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About Adler and UYI recordings...

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Quick question, Adler was officially fired on July 1990, however the UYI recording sessions started on Jan 1990. Did Steven actually take part of the writing/performing of the UYI songs?

I know he recorded Civil War, but I wonder how Estranged sounded with him, or YCBM.

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He had to do many takes on Civil War.

He played on the Demo of Don't Cry, but on the album its played by Matt. So well you can compare both of them.

I did read in his autobiography that he did go in the studio, but all of them were doing too much drugs, Slash and Duff used to ignore him and then he was not feeling well and Doug Goldstein gave him something and he could not handle it and said that he back stabbed him.

The conclusion was that Duff and Slash could handle themselves and play while being High, but Steven could not do anything while being high.

Btw this is the Demo Version of Don't Cry

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He was involved in Dont Cry as it was the first Guns song they wrote. YCBM was also written before Appetite, as was Back Off Bitch. Pretty sure theres an instrumental demo of Locomotive from '89 with Steven on drums...i think he was involved in quite a few of them as alot of the stuff was written pre-1990. The only one that he made it on the album was Civil War. Stuff like Estranged wasnt brought in or worked on until after he was fired i believe.

Edited by ChineseIRS
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yeah basically a lot of songs were written and rehearsed when steven was still around

they probably recorded their rehearsals so someone probably has kept the tapes somewhere

there might be SO MUCH stuff in there that we have no idea of

Edited by ludurigan
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