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OH MY GOD (8/10)



  1. I definitely thought it was fun and by default one of, if not the best in the past 5 years. It's definitely not for everyone though. One concern though, they really ought not to look at this like they did Thor: Ragnarok and commission a bunch of zany wacky comedies. More Love and Thunder, The Marvels and Quantumania type films is not what the franchise needs right now. They also need to escape the hurdle of New World Order next year, which was another put into development quite a while back before the fanbase/audiences didn't react well to these films. I know it won't be a comedy, but honestly Anthony Mackie is full on secondary role in a TV show energy. It's a big gamble expecting him lead a film which isn't going to be a big ensemble piece and the early whispers about the film weren't good.
  2. I'm not on a discord channel and missed this when originally replying in this thread as I only read the first post. Is whatever it - definitely 100% fake? It's not another situation where people speculated monsters/the general where made with ai? @rocknroll41
  3. I thought it was underwhelming. Yeah the cinematography looks good and there's a vibe. The concept maybe even works with the opening scene, but after the credits roll at the start - I just found it underwhelming. It wasn't scary at all and the direction it goes was just not very interesting. I feel like if the explanation is a little more grounded, it would work better. Instead I just thought it was just another horror film and nothing like the hype. To be fair though, the annoying loud teenage girls who spent more time trying to take selfies in front of me might have effected my experience. Going to see Deadpool and Wolverine at midnight in a few hours at a packed out screening, here's hoping there's no kids, popcorn or phones... .
  4. Just seen this. It actively makes me sad. I think the original Time Bandits film is a classic and among Terry Gilliams best work like Brazil. This trailer is like wtf? Like why bother adapting/remaking something if you're going to go in a completely different direction. There's a lot of focus on the lack of little people/dwarfs, but I think the real issue is the tone. It looks a silly quirky children's comedy (though it is a Taika Waititi project unsurprisingly). It looks like it has neither that classic/dark fantasy or Monty Python film influence. https://www.worldofreel.com/blog/2023/1/hrs5m26ui3kxx2zsbs7thdlwbzjdtx
  5. HALA ESPANA! Tories out and England out in just over a week . Though for England, it's the same old story. As soon as they played one of the top sides they blew it. No more international torny futbal till World Cup 2026 now.
  6. Almost conflicted tonight. Do I want a potential rumoured bank holiday or do I want a Spain win? vamos españoles
  7. It's the plot of several films/books. The person that survives the attempt almost always goes on to win the presidency afterwards, (with the exception of Stephen King's the Dead Zone) I get that people are dead, but this just seems so very confusing/convenient. It's the photo op of the 21st century so far for a US politician and probably the biggest conspiracy theory fuel the internet has got in 2 decades. It's pretty dark. Condolences to those effected. It just feels though that the shooter, has possibly sealed the outcome of this election.
  8. Tommorow night it's over. I have no love for the current incarnation of the Labour Party and I don't think things are all going to get magically better. However the collapse of the Tories is the only positive political change that will have happened in this country since I was a child/or old enough to vote. Now to try and vote tomorrow without giving other people covid.
  9. Biden's gonna step down within the coming days imo. They're briefing now that he's "weighing it behind closed doors". The press and his party have been briefing against him for the past week, they all know it'd be a disaster for him to continue through the election. It's for the best, hopefully whoever comes next beats Trump.
  10. You have failed me Slovakia. The dream is gone. #teamSwizz now.
  11. FUCK YES! You Slovakian Heroes, send them home!
  12. Imo england fans/media are there own worst advocates for England. The team haven't been that convincing, but they haven't looked like they were on the verge of elimination either. The Trent expirament (I'm a Liverpool fan) makes zero sense. Trent isn't Toni Kross or Andrea Pirlo. His passing isn't that good and he's terrible at defending. Why do they keep trying to get him on the field out off position? Also haven't seen Gallagher do anything either. Despite all the calls to get him on to the field, all he's did was ("showing engery"), play poorly and get booked in a game. He's basically in danger of becoming the new Grealish at this point, albeit with less diving. Foden's also been pretty poor imo in this tory and maybe that shouldn't be blamed on Southgate. Bellingham hasn't had a ballon dor type torny so far, but he hasn't been that bad imo (for the talking heads that want him dropped). I also think Saka's been fine too, he at least tries it these games. I know people like upsets, but I hope all the favorites go through in the next few days - so we get some dramatic/exciting quarters next weekend. A Germany/France semi would be fun.
  13. Just some rambling, cause I watched part of the debate live. I knew Biden was doomed within a minute. Trump may be late 70s, but Biden looked early 90s. Biden looks like he aged 20 years just since 2020. Like most non Americans, I think it'd be best for the world to avoid Trump getting another term in the midst of the current crisis, however in any other situation/role would anyone think that Biden's fit/well enough to be taking on the most important job in the world for another 4 years? He legitimadely looks worse than many people in care homes. I don't think he has dementia ect. or whatever else nonsense conspiracy/right wing smears throw out. ....but Anthony Hopkins in The Father? He looked a lot more fit than Biden did. It wasn't even the answer/forgetting imo, it was the him just standing there with his mouth open and his eyes staring like he's confused and couldn't hear what was being said look. Disastrous.
  14. I have had this for about a week and it sucks. First few days my bones felt like ice, but no cough or anything else. Then the cough came/runny nose. A sore throat that made it difficult to sleep for multiple days was the worst, it felt like swallowing acid almost every few moments. I took gazillion lossegeners, chloroseptic sprat ect just to ease it about 50% for a few hours. It's fortunately calmed down and now I just cough. Tests still show positive after a week. I assume it's FLIRT I have.
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