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Rhianna using Axls Rocket Queen Lyrics?


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I know this aint much news, and probably was posted along time ago...i havent been around for a few...but my friend posted "If you need a shoulder or if you need a friend, I'll be here standing until the bitter end" for his facebook status, and someone was like quoting Rhianna lyrics? I was like wtf, and sure enough she uses that exact line in one of her songs...which song i have no idea cause i nevber listened to Rhianna...but i just found that interested...thoughts?

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Eh who cares, it isn't like she herself stole the lyrics. Rhianna is an idiot, definitely one of the least intelligent people in the entertainment industry, and that's saying something. She isn't an artist, she's a performer, and another example of how a pretty face, hot body, and good voice are all you need to make it in pop music

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Eh who cares, it isn't like she herself stole the lyrics. Rhianna is an idiot, definitely one of the least intelligent people in the entertainment industry, and that's saying something. She isn't an artist, she's a performer, and another example of how a pretty face, hot body, and good voice are all you need to make it in pop music

'are all you need'

Rhianna has a great voice, backed up by a great body and good looks. She also puts out videos with all her singles. She's a pop star. She does what she does well. Axl could learn a lot from her professionalism. Lets face it, right now, she is far more successful than Axl & Co. and her choice of guitarist, Slash - oh what a choice!

Edited by star
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Axl could learn a lot from her professionalism. Lets face it, right now, she is far more successful than Axl & Co. and her choice of guitarist, Slash - oh what a choice!

Seriously dude, stop being lame, what the fuck does that have to do with this thread. Get banned bro.

On topic, i've never heard anything similar in any of Rhianna's songs. However, she has some early stuff i haven't heard, so maybe there?.....

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Eh who cares, it isn't like she herself stole the lyrics. Rhianna is an idiot, definitely one of the least intelligent people in the entertainment industry, and that's saying something. She isn't an artist, she's a performer, and another example of how a pretty face, hot body, and good voice are all you need to make it in pop music

As much as I'm not into manufactured pop.. If she has a good voice that people find pleasant to listen to and people find her entertaining, what's wrong with that? I'll agree that she's not an artist, but an entertainer - but is that really such a bad thing?

I prefer it when my musicians write their own music, but in the same way that I like singing along to songs that I relate to - she can still get in touch with the songs she's singing and make them mean something to her..

She's an actress. Katy Perry's an actress. Bieber is an actor. None of them are musicians, none of them are good at anything other then remembering which dance moves were choreographed for them and which lyrics where written for them. They deserve Oscars, not Grammys.

On top of all that, they're helping destroy legitimate artists. If you support them, you're not supporting music. You're a part of the problem. Period.

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Eh who cares, it isn't like she herself stole the lyrics. Rhianna is an idiot, definitely one of the least intelligent people in the entertainment industry, and that's saying something. She isn't an artist, she's a performer, and another example of how a pretty face, hot body, and good voice are all you need to make it in pop music

As much as I'm not into manufactured pop.. If she has a good voice that people find pleasant to listen to and people find her entertaining, what's wrong with that? I'll agree that she's not an artist, but an entertainer - but is that really such a bad thing?

I prefer it when my musicians write their own music, but in the same way that I like singing along to songs that I relate to - she can still get in touch with the songs she's singing and make them mean something to her..

She's an actress. Katy Perry's an actress. Bieber is an actor. None of them are musicians, none of them are good at anything other then remembering which dance moves were choreographed for them and which lyrics where written for them. They deserve Oscars, not Grammys.

On top of all that, they're helping destroy legitimate artists. If you support them, you're not supporting music. You're a part of the problem. Period.

I'm sorry but I don't buy that. You think popular music is destroying legitimate artists? Manufactured acts have been around for a long time, but they're not going to go away unless people stop buying their music..

You know why people buy their music? ..Because they like it. It's not for me to comment on whose music should/should not be bought.

Plus, these entertainers do have people that write their songs - real musicians/songwriters. - These songwriters are still making music and they're earning a living from that; I'd call them (the writers) legitimate artists..

For the record I'm not a Rhianna, Bieber or Perry fan, but if they're making a living from this and people enjoy listening to their songs/seeing them dance or perform then they're doing a good job in my opinion.

Compare 1993 to 2011 and tell me singer/songwriters haven't slowly started going extinct. What dominated then has been replaced by company owned actors and actresses posing as musicians. They're absolutely fraudulent.

Fake artists are a cancer on the industry. They've all but choked the legitimacy out of modern music.

