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Let's say Axl announced the end of nuGnR tomorrow - Which band member would have the brightest future?


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DJ Ashba.

My reasons?

- I think his business will grow (at least one of his ventures will prove to be succesful).

- I think he'll score another couple of rock radio hits.

- He seems to be happy with what he's doing/who he is.

A close second to me is Richard Fortus (a fantastic session/touring musician with a seemingly great passion for his craft).

Spot on. If you actually look into how much session work Richard does, it's really amazing.

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Ashba, he's already in another "big" band.

Besides him, bumble. He has a pretty decent following, and I think some new gnr fans would still follow him post GnR.

Richard is too quiet/unknown to be really recognized, but he is an awesome guitarist.

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The answer to the question is DJ Ashba, he's a player with hit pedigree and a semi-franchise. Richard Fortus would be the next best survivor in the event of the dissolvement of GN'R. He'd find work as the world class session musician he is.

Tommy has a considerable fanbase and could continue to sell albums. He could also reunite the Replacements if it was financially necessary.

Then Bumblefoot. His cult support would implode slightly like Buckethead's did when he left. But he would still continue to work with more obscure artists. Chris Pitman would be similar to Bumblefoot in the sense that the two are the most talented but simply do not have the same level of commercial appeal. Pitman would maintain a buck from his computers/producing/art.

Frank Ferrer would secure work with semi-well known bands on tour/in session.

Then there's Dizzy who is washed up and relies completely on the loyalty of Axl Rose. If GN'R were to stop it would mark his deathknell. He'd probably do a lot of crack and make cash off his former association with the iconic band that is GN'R in Sin City or somewhere.

You're probably right on all accounts, though I imagine Dizzy would probably just continue working with his side projects and otherwise keep a low profile.

So, to answer the topic question - Ashba.

Would would I follow the most? Definitely Bumblefoot and probably Fortus.

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You wake up. Take a dump. Take a bath. Change yourself. Decide to check your pc before going to work. You log into your MyGnR account. You see the announcement of the end of nuGnR. Here's the question: Which of the current band members (excluding Axl) do you think would have the brightest career from that day on and why?

sadly, DJ Ashba

because he is a poser fag.

other than the reality: 4tus. I wish him the best

Edited by Crash Diet
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