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Dark Side of the Moon


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phew it's like the instruments are on acid. Floyd is often too slow/depressing for me for a whole album but this kind of pushes it up a bit. So you get the same songs but insane instrumentation, audiophile experimentation. definitely great covers album.

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i'm not a big fan of Floyd or Lips but seems like fans of both like it. It's more a Lips album I think, composed by PF.


that sounded like shit...

like i was waiting for it to start sounding cool, but it just never happened. Then the vocals came in and i realized it was going to sound this bad the whole time

not cool

Edited by sweetness
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i'm not a big fan of Floyd or Lips but seems like fans of both like it. It's more a Lips album I think, composed by PF.


that sounded like shit...

like i was waiting for it to start sounding cool, but it just never happened. Then the vocals came in and i realized it was going to sound this bad the whole time

not cool

pretty much like the original. if you loved that we might really like this

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i'm not a big fan of Floyd or Lips but seems like fans of both like it. It's more a Lips album I think, composed by PF.


that sounded like shit...

like i was waiting for it to start sounding cool, but it just never happened. Then the vocals came in and i realized it was going to sound this bad the whole time

not cool

pretty much like the original. if you loved that we might really like this


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I don't know much about Flaming Lips, but I think the album is done in a Flaming Lips way. If you like Flaming Lips probably like this. I'll probably get Embryonic next a work backwards. I don't think the album is meant as an affront to DSOTM in anyway, it's just them doing what they do. I think they said they did Money in that way as it's the only way they felt comfortable doing it. I think the album works way better on headphones and as a whole experience than song by song.

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I don't know much about Flaming Lips, but I think the album is done in a Flaming Lips way. If you like Flaming Lips probably like this. I'll probably get Embryonic next a work backwards. I don't think the album is meant as an affront to DSOTM in anyway, it's just them doing what they do. I think they said they did Money in that way as it's the only way they felt comfortable doing it. I think the album works way better on headphones and as a whole experience than song by song.


I love Flaming Lips. If anyone can pull off a pink floyd cover album its them, so I'll give a listen. I think their playing the whole thing live as an encore these days.

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that's one of the songs I know, the other is off Soft Bulletin. I don't think they could have done it better, they seem like really good musicians, it's not just straigh covers but it captures PF spirit really well. I think PF could refuse to let them do it, so it seems like they didn't. Definitely an interesting listen.

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i'm not a big fan of Floyd or Lips but seems like fans of both like it. It's more a Lips album I think, composed by PF.


that sounded like shit...

like i was waiting for it to start sounding cool, but it just never happened. Then the vocals came in and i realized it was going to sound this bad the whole time

not cool

pretty much like the original. if you loved that we might really like this

nah, the original actually sounds like good music, and not like it was mixed in garageband by some 14 year olds. I get what they're trying to do, I just don't think they're doing it very well. Why cover something if you don't have anything good to add to it? I understand some people think Pink Floyd is boring, but how is this any better? They're Pink Floyd songs minus the dynamics... and with obnoxious timbre's that don't really fit. Trust me, I can really get into some messy shitty sounding shit, one of my favorite bands is Converge, but this is just pointless

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i'm not a big fan of Floyd or Lips but seems like fans of both like it. It's more a Lips album I think, composed by PF.


that sounded like shit...

like i was waiting for it to start sounding cool, but it just never happened. Then the vocals came in and i realized it was going to sound this bad the whole time

not cool

pretty much like the original. if you loved that we might really like this

nah, the original actually sounds like good music, and not like it was mixed in garageband by some 14 year olds. I get what they're trying to do, I just don't think they're doing it very well. Why cover something if you don't have anything good to add to it? I understand some people think Pink Floyd is boring, but how is this any better? They're Pink Floyd songs minus the dynamics... and with obnoxious timbre's that don't really fit. Trust me, I can really get into some messy shitty sounding shit, one of my favorite bands is Converge, but this is just pointless

i don't really see things as black and white. I enjoyed the cd but it might not have been because it was Pink Floyd songs. it's an insane thing to attempt to do, although I'm not sure they gave it much thought, it was done as an extra for the fans and itunes. lots of Lips fans like it, and many Floyd fans do as well. It's a throwawy oddity really but I enjoy Keith Moon solo albums. But it is kind of pointless. It's like if Avenged Sevenfold covered Appetite for Destruction I'd be like what's the point. maybe cos I'm not a big PF fan it doesn't bother me. I like some songs but not whole albums. I think Pussy Galore covered Exile on Main Street in its entirerity, but it wasn't a good natured homage to a great album, more of a punk piss take. maybe ill pick up a Converge cd.

Edited by wasted
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Guest Len B'stard

Pink Floyd are fuckin shit anyway, boring hippies..


Yes, thats better, Pink Floyd are false fuckin shit anyway, boring hippies ;)

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Guest Len B'stard

Pink Floyd are fuckin shit anyway, boring hippies..