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Eh who cares, it isn't like she herself stole the lyrics. Rhianna is an idiot, definitely one of the least intelligent people in the entertainment industry, and that's saying something. She isn't an artist, she's a performer, and another example of how a pretty face, hot body, and good voice are all you need to make it in pop music

As much as I'm not into manufactured pop.. If she has a good voice that people find pleasant to listen to and people find her entertaining, what's wrong with that? I'll agree that she's not an artist, but an entertainer - but is that really such a bad thing?

I prefer it when my musicians write their own music, but in the same way that I like singing along to songs that I relate to - she can still get in touch with the songs she's singing and make them mean something to her..

She's an actress. Katy Perry's an actress. Bieber is an actor. None of them are musicians, none of them are good at anything other then remembering which dance moves were choreographed for them and which lyrics where written for them. They deserve Oscars, not Grammys.

On top of all that, they're helping destroy legitimate artists. If you support them, you're not supporting music. You're a part of the problem. Period.

I'm sorry but I don't buy that. You think popular music is destroying legitimate artists? Manufactured acts have been around for a long time, but they're not going to go away unless people stop buying their music..

You know why people buy their music? ..Because they like it. It's not for me to comment on whose music should/should not be bought.

Plus, these entertainers do have people that write their songs - real musicians/songwriters. - These songwriters are still making music and they're earning a living from that; I'd call them (the writers) legitimate artists..

For the record I'm not a Rhianna, Bieber or Perry fan, but if they're making a living from this and people enjoy listening to their songs/seeing them dance or perform then they're doing a good job in my opinion.

Compare 1993 to 2011 and tell me singer/songwriters haven't slowly started going extinct. What dominated then has been replaced by company owned actors and actresses posing as musicians. They're absolutely fraudulent.

Fake artists are a cancer on the industry. They've all but choked the legitimacy out of modern music.

It's the way it's always been man. Since day one...

Just stop listening to the radio and watching MTV. That's what I do. Since I started that I could actually swear that music has gotten better...

There's always been Vanilla Ice's and New Kids On The Block type of things, but there was also Guns N Roses, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Pink Floyd,John Lennon, Bob Dylan etc to go along with it. There were always hoards of great, legitimate artists in mainstream music. My problem with it these days is, it's almost 100% fraudulent. Mainstream music today, atleast as far as the most popular acts, they're almost all fake. It's just swallowed us whole.

Edited by Nintari
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No disrespect to Axl, but those lyrics you quoted from "Rocket Queen" aren't exactly creatively original.

Even if Rihanna does use those exact same words in one of her songs, it still doesn't mean she was trying to copy Rocket Queen.

On top of that, the chord progression for that part of Rocket Queen is not really that original either. You would have to copy it almost note for note, including the lead guitar sounds, before you could claim a copyright violation.

I know this aint much news, and probably was posted along time ago...i havent been around for a few...but my friend posted "If you need a shoulder or if you need a friend, I'll be here standing until the bitter end" for his facebook status, and someone was like quoting Rhianna lyrics? I was like wtf, and sure enough she uses that exact line in one of her songs...which song i have no idea cause i nevber listened to Rhianna...but i just found that interested...thoughts?

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Eh who cares, it isn't like she herself stole the lyrics. Rhianna is an idiot, definitely one of the least intelligent people in the entertainment industry, and that's saying something. She isn't an artist, she's a performer, and another example of how a pretty face, hot body, and good voice are all you need to make it in pop music


Awesome post, almost signature worthy.

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Eh who cares, it isn't like she herself stole the lyrics. Rhianna is an idiot, definitely one of the least intelligent people in the entertainment industry, and that's saying something. She isn't an artist, she's a performer, and another example of how a pretty face, hot body, and good voice are all you need to make it in pop music

'are all you need'

Rhianna has a great voice, backed up by a great body and good looks. She also puts out videos with all her singles. She's a pop star. She does what she does well. Axl could learn a lot from her professionalism. Lets face it, right now, she is far more successful than Axl & Co. and her choice of guitarist, Slash - oh what a choice!

You're a fuckin' genius! Axl should call you to be the new GNR manager.

Hey guess what? You're sellout redundant pentonic scale playin' hero is a major joke

I stand by my post - 'Rhianna has a great voice' etc.. :tongue2:

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I know this aint much news, and probably was posted along time ago...i havent been around for a few...but my friend posted "If you need a shoulder or if you need a friend, I'll be here standing until the bitter end" for his facebook status, and someone was like quoting Rhianna lyrics? I was like wtf, and sure enough she uses that exact line in one of her songs...which song i have no idea cause i nevber listened to Rhianna...but i just found that interested...thoughts?

You're probably thinking of Umbrella - similar lyrical theme to that, but definately not the same lyrics and I doubt Rocket Queen was any kind of inspiration for it.

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