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Game of Thrones Season 6 Discussion Thread *No Spoilers*


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About 1/3rd of the way through ASOS, I know I've got the purple wedding coming up in a few hundred pages, but I don't recall anything mentioned of Tommen's whereabouts yet. Jacelyn Bywater was killed at Blackwater, and from what I remember from ACOK, he was one of the few who knew where Tommen was being kept. Guess it'll come up soon?

Edited by OmarBradley
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Can't even remember, but I'm sure you'll find Tommen soon. fyi The last 3rd of that book is the reason they made the show, things will make sense soon.

One thing for anyone starting a read of the books, the start of every book takes place chronically before the end of the previous book.

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Can't even remember, but I'm sure you'll find Tommen soon. fyi The last 3rd of that book is the reason they made the show, things will make sense soon.

One thing for anyone starting a read of the books, the start of every book takes place chronically before the end of the previous book.

Yup the zig zagging is great. Love the chapters where the character is having a flashback and George seamlessly intertwines it with the present.... sometimes it's almost confusing and I have to make sure I'm reading the right chapter. :lol:

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Can't even remember, but I'm sure you'll find Tommen soon. fyi The last 3rd of that book is the reason they made the show, things will make sense soon.

One thing for anyone starting a read of the books, the start of every book takes place chronically before the end of the previous book.

Nevermind, apparently it was mentioned quite early in ASOS that one of the Kettlebacks retrieved Tommen from Rosby. Binge reading makes me forget things........

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Can't even remember, but I'm sure you'll find Tommen soon. fyi The last 3rd of that book is the reason they made the show, things will make sense soon.

One thing for anyone starting a read of the books, the start of every book takes place chronically before the end of the previous book.

the last third of ASOS is some of the best reading you can ever do its just one big event after another.

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For a few seconds during it, I thought they were going to show us how they VFX'd Lena Headey's "body double" from the walk. Was also thinking, maybe I should have waited until the blue ray was released before watching this season then I remembered all the stuff that happened :(.

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book/filming spoilers

looks like tower of joy



also no shocker here but bran is back for season 6.

Also a few locations posted on the sites a few weeks back that looked like they might be Casterly Rock or Oldtown. Yeah the books haven't went to Casterly Rock, but George said the story will move there and if there's only 2 seasons left.

Are there Weirwood trees in Dorne? :P. I don't think the show will be too bothered if there aren't. Bran's visions will probably be their excuse for skipping Howland Reed and whoever else turned up at the tower before it's destruction according to certain theories.

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But why would the director confirm this now? I wouldn't answer it, it would lead more mystique going forward.

His whole storyline seems to have been handled poorly in the show. I haven't read the books (yet) so I can't comment on those.

I was hoping the sound we heard as the camera cut away was that of The Hound cutting down Brienne. Can't stand her as a character.

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I wonder if this series would have been better if GRRM didn't kill off so many characters?

That's a good question. What if Robb won and stayed KITN, and the Lannisters said "fuck it" in regards to the north? That would have been sweet. Then Dany would have an interesting problem to deal with when she gets to Westeros.

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Don't think it's too much of a spoiler, but George suggested on his blog and in interviews that there's going to be alot less POV characters by the end of the book.

I still think Danny will be trying to kill Starks by the final book. There's so way with George's writing style this has a ROTK ending where everyone bands together against "The Others". The show on the otherhand, well we seen how they made Tyrion/Danny best friends right away.

I wonder if this series would have been better if GRRM didn't kill off so many characters?

There wouldn't be as much suspense then :P.

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I wonder if this series would have been better if GRRM didn't kill off so many characters?

Definitely a great question. I actually discussed this with my girlfriend (who became a huge GoT fan after I forced her to watch the series). Things went downhill because there are not many characters left. Unlike the books there are no other characters whose stories are interesting enough to follow.

I haven't received my books yet, but I would like to know this, how many characters the books have in comparison to the show?

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I wonder if this series would have been better if GRRM didn't kill off so many characters?

I haven't received my books yet, but I would like to know this, how many characters the books have in comparison to the show?

There are at least hundreds more in the books. And I'm only just finishing the third one. Not all of them are main characters, but there are a lot of side characters who are important to the story.

