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Gracii Guns

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1 hour ago, cineater said:

I saw they were using hydro spray on the streets of some city to kill the virus.

Good you can get back in your garden.  I will freak if they find the virus in plants!

Marsha has me running already pulling things for orders.  As I was putting them out today I did a different lay out and I got to thinking I could spell out help with these. :lol:

Don't tell GNR I do that during their shows too.  I play the solitaire games that come with the computer.

I like to think of the Dead as time travelers of sorts.  They brought a lot of music forward and reached out for more.  Hunter was one of those mystics and Garcia his friend he took on trips with him.  It's all very cosmic. :lol:

Spelling out HELP with plant trays! :rofl-lol:

Ive seen that sparying on the news from China, but I had no idea it was happening in NA as well. That would be so unsettling if it were to thrive on plants. I always wash my city crops really well after harvesting anyways,except for herbs that I dry which take so long tht the virus would die too. But still. 

The Dead went Further for sure rock4rock3  The bus went by and I got on. Keep on trucking is what I say!!

Im so happy that the garden is opening! Especially since I was about the attempt (and no doubt fail at) growing black beans in doors. And I dont think yet another gardening fail would have been good for me :lol:

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2 hours ago, cineater said:

No it was China where they were spraying.  We haven't been hosed down yet. :lol:

I'm happy your garden is opening too.  I'm kind of dreading they open ours before I get all these plants out of here and the bathrooms redone.  I'm a little busy! :lol:

Haha, now you have more of an excuse to hose people down at the garden! :lol:

youre gonna have two seasons in one, aren’t ya?

maybe I’ll still get to work under that horticulturalist this season!?!

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Oh, it's 4:30 and I have to bring all the plants back in.  Marsha hasn't even got here yet.  She's bringing me an order that has 7 flats.  I counted up the flats today.  I have 70 something with between 12 and 18 plants in each so over 1000 plants. :lol:  Yeah I just need a left hand monkey wrench Marsha.

I'm trying to tell somebody how to make their own bird spikes.  You take these wire squares and fold in half and then into a circle.  Cut off the top lines and you have something that looks like a crown of thorns to put on top of your lights so the birds won't nest there.  Does that make sense?

Marsha sent me a list of orders to fill and wouldn't you know it, I couldn't get it to print.  And I broke into those 96 rolls of toilet paper. :lol:

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17 hours ago, cineater said:

Oh, it's 4:30 and I have to bring all the plants back in.  Marsha hasn't even got here yet.  She's bringing me an order that has 7 flats.  I counted up the flats today.  I have 70 something with between 12 and 18 plants in each so over 1000 plants. :lol:  Yeah I just need a left hand monkey wrench Marsha.

I'm trying to tell somebody how to make their own bird spikes.  You take these wire squares and fold in half and then into a circle.  Cut off the top lines and you have something that looks like a crown of thorns to put on top of your lights so the birds won't nest there.  Does that make sense?

Marsha sent me a list of orders to fill and wouldn't you know it, I couldn't get it to print.  And I broke into those 96 rolls of toilet paper. :lol:

I thought it was 99 rolls? Did Craig get desperate and borrow a few? :lol:

I think I follow your instructions for bird spikes. I just don’t know what a “wire square” is to start with though? But if the other person does then it should be good. Really cool idea!!

Over 1000 plants?!?!?!? You animal!! :headbang:I’m still a bit on edge that you have to interact with the people though :) it’s awesome that you’re saving plants and keeping the garden funded and on the public eye!!

I'll likely sow some lentil today. And I really didn’t think I’d get to do that this year :thumbsup:

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I should have said bendable wire squares.  Chicken wire is too thin and cattle fencing is too stiff.  Can't remember the name of the fencing I use.  They do sell bird spikes.

It's something close to 100, 96 or 99 but going down now.  I haven't grocery shopped in 6 weeks.  I could probably stretch it out another two weeks but I'm out of bread and cheese!  I'll probably go this week.

