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Why do/did GNR feel they need to put on 2.5-3.5 hour shows

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I wouldn't mind a 3hour show of GnR songs.Butis not, there's a solid hour and 15 minutes of filler, jams, solos, and covers that I have zero interest in

Agreed those should be replaced by other songs from Illusions <_<

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You're a strange person. What exactly does any of this have to do with self esteem?

Not more stranger than you. You're the one who has been doing the crazy talk for days.

I'll show you why this has a lot to do with self-esteem. You said:

"I go to a show expecting the band to arrive on stage at some point during the night and I expect them to give a great show. That's exactly what I get and I can leave the concert happily. So why should I complain when I had a great time? Just because I'm capable of enjoying life doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with me."

Enjoying life by finding enjoyment or happiness in waiting 3 hours is not normal. Normal people have respect for themselves and they know when it's enough. Like I said, shit happens, and like Axl once said "things start to go wrong" but we all know that's bullshit. There were no technical difficulties. It's well known that he was always late because he was sleeping or doing whatever he wanted when he KNEW people were waiting for him. 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours. That's disrespectful and it's sad to find someone like you who enjoys or enjoyed that. You should know that nobody is going to give you a medal for that. If you don't find that disrespectful then there's nothing I can do other than feel sorry for you.

You say that waiting for 3 hours can never be an enjoyable experience. Care to explain why not? How come I'm able to enjoy it? Could it be because I'm not impatiently waiting for the band and checking my watch every minute filled with anger? Could it be because I'm just having a good time with my friends? I often chat with friends for many hours in a bar or at home or wherever. Why on earth should I suddenly be angry for 3 hours just because I'm in a concert hall? That doesn't make any sense. Why can't I have a good time there just like anywhere else? I just don't understand your logic?

Do I really need to explain why waiting for 3 hours cannot be an enjoyable experience? :lol: Dude, you're out of your mind. I'm waiting for 3 hours when I shouldn't be waiting for 3 hours. It's not my fault for arriving early, it's their fault for being 3 hours late. Why can you enjoy it? Definitely not because of the reasons you have listed. I would say that the real reason is because your self-esteem is so low and your blind passion for Axl is so strong that you would probably let him beat the shit out of you. Hell, with that kind of mentality you would be proud of that. You would even tell your friends about it, proudly. That's why worshiping is sick and unhealthy.

I don't know where you got that 3 hours thing from. In 2006 they were usually about two hours late, sometimes a little bit more. And since then they've been going on stage earlier and earlier. Ok, so I guess they happened to be particularly late when you went to see them. That's a shame. Nevertheless, being regularly 3 hours late hasn't been a GNR thing in ages.

Axl has always been late and 3 hours was the normal rule, for years. And, we're not even considering the late starts during the UYI tour.

Yes, they happened to be 3 hours late when I saw his band but I'm not the only one who has shared that. I didn't even complain about it, did I? I only said that I understood where D-GenerationX was coming from and under that circumstance I agreed with him.

Unless you can provide reliable info about Axl's band being "usually 2 hours late" in 2006 then we should accept what people who have attended the shows have reported. And yes, some of them have said "2 hours" o "more than 2 hours" but are you really taking this conversation that route? I mean, 2 hours late is also unacceptable, even 15 minutes late is unacceptable if the singer, the most important member of the band, is late because he's sleeping or having dinners with super models at a different country.

Why do you think Axl has recently changed that? Because he suddenly cared for the fans? Because he suddenly decided that he didn't want to keep living like a rockstar? In my opinion, he has been forced to do that. He couldn't afford a riot. He couldn't afford cancellations. Why do you think he had to return to the stage in Dublin, 2010? It didn't look like he was very pleased with that decision. I thought rockstars did what they wanted no matter what, in a "fuck the world" kind of way. :shrugs:

By the way why don't you name 5 bands that always wear yellow costumes? Go ahead name 5 bands! Or maybe you don't see any point in that because that has nothing to do with the subject. You never claimed to know about bands that wear yellow costumes, just like I never claimed to know bands that are always 3 hours late. I said that many other rock bands are often late too. I never said that many other bands are always 3 hours late.

You said "many other rock band are often late and I just don't see what the big deal is". YOU are the one who drew a comparison between Axl's band and many other rock bands. Why would I not be able to ask you to name 5 rock bands that are 3 hours late if YOU were comparing them to Axl's band in the first place? :lol: And... even if we decided to ignore that big flaw of your "fact" then why would you NOT name 5 rock bands that are "often late"? I would think that you could easily be able to provide links to reliable information about these "often" late starts?

