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Guitarists that can match up to Bucket?

Vincent Vega

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Does Buckethead post here? no. Ron is the man!

Posted here and basically said nothing, Bucket says nothing as well so don't make it like he did us a huge honor.

Ron never made it like he did us a huge honor - this is your inferiority complex as well as your stupid behavior telling you how you will look cool and important if you bash band members. Some of you assholes bashed him to death because he denied (and made some look really stupid) some of your false and ridiculous claims, showed how some of you are nothing more than fuckin' losers in real life pretending to be important spreading false rumors and lies. I can't believe how some people said that Ron came here to insult fans - everyone with at least ONE brain cell working knows that he attacked people insulting him, people spreading false rumors... because everyone knows that he's a fuckin' nice person to the fans. The fans that support the band, fans that support him, not the so called fans pretending to be important on the internet.

Why are these useless people still here? I don't know why cupcakes are still allowed to post. We've got plenty of losers here, plenty of haters with too loud voices bitching and attacking every band member whenever they can.

The funny thing is that, to you, Ron did us a huge honor when he posted here. To me and several other fans, he posted here to clarify some issues and then had a nice chat with us. He doesn't feel like he's better than us - he's always chatting and hanging out with fans outside of hotels n' venues, treating them like friends. So, to me, he came here as a friend to chat with other friends. Sucks to be you - and your cupcake friends.

Edited by Bruno Poeys
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Bucket in a GNR video would have been great.

I think in the UK when CD came out there was a video of some guy with a KFC bucket on his head in Chinatown in London playing air guitar and doing the robot dance. Peter Crouch is Bucket. The FBI has files that prove it.

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Does Buckethead post here? no. Ron is the man!

Posted here and basically said nothing, Bucket says nothing as well so don't make it like he did us a huge honor.

Ron never made it like he did us a huge honor - this is your inferiority complex as well as your stupid behavior telling you how you will look cool and important if you bash band members. Some of you assholes bashed him to death because he denied (and made some look really stupid) some of your false and ridiculous claims, showed how some of you are nothing more than fuckin' losers in real life pretending to be important spreading false rumors and lies. I can't believe how some people said that Ron came here to insult fans - everyone with at least ONE brain cell working knows that he attacked people insulting him, people spreading false rumors... because everyone knows that he's a fuckin' nice person to the fans. The fans that support the band, fans that support him, not the so called fans pretending to be important on the internet.

Why are these useless people still here? I don't know why cupcakes are still allowed to post. We've got plenty of losers here, plenty of haters with too loud voices bitching and attacking every band member whenever they can.

The funny thing is that, to you, Ron did us a huge honor when he posted here. To me and several other fans, he posted here to clarify some issues and then had a nice chat with us. He doesn't feel like he's better than us - he's always chatting and hanging out with fans outside of hotels n' venues, treating them like friends. So, to me, he came here as a friend to chat with other friends. Sucks to be you - and your cupcake friends.

Ahhh the joke replies :)

I was referring to broskirose, who made it like Ron did do the fanbase a huge honor by visiting, you joke. I never said "the forum member's think it was a huge honor". I was replying to Broskirose. I never bashed on Ron like some of the people here did, don't generalize. Don't assume to know me, i may, or may not have an "inferiority complex", but you will never know, you joke.

You make some valid points, but you were wrong to say that i thought Ron thought he is better than us. I have always said he is a VERY nice guy and a GREAT guitarist. Did he have a right to bag out the people bagging him? FUCK YES, i would do the same. But he is the GUNS N' ROSES guitarist and did log onto a GUNS N' ROSES forum and talked about everything BUT GUNS N' ROSES. How is saying that trolling? How is saying that "bashing a band member"?? I never called him a mere replacement or bought up Slash or asked him where i could find Bucket's version of the Shackler's solo. You joke.

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Guest Satanisk_Slakt

May I ask, why does he have that bucket? It makes him look like a retard. I think he would have gotten a lot more respect if he had normal clothes.

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May I ask, why does he have that bucket? It makes him look like a retard. I think he would have gotten a lot more respect if he had normal clothes.

Its his stage thing, his public persona. He does look like a huge weirdo, but he can play like a motherf*cker!

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May I ask, why does he have that bucket? It makes him look like a retard. I think he would have gotten a lot more respect if he had normal clothes.

"I had just seen Halloween IV", he recalls of a dark night in 1989, "and as soon

as it was over I went into a store across the street and said 'Do you have any

Michael Myers masks?' They had a white mask, which really wasn't like a

Michael Myers mask, but I liked it a lot. That night I was eating chicken out of

a bucket that my dad brought home. It wasn't a Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket

either. It said "Deli Chicken" on the outside. I was eating it, and I put the mask

on and then the bucket on my head. I went to the mirror. I just said

'Buckethead. That's Buckethead right there.' It was just one of those things.

After that, I wanted to be that thing all the time."

The combination of Buckethead the friendly ax murderer with Buckethead the

guitar wizard and robotic stage performer was practically instantaneous. "I

thought it made sense with the way I play", he explains. "I play all this weird

stuff, but if I just look like me, it isn't going to work. But, if I'm like this weird

freak..." If anything, Carroll feels that becoming Buckethead has allowed him to

express himself more freely than he would as unassuming Brian Carroll. "It

opened the door to endless possibilities", he concurs as fireworks erupt in the

Tomorrowland sky. "I can work anything into that character and make it totally

work: all the thing I love in my life, like Disney, Giant Robot, Texas Chainsaw.

Even though I'm wearing a mask and have a character, it's more real, more

about what I'm really like, because I'm too shy to let a lot of things out. Every

reason I became Buckethead and am Buckethead has to do with the way I live.

It's not because I thought it would be successful. I never use anything that isn't

part of what I really loved as a child or love right now."


This new Buckethead track http://bucketheadland.com/ is awesome. He could write a kick ass new album for Axl in like a week.

This is a good point Randy, which leads me to another point: for those of you with blue balls from waiting for more Chinese Democracy era tunes, you could do a lot worse than to start following Buckethead. He'll keep you thoroughly entertained until the next guns album drops, with tunes that are very much in the same vein - a lot of it even features Brain on drums.

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If someone has said Justin Hawkins... I agree!

I did, I'm not sure if he's as technical as Ron or Bucket, maybe if Dj bailed. The Darkness are kind of AFD meets Queen.


Justin is way better than Ron or Bucket! He is a stage´s monster!

Btw, his brother Dan is very technical imo (if that´s the important thing here)

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Buckethead's a great guitarist no doubt.And only a handful could probably match up to his technique.I feel that he's more suited to his solo stuff like Jordan.I don't think he fits too well with rock.

You definitely feel more soul/emotion from guitarists like Slash,Jimmy Page,and the like..

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