EDIT: And just to show you, from memory: Strong Belwas, the Cerywns, Edric Storm, Garlan Tyrell, Axel Florent, Vargo Hoat, Ben Plumm, Donal Noye, Cleos Frey, the Redwynes, the Celtigars, Smalljon Umber, Jeyne Poole, Jeyne Westerling (and the Westerlings), Addam Marbrand, Mikken, the Kettlebacks (3 sons and the father on the fingers), Mance Rayder's wife, Jarl, Ser Cortnay Penrose, Khal Ogo (and his son), Delorous Edd, Maester Pylos.... and it goes on and on. And those are actual characters who you see, there are countless more mentioned in stories, legends, and conversations that POV characters have or witness.

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I wonder if this series would have been better if GRRM didn't kill off so many characters?

I haven't received my books yet, but I would like to know this, how many characters the books have in comparison to the show?

There are at least hundreds more in the books. And I'm only just finishing the third one. Not all of them are main characters, but there are a lot of side characters who are important to the story.

EDIT: And just to show you, from memory: Strong Belwas, Ser Jaremy Rykker, the Cerywns, Edric Storm, Garlan Tyrell, Axel Florent, Vargo Hoat, Ben Plumm, Donal Noye, Cleos Frey, the Redwynes, the Celtigars, Smalljon Umber, Jeyne Poole, Jeyne Westerling (and the Westerlings), Addam Marbrand, Mikken, the Kettlebacks (3 sons and the father on the fingers), Mance Rayder's wife, Jarl, Ser Cortnay Penrose, Khal Ogo (and his son), Delorous Edd, Maester Pylos.... and it goes on and on. And those are actual characters who you see, there are countless more mentioned in stories, legends, and conversations that POV characters have or witness.

Coldfingers is dope too. Shame they ain't done him in the show

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Edd is on the show :P.

Belwas was cut for the same reason they killed off Selmy early, so that they could later write in more Greyworm/Missandei (who's like 10 years old in the books) fan fiction. Though Selmy is obviously more important.

Jeyne Poole shows up in the show, but they forgot about her like they did Aery's Oakheart.

Jeyne Westerling, well Oona Chaplin supposedly auditioned to play her. Still confused why they changed the name to Talisia. Rob marrying a daughter of a Lannister banner-man out of honor mirroring his father being changed to him falling in love with a random girl he wants to bang is a big difference.

Mikken shows up too in season 1, but they couldn't be bothered killing him off. Not that it really has much of an impact on the story.

Edric didn't appear since they wanted an excuse to re-use Gendry, which probably should have been a red herring that we wouldn't see the Brotherhood without Banners again.

No Garlan or Willas is a problem, since they made Loras the only remaining son a silly gay stereotype. George said they have roles in the last two books.

Locke is Vargo Hoat, but it's George who supposedly requested the name change since the character was written too differently.

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Edd is on the show :P.

Belwas was cut for the same reason they killed off Selmy early, so that they could later write in more Greyworm/Missandei (who's like 10 years old in the books) fan fiction. Though Selmy is obviously more important.

Jeyne Poole shows up in the show, but they forgot about her like they did Aery's Oakheart.

Jeyne Westerling, well Oona Chaplin supposedly auditioned to play her. Still confused why they changed the name to Talisia. Rob marrying a daughter of a Lannister banner-man out of honor mirroring his father being changed to him falling in love with a random girl he wants to bang is a big difference.

Mikken shows up too in season 1, but they couldn't be bothered killing him off. Not that it really has much of an impact on the story.

Edric didn't appear since they wanted an excuse to re-use Gendry, which probably should have been a red herring that we wouldn't see the Brotherhood without Banners again.

No Garlan or Willas is a problem, since they made Loras the only remaining son a silly gay stereotype. George said they have roles in the last two books.

Locke is Vargo Hoat, but it's George who supposedly requested the name change since the character was written too differently.

Yeah I know some of them have had very very minor show roles (like Jeyne and Mikken and Rykker), or adaptations (Hoat to Locke, and Edric to Gendry), but it's not the same to me.

And @Georgy, I do care about them. It makes the world feel bigger and more realistic that there's so many characters. I was upset when Donal Noye died.

Also you're right, Edd is definitely in the show, don't know why I listed him.

Coldfingers is dope too. Shame they ain't done him in the show

*hands :P

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