I don't even know why we're arguing? I disagreed with your point about the rockstar thing being lame. I gave my point of view and I had no intention to start arguing. I'm not defending Axl here, I'm defending the rockstar thing. I never asked you to understand my point of view. I told my point of view and if you don't want to understand it, you don't have to. Isn't that pretty simple? Comments like these make you look like a paranoid lunatic: "Yes, you're asking me and everyone in the thread that don't agree with your very particular and unusual POV to understand you." Seriously, where exactly did I ask anyone to understand me?

Do you even read what you write? You said that I shouldn't be listening to rock n' roll music if I thought that the rockstar way of life wasn't my thing. Then you said that if I couldn't find happiness in waiting 3 hours for Axl's band to perform then I was a complainer. You made a point about me and my life. I thought I had the right to reply to those comments? To tell you and show you that you're dead wrong?

You said a lot of things about people that don't see things like you do. You encouraged me to enjoy life and you even explained why you disagreed with my comments. Why bother if you're not asking anyone to understand your point of view? It's not like you want everyone to agree with you. Big difference there.

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Someone with a lot of time on their hands should look into exactly how much of the show Axl spends on stage. I'd be interested to see it.

the obvious choice would be volcano since he was able to go read slash's book just to look for and LIST every and any perceived factual error to show what a liar slash is..... :rofl-lol:

but I don't think the results would be nearly as thorough or non-biased :rofl-lol:

I wouldn't mind a 3hour show of GnR songs.Butis not, there's a solid hour and 15 minutes of filler, jams, solos, and covers that I have zero interest in

Agreed those should be replaced by other songs from Illusions <_<

hell - why not more from Chinese Democracy since he thinks this version of GnR is so much better than the orginal

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You're a strange person. What exactly does any of this have to do with self esteem?

Not more stranger than you. You're the one who has been doing the crazy talk for days.

I'll show you why this has a lot to do with self-esteem. You said:

"I go to a show expecting the band to arrive on stage at some point during the night and I expect them to give a great show. That's exactly what I get and I can leave the concert happily. So why should I complain when I had a great time? Just because I'm capable of enjoying life doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with me."

Enjoying life by finding enjoyment or happiness in waiting 3 hours is not normal. Normal people have respect for themselves and they know when it's enough. Like I said, shit happens, and like Axl once said "things start to go wrong" but we all know that's bullshit. There were no technical difficulties. It's well known that he was always late because he was sleeping or doing whatever he wanted when he KNEW people were waiting for him. 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours. That's disrespectful and it's sad to find someone like you who enjoys or enjoyed that. You should know that nobody is going to give you a medal for that. If you don't find that disrespectful then there's nothing I can do other than feel sorry for you.

You say that waiting for 3 hours can never be an enjoyable experience. Care to explain why not? How come I'm able to enjoy it? Could it be because I'm not impatiently waiting for the band and checking my watch every minute filled with anger? Could it be because I'm just having a good time with my friends? I often chat with friends for many hours in a bar or at home or wherever. Why on earth should I suddenly be angry for 3 hours just because I'm in a concert hall? That doesn't make any sense. Why can't I have a good time there just like anywhere else? I just don't understand your logic?

Do I really need to explain why waiting for 3 hours cannot be an enjoyable experience? :lol: Dude, you're out of your mind. I'm waiting for 3 hours when I shouldn't be waiting for 3 hours. It's not my fault for arriving early, it's their fault for being 3 hours late. Why can you enjoy it? Definitely not because of the reasons you have listed. I would say that the real reason is because your self-esteem is so low and your blind passion for Axl is so strong that you would probably let him beat the shit out of you. Hell, with that kind of mentality you would be proud of that. You would even tell your friends about it, proudly. That's why worshiping is sick and unhealthy.

I don't know where you got that 3 hours thing from. In 2006 they were usually about two hours late, sometimes a little bit more. And since then they've been going on stage earlier and earlier. Ok, so I guess they happened to be particularly late when you went to see them. That's a shame. Nevertheless, being regularly 3 hours late hasn't been a GNR thing in ages.

Axl has always been late and 3 hours was the normal rule, for years. And, we're not even considering the late starts during the UYI tour.

Yes, they happened to be 3 hours late when I saw his band but I'm not the only one who has shared that. I didn't even complain about it, did I? I only said that I understood where D-GenerationX was coming from and under that circumstance I agreed with him.

