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Why do/did GNR feel they need to put on 2.5-3.5 hour shows

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I'm not sure I agree, guys.

Shows can absolutely be too long. Its tough to stay as hyped for 3 hours. You reach a point of diminishing returns.

Really? I spent 12 hours on my feet when I saw Axl in 2010 and I don't regret it at all. I enjoyed it to the max!

Edited by Nosaj Thing
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So now people are complaining that shows are too long. :blink: Okay, I get the gripes about no new music, I'm right there with you, but saying a show is too long.... When I saw them in 2011, Axl's voice was great, he was having fun, played over three hours and the time flew by. It was a great show.

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So now people are complaining that shows are too long. :blink: Okay, I get the gripes about no new music, I'm right there with you, but saying a show is too long.... When I saw them in 2011, Axl's voice was great, he was having fun, played over three hours and the time flew by. It was a great show.

I guess you can just chalk it up to experiences are different for people! When I was in college I loved going to all day music fests. But now, I'd rather see a few hours of non-stop rock n roll without all the jams and solos and non-GnR songs.

This is a viable topic, because at the typical GnR show today you'll see half the crowd LEAVE before the show is over. While you may think that's crazy......the fact is that it is happening. So that's why we are chatting about it.

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So now people are complaining that shows are too long. :blink: Okay, I get the gripes about no new music, I'm right there with you, but saying a show is too long.... When I saw them in 2011, Axl's voice was great, he was having fun, played over three hours and the time flew by. It was a great show.

I guess you can just chalk it up to experiences are different for people! When I was in college I loved going to all day music fests. But now, I'd rather see a few hours of non-stop rock n roll without all the jams and solos and non-GnR songs.

This is a viable topic, because at the typical GnR show today you'll see half the crowd LEAVE before the show is over. While you may think that's crazy......the fact is that it is happening. So that's why we are chatting about it.

I think much of that has to do with Axl taking the stage after 11 on a weeknight. Something I don't care much about, but can't fault other people for being pissed at.

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This is a viable topic, because at the typical GnR show today you'll see half the crowd LEAVE before the show is over. While you may think that's crazy......the fact is that it is happening. So that's why we are chatting about it.


"They played for 3 hours!! It was amazeballs!!!"

Great...except they took the stage at 11:07PM. Want to play long shows, great. Get your ass out there earlier so I'm not getting home at 3AM on a Tuesday.

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Getting on stage late is not the problem, unless you're old and jaded. I'm not going to a GN'R show with the same state of mind I would have with an act like Muse for instance, or softer bands.

I expect the unexpected with GN'R, and I couldn't care less about Axl being late.

But I did walk away two years ago (and they came on earlier than 4 years ago) because the show was exactly the same thing I had seen two years prior.. except Axl's voice wasn't good. Except for
Estranged and Civil War, it was the exact same thing, and Axl's performance was weaker, so it was destroying the great memories I had of the band in 2010, I couldn't stand it, I left.

Next time I will see them (if I see them again), I will watch out for Axl's voice on the previous shows, and I expect the setlist to be radically different. Axl can say whatever he wants about not caring about that,

but I care about my money and sadly, I'm not a millionaire. So until he moves his ass and properly thinks through his next shows, I will pass.

I find it incredible that he is still not fed up with his own show, I'm not asking for a 100% different setlist, but I want new stuff, I want him to take risks, and the best would be to have some rarities here and there,

or songs he personally enjoys and want to sing. It seems to me he didn't take much pleasure singing two years ago, but he did 4 years ago, I could feel it. Well then don't do the same stuff all over, improvise,

let your heart express itself.

If you keep telling yourself you don't have to care, if you tell your audience "I don't fucking care", then I won't care either in the end. If some idiots are willing to idolize somebody who doesn't give a shit, things won't ever change.

But then again, most people tend to enjoy being rejected and love people who tell them to fuck off.

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Getting on stage late is not the problem, unless you're old and jaded. I'm not going to a GN'R show with the same state of mind I would have with an act like Muse for instance, or softer bands.

I expect the unexpected with GN'R, and I couldn't care less about Axl being late.

