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Is Slash still doing something that pisses off Axl?


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Izzy and Duff said pretty strong things about Axl there calling him a monster, nuts and crazy!! I'm surprised Axl forgave him whether it's the truth or not he shouldn't have spoke so harshly. He must have forgave him in order to have Izzy back onstage with GNR in 2006. I don't know much about Izzy but I've always thought he was a genuine and quiet kinda guy. So is there alot truth to Izzy's words then?

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Quote: "And so it's partly my fault, because I generate a lot of ill will just by going out there and saying all kinds of negative stuff." But never about myself, because I was the innocent little victim. (that's what Slash is implicitly communicating)

Quote: "Make things a little difficult." Yup, it's always the other guys, not me. (Slash tells himself)

I ask you, when does Slash ever talk about his own shortcomings as a bandmate? What part did he play? It's always him digging up the same tired cliched lead singer complaints he always does. But I ask you, what did Slash do that was detrimental to the band. You can crack jokes about Axl all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that Slash, too, played his own part in the malfunctioning of the band. So you see, Axl has every right to be irritated by Slash's smug little responses to the millions of interviews he does (media whore: "look at me! look at me! I'm Slash!!").

The bottom line is Slash has an ego too, so quit pretending he doesn't.

Edited by mindsaber
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Quote: "And so it's partly my fault, because I generate a lot of ill will just by going out there and saying all kinds of negative stuff." But never about myself, because I was the innocent little victim. (that's what Slash is implicitly communicating)

Quote: "Make things a little difficult." Yup, it's always the other guys, not me. (Slash tells himself)

I ask you, when does Slash ever talk about his own shortcomings as a bandmate? What part did he play? It's always him digging up the same tired cliched lead singer complaints he always does. But I ask you, what did Slash do that was detrimental to the band. You can crack jokes about Axl all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that Slash, too, played his own part in the malfunctioning of the band. So you see, Axl has every right to be irritated by Slash's smug little responses to the millions of interviews he does (media whore: "look at me! look at me! I'm Slash!!").

The bottom line is Slash has an ego too, so quit pretending he doesn't.

Exactly, he doesn't come across as abrasive,but it is passive aggressive manipulation of the media,and "Smug" is an excellent synopsis, I think we can agree that Nobody was without faults,it's just easier to hate and blame someone that defies all "accepted" modes of behavior,and relies on their own sense of integrity and honor,and stands behind them,Excellent Post Mindsaber.

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I would bet every dollar I own that there is more "axl-v-slash' drama on THIS FORUM than there is between the two men in real life. There are about 10 people on this forum who think more about the daily workings of axl hating slash than Axl spends worrying about the subject. And that is just friggin crazy. There are a few people who I cannot stand in real life, who absolutely disgust me. And I spend NO time on a daily basis thinking about them. Why do you people assume that Axl sits at home, in his mansion, worrying about what slash is doing????

Ask yourself the same question. How much time do YOU spend on a daily basis stressing out or getting mad about somebody you don't like?

There are people on this forum who are more consumed with this issue than the actual person you are talking about.

Axl has to go out every gig and give his all to perform along to Slash's riffs and leads, regardless of who's playing them. That would keep him pretty fresh in his memory, no?

Uhh, no. Because Axl isn't obssessed with worshiping Slash's every move like you and a couple other posters on here are.

Usuing your logic - then Axl would be obsessed with EVERYBODY who he has ever written a song with or performed with. It wouldn't just be Slash. So Axl is haunted by the memory of Slash, Duff, Izzy, SORUM, GILBY, Adler everytime he plays a song that they worked on with him? You are a guitar player - when you perform a song that you and your buddy wrote together 15 years ago, does it haunt you every time?

Or are you an adult, and can live your life without being attached to somebody you were associated with more than a decade ago????

Like I've said 100 times. There are about 10 people on this forum who are addicted to the "axl hates slash" drama than Axl himself is. MOST People go about and live their lives ---- like Axl and Slash and the rest of the band are doing. It is just a few clowns on this forum who can't get past it.