Unless you can provide reliable info about Axl's band being "usually 2 hours late" in 2006 then we should accept what people who have attended the shows have reported. And yes, some of them have said "2 hours" o "more than 2 hours" but are you really taking this conversation that route? I mean, 2 hours late is also unacceptable, even 15 minutes late is unacceptable if the singer, the most important member of the band, is late because he's sleeping or having dinners with super models at a different country.

Why do you think Axl has recently changed that? Because he suddenly cared for the fans? Because he suddenly decided that he didn't want to keep living like a rockstar? In my opinion, he has been forced to do that. He couldn't afford a riot. He couldn't afford cancellations. Why do you think he had to return to the stage in Dublin, 2010? It didn't look like he was very pleased with that decision. I thought rockstars did what they wanted no matter what, in a "fuck the world" kind of way. :shrugs:

By the way why don't you name 5 bands that always wear yellow costumes? Go ahead name 5 bands! Or maybe you don't see any point in that because that has nothing to do with the subject. You never claimed to know about bands that wear yellow costumes, just like I never claimed to know bands that are always 3 hours late. I said that many other rock bands are often late too. I never said that many other bands are always 3 hours late.

You said "many other rock band are often late and I just don't see what the big deal is". YOU are the one who drew a comparison between Axl's band and many other rock bands. Why would I not be able to ask you to name 5 rock bands that are 3 hours late if YOU were comparing them to Axl's band in the first place? :lol: And... even if we decided to ignore that big flaw of your "fact" then why would you NOT name 5 rock bands that are "often late"? I would think that you could easily be able to provide links to reliable information about these "often" late starts?

I don't even know why we're arguing? I disagreed with your point about the rockstar thing being lame. I gave my point of view and I had no intention to start arguing. I'm not defending Axl here, I'm defending the rockstar thing. I never asked you to understand my point of view. I told my point of view and if you don't want to understand it, you don't have to. Isn't that pretty simple? Comments like these make you look like a paranoid lunatic: "Yes, you're asking me and everyone in the thread that don't agree with your very particular and unusual POV to understand you." Seriously, where exactly did I ask anyone to understand me?

Do you even read what you write? You said that I shouldn't be listening to rock n' roll music if I thought that the rockstar way of life wasn't my thing. Then you said that if I couldn't find happiness in waiting 3 hours for Axl's band to perform then I was a complainer. You made a point about me and my life. I thought I had the right to reply to those comments? To tell you and show you that you're dead wrong?

You said a lot of things about people that don't see things like you do. You encouraged me to enjoy life and you even explained why you disagreed with my comments. Why bother if you're not asking anyone to understand your point of view? It's not like you want everyone to agree with you. Big difference there.

It's pretty fascinating how you think you know me better than I do, but I don't really feel like repeating everything I just said all over again. You don't understand my point of view and that's all right. I don't care. Feel free to feel sorry for me, because I'm able to enjoy my life. It must be interesting to be a person like you, who seems to see Axl worshippers everywhere. Cause it must be so hard to believe that a person could simply enjoy chatting with his friends for three hours. Seriously, that can't be possible can it? Nobody can talk with his friends for 3 hours and have a good time. That's impossible, right? Or... maybe not.

Sure, I can offer reliable info that proves that GNR used to be only about two hours late in 2006. I mean pretty much every single concert review you could possibly find from 2006 proves that fact: http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/reviews/live_concerts/guns_n_roses/uk_manchester_june_23_2006/,








Actually they were only about an hour late on some of those, but you get the point. I doubt you can find many reviews that would prove that they had been mostly 3 hours late. That's because I'm telling the truth and you aren't.

Anyway, I never said that being late wouldn't be disrespectful. But rockstars aren't nice boys. They can be assholes and when I go to a rock concert I'm prepared for that. I wouldn't go, if I couldn't stand waiting for a while. I already named a couple of bands for you that used to be often late. It was pretty fucking common back in the days. The Sex Pistols were often late, New York Dolls were often late and not only that, they were sometimes too wasted to even play. I could name more, but you probably don't even know bands like Cuby and the Blizzards or stuff like that. I guess being more than 30 minutes late is pretty rare these days.I don't follow many modern bands, so I don't know. But times are probably different I guess. Don't ask me why GNR is going on stage earlier these days? Maybe Axl has become more professional? Maybe they can't afford the bad publicity anymore? Or maybe the rules are more strict these days?

