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4 minutes ago, DuffsPancreas said:

Haha yeah, I was lurking  for so long and finally decided to join.


Thanks :lol:


we are very scary people :smiley-confused2:

and weird (according to some) :ph34r:

and definitely creepy :scared:

and you may get hurt too :bitchfight:

but we're good in our hearts :heart:


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3 minutes ago, killuridols said:


we are very scary people :smiley-confused2:

and weird (according to some) :ph34r:

and definitely creepy :scared:

and you may get hurt too :bitchfight:

but we're good in our hearts :heart:


You spoiled it all :max::P. I just wanted to write that joining this forum (and this thread) was the best decision she's ever done in her life. :rofl-lol:




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Been lurking here for about a month. Longtime casual fan who's just getting into the band hardcore with the reunion resurgence. I'm loving this thread -- I've learned so much! 

In perusing the many photos you've all shared, it seems to me that the changes in Axl's nose are fairly apparent ... at least in some photos. The tip appears to have been refined, and his nostrils are more flared. 

Looks obvious here: 


But then I'm not so sure here: 


What are your thoughts on this topic? Don't think it's been covered here yet (hope it's not somehow taboo...).

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6 minutes ago, starbolt said:

Been lurking here for about a month. Longtime casual fan who's just getting into the band hardcore with the reunion resurgence. I'm loving this thread -- I've learned so much! 

In perusing the many photos you've all shared, it seems to me that the changes in Axl's nose are fairly apparent ... at least in some photos. The tip appears to have been refined, and his nostrils are more flared. 

Looks obvious here: 


But then I'm not so sure here: 


What are your thoughts on this topic? Don't think it's been covered here yet (hope it's not somehow taboo...).

wow all of a sudden we're getting all of this new people here :smiley-confused2:

haha welcome you too! :headbang:

To directly answer your question: I do not think he's had a nosejob at all and my main reason for it is that Axl is a singer. His huge nostrils are to blame, in part, for his huge voice. I've been told if you're a professional singer like Axl is, your voice could be totally lost after plastic surgery in the nose.

The pictures you posted don't prove anything, in my opinion, because they are pictures of him at different ages and when people age the facial features tend to change, they become thicker and you start losing the shape of your face.

Axl is oftenly accussed on the Internet of having gone through a lot of plastic surgery when all the guy has done is naturally aging :shrugs: I guess the people who write those types of articles are very young or clueless to not understand the aging process or are surrounded of only young people, I don't know.

And another thing I could add is that Axl is like a chameleon, he's changed his style so much, his hair, his clothes and his weight suffer a lot of up and downs, every time he came back to the scene or started a new tour he totally changes his looks so that's why it feels like he's done a lot of things to his face but it is just him switching to different fashion styles rather than visiting the surgeon.


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@starbolt Welcome! :D (Although I'm afraid I'll have to disagree with you right away, I really don't think Axl had anything done to his nose :P)

@DuffsPancreas Welcome to you too! I love your username as well, I actually laughed the first time I saw it :lol:

Here's some fitting pictures to welcome you:





I've been waiting for an excuse to post that picture of Axl, because it cracks me up :P Also hope you didn't explode again from all that alcohol in these pictures @DuffsPancreas :lol:

And I love all these pictures of Slash and Duff completely drunk at VMAs or whatever that was. So much Sluff going on there :heart:


@Andy14 Out of likes at the moment, but YESSSSS!!! These definitely belong here as well, thanks for posting. He was so gorgeous in that photo shoot :drool:

There's also this one :wub::


And another version of the second one:



15 hours ago, killuridols said:

jesus @Lumikki I'm always terrified of your posts... it's like you have NO LIMITS! you don't dosify, you're a bomb ready to explode in my face :rofl-lol:

I can't take THIS HUGE ASS DOSE of Axl's hotness, for fuck's sake you wanna kill me??? What the hell are you thinking? god damn it! :bitchfight:

Ahahaha, I didn't mean to kill anyone, I'm so terribly sorry! :P


(Okay, no, I'm really not, I love torturing you all with Axl's hotness :awesomeface: I'm evil like that :devilshades:)

