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Is Axl secretly honoring the old band by not releasing any music from the new band?


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I doubt he's intentionally honoring them, but I imagine he realizes that nothing he'll ever do will live up to what GNR once was. He made such a fuss about keeping the name, and now he's stuck. Not that I'm so convinced he would have been prolific if he'd just been done with it and performed as Axl Rose without the GNR albatross.

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Is Axl secretly honoring the old band by not releasing any music from the new band?

A quandary to be sure.

Chinese Democracy came out so kind of blows that theory out of the water(unless your talking 2000-2002 lineup)

That's kind of a narrow point of view, don't you think? You're not really thinking about this multi-dimensionally. There is more than just one axis which supports my premise.

Chinese Democracy came out 4+ years ago, and there have been several credible sources (including ex bandmembers) substantiating the fact that there are lots of unreleased basically-completed tracks in the vault. There were rumors of three albums worth of material. Despite all this, we have gotten one album in the 12 years since nuGuns officially appeared on the scene.

Furthermore, the band has not debuted any real new songs during their extensive touring in recent years. Therefore, I don't think my premise has been "blown out of the water" just because Axl begrudgingly released Chinese Democracy 4+ years ago under dubious circumstances with the record company.

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I think there was element of that, or erring on the side of caution. CD definitely needed to be great to live up to the name.

But maybe its industry norms that shape the release, with label as happy to sell GH or back cat via touring.

Maybe Axl would release a double or trilogy if there were no constraints.

Axl is always late.

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Is Axl secretly honoring the old band by not releasing any music from the new band?

A quandary to be sure.

Chinese Democracy came out so kind of blows that theory out of the water(unless your talking 2000-2002 lineup)

That's kind of a narrow point of view, don't you think? You're not really thinking about this multi-dimensionally. There is more than just one axis which supports my premise.

Chinese Democracy came out 4+ years ago, and there have been several credible sources (including ex bandmembers) substantiating the fact that there are lots of unreleased basically-completed tracks in the vault. There were rumors of three albums worth of material. Despite all this, we have gotten one album in the 12 years since nuGuns officially appeared on the scene.

Furthermore, the band has not debuted any real new songs during their extensive touring in recent years. Therefore, I don't think my premise has been "blown out of the water" just because Axl begrudgingly released Chinese Democracy 4+ years ago under dubious circumstances with the record company.

I think it's more to do with the tracks not being finished in Axl's eyes. We also don't know if anything has happened in the studio the last few years. Remember Chinese Democracy was pretty much finished in 2001 (7+ years to come out)

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I think it's just a case of Axl learning that's where the money is, more than "honoring" his former band mates. I think he realizes now nu guns will never be Van Hagar in terms of output, so this is the cash cow he milks for his retirement fund and for Beta and co. Easy, effortless moolah on his end.

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I think he's aware that if he doesn't give it a 100%, which means doing live appearances with the new guys, interviews, promo etc...the next album would sell less than Chinese Democracy because other than from fans of the current band, most people aren't expecting this album at all.

His ego probably wouldn't take it kindly if he tried his best to promote this album and it failed anyway.

And that's kinda stupid, because this is the kind of doubt that most artists out there have to deal with anyway : what if it flops ?

Well, choosing to not even try has objectively the same result, it just also makes you look like a huge pussy.

Edited by The Glow Inc.
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GnR have never been productive about getting stuff done and out there with the exception of the pre appetite period. Just finished reading Duff's book and it struck me how much time they spent achieving nothing as a band, it's why the other members all had their solo stuff going on. It's clear that much of this was due to Axl and his unwillingness to cooperate in the same way as anyone else.

I did think it funny though that he manged to persuade the whole band to decamp to Chicago then didn't show up, only to turn up weeks later and trash the joint. All things considered we are doing well to have the touring even if there isn't much else, I suspect he finds touring less pressuring and that combined with the fact it's how bands make money these days is why we have what we have.