If Axl or Slash is still obssessed with the other one - then that person needs some serious mental health. But from everything I've read, that is not the case. A small group of people on THIS FORUM are the only ones who are obsessed with the "axl-v-slash' drama on a daily basis.

AND HAHAHAHAHAHA. Some clown actually said that the lyrics on Chinese Democracy were boring to him and not very good? In the overall scheme of things - that is fine. But in terms of comparing lyrics of CD to VR lyrics.......give me a friggin break. If you consider CD lyrics to be triffle, but you think the Aliens or Fall To Pieces lyrics are not simple and juvenile......then your adoration of Slash has ruined your ability to think rationally.

WHY IN THE HELL Can't people just be fans of both? Why in the hell can't people just be fans of the ONE that they enjoy more.....without having to come bash the other one in this forum on a daily basis? I just don't get it.

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Quote: "And so it's partly my fault, because I generate a lot of ill will just by going out there and saying all kinds of negative stuff." But never about myself, because I was the innocent little victim. (that's what Slash is implicitly communicating)

Quote: "Make things a little difficult." Yup, it's always the other guys, not me. (Slash tells himself)

I ask you, when does Slash ever talk about his own shortcomings as a bandmate? What part did he play? It's always him digging up the same tired cliched lead singer complaints he always does. But I ask you, what did Slash do that was detrimental to the band. You can crack jokes about Axl all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that Slash, too, played his own part in the malfunctioning of the band. So you see, Axl has every right to be irritated by Slash's smug little responses to the millions of interviews he does (media whore: "look at me! look at me! I'm Slash!!").

The bottom line is Slash has an ego too, so quit pretending he doesn't.

Interesting how you completely ignore that I proved you wrong and ignore what Izzy and Duff had to say about Axl being a dictator because you are so hate obsessed with Slash.

I could waste my time refuting your new rant against Slash but you would ignore the facts and just start a rant about some other imagined slight Slash has done to Axl.

But I will give you a little tip. Slash has admitted he said negative things in the past, even if they were true, about Axl and he complements him more often then not in the interviews since he wrote his book...And if you had read his book you would know he admits what he wrote and says is his view of things and that Axl's view probably differs.

And Axl should try doing an interview now and then. It is called promoting your music....he might actually be able to sell some albums and draw some fans here if he ever decides to tour the States again.....

You know you remind me a lot of Miser when he would go on one of his Slash hating rants..But keep them coming as they make an interesting read...

Settle down, Beavis. And you can give it a rest on the Slash-hate accusations. If you actually processed my posts, you would see I'm just a little less emotional about all of this than you are. No offense. But really.

Here's the deal, and staying on topic: Slash makes it seem like all the band's dysfunction and malfunction was entirely Axl's fault. Well, that's bullshit and you know it, and that's what Axl is salty about. They each played their own part in the precipitously calamitous situation the band was in, and there are several interviews confirming the held-together-at-the-seams condition of the band back in the pre-94 days. You can't pin everything on Axl, but yet that's seemingly what you're trying to do, which says a lot about your agenda. Everything is pinned on him (by Slash & his fanboys) and that's horseshit.

As I said a long time ago in this thread, Axl's grievances against Slash are probably cumulative in nature. Axl has legitimate reasons to be irritated with Slash. What you don't seem to understand is I'm not excusing Axl for any culpability in the band's trials and tribulations. What I'm merely suggesting is Axl was but one piece of the puzzle.

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eh it doesn't matter who's fault it is I bet axl and slash can both be pricks at times but they are both cool and respectable guys. There is no need to point the finger at one or the other over shit that went down back in 1996

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Here's the deal, and staying on topic: Slash makes it seem like all the band's dysfunction and malfunction was entirely Axl's fault. Well, that's bullshit and you know it, and that's what Axl is salty about.

By that token, Axl has never taken any ownership of the situation. It's always "everybody left me, I was left all alone", etc.

Slash has admitted he has an ego, Slash has admitted he said things he shouldn't have said. I've never seen Axl admit he ever did anything wrong ever. There's always a lot of explaining away, but never a situation where he realizes that maybe *just maybe* he did something wrong. As much as I love the guy as a performer, his "blame everyone but me" attitude grates on me.

eh it doesn't matter who's fault it is I bet axl and slash can both be pricks at times but they are both cool and respectable guys. There is no need to point the finger at one or the other over shit that went down back in 1996

This is something I can get behind.