1000 is on the low end.  There's just too many to count and now I'm filling orders and starting to push them out.  I pity Marsha, she's keeping track of inventory, every plant and location of them.  I don't even know what plants I have, lol.  I only go read the tags when she sends me an order for a certain kind.  Nice little rain cloud coming my way.  Please rain!

You should be happy to be back in the garden.  Wonder if anybody else will show up today.

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1 hour ago, cineater said:

I should have said bendable wire squares.  Chicken wire is too thin and cattle fencing is too stiff.  Can't remember the name of the fencing I use.  They do sell bird spikes.

It's something close to 100, 96 or 99 but going down now.  I haven't grocery shopped in 6 weeks.  I could probably stretch it out another two weeks but I'm out of bread and cheese!  I'll probably go this week.

1000 is on the low end.  There's just too many to count and now I'm filling orders and starting to push them out.  I pity Marsha, she's keeping track of inventory, every plant and location of them.  I don't even know what plants I have, lol.  I only go read the tags when she sends me an order for a certain kind.  Nice little rain cloud coming my way.  Please rain!

You should be happy to be back in the garden.  Wonder if anybody else will show up today.

Thats so warm!! Can you get grocery delivery there? I do that and then I sanitize them with a disinfectant wipe or a home brewing sanitizing liquid. My heats breaking knowing that you are without- I want to send you cheese! :lol:

Sounds like a mad house over there for you two! Hope it rains.

I should have been more clear - I will start lentils indoors. It will be a month at minimum before we can plant here. I suspect that most of my closest garden neighbours will be new. Because some hardly tended to their new gardens last year and one has cleared all their perennials so it looks like they've left. Im still worried about Tiger Mother after she never put her garden to bed. This leaves me with very few familiar faces near my bed. Just this one rather odd gal... I thought she was autistic and non verbal based on her never making eye contact or speaking to me. But then I see her laughing and carrying on with other ladies so now I think she's just a really dedicated soft ball player so to speak ;):lol: 

But yeah, even by June Im really not sure how many people will show up given the circumstances... which suits the circumstances perfectly for me if they dont show. And if beds are left available, I dont know when/how they will sign up new gardeners. I might have to inquire about growing in abandoned beds just for this strange season. Maybe 1/3rd to me, 1/3rd to board to give to a cause of their choosing and 1/3d to the soup kitchen of my choosing? 

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Where ever you can help out.  Maybe it's that girl's religion.  I know Beka can't be alone in a room with a guy.  I'm always having to escort her and stay until other women show up.  She's all business when she does talk to a guy but she avoids them in general.

I'm kind of down to what goes good with tomato sauce.  Not that I don't like that but it's cheap and I've eaten so much of it in my life.  It's like Big Macs and macaroni and cheese, I'm kind of sick of it.  Really I can't eat Big Macs any more and mac and cheese has to be homemade.  I want to go to the store, lol.

I'm worried about Tiger Mama too.  Have you been by to see if her bed has been tended to yet?

Oh shit, the hilicopper seed from the silver maple are starting to come down.

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2 hours ago, cineater said:

Where ever you can help out.  Maybe it's that girl's religion.  I know Beka can't be alone in a room with a guy.  I'm always having to escort her and stay until other women show up.  She's all business when she does talk to a guy but she avoids them in general.

I'm kind of down to what goes good with tomato sauce.  Not that I don't like that but it's cheap and I've eaten so much of it in my life.  It's like Big Macs and macaroni and cheese, I'm kind of sick of it.  Really I can't eat Big Macs any more and mac and cheese has to be homemade.  I want to go to the store, lol.

I'm worried about Tiger Mama too.  Have you been by to see if her bed has been tended to yet?

Oh shit, the hilicopper seed from the silver maple are starting to come down.

I never thought of that, about maybe it’s her religion. True. I love that you are a chaperone.

I hate only having foods I’m bored of. Haven’t barely had an appetite again lately, though. You know, I’ve only had one Big Mac in my life and it was late last summer, lol. They’re good! But yeah, even they’d get old too.