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I don't think Axl's interested in "honoring" the old band- certainly NOT the individuals who were in those line-ups. I DO think the name/brand "Guns N' Roses" does mean a lot to him though and the fact that every proper Guns N' Roses studio release has gone at least platinum in the US (admittedly Chinese getting there with an assist from Best Buy) means something to him too. As it stands- the first four GN'R studio albums of original material [AFD, Lies (EP), UYI I & UYI II] are near esstential "must haves" for any serious classic rock fan. Meanwhile- though not nearly as universally celebrated- IMHO Chinese will always occupy a certain place in the legend and lore of rock history as well (and does have international chart/sales success to fall back on too) and kind of goes down as one of rock's great frontman's magnum opus or failed attempt at a magnum opus (depending on whether you think it's brilliant or an over-wrought joke).

Anyway- not saying it's an overriding factor- but I can theoretically see Axl being reluctant to "tarnish" the GN'R "track record" with a Chinese "follow-up" that maybe moves 250,000 copies in the US to "die-hards" or whatever though. This could especially be the case if he knows deep down he doesn't have it in him to engage in all the marketing and PR bs necessary to guarantee respectable US numbers...

If there's any truth to this- Bumblefoot may really be on to something with the song-by-song on-line download/release methodology though... That way the music gets out- but Guns' relatively pristine "official album" sales/success track record remains intact...

Edited by AXL_N_DIZZY
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Regardless of his reasons for doing it, the people that really lose in the long run are his millions of fans. As well as all current members of the band.

The best thing to do in terms of "respect" for the old band would be to either simply retire the name. OR, if he is going to continue using the name, is to add new material to the GnR catalog. Keep building and adding to the name - rather than just sucking the teat of the old band's legacy.

If Axl had released 5 albums of material since breaking up the old band, I think the criticism he receives would be diminished by 75-80%. Some people will always blame him for breaking up the old band. But the average music fan, the normal music critic/reviewer, and his millions of fans wouldn't bitch and moan so much, if Axl was keeping the GnR name alive by releasing new music, rather than just basically living off the past member's success.

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I honestly think stuff like TWAT or Nov Rain takes a few years to do.

The other thing is how GNR was the bucket material and how would people like more Silkworms.

That electronica with full guitars. What do you think? Is that what people want? is that what we need or is that a complete disaster.

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I've always had this far fetched conspiracy about how Axl is intentionally not releasing new music to force the current members to quit. If there is even a .0000000000000000000001% chance at a reunion, not gonna work out with hired hands still in the band.

If Axl really wanted a reunion he probably wouldn't hesitate to sack them all. (This is a joke, sort of, I think! Lol)

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I've always had this far fetched conspiracy about how Axl is intentionally not releasing new music to force the current members to quit. If there is even a .0000000000000000000001% chance at a reunion, not gonna work out with hired hands still in the band.

If Axl really wanted a reunion he probably wouldn't hesitate to sack them all. (This is a joke, sort of, I think! Lol)
I think Axl could just legally dissolve the current "Guns N' Roses" entity and form a new one with the classic line-up. He wouldn't even have to go through the process of "firing" everybody IMHO. He would probably be on the hook for any ongoing obligations, etc. of the current entity- though most likely he could negotiate/buy his way out from under them...

Actually I could well imagine the label happily picking up the tab for any of those things if they honest-to-God knew classic Guns was getting back together...

Edited by AXL_N_DIZZY
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I've always had this far fetched conspiracy about how Axl is intentionally not releasing new music to force the current members to quit. If there is even a .0000000000000000000001% chance at a reunion, not gonna work out with hired hands still in the band.

If Axl really wanted a reunion he probably wouldn't hesitate to sack them all. (This is a joke, sort of, I think! Lol)
I think Axl could just legally dissolve the current "Guns N' Roses" entity and form a new one with the classic line-up. He wouldn't even have to go through the process of "firing" everybody IMHO. He would probably be on the hook for any ongoing obligations, etc. of the current entity- though most likely he could negotiate/buy his way out from under them...

Actually I could well imagine the label happily picking up the tab for any of those things if they honest-to-God knew classic Guns was getting back together...

Definitely agree. It would be pennies to the dollar in comparison to how much $$$ the original lineup can bring in.

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To suggest Axl is withholding a new album to honour the original line up is ridiculous. This would be the last of his reasons. I agree with several posters that the money is in ticket sales and not album sales, coupled with not having the passion (at the moment) to go through with it. I do have hope that his passion will return in time. He is an artist and views himself as such I believe. And an artist doesn't die. I believe he will release another album, but on his watch. And that could be in another 10 years.

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