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eh it doesn't matter who's fault it is I bet axl and slash can both be pricks at times but they are both cool and respectable guys. There is no need to point the finger at one or the other over shit that went down back in 1996


Some of your guys responses have been pretty funny though. I think some of you hate Slash more than Axl does.

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I've never seen Axl admit he ever did anything wrong ever. There's always a lot of explaining away, but never a situation where he realizes that maybe *just maybe* he did something wrong. As much as I love the guy as a performer, his "blame everyone but me" attitude grates on me.

I agree with this post. I recall Axl during the 2006 Eddie Trunk interview saying something the effect of, "I blamed it on Tom Zutaut". I couldn't tell if he was saying the incorrect blame was by mistake or intentionally but that's about as close to admitting wrong that I recall. I think he tweeted that he was under the weather or something for a concert also.

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eh it doesn't matter who's fault it is I bet axl and slash can both be pricks at times but they are both cool and respectable guys. There is no need to point the finger at one or the other over shit that went down back in 1996


Some of your guys responses have been pretty funny though. I think some of you hate Slash more than Axl does.

Truth Fudd and considering how much Axl seems to hate Slash and that's pretty scary

Oh please. Will you give it a rest? It's the fucking internet. Axl gave Madison the same treatment he gave Slash. What does that tell you? Careful now, heheh.

You know as well as I he's got a verbose, descriptive prose. His rants about Slash, both spoken and written, cumulatively probably took him less than 15 minutes to compose. Slash is on his shit list, nothing more- a high ranking offender sure I'll give you that. You're trying to spin it into Axl taking extra care with his comments about Slash. No, Axl just likes to make epic statements for shits n giggles. Somehow you're trying to spin that into some grand epic hateful thesis that he's spent years crafting. Nice try. Slash has talked shit about him for years, sooooo fair play as far as I'm concerned. Fair play.

In reality it's Slash's legion of trolling doucharific fanboys who incessantly continue to harp at old issues who are magnifying and hyping the feud. See the problem is people like you get "offended" too easily. Don't take it so personally. Your hyper sensitive interpretation of my posts pretty much says it all.

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I have a loose theory. I think it's projected aggression. I remember reading somewhere that David Bowie once told Axl Rose that anger was the driver of his creativity and success or something close to that. That was brought in whatever I was reading in a discussion over why Axl Rose is late to concerts and why he allegedly chose to watch a football game instead of playing for the fans.

I think it's projected aggression. Nothing Slash ever did remotely makes him to be a villain that he is portrayed as and certainly not for as long as this. I think Axl felt abandoned by a friend. I also think he foresaw his career going downhill with the change in musical and used Slash for projected aggression. I remember John the Stutterer on the Howard Stern show refused treatment for his stuttering because he would then have no excuses for his failures.

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1. People who don't like debating the slash vs axl topic shouldnt come on a slash vs axl thread to post about how care nothing about the subject.

2. It's weird to me that people dislike slash just for playing at the superbowl.

3. People who freak out about slashs sparkly tophat are worried about the wrong things.

4. Just because slash does interviews for his projects albums and tours ,happens to be at social events so he may b seen by various media outlets, is always active in the music industry, and plays with alot of different artists doesnt mean he's a whore for the limelight.

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eh it doesn't matter who's fault it is I bet axl and slash can both be pricks at times but they are both cool and respectable guys. There is no need to point the finger at one or the other over shit that went down back in 1996


Some of your guys responses have been pretty funny though. I think some of you hate Slash more than Axl does.

Truth Fudd and considering how much Axl seems to hate Slash and that's pretty scary

Oh please. Will you give it a rest? It's the fucking internet. Axl gave Madison the same treatment he gave Slash. What does that tell you? Careful now, heheh.

