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Nooooo!!! Rolfs headed for the slammer!!!


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Save her own face how?

Think about it. Rolf goes to jail but she suffers her own public humiliation by being his wife. It's all about survival at this point. People will do what they have to do to maintain their current state of life. Who knows what was said and done behind closed doors but in the public arena they stood united.

Yeah, Rolf's worth 30 million (pounds?)...it's been revealed that the daughter was furious when it turned out Rolf had been screwing around with her best friend since she was 13, I guess she's sticking it out for the inheritance.

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I apologise to the nation of Australia, on behalf of my country convicting this innocent and beloved human being. Our Justice system makes me sick to be British.

According to BBC News in the night, when he was sentenced before the judge, he reminded the court that he had been on television for the past 50 years' and Harris said his old catchphrase;

Which was just a reaction of Harris if he ever heard a loud bang or someone saying 'Hey you!'

. . .

Edited by Snake-Pit
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I apologise to the nation of Australia, on behalf of my country convicting this innocent and beloved human being. Our Justice system makes me sick to be British.

If you're so sure Rolf is innocent Diesel then I wish he'd 'touched up' the Queen when he was painting her. What's the penalty for fondling the Queen of England these days - are you sent to the Tower via Traitor's Gate?

Mind you our Prime Minister touched the Queen when she was in Oz once & the tabloids went beserk calling him The Lizard Of Oz (which he was). <_<

What the fuck are you going on about you tosser.

You have been spouting about these vile and disgusting women and how they just want his money etc.

Now your post insinuates that you are either being sarcastic that an innocent man has been put behind bars or you've changed your mind and believe him to be guilty.

Which is it?

I do not understand your point. I believe Rolf Harris is completely innocent of charges of paedophillia. I believe I have made my opinion explicit.

Another 12 woman have come forward with new allegations..

Whatever. I want to know where is the evidence of all this?

Who needs evidence when you have Operation Yew Tree?

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I apologise to the nation of Australia, on behalf of my country convicting this innocent and beloved human being. Our Justice system makes me sick to be British.

If you're so sure Rolf is innocent Diesel then I wish he'd 'touched up' the Queen when he was painting her. What's the penalty for fondling the Queen of England these days - are you sent to the Tower via Traitor's Gate?Mind you our Prime Minister touched the Queen when she was in Oz once & the tabloids went beserk calling him The Lizard Of Oz (which he was). <_<
What the fuck are you going on about you tosser.
You have been spouting about these vile and disgusting women and how they just want his money etc.Now your post insinuates that you are either being sarcastic that an innocent man has been put behind bars or you've changed your mind and believe him to be guilty.Which is it?
I do not understand your point. I believe Rolf Harris is completely innocent of charges of paedophillia. I believe I have made my opinion explicit.

Based on what evidence/criteria, because by the sounds of things if you are SO convinced Rolf could have used you in court to defend him with this so called 'evidence' that not even his highly paid lawyer, a QC might I add, could succeed in doing. :rolleyes:

Another 12 woman have come forward with new allegations..

Whatever. I want to know where is the evidence of all this?

And they will continue to do so, with the confidence that they will not be humiliated publicly for nothing.

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5yrs, in for 3,,,,,,,, woah <_<

If he only serves 3 years this equates to 3 months per victim. What an absolute disgrace. Here's a man who has serially offended, he never once stopped to say "hang on a second, what I'm doing here is wrong and criminal", he continued to commit these crimes with arrogance and a sense of superiority and still hasn't shown any remorse. And apparently each of his victims is only worth 3 months in jail? What a joke. How is that a penalty? The man lived a life of freedom for decades while he committed these crimes and all he has to do is 3 months per victim. It hardly sets an example to others as a genuine deterrent.

I'm starting to question the sentencing that goes on for violent crimes. I see drug dealers get put away for many years but often rapists, murderers and paedophiles get very light sentences. Where is the respect for humanity? Where is the value being placed on a human life? I sense feminists will start to react against the light sentencing, particularly crimes against women. Just sayin'.

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5yrs, in for 3,,,,,,,, woah <_<

If he only serves 3 years this equates to 3 months per victim. What an absolute disgrace. Here's a man who has serially offended, he never once stopped to say "hang on a second, what I'm doing here is wrong and criminal", he continued to commit these crimes with arrogance and a sense of superiority and still hasn't shown any remorse. And apparently each of his victims is only worth 3 months in jail? What a joke. How is that a penalty? The man lived a life of freedom for decades while he committed these crimes and all he has to do is 3 months per victim. It hardly sets an example to others as a genuine deterrent.

I'm starting to question the sentencing that goes on for violent crimes. I see drug dealers get put away for many years but often rapists, murderers and paedophiles get very light sentences. Where is the respect for humanity? Where is the value being placed on a human life? I sense feminists will start to react against the light sentencing, particularly crimes against women. Just sayin'.

Not only that but did you know he & Jimmy Saville used to go to a psychiatric part of a hospital to watch the girls being changed to get ready for bed? There is a photo of them together but I don't know where this photo was taken.

So he gets away with kiddie porn on his computer, he "accidently" clicked on it for it to download but also found on the computer were instructions on how to totally delete what you download. Didn't work obviously but just showed it was no accident.

