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The Slash is a cancer thing


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Fact is Axl cant take a shit post classic breakup without someone digging at the scab and asking him when hes going to get reunite.

had Axl come out with a fucking mindblowing record and an awesome lineup that didnt coast along on Slash and Duff and Izzy material then he might have vindication for his consuming an insane amount of time to get his mediocre album out.

But we see how it all played out now in 2013....all but defunct with a mediocre band and a meh album. Slash might have been right ..just shut the fuck up Axl and sing... do your fucking job and keep the drama momma highschool bullshit down to a dull roar.

Slash called Axl on his shit ..probably the only one who had the gall and the balls to do it. Axl has to deal with it and so he "hates" Slash in every way possible.. mainly because and note this here: outside of Dizzy clinging to his job...no one bought into Axls grand vision and his way of doing things. THey didnt jive with his work ethic or his TIME FRAME and that has to tell something to someone with any fucking brains in their heads. Slash may be an asshole to people like Volcano but the fucker gets things done and hes as relevant now as he ever was andnot some late night talk show joke like Axl has become.

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I don't typically stick up for Axl but.....

Marc was sure that Axl didn't know Slash's mother was terminally ill with cancer, because no one at the time knew. She only told Slash approximately one month before she passed, and it was after the asinine comment had already been made. She kept it private, even from her own family. So in light of that, I'd give Axl the benefit of the doubt that he didn't say it to be disrespectful to Slash's dying mother, and simply said it because he's a bitter old asshat holding on to an over decades long grudge.

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The term "locker room cancer" is very commonly used in sports discussions to describe someone whose presence/demeanor/ego sours the mood for everyone in the team's dressing room. I imagine similar things happen in bands and that's what Axl was getting at.

That this isn't the common opinion 5 years after the comment just shows how determined the shitsquad is to twist every word Axl says/writes into something worse than it is. I still laugh at the reaction to the HOF letter.

Edited by bacardimayne
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I bet axl felt terrible after the comment when he found out the situation with slash's mom.

both of them will have to think about each other everyday of their lives. they will always get the questions, wherever they go. might as well just bury the hatchet and get on with life. life's too short to be pissed for decades.

we don't know the exact situation, so who knows maybe he has a valid reason to be pissed forever?

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""""Expression of such more careful opinions may in itself may help to dampen the more extreme opinions - which aren't by far as common here as you seem to think - that Axl was right in saying what he did or that it was a calculated and deliberate statement of him to hurt Slash knowing his mom had cancer.""" Nope. "as you seem to think"......sorry, but you've made a wrong assumption there. I don't think it was a deliberate or calculated move at all on Axl's part.

You got it wrong. Read my sentence again.

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Common expression. Had nothing to do with Slash's mom.

Obviously Axl is still a bitter crybaby for saying it.

Slash ran his mouth in the media, by his own admission.

So who's bitter? They guy who repeatedly talks about Axl in the press (slash), or the guy who calls a spade a spade on the internet one time? (axl)

Edited by metaforcesaber
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Definitely the guy who says the other stole 15 years of his life. Definitely the guy who comes out ranting about Serpico and De la Hoya. Certainly the guy who puts out lyrics like those on CD in 2008. Definitely the guy who says that one of the largest ingredients to GNR's success shouldn't have been in the band. Definitely that guy is bitter. :lol:

Edited by magisme
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Look, I'm disagreeing with ppl whose posts I generally like, but I'd encourage you to think about what's more likely.

You're suggesting Axl heard slash's mom was terminally ill with cancer and thought 'Sweet! I'll publicly call him a cancer now and it'll really hit home!'.

Just think about that. Apart from being sadistically cruel in the most disgusting and infantile way, it's also PR suicide. And while many of us think Del is an enabling douche, there's no way he'd be dumb enough to let that one by.

Axl wanted to convey his intense dislike for slash, and so he used a highly emotive word to describe him. It's MOST LIKELY an unfortunate co-incidence that slash was being personally affected by cancer at the time. It's bad enough just as that.

Except Axl has constantly let his anger get the edge of his PR. Like throwing several on stage tantrums, starting several riots, walking off several shows, beating women, and constantly showing up late to shows even after years and years of him getting shit for it. So him letting his anger get the best of him again towards someone he hates more than anything, sadly, wouldn't surprise me.

