI days, it's just that we don't have that much footage of those shows, at least not on the level of the shows since the 2001 onwards, therefore we don't see as much of him from back then. But he was clearly dealing with a lot of issues, hence the heavy amount of therapy sessions. On the flip side, at the end of one of the shows in Asia last year he said it has been "The worst fucking year of my life," so who knows :shrugs:

Either way I'm glad he seems to be having a great time at the moment and it really comes through in his performances on stage both in terms of his presence and his singing. Lets hope the good times never end :thumbsup:

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He said 06-08 were the worst years of his life. I'm glad he's fucking happy now, I saw that in São Paulo last week, he was SOOOO happy, smiling all the time.

Everyone in the band was fucking happy, once I saw Chris almost rolling in the growd, he lol'd at something Fernando said... :rofl-lol:

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I don't think it's a case of Axl being unhappy in the UYI days, it's just that we don't have that much footage of those shows, at least not on the level of the shows since the 2001 onwards, therefore we don't see as much of him from back then. But he was clearly dealing with a lot of issues, hence the heavy amount of therapy sessions. On the flip side, at the end of one of the shows in Asia last year he said it has been "The worst fucking year of my life," so who knows :shrugs:

Either way I'm glad he seems to be having a great time at the moment and it really comes through in his performances on stage both in terms of his presence and his singing. Lets hope the good times never end :thumbsup:

I always thought we had more footage of the Illusion tour than we do of 2000 and onward...

But regardless, it's good to see Axl "happier", or what ever you want to call it.

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I don't think it's a case of Axl being unhappy in the UYI days, it's just that we don't have that much footage of those shows, at least not on the level of the shows since the 2001 onwards, therefore we don't see as much of him from back then. But he was clearly dealing with a lot of issues, hence the heavy amount of therapy sessions. On the flip side, at the end of one of the shows in Asia last year he said it has been "The worst fucking year of my life," so who knows :shrugs:

Either way I'm glad he seems to be having a great time at the moment and it really comes through in his performances on stage both in terms of his presence and his singing. Lets hope the good times never end :thumbsup:

I always thought we had more footage of the Illusion tour than we do of 2000 and onward...

But regardless, it's good to see Axl "happier", or what ever you want to call it.

I meant more from a youtube/bootleg perspective, I just seem to come across far more of it than the UYI era.

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I don't think it's a case of Axl being unhappy in the UYI days, it's just that we don't have that much footage of those shows, at least not on the level of the shows since the 2001 onwards, therefore we don't see as much of him from back then. But he was clearly dealing with a lot of issues, hence the heavy amount of therapy sessions. On the flip side, at the end of one of the shows in Asia last year he said it has been "The worst fucking year of my life," so who knows :shrugs:

Either way I'm glad he seems to be having a great time at the moment and it really comes through in his performances on stage both in terms of his presence and his singing. Lets hope the good times never end :thumbsup:

I always thought we had more footage of the Illusion tour than we do of 2000 and onward...

But regardless, it's good to see Axl "happier", or what ever you want to call it.

I meant more from a youtube/bootleg perspective, I just seem to come across far more of it than the UYI era.

That's what I meant too, though. :unsure:

I don't know. :shrugs:

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Yeah during the concert I sent countless updates to my twitter and in most of them , whatever I was reporting at the time I mentioned stuff such has "Axl seems so happy,smiling all the time, catching everything ppl throw and showing to the crowd proudly".

Had the concert been a few minutes longer the sentence "Axl is running on stage like a madman" would be on TTTs

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UYI was a different time, they burned themselves out.

The past 10 years was about getting new music out and there were a lot of delays, personnel changes, leaks, etc that prob. frustrated him to no end, and then the CD comes out and the reaction to it was positive but lukewarm. I think over the past year the touring band came together better than expected and now the shows are getting positive reviews.

Some people are looking for old Axl antics, and they're going to try to push him to lose it. Let him play the show, don't throw shit at him. Why ruin it for everyone?

The happiness? The tour is a success, he's a little older and playing with people he enjoys being with.

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Anyone else notice how much happier Axl seems nowadays. During the illusions tour he seemed constantly pissed off and never looked very happy on stage.Now the guy is constantly smiling and seems to be enjoying himself a hell of a lot more.Guess it shows how rotten the state of the band was even back then.

He seemed quite happy during most of the tour 2006-2007 already, I think. I was marvelling then about how balanced he seemed in comparison to the Nineties. During the current tour I think he has never been so happy before. At least that's what comes across. I just hope it remains this way for the rest of his life. He deserves it. He saved I don't dare to even start estimating how many people's lives in the last 25 years (mine included) by simply being who he is and doing what he does - singing and ranting his feelings and giving people hope that it is possible to do what they really want to do.

May he be happy for ever. :)

Edited by Granny
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The band situation was not the only problem. There was a certain ... not so honest woman - and there was the family background issue. To deal with this type of nasty things buried inside yourself and to have to do so while touring the world as the frontman of the then biggest band on earth - it must have been a living hell. Just watch his Rosemont rant and you get a grasp how upside-down turned his world was. No reason to smile on stage if you are troubled and full of anger about all sorts of things.

All sorted out now. And Beta was the key, I tell you. Blessed be she. :heart:

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Can only imagine how hard it was for him back in the nineties trying to keep the band moving forward while everyone around him is either high or pissed drunk all the time.In that sense no wonder he was angry.

Agreed, it's frustrating as hell to be around ppl that are drunk/high all the time if ur sober, it's about as easy as herding cats!!

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Can only imagine how hard it was for him back in the nineties trying to keep the band moving forward while everyone around him is either high or pissed drunk all the time.In that sense no wonder he was angry.

Agreed, it's frustrating as hell to be around ppl that are drunk/high all the time if ur sober, it's about as easy as herding cats!!

Yeah, Axl was sober. :rolleyes:

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Can only imagine how hard it was for him back in the nineties trying to keep the band moving forward while everyone around him is either high or pissed drunk all the time.In that sense no wonder he was angry.

Agreed, it's frustrating as hell to be around ppl that are drunk/high all the time if ur sober, it's about as easy as herding cats!!

Yeah, Axl was sober. :rolleyes:

Who knows, but he doesn't have a pacemaker or an exploded pancreas due to his habits, nor has he had a stroke like Adler, so yeah I'd say he had his excesses better under control obviously.

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Can only imagine how hard it was for him back in the nineties trying to keep the band moving forward while everyone around him is either high or pissed drunk all the time.In that sense no wonder he was angry.

Agreed, it's frustrating as hell to be around ppl that are drunk/high all the time if ur sober, it's about as easy as herding cats!!

Yeah, Axl was sober. :rolleyes:

In slash book it said that Axl didn't drink that much, or take any heavy drugs, but according to slash, he did alot of weed.

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Well yeah, he said he knew the band was over before they even went on tour for UYI. Hence the photo in the UYI sleeve under the word 'DEAD!' He had that placed, that was his message, to no one else's knowledge.

Edited by JEEP11
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IMO Axl looked extremely unhappy during the 2002 US tour.

Being forced to tour by the record company, getting torn apart by the media, album pressure, countless legal issues, your voice not at its best, dealing with very depressing issues. I wouldn't be a very happy bunny if that was me.

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