Yes, thats better, Pink Floyd are false fuckin shit anyway, boring hippies ;)


Jesus make your mind up!!! OK, i'm nothing if not accomodating *sigh* Pink Floyd are wrong false fuckin shit anyway, boring hippies...Jesus, your so demanding, my heart goes out to all the women in your life..."stand on your head, spread your legs, one hand on your butt and i'm gonna jump off this bookcase and right up in you...now hold still!!" :D

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Pink Floyd are fuckin shit anyway, boring hippies..


Yes, thats better, Pink Floyd are false fuckin shit anyway, boring hippies ;)


Jesus make your mind up!!! OK, i'm nothing if not accomodating *sigh* Pink Floyd are wrong false fuckin shit anyway, boring hippies...Jesus, your so demanding, my heart goes out to all the women in your life..."stand on your head, spread your legs, one hand on your butt and i'm gonna jump off this bookcase and right up in you...now hold still!!" :D

You are so annoying.

EDIT: I can't wait for your long rant, name calling, etc.

Edited by Black Sabbath
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Guest Len B'stard


and do you even know what a hippie is? :confused:

No idea, i was just tryna sound smart :)

You are so annoying.

I'm sorry, i promise never to have an opinion again

Edited by sugaraylen
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i don't really see things as black and white. I enjoyed the cd but it might not have been because it was Pink Floyd songs. it's an insane thing to attempt to do, although I'm not sure they gave it much thought, it was done as an extra for the fans and itunes. lots of Lips fans like it, and many Floyd fans do as well. It's a throwawy oddity really but I enjoy Keith Moon solo albums. But it is kind of pointless. It's like if Avenged Sevenfold covered Appetite for Destruction I'd be like what's the point. maybe cos I'm not a big PF fan it doesn't bother me. I like some songs but not whole albums. I think Pussy Galore covered Exile on Main Street in its entirerity, but it wasn't a good natured homage to a great album, more of a punk piss take. maybe ill pick up a Converge cd.

Fair enough, I just think if you're going to cover a song let alone an entire album there's obviously some tribute to the original artist being made isn't there? Therefore fans of the original artist should be able to appreciate it, so the new interpretation should do the original justice. K, so I haven't heard the whole thing, but out of the few songs you posted none of them came close to doing the originals justice, they're just like dumbed down versions of the songs, and Pink Floyd songs aren't even THAT complicated to begin with. If I heard about this in advance to its release I probably would have gotten excited about it, to hear a fresh modern take on a classic album would be pretty damn cool! But The Flaming Lips just make it sound so primitive and ugly, they really take this one back to the stone age. I dunno man, something about covering a whole album with half ass wannabe "avant-garde" renditions just rubs me the wrong way, it just sounds so lazy. On top of that I've never really cared for the Flaming Lips at all so I have a bias, just thought I'd weigh in anyway :shrugs:

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i don't really see things as black and white. I enjoyed the cd but it might not have been because it was Pink Floyd songs. it's an insane thing to attempt to do, although I'm not sure they gave it much thought, it was done as an extra for the fans and itunes. lots of Lips fans like it, and many Floyd fans do as well. It's a throwawy oddity really but I enjoy Keith Moon solo albums. But it is kind of pointless. It's like if Avenged Sevenfold covered Appetite for Destruction I'd be like what's the point. maybe cos I'm not a big PF fan it doesn't bother me. I like some songs but not whole albums. I think Pussy Galore covered Exile on Main Street in its entirerity, but it wasn't a good natured homage to a great album, more of a punk piss take. maybe ill pick up a Converge cd.

Fair enough, I just think if you're going to cover a song let alone an entire album there's obviously some tribute to the original artist being made isn't there? Therefore fans of the original artist should be able to appreciate it, so the new interpretation should do the original justice. K, so I haven't heard the whole thing, but out of the few songs you posted none of them came close to doing the originals justice, they're just like dumbed down versions of the songs, and Pink Floyd songs aren't even THAT complicated to begin with. If I heard about this in advance to its release I probably would have gotten excited about it, to hear a fresh modern take on a classic album would be pretty damn cool! But The Flaming Lips just make it sound so primitive and ugly, they really take this one back to the stone age. I dunno man, something about covering a whole album with half ass wannabe "avant-garde" renditions just rubs me the wrong way, it just sounds so lazy. On top of that I've never really cared for the Flaming Lips at all so I have a bias, just thought I'd weigh in anyway :shrugs:

Do think that tribute element is there. I think a few of them like US & Them are pretty faithful, I posted the weird ones. Quite a few PF fans have given it the nod, so it can't be that bad. I actually think it works pretty well as a whole it's like a trip through that album, it's hypnotic, theyve added a dimension. It retains the essence of the songs, but then for me, the parts between the lyrics the lips do some stuff which makes it more interesting for me listening on headphones. PF more like a stereo band to me, it's more background music, you have to be horizontal, where as this is more sit down and listen to it. Some of them are simplfied versions, a few of them towards the end expand on the orginal and take it further. It makes sense to be leery of avante garde remakes of DSOTM but not sure if it's that contrived because Flaming Lips do that anyway. I honestly think it might be great, for what it is, if you don't like Flaming Lips etc. then steer clear. It's like if Faithless covered Prostitute I'd throw up without having to listen to it.

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