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Axl's attitude

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Axl certainly doesn't have the same fire and intensity that he did back in the Day.

But, I'm glad the man is still out there touring and giving his fans a chance to hear the classic songs.

Hopefully he's up for putting out a new album sometime as well.

This. I wouldn't call him lazy on stage though.

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Tommy: The fucking most amazing thing about this guy, about playing with him, is that, he gets up there and fucking does a fucking 1000 % of what he's got every time he shows up, and fucking people come out in their fucking thousands all over the fucking world to see that. [A.V.'s Podmass Central, June 2013]

1000 % of Not Much Left doesn't amount to much.

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Axl certainly doesn't have the same fire and intensity that he did back in the Day.

But, I'm glad the man is still out there touring and giving his fans a chance to hear the classic songs.

Hopefully he's up for putting out a new album sometime as well.

I agree, Groghan, with very word.

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Who the hell knows what's going on with him, one minute he's enjoying himself the next he's just walking around singing with little to no interest. You often hear musicians say that they lose motivation on a long tour and that by the end of the cycle they have pretty much checked out... Axl checked out on day 1 of this tour and the last 2, every once in a while he stops by to see how things are getting on but for the most part he has been incredibly disappointing over the last 2/3 years... Nobody wants there favourite band to retire, equally nobody wants to see their favourite band go on so long, and in so bad shape that they no longer like them. The more he goes on this way the less and less I like them and that's ok, you're allowed to get on and off the bus as a fan... I don't want to though, I want to want to listen to the shows, I don't want to listen to last nights Shacklers and go "the verses were fine, the pre chorus was awful, at least he gave a bit on the chorus" he should be giving solid performances throughout on the majority of nights... not the opposite. If he can't handle 3hr shows cut it down to 2.5hrs 2hrs 20mins cut some of the harder songs, maybe record some songs that aren't so challenging or just remold the set in a way that there's a few of the harder ones spread out, mostly in the middle allowing plenty of time to warm into it.

Funny title by the way... Attitude is exactly what he's got lots of... no other artist would go out on the road and not be fit to do the shows, bar drug or alcohol addicts who have no concept of performance ability they just need money for a fix. And I don't think Axl is either of the above, he might take some medication but he's not shooting up or anything like that and he's likely a casual drinker than excessive but who knows what he does in his private time away from everyone. I doubt Beta would allow him to indulge in anything too heavy.

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Axl certainly doesn't have the same fire and intensity that he did back in the Day.

But, I'm glad the man is still out there touring and giving his fans a chance to hear the classic songs.

Hopefully he's up for putting out a new album sometime as well.

This. I wouldn't call him lazy on stage though.

I agree. Back in the day he was a hurricane on stage. It would be cool if he held the same tempo today, but what we got is not bad.

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I'll leave the word to someone who knows him much better than me:

Tommy: The fucking most amazing thing about this guy, about playing with him, is that, he gets up there and fucking does a fucking 1000 % of what he's got every time he shows up, and fucking people come out in their fucking thousands all over the fucking world to see that. [A.V.'s Podmass Central, June 2013]

Dj: The one thing that impresses me so much with playing with someone like Axl, there's not one of these songs that is easy to sing, and this guy goes out and not only runs for three hours on stage, full blast, singing these songs. He does it night after night and it is just mind-blowing to me. I don't know how he does it. [...] Pretty insane. [...] He's old school. Everything you hear he is singing, there is no lip synching. It is the real deal, it is raw. [in The Now, May 2013].

Richard: It’s a pleasure to play with him. It can be an incredibly intense experience. I’ve never stood next to anyone on stage that is that intense. He is definitely exorcising demons at times! [Australian Guitar, March 2013].

Bunch of kiss-asses protecting their livelihood. Axl doesn't run for three hours on stage, full blast, night after night.

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I'll leave the word to someone who knows him much better than me:

Tommy: The fucking most amazing thing about this guy, about playing with him, is that, he gets up there and fucking does a fucking 1000 % of what he's got every time he shows up, and fucking people come out in their fucking thousands all over the fucking world to see that. [A.V.'s Podmass Central, June 2013]

Dj: The one thing that impresses me so much with playing with someone like Axl, there's not one of these songs that is easy to sing, and this guy goes out and not only runs for three hours on stage, full blast, singing these songs. He does it night after night and it is just mind-blowing to me. I don't know how he does it. [...] Pretty insane. [...] He's old school. Everything you hear he is singing, there is no lip synching. It is the real deal, it is raw. [in The Now, May 2013].

Richard: It’s a pleasure to play with him. It can be an incredibly intense experience. I’ve never stood next to anyone on stage that is that intense. He is definitely exorcising demons at times! [Australian Guitar, March 2013].

Bunch of kiss-asses protecting their livelihood. Axl doesn't run for three hours on stage, full blast, night after night.