If you are having a pasta, maybe try baking it to switch things up? Like a baked ziti style? Or if you happen to have raviolis you can shallow fry them in a pan after first boiling them. And then use the tomato sauce just for dipping them. You can make tomato sauce flavoured crackers too if you wanted.

or could do noodles dressed in oil or butter w/ black pepper, with sautéed Bok Choy and whatever canned veg you might have? Topped with diced chives :drool:. Or if not noodles, same dish with a can of beans instead. Or if you have a can of chickpeas please make baked falafel and serve them topped with tomato sauce and wrapped in lettuce leafs!!

I was by the garden and Tiger Mamas bed was still a mess. No one but me seems to be going yet though. I was in a toque and warm gloves.

and it begins with those blasted helicopters!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! That sucks! Not even buds on the trees here yet.

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I wouldn't say I have the pure morals to be a chaperone but I have enough stored up anger to put up a good fight if that's what it comes to, lol.

Missouri is opening up businesses May 4th with the 6 foot separation rule.  My county will probably follow that some time in May.  I've emailed Del to put a plan together to plant up the pantry beds with no money and no plants, lol.  We have enough members who grow their own that we will get seed and plant donations.  Getting ready to go back to the gardens, oh shit, lol.

I have Bok Choy.  Might be trying that.

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1 hour ago, cineater said:

I wouldn't say I have the pure morals to be a chaperone but I have enough stored up anger to put up a good fight if that's what it comes to, lol.

Missouri is opening up businesses May 4th with the 6 foot separation rule.  My county will probably follow that some time in May.  I've emailed Del to put a plan together to plant up the pantry beds with no money and no plants, lol.  We have enough members who grow their own that we will get seed and plant donations.  Getting ready to go back to the gardens, oh shit, lol.

I have Bok Choy.  Might be trying that.

Haha! I’d watch the sitcom of you as a morally compromised, angry and at times violent, chaperone :lol:

thats so soon to reopen. I hope you get to wait a bit in your county. Even then you can stay at home most of the time. You’ve got all those plants to care for anyways. Today, our provincial leader put forward the criteria for what will need to change before we can even look into reopening. That’s a few weeks off in best case scenario. They also plan to reopen just a few types of businesses at a time, in three small stages, also taking weeks between in best case scenario. It’s so different in both our home towns!

i love the sounds of your no money, no plants pantry beds!! :lol: I hope that gets the green light. You are not going to the garden! You rebel lol

im just going with Jamaican patty once again for diner. But I did sauté a bunch of sweet peppers and onions in spices and a vinaigrette to put on sandwiches and such.  Another round of kale about ready to go to! 

Which reminds me - yes that was black magic/ Dino I’m growing. I just forgot how wide the first, bottom leaves are compared to the ones that have developed by now. I always understood why theyd be called Dino, but I only just caught on to how magical wands sometimes have curled up ends like this kale, lol

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Woohoo, Craig starts my bathrooms on Monday or Tuesday.  By the end of May I will have new bathrooms.  Now I really won't want to leave the house.  Just stand there and look at them.  The cats are going to freak.

I'm really kind of dreading going back to the gardens.  It's going to be hot and all those expectations to get it together.  I'm really enjoying just being home and only having to be responsible for what's here.  And none of those people all looking towards me for leadership.

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14 hours ago, cineater said:

Woohoo, Craig starts my bathrooms on Monday or Tuesday.  By the end of May I will have new bathrooms.  Now I really won't want to leave the house.  Just stand there and look at them.  The cats are going to freak.

I'm really kind of dreading going back to the gardens.  It's going to be hot and all those expectations to get it together.  I'm really enjoying just being home and only having to be responsible for what's here.  And none of those people all looking towards me for leadership.

Bouyah!!!! Thats great news! The new washrooms will be a fun surprise for you too. And good - stay home and look at them!! The girls are going to freak in a good or bad way?

