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Is he losing it? or is he the last rock star?


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The last few gigs have all had their trouble but it seems like people arent really willing to put up with this shit any more, at reading they turning off the sound off, leeds set being cut short and of course the walk out in belfast.

Its just seems to me that people arent going to put with his shit anymore. i love this band, I think chinese democracy is a great album and when they (finally) hit the stage they blow almost everybody else away.

alot of the problems seems to stem from axl's inability just to get on stage on time its always an hour or 2 hours late dont get me wrong throwing a bottle is a big no no.

what your thoughts? people who where there.

I do feel the press gives a worse impression of events than what really happen but doesnt that always seem to be the case, alsways somebody else to blame?

Edited by Downinahole
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It's both really.

I was at both Reading and Leeds, the promoters had already said early in the week they would cut the power if they went on late, they still did. Even after they pulled the power at Reading, they still went on late at Leeds. You'd have though he'd learn, even if just for one gig, and it seems the stage was set up on time (It certainly was at Reading). Regardless of them being told they could play till 12, they still should have gone on stage on time, to be on the safe side. But when they are actually on, they do put on a great show and win the crowd over. At Reading there was a lot of booing, even during the gig (i remember hearing 'we want slash' chants as Axl introduced Richard for his solo), but come the end and the cancellation, the crowd were on Axl's side. You don't get 80,000 people singing Paradise City with you while you're on a microphone unless you've done something right. Not to mention all the 'fuck you reading' chants....

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Nah, it's just a reflection of the pussification process of the so called "developed" world. Americans and Europeans became pussies. No one gave a shit in South America because they still have the rock n roll spirit.

Blame the promoters, not the crowd. They set the times.

At Reading and Leeds, we were chanting for more!

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Both i guess.

I have yet to see anybody capture an audience the way he does, his energy is electric.On a few occasions i have been lucky enough to be close to him performing and i was transfixed by every note, every movement.From the 80's i have had an obsession with him and the way he is that borders on jealousy and stalking :rofl-lol: , as much as im obsessed with him i sometimes find him loathsome and detestable.His actions make me want to smash him in the face but only after the encore :xmasssanta: .

The truth is he will never change, for better or worse he is what he is and i guess he is happy that way, yeah it would be nice if he conformed some times and played by the rules but the thing i always liked was that he didn't.Ultimately the thing that makes him great will be his downfall, doubt him as man but not as a performer.The sad part is that as much as i want to walk away and avoid the disappointments and let downs i just can't.I want this band to be what i believe they can be but if they are happy with the carnage then nothing will change and who knows what kind of shows we would get if it did, the excitement is the not knowing what the fuck will happen.

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After watching the Belfast show, you'd say he's the last rock star and the greatest front man alive.

After watching the Dublin show, you'd say he's an arrogant prick who has let godlike amounts of potential slip through his fingers, and that he's done. He can't tour Chinese Democracy again. If he wants to keep going, he has to go all out.

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It's both really.

I was at both Reading and Leeds, the promoters had already said early in the week they would cut the power if they went on late, they still did. Even after they pulled the power at Reading, they still went on late at Leeds. You'd have though he'd learn, even if just for one gig, and it seems the stage was set up on time (It certainly was at Reading). Regardless of them being told they could play till 12, they still should have gone on stage on time, to be on the safe side. But when they are actually on, they do put on a great show and win the crowd over. At Reading there was a lot of booing, even during the gig (i remember hearing 'we want slash' chants as Axl introduced Richard for his solo), but come the end and the cancellation, the crowd were on Axl's side. You don't get 80,000 people singing Paradise City with you while you're on a microphone unless you've done something right. Not to mention all the 'fuck you reading' chants....

Leeds was an excellent GNR gig. They were cut short by 1 song really. Nothing major. No other artist played for 2 hours that weekend or got the reception GNR got during the gig.

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World has lost it, rock is dead,and everyone became pussies. Axl is not,and that's why people cant get him. I mean the majority of course. Go see Tokio Hotel,Radihead,Muse where you can feel safe,be home at your sleeping time and have enuff time for the milk,and get up early to catch the vehicle leading to your miserable lives.