You are right on that one. But the overall gist of what they are saying, which could be condensed down to th opposite of him being lazy, I believe is genuine.

Btw: Nice to see you again, Young_Gun. I hope you are having a blast :)

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Axl certainly doesn't have the same fire and intensity that he did back in the Day.

But, I'm glad the man is still out there touring and giving his fans a chance to hear the classic songs.

Hopefully he's up for putting out a new album sometime as well.

This. I wouldn't call him lazy on stage though.

I agree. Back in the day he was a hurricane on stage. It would be cool if he held the same tempo today, but what we got is not bad.


I still think he's got great frontman skills

My only complaints in live shows is his voice

Hopefully he pulled out some decent performances in the future (first show with Duff porves that he still could pull out a decent performance: ISE, Shacklers etc.)

I don't believe that we'll hear the 2010 voice again, though (but everyone gets older so it's understandable)

I just wish he give shit at every show and i hope we never see Bridge School disaster again

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Axl certainly doesn't have the same fire and intensity that he did back in the Day.

But, I'm glad the man is still out there touring and giving his fans a chance to hear the classic songs.

Hopefully he's up for putting out a new album sometime as well.

This. I wouldn't call him lazy on stage though.

I agree. Back in the day he was a hurricane on stage. It would be cool if he held the same tempo today, but what we got is not bad.

I'll still go see him if he comes near my area.

And when the drop a new CD and add some new songs to the concerts, I'll fly cross country to go see them.

Still one of the best bands out there.

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I'll leave the word to someone who knows him much better than me:

Tommy: The fucking most amazing thing about this guy, about playing with him, is that, he gets up there and fucking does a fucking 1000 % of what he's got every time he shows up, and fucking people come out in their fucking thousands all over the fucking world to see that. [A.V.'s Podmass Central, June 2013]

Dj: The one thing that impresses me so much with playing with someone like Axl, there's not one of these songs that is easy to sing, and this guy goes out and not only runs for three hours on stage, full blast, singing these songs. He does it night after night and it is just mind-blowing to me. I don't know how he does it. [...] Pretty insane. [...] He's old school. Everything you hear he is singing, there is no lip synching. It is the real deal, it is raw. [in The Now, May 2013].

Richard: It’s a pleasure to play with him. It can be an incredibly intense experience. I’ve never stood next to anyone on stage that is that intense. He is definitely exorcising demons at times! [Australian Guitar, March 2013].

Bunch of kiss-asses protecting their livelihood. Axl doesn't run for three hours on stage, full blast, night after night.

You are right on that one. But the overall gist of what they are saying, which could be condensed down to th opposite of him being lazy, I believe is genuine.

Btw: Nice to see you again, Young_Gun. I hope you are having a blast :)

Thanks buddy :) Things are well. I still remember our convos, thanks for that as I really appreciate it :D

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I agree with all you say except that as long as people enjoy the concerts and praise his singing then I must conclude that his vocals are satisfactory.

Man, back in '12 you were saying the same thing. It's kind of funny to see you still embrace this preposterous theory of yours that the level of satisfaction of the audience determines the quality of the band and of Axl. It's zero objectivity!

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I agree with all you say except that as long as people enjoy the concerts and praise his singing then I must conclude that his vocals are satisfactory.

Man, back in '12 you were saying the same thing. It's kind of funny to see you still embrace this preposterous theory of yours that the level of satisfaction of the audience determines the quality of the band and of Axl. It's zero objectivity!

Where I am coming from the objective of a live band is to entertain the audience and nothing more. If they are doing that, then they are succeeding. That is my criteria of success when we are talking about a band playing live shows. To entertain the audiences. If you asked me back in 1986 I would have said the same thing, too. It is a bit amusing if this concept is alien to you.

Edited by SoulMonster
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I'll leave the word to someone who knows him much better than me:

Tommy: The fucking most amazing thing about this guy, about playing with him, is that, he gets up there and fucking does a fucking 1000 % of what he's got every time he shows up, and fucking people come out in their fucking thousands all over the fucking world to see that. [A.V.'s Podmass Central, June 2013]

Dj: The one thing that impresses me so much with playing with someone like Axl, there's not one of these songs that is easy to sing, and this guy goes out and not only runs for three hours on stage, full blast, singing these songs. He does it night after night and it is just mind-blowing to me. I don't know how he does it. [...] Pretty insane. [...] He's old school. Everything you hear he is singing, there is no lip synching. It is the real deal, it is raw. [in The Now, May 2013].

Richard: It’s a pleasure to play with him. It can be an incredibly intense experience. I’ve never stood next to anyone on stage that is that intense. He is definitely exorcising demons at times! [Australian Guitar, March 2013].

Bunch of kiss-asses protecting their livelihood. Axl doesn't run for three hours on stage, full blast, night after night.

They were probably watching YouTube videos from 1992.

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