I can understand what you are saying about the gardens demands. And you are already running a huge operation at home, mostly on your own, just fine. Maybe you can give them leadership from home via zoom?? Nah, but you'll be there in the thick of it eventually wont you?

As far as enjoying being at home and not having to deal with all sorts of people, man I am really getting rather comfortable with it myself as well. I think you know that I enjoy knives, hatchets, bushcraft, fire, DIY, self sufficiency, etc? The last few years I havent been able to do much of the outdoorsy stuff. Now Im more able to again and I have this mini 'solo-survival' situation at home because of the virus, lol. Its kinda reconnecting me to that stuff. Stillness and awareness/mindfulness are fun to me I guess :lol:. Meals, rest, learning, exercise, breathing, stretching, cleaning, producing/building/creating and of course, growing veggies and raising the boss fulfil me. If he was into bushcraft we'd be living in a hut in the forest by now. I dont think I want to live with a human ever again. People and friends are very Important too. if I had my way I’d come into civilization once a day to talk to you and buy cheeses, lol.

but generally, the sun goes up, then the sun goes down, and I find my place within that. I think Im learning that I dont like to have anything distract me from being 'inside' of that cycle. I still have so much to learn and change to achieve that, but this lockdown time has really brought some longstanding desires for greater simplicity into focus.

Meow, meow, meow :lol:

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I'm feeling it too.  Less people and more just me doing what I do, when I do it.  I made pancakes at midnight last night. :lol:  I'm not going to comment on a companion.  The last time I said I would like an over the road truck driver, one showed up.

Marsha came over and took a bunch of plants.  I'm down to about 60 flats.  I even had them in her back window. :lol:  I have some more transplanting.  The lavender is a hot seller and I saved all those babies in 6 packs.  We get storms this afternoon and rain all day tomorrow.  The plants will have to stay in but they look so pretty on the driveway.

I'm excited about the bathrooms.  Leave me a toilet and I can use the kitchen sink for everything else.  Just don't get the virus and die on me Craig!  He might have already had it.  He had a bad case of bronchitis a few months ago. 

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2 hours ago, cineater said:

I'm feeling it too.  Less people and more just me doing what I do, when I do it.  I made pancakes at midnight last night. :lol:  I'm not going to comment on a companion.  The last time I said I would like an over the road truck driver, one showed up.

Marsha came over and took a bunch of plants.  I'm down to about 60 flats.  I even had them in her back window. :lol:  I have some more transplanting.  The lavender is a hot seller and I saved all those babies in 6 packs.  We get storms this afternoon and rain all day tomorrow.  The plants will have to stay in but they look so pretty on the driveway.

I'm excited about the bathrooms.  Leave me a toilet and I can use the kitchen sink for everything else.  Just don't get the virus and die on me Craig!  He might have already had it.  He had a bad case of bronchitis a few months ago. 

See - pancakes at midnight. With no one to say boo about it!! Sounds excellent to me!!

haha, I’ll keep that in mind and be careful about truckers. Although the only long haul trucker ladies that I can bring to mind are also dedicated soft ball :lol:

i bet your driveway, lined with lavender and such looks gorgeous. And I trust the beautiful cats are also standing hairs and adding to the scenic perfection?

yes, would be a shame if Craig died.... because of your bathroom remodeling :lol:

Im at my own little piece of grass land, watching the world go by, eating a sandwich, drinking my green drink, stretching and remembering the riots of summers passed. It finally feels like real spring. I’m in a tank and wearing shades. I just might get some sleep tonight 

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We call those wife beater shirts, lol.  I'm in shorts and doing yoga.  I've got to stretch out my back and for some reason my butt, lol.  Both are just tight and achy. 

I've been cleaning up plants.  Never put your plants in the back of a pick up and go rolling down the highway.  The wind beats the shit out of them.  The fennel and the dill are in sad shape.  I put those baby hostas in more sun and I'm seeing more growth out of them.