But rest assured, I do NOT actually have a scrapbook full of naked Axl pictures, so no worries :rofl-lol: In fact, I don't think I have any pictures or posters of Axl at all in real life. All I have is the crap on my laptop :ph34r:)

15 hours ago, killuridols said:

lol, Axl in Rapidfire, he was way too thin back then! It looks he starved a lot during those times :lol:

but listen... don't you think he looks a lot like his mom in those pics? Let's try it...

axl-rose-rapidfire1983-10.jpg0041 06-Jul-16 20.43.jpg

damn, that's scary, haha


Yes, I absolutely think he looks like his mom here! :wow: Well spotted!!

If you disregard the natural differences between a male and a female face (broader jaw etc.), then it's practically the same face. Axl's face is just a male version of his mother's face.

Which fits with something I read on here years ago. There was a poster here who was from Lafayette or something and he knew Axl's family and said that Axl looks like his mother, not his father. Seems like that guy wasn't lying! He also said some stuff about his biological father, iirc.

As for Axl looking like he was starving, that's quite true. I remember Chris Weber (I think?) telling a story about how Izzy and Axl didn't even really have money for food and one day all they had left was some rice, so they cooked the rice and then poured some kind of salad dressing powder (or something) over the rice to at least give it some taste. Gross, but they ate it, because they didn't have anything else. Someone else (maybe even Axl himself?) also mentioned something about Axl always being hungry back then.

And yeah, I'm also a fan of the pony tail. Axl so rarely tied his hair together, but I always liked it.


1 hour ago, stella said:

I loathe Adler, and I hope that if I am lucky enough to get a ticket to the tour, he won't be there for that stop.

Can't say I'm very fond of him either, but I hope this gives him the closure he so obviously needs. I have to say I was suprised Axl, Slash and Duff were down for that. Very gracious and nice of them, considering all the trouble Steven could potentially cause them.

Edited by Lumikki
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17 hours ago, Padme said:

I just read that Zakk Wylde will be a guest for the Phoenix show.  He is a amazing guitar player and hot as hell. I always find him sexy and beautiful


Call me crazy but I love the Zakk/Slash OTP ahah


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1 hour ago, Lumikki said:

Can't say I'm very fond of him either, but I hope this gives him the closure he so obviously needs. I have to say I was suprised Axl, Slash and Duff were down for that. Very gracious and nice of them, considering all the trouble Steven could potentially cause them.

I agree, I hope that this will give him closure and he will go on with his life now. I was wondering if they'd throw him a guest spot because if he hadn't been involved in this tour at all, I honestly think he would have hurt himself in some way. But given the risks and trouble he brings with him I would be shocked if this was not just a guest gig.

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@stella I agree, I think it was just a guest thing as well, maybe they thought it was a good gig for that because Steven was born in Ohio. Maybe he will make a few more appearances, but I'd be really surprised if it turned into a regular thing.

And yeah @Andy14 Steven does get kind of ignored here. I would do something about it, but Steven was always the guy I cared least about, so I don't really have many pictures or stories to contribute (also LOL at that first gif of Axl and Duff you just posted :lol::lol:)

I can offer this picture of Steven and Slash though :awesomeface:


And some more Izzy and Slash in general, since this thread has been pretty Axl-heavy again recently lol. I just tried to figure out what my favorite Slash style or look was, but then realized Slash always looked pretty much the same :lol: I guess my favorite Slash look is when he smiles, because he's got a beautiful smile and should show it more often. Or Slash with animals is great too.






Also always liked these pictures of Izzy:





And speaking of style, Izzy is the only guy with dread locks that I've ever found attractive. I don't like dread locks usually, but he made them work.



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Why do they all have to be so attractive?? Duff is a stud, Slash is a beast, Axl was so handsome and Steven cute in a "he's not my type" kind of way.  :rofl-lol:

Steven seems to be the least favorite. Any die-hard Steven fans out there?. :shrugs:

I forgot how handsome Izzy is. :drool:


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