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Tommy comments on his temporary departure

Guest NGOG

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If Axl really wants to bury the old band and distance himself from reunion/press demands, then having Duff on board is not the right way...

i'm starting to think axl doesn't give a crap about reunion talk either. he seems to be sedated.

Honestly, I don't even see Axl anymore. I mean, the other guys, they've aged and all, but you look at them and the way they talk and the way they move, and it's still them. It kinda hit me yesterday when someone posted an old pic of Duff and Axl together. In my mind - and it's not even a conscious thing, it's just what I automatically think - Axl now and Axl from classic Guns are two completely different people.

I kinda feel the same about Axl. It's like it's two different people. Sometimes, when he is on stage, you can see something of the old (young) Axl creeping in, I think, sometimes it's only a small gesture, but then I think, yes, it is Axl. But somehow in my mind, I see them as two different people as well. I particularly had it when I saw him on Kimmel. I almost didn't recognize him, I know the old interviews so well, and the difference is like day and night to me.

agreed. that's why i think axl until 2010 kicked ass, even with his 2002 shitty voice.

since 2011 all i see is a pathetic manchild pretending to sing to a crowd that pretends he's still "the best" "on fire" or "better than ever".

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If Axl really wants to bury the old band and distance himself from reunion/press demands, then having Duff on board is not the right way...

i'm starting to think axl doesn't give a crap about reunion talk either. he seems to be sedated.

Honestly, I don't even see Axl anymore. I mean, the other guys, they've aged and all, but you look at them and the way they talk and the way they move, and it's still them. It kinda hit me yesterday when someone posted an old pic of Duff and Axl together. In my mind - and it's not even a conscious thing, it's just what I automatically think - Axl now and Axl from classic Guns are two completely different people.
I always think the same about Duff though. Not in a negative way but he seems so far removed from alcoholic youth and facially he's changed quite a bit too. Actually out of the original five I would say only Slash and Steven are recognisable -mostly Slash. I can't decide if this is good or bad, probably a bit of both. Slash must have some good genes, he should look a hell of a lot worse than he does...or maybe it's that pact with the devil. ;-)
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I really think if Axl buried all the hate and blame and got back with the old band, fucked off up the mountains with Duff to that dojo and cleanse himself, we could have the greatest reunion / rise from the ashes story ever.

If Bruce Springsteen and Mick Jagger can deliver at the level they do, 10 and 20 years older than Axl then I believe he could be fucking killer again.

Like many of you above, I think he's on heavy duty shit to keep him calm. I think the years of trying to recreate perfection with the wrong people and no real family to support his spirit has fucked him royally and worn him out.

Being friends and having the back of the guys that got the whole thing started rather than snivelly creeps like Jarmo would be a huge start for the rehabilitation of the man, inside and out.

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