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Dont release TWAT


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I don't understand the people who say "Don't release anymore!"...but yet and still, have listened to all the previously released demos. And even admit they would probably listen to anymore that are released.

That makes zero sense to me. And frankly, the moral superiority is nauseating, because you're no better than the rest of us who've listened to the songs.

It's as hypocritical as saying "I hate drugs!"...and then someone brings them to a party, and you do them. I mean, like, spare me, man.

I think Axl would be against the demos being out, because he's a prefectionist. But unless a CD quality copy of the entire album is leaked, it's unlikely to affect album sales.

Like others have said, it may actually do the opposite, and generate interest in the album and band. For example, the "Don't Cry" demo was commonly available in the late 80's and early 90's, but it didn't affect sales of the "Illusion" albums (at least, it didn't seem to).

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I don't understand the people who say "Don't release anymore!"...but yet and still, have listened to all the previously released demos. And even admit they would probably listen to anymore that are released.

That makes zero sense to me. And frankly, the moral superiority is nauseating, because you're no better than the rest of us who've listened to the songs.

It's as hypocritical as saying "I hate drugs!"...and then someone brings them to a party, and you do them. I mean, like, spare me, man.

I think Axl would be against the demos being out, because he's a prefectionist. But unless a CD quality copy of the entire album is leaked, it's unlikely to affect album sales.

Like others have said, it may actually do the opposite, and generate interest in the album and band. For example, the "Don't Cry" demo was commonly available in the late 80's and early 90's, but it didn't affect sales of the "Illusion" albums (at least, it didn't seem to).

Some people don't want to spoilt the album for ourselves once it is out. Kinda like opening all of the christmas presents secretly before christmas and then opening them again at christmas. Previews are one thing, but to gobble it all up would suck. Leave room for dessert. :shades:

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On various rock websites that I follow regularly I see bashing of Axl Rose, and Chinese Democracy. Ultimate-Guitar.com is a prime example. Everytime a story about Axl or CD comes up there are so many people that bash it.

....so naturally when I saw that IRS and Better leaked, I had to get them both. Even though I've supported Axl, and CD through all these years, when you hear everyone saying that the album is going to flop and that Axl doesn't have IT anymore, it makes you curious. Even though you know better, all of the naysaying stays in the back of your mind.

Better has satisfied me...

However, with that being said, I can't say that if TWAT is leaked that I won't download it. Yet, I do agree that it should not be leaked, I agree that Axl has put too much into this, and I respect the work that went into this.

Shit, I guess what I'm trying to say is protect me from myself, and don't leak TWAT.


Well said. Your spot on. If it was leaked, then you may as well download it like the other hundreds of people but I'd prefer if it wasn't.

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I don't understand the people who say "Don't release anymore!"...but yet and still, have listened to all the previously released demos. And even admit they would probably listen to anymore that are released.

That makes zero sense to me. And frankly, the moral superiority is nauseating, because you're no better than the rest of us who've listened to the songs.

It's as hypocritical as saying "I hate drugs!"...and then someone brings them to a party, and you do them. I mean, like, spare me, man.

I think Axl would be against the demos being out, because he's a prefectionist. But unless a CD quality copy of the entire album is leaked, it's unlikely to affect album sales.

Like others have said, it may actually do the opposite, and generate interest in the album and band. For example, the "Don't Cry" demo was commonly available in the late 80's and early 90's, but it didn't affect sales of the "Illusion" albums (at least, it didn't seem to).

I just don't like people calling people fucking assholes for wanting to hear songs from their favorite band and acting like they're so above every one else. State your opinion but don't slander those who have a different opinion.

If its leaked, I will probably love it.

If it is not leaked, I will survive.

Axl has said he has up to potentially 70 songs he's working on. These are only three.

Personally I love comparing demo versions to studio versions. But for your sake if TWAT is leaked, don't download it, but don't call me a fucking asshole if I do. I've been following this guys carreer since 1989 when I first heard wttj, and when I heard it I was like OH FUCK. These songs have had the same effect.

So what did you say about poeple like me? I'm spoiled or an ingrate just b/c I would like to hear music? I am not entitled to anything? I think that sucks.

Didn't Axl send this cd to Mike Piazza anyways?

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Axl put so much fucking work into all of this. Don't be an idiot, and ruin it.

You had your fun with IRS, and Better.


I agree too - the guy put a massive amount of work and heart into the record.

However, he is a multi-millionaire living in a mansion in Malibu. He used to be biggest rock-star in the world. He dated Erin everly and Stephanie Seymour. He could fuck any girl he wanted to at the drop of the hat. He drives Ferraris and top-end BMWs! He's the guy who kept his fans waiting for the best part of 15 years just the hear this record.

I feel a damn sight more sorry for those "normal" fans who have waited so long than for a multi-millionaire in the Hollywood Hills who is sitting there now pining over the fact that a few songs he wrote have been leaked on the internet!

GET A GRIP! Remember his quote: "a dog-eat-dog sly smile". I guarantee you care a damn sight more for his feelings than he care's for yours. If I were you, I'd stop wasting my time.

This might feasibly be the only chance we get to hear the music in our lifetime! Unlike your Christmas presents that you open early, there's no guarantee that you're ever going to get Chinese Democracy. A better analogy might be that it would be like opening your Christmas presents early and stashing them because you're pretty sure that if you don't your house is going to get robbed on Christmas Eve and you're never going to get the chance to play with them!!!!!!

Edited by Appetite For Waiting
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1st, I will always buy the cd, even if the CD, landed in all it's final glory right here, BUT

I believe there will be some that are happy with just downloading it and going on there way.

I like to think that what we are getting is a little preview for our Club, even though we don't have to stay open late, or do anything else beside being GNR fans.

Sum it up.... always be happy with any gift..


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There Was A Time is probably the only other song to leak (assuming its from the Trunk CD) and it's in demo form like the others, so it's not as if we're hearing the final versions here. To finish off "Better" and get "There Was A Time" wouldn't heart too much in the grand scheme of things I don't think.

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WTF I was downloading TWAT from Limewire, all of them are just heavy distorted instrumentals, but they are studio...?

There are some fake TWAT songs, labelled as Guns N' Roses on the internet. I think you downloaded those.

O ok...that was stupid of me

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I've been to school and suddenly the shit hits the fan!!!

What has been released

I've got IRS and the first minute of better

And I understand that TWAT hasn't been released. Or has it. This is fucking huge. GOD DAMN!!!!

Weels set in motion !!!

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If someone has it, not leaking it is stupid. We're all going to buy the album regardless.

I thank Saint and whoever for sharing and let's continue that with the rest of the songs, they're only demos after all, and it's really spreading the word for the album to be mega successful.

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If someone has it, not leaking it is stupid. We're all going to buy the album regardless.

I thank Saint and whoever for sharing and let's continue that with the rest of the songs, they're only demos after all, and it's really spreading the word for the album to be mega successful.

You made the point!

I hope we will be able to hear the TWAT leak soon :)

Edited by gnrseb
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If someone has it, not leaking it is stupid. We're all going to buy the album regardless.

I thank Saint and whoever for sharing and let's continue that with the rest of the songs, they're only demos after all, and it's really spreading the word for the album to be mega successful.

You made the point!

I hope we will be able to hear the TWAT leak soon :)

so do i but then if CD is released soon why have a leak

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