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The fatist comments directed at Axl are cruel and unnecessary


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Yes rule #10:


users who violate rules will recieve a "friendly warning" first, if they fail to comply a real warning can be applied. I ALWAYS friendly warn and rarely actually warn users

Did you get a "friendly warning" when you set up another profile and pretended you were a girl? Just wondering....

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Edited by LA_0013
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I'd like to see anyone call Axl fat to his face in person.

Now that's a reality show I'd watch.

snaxl would eat you. after covering you in chocolate sauce.


:( okay, i'm sorry. i take it back. axl wouldn't cover anyone in chocolate sauce and eat them.

pretzels, on the other hand...

Reported cupcake

oh, come on... now you're just being a puss. all i said was that he probably likes chocolate pretzels. fucking everyone does because they're fucking delicious. i get not making fun of axl for getting overweight or not being able to sing very well anymore because ultimately this is a fan site, and fans deserve one place in the world where people aren't brutally slating axl for all his fuck ups. but now you're taking it to far by making us pretend like he doesn't enjoy the same delicious treats we all do.

so from now on do we have to post about how axl only eats fresh veggies and grilled chicken? is this the delusion that we all all have to labor under now just to protect your feelings?

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volcano... you should rally the troops and send some hate mail to this guy:


he called axl "old five bellies" and "the fat ginger rat."

I couldn't care less what some loseron the internet thinks about anything :shrugs:

are you kidding? you spend tons of thinking about what losers on the internet think. and even more time replying. and yet even more time reporting.

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Are you guys even fans of this band? Or are you just living in your parents basement because you can't find a job so you come on here?

The economy really sucks, doesn't it.

yeah, that's it. i'm fat and poor and live in my mom's basement.

unless you guys failed to notice, lots of people around the world are talking about axl's weight gain. why would you expect the people on an axl forum to be any different? if anything, we'd probably want to talk about it more.

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I like what the one guy said, we're not paying shit loads of money to watch someone eat nachos...


yeah, but on the other hand there are probably many members of this forum who would be thrilled to watch axl eat a plate of nachos. even if he showed up to the plate 3 hours late and spent the whole time acting like he hated nachos.

Edited by jarvispmitchell
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Are you guys even fans of this band? Or are you just living in your parents basement because you can't find a job so you come on here?

The economy really sucks, doesn't it.

They are living in their parents basement because they cant find a job so they occupy there time by coming on here............."Hey mom, have you washed my guns n roses shirt yet? they ask as they wipe cheeto stains on there circle jerk pants from the other nights slumber party, and continue playing halo waiting for mother to dry there guns n roses shirt.

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Are you guys even fans of this band? Or are you just living in your parents basement because you can't find a job so you come on here?

The economy really sucks, doesn't it.

yeah, that's it. i'm fat and poor and live in my mom's basement.

unless you guys failed to notice, lots of people around the world are talking about axl's weight gain. why would you expect the people on an axl forum to be any different? if anything, we'd probably want to talk about it more.

There's a line between "talking about" and making stupid comments about it. I acknowledge Axl's weight, but I don't act like a child. This is a fan forum, and some of the crap people(most those who appeared AFTER Rio) have been posting have been pathetic and down-right stupid. Excuse me for being a FAN.

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