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World has lost it, rock is dead,and everyone became pussies. Axl is not,and that's why people cant get him. I mean the majority of course. Go see Tokio Hotel,Radihead,Muse where you can feel safe,be home at your sleeping time and have enuff time for the milk,and get up early to catch the vehicle leading to your miserable lives.


Agree with this. It's so sad when there is a concert in town and at 11pm you see the train packed with people going back home... it's like, they are all slaves to society/corporations and do everything as told.

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Hang on..... Have i missed something?

No. It's him who has missed that there are more than one European people speaking English. :book:

Agree with this. It's so sad when there is a concert in town and at 11pm you see the train packed with people going back home... it's like, they are all slaves to society/corporations and do everything as told.


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just because some English people......

Hang on..... Have i missed something?

yeah when was this, did they throw stuff at Leeds or Reading?

Nope. No bottles thrown, no warnings given. Just the well documented lateness issue...but that's not something exclusive to england.

Nor were there any bottle incidents in Belfast...

Only in Dublin did it happen. So really, it's more an Irish problem :tongue2:

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It's harder to get away with being a diva when you haven't had a hit in 20 years :shrugs:

Guns was never about having hit music, if the art is appreciated then great if not then i really dont think AXL gives or has ever given a shit.

He isn't losing it, he's the same as he always was, which is why most proper fans got into GNR in the fucking first place. The volatility, you never quite no what you may get, Belfast and Dublin sum this up nicely.

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Nah, it's just a reflection of the pussification process of the so called "developed" world. Americans and Europeans became pussies. No one gave a shit in South America because they still have the rock n roll spirit.

I really don`t know what is going on with SOME people up there, but all I have to say is: they need a little patience or they don`t really know what is have some fun... 1 hour and a few minutes is NOT late, once they were on stage at 10:20!!! Oh, boy! Where`s the spirit????

World has lost it, rock is dead,and everyone became pussies. Axl is not,and that's why people cant get him. I mean the majority of course. Go see Tokio Hotel,Radihead,Muse where you can feel safe,be home at your sleeping time and have enuff time for the milk,and get up early to catch the vehicle leading to your miserable lives.


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World has lost it, rock is dead,and everyone became pussies. Axl is not,and that's why people cant get him. I mean the majority of course. Go see Tokio Hotel,Radihead,Muse where you can feel safe,be home at your sleeping time and have enuff time for the milk,and get up early to catch the vehicle leading to your miserable lives.


Agree with this. It's so sad when there is a concert in town and at 11pm you see the train packed with people going back home... it's like, they are all slaves to society/corporations and do everything as told.

It's called having jobs, responsibilities, and such. Some of us have other people we are responsible for, like children. Axl should realize a lot of his fanbase are in their 30's & 40's now and fall into that category.

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World has lost it, rock is dead,and everyone became pussies. Axl is not,and that's why people cant get him. I mean the majority of course. Go see Tokio Hotel,Radihead,Muse where you can feel safe,be home at your sleeping time and have enuff time for the milk,and get up early to catch the vehicle leading to your miserable lives.


Agree with this. It's so sad when there is a concert in town and at 11pm you see the train packed with people going back home... it's like, they are all slaves to society/corporations and do everything as told.

It's called having jobs, responsibilities, and such. Some of us have other people we are responsible for, like children. Axl should realize a lot of his fanbase are in their 30's & 40's now and fall into that category.

so take the day off and get a babysitter, the last tour was in 2006 and i imagine you can get your shit together once every four years, you've known about the show for months so why do you expect the scedule to adjust to your needs?

it's a guns n roses show, it starts late at night and will go on till the early hours, if you don't like it go see some other band.

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It doesn't matter what anyone's responsibilities are (and most of us have them, especially us middle age folk), but it's completely disrespectful and unneccessary! to keep paying ticket holders waiting for an hour or more. He's not a superstar anymore, people aren't going to take that shit. Again, it's not the eighties, people are used to getting things instantaneously, and any diva move Axl makes in concert goes viral right away.

People should just stop trying to make excuses for it, the guy has obvious mental issues, but he is going to bankrupt himself through lawsuits, if he doesn't stop walking off stage. His band (paid players) will quit out of embarrassment and he will find it extremely hard to ever book a tour again. He has surrounded himself with Beta and the like, who don't give him the reality check he so desperately needs.

I appreciate his talent, but it sure is hard to watch it all pissed away year after year.

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