But I did walk away two years ago (and they came on earlier than 4 years ago) because the show was exactly the same thing I had seen two years prior.. except Axl's voice wasn't good. Except for

Estranged and Civil War, it was the exact same thing, and Axl's performance was weaker, so it was destroying the great memories I had of the band in 2010, I couldn't stand it, I left.

Next time I will see them (if I see them again), I will watch out for Axl's voice on the previous shows, and I expect the setlist to be radically different. Axl can say whatever he wants about not caring about that,

but I care about my money and sadly, I'm not a millionaire. So until he moves his ass and properly thinks through his next shows, I will pass.

I find it incredible that he is still not fed up with his own show, I'm not asking for a 100% different setlist, but I want new stuff, I want him to take risks, and the best would be to have some rarities here and there,

or songs he personally enjoys and want to sing. It seems to me he didn't take much pleasure singing two years ago, but he did 4 years ago, I could feel it. Well then don't do the same stuff all over, improvise,

let your heart express itself.

If you keep telling yourself you don't have to care, if you tell your audience "I don't fucking care", then I won't care either in the end. If some idiots are willing to idolize somebody who doesn't give a shit, things won't ever change.

But then again, most people tend to enjoy being rejected and love people who tell them to fuck off.

Same situation here,i was at 2006 and 2010 concerts,I loved both of them.A friend of mine wants to go if the came here,but i will love to them to add more UYI songs,more new songs, but if i see Axl singing like he is doing nowadays, i dont care of the setlist,civil war and estranged HAS NEVER BEEN PLAYED PROPERLY and evert time i see a video of that songs i remember old axl singing like he used to,and is so embarrasing and sad. If he is not back ,2010 was my last show.......i think LOL.

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This is a viable topic, because at the typical GnR show today you'll see half the crowd LEAVE before the show is over. While you may think that's crazy......the fact is that it is happening. So that's why we are chatting about it.

Exactly."They played for 3 hours!! It was amazeballs!!!"Great...except they took the stage at 11:07PM. Want to play long shows, great. Get your ass out there earlier so I'm not getting home at 3AM on a Tuesday.

I agree. I know they can do what they please but I was annoyed at having to pass on the show last time they played here because it was midweek and I have three kids to get sorted on a morning. I don't think 'it's Axl's fault' would wash with the dragons in the school office.

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This is a viable topic, because at the typical GnR show today you'll see half the crowd LEAVE before the show is over. While you may think that's crazy......the fact is that it is happening. So that's why we are chatting about it.


"They played for 3 hours!! It was amazeballs!!!"

Great...except they took the stage at 11:07PM. Want to play long shows, great. Get your ass out there earlier so I'm not getting home at 3AM on a Tuesday.

I understand your POV now and I fully agree.

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This is a viable topic, because at the typical GnR show today you'll see half the crowd LEAVE before the show is over. While you may think that's crazy......the fact is that it is happening. So that's why we are chatting about it.


"They played for 3 hours!! It was amazeballs!!!"

Great...except they took the stage at 11:07PM. Want to play long shows, great. Get your ass out there earlier so I'm not getting home at 3AM on a Tuesday.

I understand your POV now and I fully agree.

Its the one time a year you have to be a bit rockstar... suck it up and have a redbull :headbang:

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This is a viable topic, because at the typical GnR show today you'll see half the crowd LEAVE before the show is over. While you may think that's crazy......the fact is that it is happening. So that's why we are chatting about it.


"They played for 3 hours!! It was amazeballs!!!"

Great...except they took the stage at 11:07PM. Want to play long shows, great. Get your ass out there earlier so I'm not getting home at 3AM on a Tuesday.

I understand your POV now and I fully agree.

Its the one time a year you have to be a bit rockstar... suck it up and have a redbull :headbang:

This whole 'rockstar' persona is cool for little kids. When you grow up you see how stupid it is.

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This is a viable topic, because at the typical GnR show today you'll see half the crowd LEAVE before the show is over. While you may think that's crazy......the fact is that it is happening. So that's why we are chatting about it.


"They played for 3 hours!! It was amazeballs!!!"

