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Reason why Ozzfest is an absolutely horrible tour

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I just figured this out...

It's a little-known fact that bands who play on the second stage who "rotate" must pay a fee ranging from around 50 to 100 thousand dollars. That's fine. The owners of the fest need to break even somehow, BUT...

Wicked Wisdom, Jada Pinkett Smith's band were one of these bands who paid somewhere in the six figures to perform. The dollar amount couldn't have meant anything to their bank accounts to shell out and pay.

So with Jada and Sharron being friends outside the fest, they were given a slot on the tour.

Now, both the Osbournes and Wicked Wisdom as a whole HAD to have known that they were not going to get a positive reaction at all- however, Jada was fulfilling a passion she would not have been able to do otherwise had it not been for the traveling summer tour- which was to rock out on stage to a full crowd.

Here's the proof then that the Osbourne's are more concerned with making money than providing a maximum-enjoyable experience for the concert-goers: they could have just been straight with WW and told them that ticket-buyers would probably rather see another band perform than Wicked Wisdom- yet they didn't and still accepted WW's entrance fee and rode into the sunset.

exhibit B:

The Iron Maiden fiasco:

So Bruce Dickinson was being as asshole... then don't invite him back to the event in the future. Simple? Right? No, instead they interfered with IM's performance enough so it took away from their show. This meant that people who paid to enjoy Iron Maiden perform were robbed out of the money that went to pay for this...

I know this is sort of a rehash of last year's fest, but for some reason I just felt the need to tell this since I just kind of put 2 and 2 together and figured this out. I won't go to Ozzfest this year. I'll go to see some real metal bands perform at Unholy Alliance with Slayer and Children of Bodom.

As Glenn Danzig, a former Ozzfest alumni once put it: "Fuck Ozzfest and fuck Ozzy."


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Guest zipgunboogie

ozzy is a gimmick. i say now.

but what they did to maiden pissed me off. but ive seen the footage of maiden and every time there power got turned off during a song they started completly over.

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Ozzfest is a festivals for kids to watch their favorite nu metal bands and the old dude from "The Osbournes"

whoa shit- glad you're still here...

please give me your thoughts on "The Cult is Alive"

that's not Darkthrone,it's a Motörhead black metal coverband

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