And why are you twisting my words? You said that the rock n' roll thing is stupid. You said that all the stuff that teens enjoy, like rebelling without a cause and staying up late for no real reason, are all stupid, lame and boring. That's why I said that you complain like a 12 year old, because twelve year old's do complain like that. School is so boring, girls are stupid, Justin Bieber is lame and so on... Not that there's anything wrong about it. Like I said, sometimes it's fun to complain. I do it too. I didn't mean it as an insult. Sometimes it's fun to be negative. It's just a shame that you don't seem to appreciate many of the positive things about children anymore. Oh and I said MAYBE you shouldn't listen to rock n' roll music anymore, if you hate the whole rockstar thing. It wasn't an order, it was just a tongue in cheek suggestion.

Of course you had the right to answer my comments. You also had the right to disagree or agree with everything. You had the right to understand my point of view and you had the right to not understand my point of view. Obviously it's nice if people understand what I say, but I don't really mind if they don't.

Anyway, maybe we could just agree to disagree?

Edited by Lies They Tell
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You're a strange person. What exactly does any of this have to do with self esteem?

Not more stranger than you. You're the one who has been doing the crazy talk for days.

I'll show you why this has a lot to do with self-esteem. You said:

"I go to a show expecting the band to arrive on stage at some point during the night and I expect them to give a great show. That's exactly what I get and I can leave the concert happily. So why should I complain when I had a great time? Just because I'm capable of enjoying life doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with me."

Enjoying life by finding enjoyment or happiness in waiting 3 hours is not normal. Normal people have respect for themselves and they know when it's enough. Like I said, shit happens, and like Axl once said "things start to go wrong" but we all know that's bullshit. There were no technical difficulties. It's well known that he was always late because he was sleeping or doing whatever he wanted when he KNEW people were waiting for him. 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours. That's disrespectful and it's sad to find someone like you who enjoys or enjoyed that. You should know that nobody is going to give you a medal for that. If you don't find that disrespectful then there's nothing I can do other than feel sorry for you.

You say that waiting for 3 hours can never be an enjoyable experience. Care to explain why not? How come I'm able to enjoy it? Could it be because I'm not impatiently waiting for the band and checking my watch every minute filled with anger? Could it be because I'm just having a good time with my friends? I often chat with friends for many hours in a bar or at home or wherever. Why on earth should I suddenly be angry for 3 hours just because I'm in a concert hall? That doesn't make any sense. Why can't I have a good time there just like anywhere else? I just don't understand your logic?

Do I really need to explain why waiting for 3 hours cannot be an enjoyable experience? :lol: Dude, you're out of your mind. I'm waiting for 3 hours when I shouldn't be waiting for 3 hours. It's not my fault for arriving early, it's their fault for being 3 hours late. Why can you enjoy it? Definitely not because of the reasons you have listed. I would say that the real reason is because your self-esteem is so low and your blind passion for Axl is so strong that you would probably let him beat the shit out of you. Hell, with that kind of mentality you would be proud of that. You would even tell your friends about it, proudly. That's why worshiping is sick and unhealthy.

I don't know where you got that 3 hours thing from. In 2006 they were usually about two hours late, sometimes a little bit more. And since then they've been going on stage earlier and earlier. Ok, so I guess they happened to be particularly late when you went to see them. That's a shame. Nevertheless, being regularly 3 hours late hasn't been a GNR thing in ages.

Axl has always been late and 3 hours was the normal rule, for years. And, we're not even considering the late starts during the UYI tour.

Yes, they happened to be 3 hours late when I saw his band but I'm not the only one who has shared that. I didn't even complain about it, did I? I only said that I understood where D-GenerationX was coming from and under that circumstance I agreed with him.

Unless you can provide reliable info about Axl's band being "usually 2 hours late" in 2006 then we should accept what people who have attended the shows have reported. And yes, some of them have said "2 hours" o "more than 2 hours" but are you really taking this conversation that route? I mean, 2 hours late is also unacceptable, even 15 minutes late is unacceptable if the singer, the most important member of the band, is late because he's sleeping or having dinners with super models at a different country.

Why do you think Axl has recently changed that? Because he suddenly cared for the fans? Because he suddenly decided that he didn't want to keep living like a rockstar? In my opinion, he has been forced to do that. He couldn't afford a riot. He couldn't afford cancellations. Why do you think he had to return to the stage in Dublin, 2010? It didn't look like he was very pleased with that decision. I thought rockstars did what they wanted no matter what, in a "fuck the world" kind of way. :shrugs:

By the way why don't you name 5 bands that always wear yellow costumes? Go ahead name 5 bands! Or maybe you don't see any point in that because that has nothing to do with the subject. You never claimed to know about bands that wear yellow costumes, just like I never claimed to know bands that are always 3 hours late. I said that many other rock bands are often late too. I never said that many other bands are always 3 hours late.