It wasn't the job, it was the guy.  You know the fate fairies like to mess with me.  It was probably a mistake to mention them.  They haven't been around.  There's an opportunity here with the plants and the bathrooms for them to have a good time with me.  Even the subject coming up is probably a head's up. :lol:  I had almost forgotten them, experience will make you wise. 

Damn the neighbor kid died of a heroin overdose Sunday.  Met him a couple of times.  Nice kid.  We don't care for the rest of the family.

I did my inventory, around 650 sellable plants.  Possible hail tonight so helmets and under cover for all plants.

I'm wondering if Lily had the virus.  She had this weird cough she had never had before.  It lasted about 6 weeks but that was before Christmas.  And you were unexpectedly sick back there.  Sure you didn't have covid?

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5 hours ago, cineater said:

We call those wife beater shirts, lol.  I'm in shorts and doing yoga.  I've got to stretch out my back and for some reason my butt, lol.  Both are just tight and achy. 

I've been cleaning up plants.  Never put your plants in the back of a pick up and go rolling down the highway.  The wind beats the shit out of them.  The fennel and the dill are in sad shape.  I put those baby hostas in more sun and I'm seeing more growth out of them.

It wasn't the job, it was the guy.  You know the fate fairies like to mess with me.  It was probably a mistake to mention them.  They haven't been around.  There's an opportunity here with the plants and the bathrooms for them to have a good time with me.  Even the subject coming up is probably a head's up. :lol:  I had almost forgotten them, experience will make you wise. 

Damn the neighbor kid died of a heroin overdose Sunday.  Met him a couple of times.  Nice kid.  We don't care for the rest of the family.

I did my inventory, around 650 sellable plants.  Possible hail tonight so helmets and under cover for all plants.

I'm wondering if Lily had the virus.  She had this weird cough she had never had before.  It lasted about 6 weeks but that was before Christmas.

Well, I guess wearing a “wife beater” ought to help me maintain my goal of never living with a human again... because they would fear living with me :lol:

oh dear an achy butt!!??:wow: :lol:. being serious, I trust you know that being achy can be a symptom? Scary. Please keep an eye on symptoms? I sure hope Lily didn’t have it. 

oh I think I have loaded some plants into the back of a pick up truck before. But they were already dried and packaged, lol. Oh that poor dill and fennel! They would despise that!! Dill doesn’t really even like being transplanted often times.

im so sorry to hear about your neighbour. Fuck, what a world. Hope the survivors will cope. A lockdown is a bad situation for a hard drug user. :( 

650 plants!!?? Huge undertaking. I’ve prolly only grown/cared for a few more herbs and veggie plants more than that total, in my life!! Lol. Well done!

was so beautiful out today that I was lost in time out on the fire escape. I got too much sun, smh. Now I’m trying on my summer clothes in front of the mirror... yeah lockdown is weird :lol:


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I was wondering if back there where you were unexpectedly if maybe you had covid.

No the achy butt is all that bending over to pick up flats. 

Duh, I could have used the buyer boxes as lids over the low growing plants in Marsha's car and had another shelf in the backseat.  I can pack her car now, lol.


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12 hours ago, cineater said:

I was wondering if back there where you were unexpectedly if maybe you had covid.

No the achy butt is all that bending over to pick up flats. 

Duh, I could have used the buyer boxes as lids over the low growing plants in Marsha's car and had another shelf in the backseat.  I can pack her car now, lol.


Sorry for the scare! Man, we both thought the other might have it at the same time. These days are kinda rough.

speaking of lids protecting plants, how did the hale storm go?

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I didn't get the hail or the winds like other places did.  I rode out the storm transplanting lavender.  The columbine is blooming and the squaw weed is on the way out.

People were crazy at the grocery store, zooming around, going the wrong way in the aisle.  The beef was hit hard.  I was forced to buy the family size because they were out of the two person sizes.  I got enough I won't have to shop for probably the next two months.  Cheese and ice cream!