You know as well as I he's got a verbose, descriptive prose. His rants about Slash, both spoken and written, cumulatively probably took him less than 15 minutes to compose. Slash is on his shit list, nothing more- a high ranking offender sure I'll give you that. You're trying to spin it into Axl taking extra care with his comments about Slash. No, Axl just likes to make epic statements for shits n giggles. Somehow you're trying to spin that into some grand epic hateful thesis that he's spent years crafting. Nice try. Slash has talked shit about him for years, sooooo fair play as far as I'm concerned. Fair play.

In reality it's Slash's legion of trolling doucharific fanboys who incessantly continue to harp at old issues who are magnifying and hyping the feud. See the problem is people like you get "offended" too easily. Don't take it so personally. Your hyper sensitive interpretation of my posts pretty much says it all.

Angry one, ain't ya?

You seem to be enjoying fueling the feud to, so the "doucharific fanboys" you speak of aren't the only ones who like to keep the fire burning.

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I have a loose theory. I think it's projected aggression. I remember reading somewhere that David Bowie once told Axl Rose that anger was the driver of his creativity and success or something close to that. That was brought in whatever I was reading in a discussion over why Axl Rose is late to concerts and why he allegedly chose to watch a football game instead of playing for the fans.

I think it's projected aggression. Nothing Slash ever did remotely makes him to be a villain that he is portrayed as and certainly not for as long as this. I think Axl felt abandoned by a friend. I also think he foresaw his career going downhill with the change in musical and used Slash for projected aggression. I remember John the Stutterer on the Howard Stern show refused treatment for his stuttering because he would then have no excuses for his failures.

THis is probably very close to the way Axl thinks. Good THeory.

Edited by The Wicked Hand
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eh it doesn't matter who's fault it is I bet axl and slash can both be pricks at times but they are both cool and respectable guys. There is no need to point the finger at one or the other over shit that went down back in 1996


Some of your guys responses have been pretty funny though. I think some of you hate Slash more than Axl does.

Truth Fudd and considering how much Axl seems to hate Slash and that's pretty scary

Oh please. Will you give it a rest? It's the fucking internet. Axl gave Madison the same treatment he gave Slash. What does that tell you? Careful now, heheh.

You know as well as I he's got a verbose, descriptive prose. His rants about Slash, both spoken and written, cumulatively probably took him less than 15 minutes to compose. Slash is on his shit list, nothing more- a high ranking offender sure I'll give you that. You're trying to spin it into Axl taking extra care with his comments about Slash. No, Axl just likes to make epic statements for shits n giggles. Somehow you're trying to spin that into some grand epic hateful thesis that he's spent years crafting. Nice try. Slash has talked shit about him for years, sooooo fair play as far as I'm concerned. Fair play.

In reality it's Slash's legion of trolling doucharific fanboys who incessantly continue to harp at old issues who are magnifying and hyping the feud. See the problem is people like you get "offended" too easily. Don't take it so personally. Your hyper sensitive interpretation of my posts pretty much says it all.

Angry one, ain't ya?

You seem to be enjoying fueling the feud to, so the "doucharific fanboys" you speak of aren't the only ones who like to keep the fire burning.

Its all the same on either side. If trolling is stating negative opinions about Axl or Slash, well were all cupcakes MOTHAFUKAS. The difference is the negative things about Axl are true and can be backed up by actual statements or ACTIONS.

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eh it doesn't matter who's fault it is I bet axl and slash can both be pricks at times but they are both cool and respectable guys. There is no need to point the finger at one or the other over shit that went down back in 1996


Some of your guys responses have been pretty funny though. I think some of you hate Slash more than Axl does.

Truth Fudd and considering how much Axl seems to hate Slash and that's pretty scary

Oh please. Will you give it a rest? It's the fucking internet. Axl gave Madison the same treatment he gave Slash. What does that tell you? Careful now, heheh.

You know as well as I he's got a verbose, descriptive prose. His rants about Slash, both spoken and written, cumulatively probably took him less than 15 minutes to compose. Slash is on his shit list, nothing more- a high ranking offender sure I'll give you that. You're trying to spin it into Axl taking extra care with his comments about Slash. No, Axl just likes to make epic statements for shits n giggles. Somehow you're trying to spin that into some grand epic hateful thesis that he's spent years crafting. Nice try. Slash has talked shit about him for years, sooooo fair play as far as I'm concerned. Fair play.