Great...except they took the stage at 11:07PM. Want to play long shows, great. Get your ass out there earlier so I'm not getting home at 3AM on a Tuesday.

I understand your POV now and I fully agree.

Its the one time a year you have to be a bit rockstar... suck it up and have a redbull :headbang:

This whole 'rockstar' persona is cool for little kids. When you grow up you see how stupid it is.

Exactly this

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From what I understand, this is how concerts were way back in the 60s & 70s a lot of the time (decades some would argue were the "golden era" of rock music): drawn out with various jam sessions and solo spots, maximizing the spirit of their rock & roll in an attempt to make it an experience and become one with the audience. Think about it: on a small level, don't you think you "connect" with a band way more that spends a long time on stage with rants, jokes, various conversation and instrument playing + all their songs, rather than your standard 1hr & 30/45 min set and then "Thank you!! Goodnight!" where the bands rush through songs and have virtually no communication with the audience other than the obligatory, "So how ya feelin tonight Chicago!!!!?" I mean, maybe it's how things are now; people with lower attention spans due to a changing of the times/technology, all that.

I could not have said it any better!

I miss this kind of interaction when I go see a concert. Once I played to some friends a concert by Janis Joplin and The Big Brother Holding Company, and they were bitching because the band was jamming between and during songs. They just wanted to hear Janis. Ok, I get that, Janis was amazing, but so was watching those musicians losing their shit on stage!

It's the same thing with GNR, people just want to hear Axl. If it were up to them, I believe, Axl would go on stage by himself singing over backing tracks and they wouldn't mind at all. I, on the other hand, enjoy the solos very much while I'm on the crowd, specially 4tus and BBf's spots. I love the jams they do because they are FUN and that is why I'm there for: to have fun!

PS: I just remember the time I saw Queen + Paul Rodgers and people were complaining because Roger Taylor was performing a "drum solo" as his drums set was being put together in front of the stage, as a preparation for "I'm in Love With My Car". It was AMAZING and people were just like "Pff...why couldn't they have prepared the drums backstage and brought it up front to save time?". I think you miss a lot of great stuff on concerts while you waste your time thinking how being there is a waste of time. I know, it's weird. But it's a weird generation we have today...

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This is a viable topic, because at the typical GnR show today you'll see half the crowd LEAVE before the show is over. While you may think that's crazy......the fact is that it is happening. So that's why we are chatting about it.


"They played for 3 hours!! It was amazeballs!!!"

Great...except they took the stage at 11:07PM. Want to play long shows, great. Get your ass out there earlier so I'm not getting home at 3AM on a Tuesday.

I understand your POV now and I fully agree.

Its the one time a year you have to be a bit rockstar... suck it up and have a redbull :headbang:

This whole 'rockstar' persona is cool for little kids. When you grow up you see how stupid it is.

Exactly this

I am a grown man with a family too. One night every few years having 3 hours of sleep. Boo freaking hoo.

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the lack of quality is Axl going through the motions emotionless.

it's the guitar solos and soon that Ferrer will probably play a drum solo a la

Saga in transit to pass the time so they can say "look at GNR.they really give it all with 3 hour shows".

IMO it's all just an act and bs and conning his last remaining fans for money.

i will probably stay posting here now and again but rock n roll can apparently die.

at least Axl has killed it for GNR fans.

Such a whinger... "rock n Roll is dead" blah! jesus, everything is a bloody conspiracy! maybe, just maybe he enjoys 3hr performances, we all know he's off stage for a good 30 mins but the rest is a solid 2hr30min set... nothing to complain about there, except a temperamental voice.

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This is a viable topic, because at the typical GnR show today you'll see half the crowd LEAVE before the show is over. While you may think that's crazy......the fact is that it is happening. So that's why we are chatting about it.


"They played for 3 hours!! It was amazeballs!!!"

Great...except they took the stage at 11:07PM. Want to play long shows, great. Get your ass out there earlier so I'm not getting home at 3AM on a Tuesday.

I understand your POV now and I fully agree.

Its the one time a year you have to be a bit rockstar... suck it up and have a redbull :headbang:

This whole 'rockstar' persona is cool for little kids. When you grow up you see how stupid it is.