With us opening and the county next to us still not having reached their peak, I'm planning on avoiding the world for the next two weeks.  I don't normally go to the stores or around large groups anyway.

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32 minutes ago, cineater said:

I didn't get the hail or the winds like other places did.  I rode out the storm transplanting lavender.  The columbine is blooming and the squaw weed is on the way out.

People were crazy at the grocery store, zooming around, going the wrong way in the aisle.  The beef was hit hard.  I was forced to buy the family size because they were out of the two person sizes.  I got enough I won't have to shop for probably the next two months.  Cheese and ice cream!

With us opening and the county next to us still not having reached their peak, I'm planning on avoiding the world for the next two weeks.  I don't normally go to the stores or around large groups anyway.

No hail, cheese and ice cream. Blooming columbine and healthy lavender. Sounds perfect!! 

i hope no one is getting close to you at the grocery - happy you won’t be back for a while. I once ate so much red meat that my arm pits started to smell like raw beef!!

im relieved that the gardens here will be open also because I’ve been spending my money on indoor gardening stuff - enough to make up for no outdoor gardening. And this sounds terrible to say since I love gardening, but I was actually lamenting that all my money was being ‘drained’ by that. I Was less and less excited to receive each purchase. So now I’ve ordered a new spice rack, lazy Susan, drill and Star Wars books, which make me happier. Striking that balance.

my seed supplier is shut down for now. They’re the one I was always half considering ditching due to inconsistencies. I’m happy to have the choice made for me to try out somewhere else. Just hope it’s all seeds that are proven and produced in my region. I looked into if I could buy flowers and coleus from you guys, but I guess you can’t shop across the border?


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I have no idea on border rules but look on Amazon, lol.  How long have you been wanting that drill?  Never heard of that armpit thing with beef but I have eaten so much salt in TV dinners I was sweating it out.

We have a webinar we can attend on Tuesday evenings called the Home Gardening series.  Go here to register:  https://extension2.missouri.edu/events/home-gardening-webinar-series  Cheat and say you're in St Charles county, we've claimed you, lol.  Look at the topics.  Aren't you excited?

Planning your garden - 5/5/20
Crop Fertility - 5/12/20
Insects in your Garden - 5/19/20
Disease Prevention and Managment - 5/26/20
Cool Season Crops - 6/2/20
Warm Season Crops - 6/9/20
Container Gardening - 6/16/20
Preserving the Harvest - 6/23/20

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20 minutes ago, cineater said:

I have no idea on border rules but look on Amazon, lol.  How long have you been wanting that drill?  Never heard of that armpit thing with beef but I have eaten so much salt in TV dinners I was sweating it out.

We have a webinar we can attend on Tuesday evenings called the Home Gardening series.  Go here to register:  https://extension2.missouri.edu/events/home-gardening-webinar-series  Cheat and say you're in St Charles county, we've claimed you, lol.  Look at the topics.  Aren't you excited?

Planning your garden - 5/5/20
Crop Fertility - 5/12/20
Insects in your Garden - 5/19/20
Disease Prevention and Managment - 5/26/20
Cool Season Crops - 6/2/20
Warm Season Crops - 6/9/20
Container Gardening - 6/16/20
Preserving the Harvest - 6/23/20

I’ve wanted this drill forever!! Lol Gotta sweat out all this msg too!!

yay!!!! These workshops sound awesome!!:headbang:I’m very honoured to be claimed by y’all! So I will in turn lie on my application! :lol:. I’m super excited for them all and the container gardening one will be extra helpful as I haven’t done it in a while and never with flowers. I want to container garden flowers on my shady back deck.

thanks so much! Can’t wait for next Tuesday! This will be great!

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6 minutes ago, cineater said:

I think it's growing veggies in your containers, no flowers.

Oh that’s cool. I hope that enough of the info will be transferable. I’m sure it will give me a leg up still.

my raised veggie beds are like giant container gardens anyways, lol

 I think this webinar series will be just what I need to reinvigorate me, in addition to all the learning!

are you leading any of them?

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