In reality it's Slash's legion of trolling doucharific fanboys who incessantly continue to harp at old issues who are magnifying and hyping the feud. See the problem is people like you get "offended" too easily. Don't take it so personally. Your hyper sensitive interpretation of my posts pretty much says it all.

The slashits do get overly emotional and refuse to see

that no one person is to blame,refuse to see that their

whore-o may have a few control issues as well,He has been through a "few" band lineups as well,and the way he presents his side of it focuses on "late starts"

and "dictatorship" god forbid anyone mention what a strung-out junkie/alchie he and Duff were at the time,

and just maybe somebody was forced into being a hardass,it isn't pleasant to deal with wasted people when you aren't using anywhere near that level,facts-Duff's Pancreas exploded because of his abuse, slash has a pacemaker because of his years of abuse, we won't mention adler, only Izzy and Axl emerged without permanent physical damage,I don't consider Sorum or gilby relevant enough to include in this discussion, It's not likely an isolated incident,but an accumulation of incidents that caused such a rift,

and anyone that thinks slash is innocent in his addictions,his subtle manpulation of the press,and passive-aggressive statements needs a reality check,

No one person is to blame,it was an explosive clash that had been building for years,slash had his part in it as well, no matter what all the slashits like to perpetuate.

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Guest NewGNRnOldGNR

i'd imagine that most feel that way, regardless of what ideas slash is (allegedly) peddling.

That's besides the point. Whilst what you're saying might be true, the reality is that Slash giving credence to such a notion is obviously going to annoy Axl.

Do you have any examples to support this you can share? I am curious where you feel Slash has done this....

It's all very subtle. A lot of people care for what Slash has to say. Every time Slash allows journalists to refer to him as lead guitarist of Guns N' Roses (now I'm aware journalists aren't accountable to Slash, but the reality is he has no problem with being credited with a band his association with ended in 1996) effectively he's suggesting GN'R ala 2002/2006/2009 is illegitimate.

His persistent use of “Axl's hired Guns” (the most recent being in an interview with a user at Bumblefoot's forum funnily enough) devalues this incarnation of GN'R. He carefully chooses his terminology to portray “new” Guns N' Roses as pathetic as possible.

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im a fan of new guns, but honestly, they are kind of pathetic aren't they?

When a member of the band (Bumble) basically implies the same thing in a recent interview it is kind of hard to argue otherwise. Members of Axl's band feel that way, yet there are some on the message board living in the Jarmo world of make believe that the current incarnation of GNR is anything but at this point.

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Slash has refered to nugnr as Axl's employees (that is what they are). He has also said when asked about a reunion that it won't happen. He says he has moved on. And that Axl and his band seem to be doing well. Axl will almost be saying the same things if he ever does an honest interview again.

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Slash has refered to nugnr as Axl's employees (that is what they are). He has also said when asked about a reunion that it won't happen. He says he has moved on. And that Axl and his band seem to be doing well. Axl will almost be saying the same things if he ever does an honest interview again.

Tbh, he has said that he doesn't like any of Slash's work since his days in GN'R and that it seems he's lost his inspiration. I don't think we'll be hearing Axl saying Slash seems to be doing well anytime soon, unfortunately.

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Slash has refered to nugnr as Axl's employees (that is what they are). He has also said when asked about a reunion that it won't happen. He says he has moved on. And that Axl and his band seem to be doing well. Axl will almost be saying the same things if he ever does an honest interview again.

Tbh, he has said that he doesn't like any of Slash's work since his days in GN'R and that it seems he's lost his inspiration. I don't think we'll be hearing Axl saying Slash seems to be doing well anytime soon, unfortunately.

Well, not all people have that nasty habit of being "artificially nice" to placate the press and play games to manipulate the gullible public, Some have the integrity

and call things as they see them,no matter if it is percieved as being harsh at least it is straight to the point,well received or not,let the chips fall as they may.

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