The way he still follows Slash as seemingly intensely as he does makes it hard for me to believe he didn't hear something as big as that from someone somewhere. I truthfully hope it was just a coincidence, but it just doesn't seem likely to me.

Yeah, I can't deny that Axl's hatred for slash would mean he keeps tabs on him, inspite of what he said about 'cutting him out' in the same comment.

But the angry examples you're giving above paint a picture of a spontaneous guy who does dumb stuff in a rage. I can't argue with that.

However, the del interview was probably the most calculated and orchestrated piece of media guns have ever released. You can bet that shit was buffed and re-written by del half a dozen times, because it was clearly intended as an 'axl straight-talking' piece intended to 'give the whining fans the answers they don't wanna hear'. Bit pathetic really.

In that context, it's even less likely that the cancer comment was deliberate. If anything, they probably would've changed it if they heard about slash's mom, because it detracts from the legitimacy of everything else they say by making Axl look so bitter & twisted.

I can grasp this. Good points.

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Common expression. Had nothing to do with Slash's mom.

Obviously Axl is still a bitter crybaby for saying it.

Slash ran his mouth in the media, by his own admission.

So who's bitter? They guy who repeatedly talks about Axl in the press (slash), or the guy who calls a spade a spade on the internet one time? (axl)



Slash clearly is more bitter than Axl.

Sometimes the best thing to do in this forum is to just quote what people say. The way people twist things in here is hilarious.

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I keep seeing this pop up over and over and it's irritating because it's so misunderstood.

People actually think that was a cold hearted dig at Slash's mom? They actually think he was even talking about the physical disease?

"A cancer" is something you can use to describe anything that you view as an unwanted, unnecessary thing that only serves to drag you down and harm you. For example, you might say "Hitler was a cancer on the world."

It had nothing to do with anybody that actually has the disease itself. Using the term in this way also does nothing to devalue or make light of actual cancer.

I think a lot of people don't even understand what the disease is. It isn't a disease that has any single particular cause, or any single set of symptoms. "Cancer" is a term used in the medical world to describe a harmful growth anywhere on your body. Sometimes, the cells in your body go all weird and spurt random growths. Sometimes, those growths will keep growing and become harmful. Those growths are called "cancers." Sometimes, the growth is nothing and you can safely live with it the rest of your life. Those growths AREN'T called "cancers."

So calling Slash a cancer didn't have anything to do with anyone's mom or anything to do with making light of a deadly disease. It was simply the best way to describe Axl's viewpoint on his relationship with Slash, which was to say that Slash had a hugely negative impact on Axl's life and was harmful from the start.

In what universe does any of this actually matter? We all know what cancer is. Fact remains that one person compares another person with a horrible and deadly disease. To me, that's a horrible thing to say.


..and for the record:

  1. 1.
    a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.
    "he's got cancer"

Cancer can spread. While there are success stories, it can be difficult to eradicate, and has a habit of returning, usually destroying it's host.

Maybe Axl was thinking along these lines. Maybe in Axl's eye's, Slash will never go away, and always be around. My guess is, Slash will outlive Axl, who must suffer much distress, with all the legal stuff he goes though, not to mention the epic failure of Chinese Democracy. Meanwhile, Slash is out there keeping it real, being a rock star, making music, performing music, without all the ego control freak stuff. I bet is, Slash has more respect going for him than Axl ever will among those in the biz.

Edited by vaida
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It's just Axl being a drama mama.

This is the same guy who:

- Put Martin Luther King Jr. quotes into a song -- likening the Civil Rights Movement to a rock 'n' roll band breaking up.

- Did the November Rain/Don't Cry music videos.

- Wrote several progressive-rock ballads about some chick he hasn't seen in 20 years.

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Common expression. Had nothing to do with Slash's mom.

Obviously Axl is still a bitter crybaby for saying it.

Slash ran his mouth in the media, by his own admission.

So who's bitter? They guy who repeatedly talks about Axl in the press (slash), or the guy who calls a spade a spade on the internet one time? (axl)

Yes he admitted. And he said he was bitter. However he also said he regrets his bitterness and his comments.

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