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tl;dr version of what this guy did please. :)

Rolf Harris is an Australian born entertainer who moved to the UK when he was in his 20s and has lived there ever since. His success has related to some memorable music hits in the 70s and he is a noted painter. He has had several successful art related TV series and in 2005 was selected to paint a portrait of the Queen, of which he made a TV program from. He is now 84 and has been found out to be a serial sexual abuser of children and young women. He has just been convicted of 12 acts of sexual assault, the youngest being an 8 yo girl.

Since his conviction there has been several more cases come forward. Yet to this day DieselDaisy believes him to be completely, absolutely and totally innocent of all charges.

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Not only that but did you know he & Jimmy Saville used to go to a psychiatric part of a hospital to watch the girls being changed to get ready for bed? There is a photo of them together but I don't know where this photo was taken.

So he gets away with kiddie porn on his computer, he "accidently" clicked on it for it to download but also found on the computer were instructions on how to totally delete what you download. Didn't work obviously but just showed it was no accident.


This guy is beyond reparation. I did hear that Jimmy Saville considered him a 'right, top bloke' and I also heard that he had deleted kiddie porn from his computer before the police got hold of it. I can't imagine the last fact would have been able to be circulated amongst the media without some valid evidence to support it. Sorry, but what kind of idiot is going to believe that you 'accidentally' clicked on kiddie porn AND just happened to be charged with sexual assault from not 1, but 12 real life females? Oh, how unfortunate, what a terrible coincidence! :rolleyes:

This guy just digs his own hole deeper and deeper.

Yikes. I take it DD thinks the girls (now women?) are lying? Is there strong evidence?

Against him: yes.

That the women are lying: no.

That there are many women with stories and claims unreported: yes.

Believe me mags, as an Australian it pained me to hear these allegations against him. We always loved him and he seemed like a genuinely lovely man. These allegations which are now convictions are ex timely disappointing. :(


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More than a dozen New Zealand women have told National MP Maggie Barry they were subjected to far worse abuse than she was by Rolf Harris.

Former broadcaster, now MP for North Shore, Ms Barry revealed on Friday that Harris groped her when she was interviewing him in the mid-1980s. She also said a former colleague was groped by Harris during a visit to New Zealand in 1986.

Ms Barry says as a result of speaking publicly about her own "unpleasant encounter" with Rolf Harris she has been sent messages from more than a dozen women who were subjected to far worse abuse and many remain angry and humiliated by their experiences.

"Some as children, complained at the time about abuse at the hands of Harris but many were not believed or listened to and it's heart wrenching to hear their sad stories," Ms Barry said in a statement tonight.

"As an MP I've now taken up an advocacy role on behalf of a handful of the women who have come directly to me," she said.

"I've been talking to Police Minister Anne Tolley and I'd encourage anyone who has been molested by Rolf Harris to make a criminal complaint.

"The police will assist them to access victim support while they carry out an investigation. No matter how historic any claims may be their complaints will be fully investigated," she says.

An abuse claims lawyer in the UK, Alan Collins, has told ONE News there have been "a couple" of complaints about Harris from New Zealand, "half a dozen or so from Australia as I understand it, and then a smaller number from the UK."

If DD still thinks he's innocent then that's his problem, children DID complain about Rolf Harris touching them up but weren't believed so that explains why it took so long for them to start speaking up now. Only took one person to say something & gave them the confidence to repeat what they said as children!!!

Edited by rock4eva
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I can't believe people here are actually defending this fucking animal.

Only Diesel Daisy is. The rest of us have heard it from so many different sources to know it to be true. The ones he fondled when they were older handled it & likely won't take action but the children are the ones who need protection from the likes of him. Quite likely DD is trolling - or maybe they're related to Rolf :o

By the way, nobody ever said he 'raped' anyone!!! If you can't get facts correct how can you make an informed decision?

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Like I said at the start of this thread, if it were up to me he would have been thrown in the slam back in 92 for what he did to Stairway To Heaven :max:

I'm not familiar with that little number and by the sounds of things I don't want to be. But based on his sentencing of 5 years and 9 months for sexually assaulting 12 girls, I reckon that little misdemeanour would have earned him exactly 39 seconds in the slammer according to the British judicial system.

Shame on the UK sentencing processes. :max:

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I think 5 years is fair. There's violent offenders who do less time, even though this was multiple counts of molesting over a long period of time. They're probably going to come after his money but I don't think it's going to be a bunch of people coming out of the woodwork looking for a payday. Odds are his money's protected and the payout is going to be things like therapy sessions or loss of wages if they felt it affected their employment. The groping itself wasn't the traumatizing part, it was the keeping it a secret that was, or being told you're a liar.

I'm sure he'll keep painting and have supporters corresponding with him, but I don't know how tolerant the cellmates and guards are going to be of the didgeridoo playing.

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With the Harris Estate up for grabs, everybody will have been 'raped by Rolf'.


Hmmm......coincidence? I think not. :max:

And then this. Interesting, I thought he would actually have been worth more than that but I guess his heyday was well before the time of big contracts.


I bet the time he was reducing company profit was at exactly the same time he was deleting kiddie porn from his computer.

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