Exactly this

I am a grown man with a family too. One night every few years having 3 hours of sleep. Boo freaking hoo.

I now understand the meaning of soccer-dad.

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This has been Axl's vision since 1991 at least...to do a 3 hour show. He says it in this interview. It's either in part 1, 2 or 3, I cannot remember which one.

But common, really? It's bad that they do a long show?! Ok if you're just a casual fan, but if you're a hard core fan, how can that not be a good thing.

I mean, one could even hypothesize that Axl does such a long show to cater for the hard core fans ONLY, as he thinks that it's more important what they think than the general public.

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and people were complaining because Roger Taylor was performing a "drum solo" as his drums set was being put together in front of the stage, as a preparation for "I'm in Love With My Car". It was AMAZING and people were just like "Pff...why couldn't they have prepared the drums backstage and brought it up front to save time?".

Yea, see like, that's a mindset I honestly don't understand. Maybe it's just me, but when I'm at a concert, I pretty much hail the musician as though they are an idol or God or something for that evening. I have the utmost respect for them, probably because that's an important part of rock & roll for me- the whole feeling young/youth/being witness to something that is larger than life in my opinion. So, a Guns show is a great example because whether the set's going to start on time or late as hell, I'm partying for as long as I can and soaking it all up. Taking it all in as though it's a gift.

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and people were complaining because Roger Taylor was performing a "drum solo" as his drums set was being put together in front of the stage, as a preparation for "I'm in Love With My Car". It was AMAZING and people were just like "Pff...why couldn't they have prepared the drums backstage and brought it up front to save time?".

I pretty much hail the musician as though they are an idol or God or something for that evening.

Taking it all in as though it's a gift.

A "gift" that you paid $125 to receive!!!!

And dude......they aren't Gods. They are human beings, just like you and me. They just happen to be extremely good at something.

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and people were complaining because Roger Taylor was performing a "drum solo" as his drums set was being put together in front of the stage, as a preparation for "I'm in Love With My Car". It was AMAZING and people were just like "Pff...why couldn't they have prepared the drums backstage and brought it up front to save time?".

I pretty much hail the musician as though they are an idol or God or something for that evening.

Taking it all in as though it's a gift.

A "gift" that you paid $125 to receive!!!!

And dude......they aren't Gods. They are human beings, just like you and me. They just happen to be extremely good at something.

Right, no I know, I'm just saying that like, I don't care about the ticket price so much, because I'm pretty confident I'm going to like what I'm seeing; otherwise I wouldn't have spent the cash.

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one of the biggest "problems"for me with current GNR's long shows are the

solo spots.

that shit kills momentum every time and who really cares about ballad of death when they

could have played a TIGHT show with let's say Locomotive or another deep cut/fan favorite.

Agree completely. The solos suck the life out of those shows, people act like they haven't been to one and not only saw the crowds reactions, but literally felt it. Except for the 10 nerds on the rails, most people in the venue either sit or run for a bathroom break. Sure, every cool concert should have a solo and a band jam, but with this band it's overkill. The majority of concert goers are there to see Axl and hear the classics, no one gives a fuck about The Ballad of Death. No one.

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one of the biggest "problems"for me with current GNR's long shows are the

solo spots.

that shit kills momentum every time and who really cares about ballad of death when they

could have played a TIGHT show with let's say Locomotive or another deep cut/fan favorite.

Agree completely. The solos suck the life out of those shows, people act like they haven't been to one and not only saw the crowds reactions, but literally felt it. Except for the 10 nerds on the rails, most people in the venue either sit or run for a bathroom break. Sure, every cool concert should have a solo and a band jam, but with this band it's overkill. The majority of concert goers are there to see Axl and hear the classics, no one gives a fuck about The Ballad of Death. No one.

LOL, are you new to the forum?

There are 3-4 guys on here who think that DJ is not only a better guitar player than Slash, but that he is a better guitar player for GnR than Slash ever was. And that this current band/line-up is a better line-up than the classic one......don't you know there are guys in the band now that have been GnR members for longer than Slash/Duff were!!!!!

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