You said "many other rock band are often late and I just don't see what the big deal is". YOU are the one who drew a comparison between Axl's band and many other rock bands. Why would I not be able to ask you to name 5 rock bands that are 3 hours late if YOU were comparing them to Axl's band in the first place? :lol: And... even if we decided to ignore that big flaw of your "fact" then why would you NOT name 5 rock bands that are "often late"? I would think that you could easily be able to provide links to reliable information about these "often" late starts?

I don't even know why we're arguing? I disagreed with your point about the rockstar thing being lame. I gave my point of view and I had no intention to start arguing. I'm not defending Axl here, I'm defending the rockstar thing. I never asked you to understand my point of view. I told my point of view and if you don't want to understand it, you don't have to. Isn't that pretty simple? Comments like these make you look like a paranoid lunatic: "Yes, you're asking me and everyone in the thread that don't agree with your very particular and unusual POV to understand you." Seriously, where exactly did I ask anyone to understand me?

Do you even read what you write? You said that I shouldn't be listening to rock n' roll music if I thought that the rockstar way of life wasn't my thing. Then you said that if I couldn't find happiness in waiting 3 hours for Axl's band to perform then I was a complainer. You made a point about me and my life. I thought I had the right to reply to those comments? To tell you and show you that you're dead wrong?

You said a lot of things about people that don't see things like you do. You encouraged me to enjoy life and you even explained why you disagreed with my comments. Why bother if you're not asking anyone to understand your point of view? It's not like you want everyone to agree with you. Big difference there.

It's pretty fascinating how you think you know me better than I do, but I don't really feel like repeating everything I just said all over again. You don't understand my point of view and that's all right. I don't care. Feel free to feel sorry for me, because I'm able to enjoy my life. It must be interesting to be a person like you, who seems to see Axl worshippers everywhere. Cause it must be so hard to believe that a person could simply enjoy chatting with his friends for three hours. Seriously, that can't be possible can it? Nobody can talk with his friends for 3 hours and have a good time. That's impossible, right? Or... maybe not.

Sure, I can offer reliable info that proves that GNR used to be only about two hours late in 2006. I mean pretty much every single concert review you could possibly find from 2006 proves that fact: http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/reviews/live_concerts/guns_n_roses/uk_manchester_june_23_2006/,








Actually they were only about an hour late on some of those, but you get the point. I doubt you can find many reviews that would prove that they had been mostly 3 hours late. That's because I'm telling the truth and you aren't.

Anyway, I never said that being late wouldn't be disrespectful. But rockstars aren't nice boys. They can be assholes and when I go to a rock concert I'm prepared for that. I wouldn't go, if I couldn't stand waiting for a while. I already named a couple of bands for you that used to be often late. It was pretty fucking common back in the days. The Sex Pistols were often late, New York Dolls were often late and not only that, they were sometimes too wasted to even play. I could name more, but you probably don't even know bands like Cuby and the Blizzards or stuff like that. I guess being more than 30 minutes late is pretty rare these days.I don't follow many modern bands, so I don't know. But times are probably different I guess. Don't ask me why GNR is going on stage earlier these days? Maybe Axl has become more professional? Maybe they can't afford the bad publicity anymore? Or maybe the rules are more strict these days?

And why are you twisting my words? You said that the rock n' roll thing is stupid. You said that all the stuff that teens enjoy, like rebelling without a cause and staying up late for no real reason, are all stupid, lame and boring. That's why I said that you complain like a 12 year old, because twelve year old's do complain like that. School is so boring, girls are stupid, Justin Bieber is lame and so on... Not that there's anything wrong about it. Like I said, sometimes it's fun to complain. I do it too. I didn't mean it as an insult. Sometimes it's fun to be negative. It's just a shame that you don't seem to appreciate many of the positive things about children anymore. Oh and I said MAYBE you shouldn't listen to rock n' roll music anymore, if you hate the whole rockstar thing. It wasn't an order, it was just a tongue in cheek suggestion.

Of course you had the right to answer my comments. You also had the right to disagree or agree with everything. You had the right to understand my point of view and you had the right to not understand my point of view. Obviously it's nice if people understand what I say, but I don't really mind if they don't.

Anyway, maybe we could just agree to disagree

Now that he is the sole member he is realizing the late fees are killing his bank account. In the 90's he got to split it between 4 others, now he pays the fees and then still has to pay the band

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