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Axl Rose slams Azoff


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At this point, Axl's only popular because of the Howard Huges factor. That and the fact that everyone hates his guts. You don't have to be liked to be popular. Hated people are google darlings too.

:rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: You're the worst poster of the year with SunnyDRE and gnr-dave man.

Yet you tried to add me as a friend just a couple days ago.

A couple of days ago? You're lying and I'll sue you for lying.

I'll tell you why Axl is still popular today:

Only in countries where the majority of people speak Spanish

Oh, that's why when I run with a bandana and shorts, people shout "Axl!!!!" in the street? (i live in France)

No. It just reinforced the idea that Axl, needs Slash and Co.

I'm seeing Guns N' Roses on may 31th and I couldn't be happier with the line-up.

Guess the entire music industry has been out to fuck him? Every producer, manager, etc.

There has been a LOT of jealousy around Guns N' Roses and especially Axl, you'd be blind not to see that.

Not lying at all.

Do I need to post the friend request pm, that a person gets when you try to add them?


On topic.

Does anyone have a copy of Azoff's filing?

Should be an interesting read.

Edited by SunnyDRE
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At this point, Axl's only popular because of the Howard Huges factor. That and the fact that everyone hates his guts. You don't have to be liked to be popular. Hated people are google darlings too.

:rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: You're the worst poster of the year with SunnyDRE and gnr-dave man.

Yet you tried to add me as a friend just a couple days ago.

A couple of days ago? You're lying and I'll sue you for lying.

I'll tell you why Axl is still popular today:

Only in countries where the majority of people speak Spanish

Oh, that's why when I run with a bandana and shorts, people shout "Axl!!!!" in the street? (i live in France)

No. It just reinforced the idea that Axl, needs Slash and Co.

I'm seeing Guns N' Roses on may 31th and I couldn't be happier with the line-up.

Guess the entire music industry has been out to fuck him? Every producer, manager, etc.

There has been a LOT of jealousy around Guns N' Roses and especially Axl, you'd be blind not to see that.

Not lying at all.

Do I need to post the friend request pm, that a person gets when you try to add them?


On topic.

Does anyone have a copy of Azoff's filing?

Should be an interesting read.

People have been asking for that a number of times. Nobody has come up with it yet.

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I could see Azoff getting Axl blacklisted in order to send a message out that he's a man that shouldn't be crossed. With Axl's riotous track record it wouldn't be too hard. All he has to do is get the word out to the promoters that New GNR is not to be dealt with and that would be that.

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I could see Azoff getting Axl blacklisted in order to send a message out that he's a man that shouldn't be crossed. With Axl's riotous track record it wouldn't be too hard. All he has to do is get the word out to the promoters that New GNR is not to be dealt with and that would be that.

I don't think it's like that, other managers and promoters like money too

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I could see Azoff getting Axl blacklisted in order to send a message out that he's a man that shouldn't be crossed. With Axl's riotous track record it wouldn't be too hard. All he has to do is get the word out to the promoters that New GNR is not to be dealt with and that would be that.

I don't think it's like that, other managers and promoters like money too

yeah they do; but most of them want to work with an artist who actually pays them for their services.

Edited by SunnyDRE
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I could see Azoff getting Axl blacklisted in order to send a message out that he's a man that shouldn't be crossed. With Axl's riotous track record it wouldn't be too hard. All he has to do is get the word out to the promoters that New GNR is not to be dealt with and that would be that.

I don't think it's like that, other managers and promoters like money too

yeah they do; but most of them want to work with an artist who actually pays for them for their services.

Well thus is the problem is it not? He is said to have not done his service thus forfeiting any payment for the service that was not done.

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I could see Azoff getting Axl blacklisted in order to send a message out that he's a man that shouldn't be crossed. With Axl's riotous track record it wouldn't be too hard. All he has to do is get the word out to the promoters that New GNR is not to be dealt with and that would be that.

I don't think it's like that, other managers and promoters like money too

yeah they do; but most of them want to work with an artist who actually pays for them for their services.

Well thus is the problem is it not? He is said to have not done his service thus forfeiting any payment for the service that was not done.

Conveniently, after a tour that Axl set up himself, that lost close to a million dollars.

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I could see Azoff getting Axl blacklisted in order to send a message out that he's a man that shouldn't be crossed. With Axl's riotous track record it wouldn't be too hard. All he has to do is get the word out to the promoters that New GNR is not to be dealt with and that would be that.

I don't think it's like that, other managers and promoters like money too

yeah they do; but most of them want to work with an artist who actually pays for them for their services.

Well thus is the problem is it not? He is said to have not done his service thus forfeiting any payment for the service that was not done.

Conveniently, after a tour that Axl set up himself, that lost close to a million dollars.

The tour lost so much money according to the Lawsuit due to Azoff not booking the dates and making organisation for the gear, accomodation and transport therefore the band had to spend their own money and the money they made touring to sustain the tour.

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I could see Azoff getting Axl blacklisted in order to send a message out that he's a man that shouldn't be crossed. With Axl's riotous track record it wouldn't be too hard. All he has to do is get the word out to the promoters that New GNR is not to be dealt with and that would be that.

I don't think it's like that, other managers and promoters like money too

yeah they do; but most of them want to work with an artist who actually pays for them for their services.

Well thus is the problem is it not? He is said to have not done his service thus forfeiting any payment for the service that was not done.

Conveniently, after a tour that Axl set up himself, that lost close to a million dollars.

The tour lost so much money according to the Lawsuit due to Azoff not booking the dates and making organisation for the gear, accomodation and transport therefore the band had to spend their own money and the money they made touring to sustain the tour.

This is correct, some people here would rather assume things than read.

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I could see Azoff getting Axl blacklisted in order to send a message out that he's a man that shouldn't be crossed. With Axl's riotous track record it wouldn't be too hard. All he has to do is get the word out to the promoters that New GNR is not to be dealt with and that would be that.

I don't think it's like that, other managers and promoters like money too

yeah they do; but most of them want to work with an artist who actually pays for them for their services.

Well thus is the problem is it not? He is said to have not done his service thus forfeiting any payment for the service that was not done.

Conveniently, after a tour that Axl set up himself, that lost close to a million dollars.

The tour lost so much money according to the Lawsuit due to Azoff not booking the dates and making organisation for the gear, accomodation and transport therefore the band had to spend their own money and the money they made touring to sustain the tour.

This is correct, some people here would rather assume things than read.

Like yourself.

But hey, you got to meet Axl, and was subsequently made a mod on this board, so I can see why you might be a little biased.

don't blame you really...

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I hope Axl wins this lawsuit.

Bit worried though.

When GN'R were sued by Steven Adler they lost.

When Axl tried to prevent the Greatest Hits from being released claiming that this would delay Chinese Democracy he lost. The Judge said that the lawsuit was groundless & had no merit.

Maybe third time lucky?

Still worried though.

If you can't beat Steven Adler who was half dead on drugs, then whats the odds of beating the super powerful Azoff?

I think that the way to get back at Azoff if Axl loses this case is to reunite GN'R!

What could piss Azoff off more then to see all that money he would of made from a reunion being made by some other manager?

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What could piss Azoff off more then to see all that money he would of made from a reunion being made by some other manager?


That would be funny...

I think the best way to get a reunion would be for everyone to say that they wouldn't care if the old band reunited and for everyone close to Axl to tell him that such a tour would never make any money and would be sure to fail money wise... than he'd just wanna prove everyone wrong...

This would of course be complete horseshit, but if everyone got behind it... :D

jk btw (just in case Dexter is reading)

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