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AXL ROSE says SLASH Made Unannounced Visit to his Home in October 2005


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This whole thing makes no sense at all. For the past couple of weeks we have had leaks and rumors about a reunion, then nothing......out of left field comes this questionable press release about "nothing" that has been going on recently. The way I see it, is that someone is changing the subject or diverting attention away from what the real story is. This is nothing more than a feeling that I have, More than likely i'm way off but I had to say it.

I tend to agree. Good insight.

It did cross my mind earlier, sort of along the sames lines as what you are saying, that this could all be diverting us from the real story of an Axl/Slash reunion. The rumours just wouldn't die, and if they are in fact getting back together perhaps they want to surprise the world. So in the meantime they have to kill the rumours so that nobody expects it can happen. Well, this is a good way to do that, to say the least.

And before anyone goes all fuckin' ape on me, it's just a crazy theory. No I do not think this is what is actually going on...although it is possible, it's highly unlikely. I think it was P4A who said it best...this wild story about Slash better be true, or else Axl will be slapped with a slander lawsuit faster than he can say "soon is the word." I guess the longer it takes Slash to respond the more suspicious I would get...either that the accusation on the part of Axl's lawyer is true, or that this is a set up and Slash is in on it.

The bottom line is that one of those things must be true. I feel to make this kind of accusation, if it is in fact baseless, is much too reckless for even a law student to make, much less a full-fledged lawyer. The alternative is that Slash has signed off on the release.

I also doubt Businesswire would edit a release. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is not what they are in the business of doing...they post news releases, not edit them. I think Axl's legal team may have had two releases drafted...one with the Slash stuff and one without. They may have originally sent out the release without the Slash stuff to Businesswire, maybe by mistake, or maybe that's what the original plan was and only afterwards decided they wanted to include that stuff...which is why they went ahead and issued a correction.

But in the end I sense this is all designed to distract us from something. Not to mention some of the claims are extremely hard to believe, and personally I'll doubt them until I see some corroboration.

Just some thoughts...

Edited by KBear
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As a gnr fan I hope this news isn't true, but it seems like you are ready and willing to tar and feather Slash given the opportunity...

If everything is true, its a blight on the whole band, makes gnr look like a joke...

Its all unfortunate, but it seems to me Slash has been tarring and feathering axl and the band these last few years. The double standard some of you have is amazing..

Slash bitching about Axl has nothing to do with this article. I quite enjoyed the albany 2002 rant on the ex-gunners.

That paragraph about Slash sounds fake, the least you could do is stay neutral instead of being quick to jump on Slash's throat and call him a backstabber. Whether you want to admit it or not, its rather apparent you have something against Slash, which is fine, but to support this article blindly is silly...

Let's wait and see if this is actually real. I want to hear a VR statement to this....

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we finally get an official statement and we still don't trust it. No wonder we haven't heard anything about the leaks/tour/CD - why bother, we won't believe that either :rolleyes:

I for one believe this.

But why Slash would go to Axl's house is beyond me.

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we finally get an official statement and we still don't trust it. No wonder we haven't heard anything about the leaks/tour/CD - why bother, we won't believe that either :rolleyes:

I for one believe this.

But why Slash would go to Axl's house is beyond me.

Yeah, I believe it too... that was directed at all these people saying "blah blah, I don't buy it. That's bullshit"

As for why Slash went over there, I have no idea. I'd love to know more about that whole exchange.

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As a gnr fan I hope this news isn't true, but it seems like you are ready and willing to tar and feather Slash given the opportunity...

If everything is true, its a blight on the whole band, makes gnr look like a joke...

Its all unfortunate, but it seems to me Slash has been tarring and feathering axl and the band these last few years. The double standard some of you have is amazing..

Slash bitching about Axl has nothing to do with this article. I quite enjoyed the albany 2002 rant on the ex-gunners.

That paragraph about Slash sounds fake, the least you could do is stay neutral instead of being quick to jump on Slash's throat and call him a backstabber. Whether you want to admit it or not, its rather apparent you have something against Slash, which is fine, but to support this article blindly is silly...

Let's wait and see if this is actually real. I want to hear a VR statement to this....

The article is based on a countersuit to lawsuits filed by Slash and Duff! Read the bitching from those lawsuits. They were the ones who started this.

VR were asked by MTV for a comment and declined.

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Does anyone really know what this stuff means, or are you all jumping to conclusions just to speculate about how pathetic someone must be and what it is Slash ALLEGEDLY said? ***Keep in mind people, this is a 'counterclaim'. It appears that Axl is trying to make Slash drop one of his lawsuits in which he hasn't been getting the recognition he claims he deserves as Axl has seemingly taken it away. Slash wouldn't be so pathetic to say this stuff about his friends, and even if he was, it is weak that Axl would bring it to the surface....but I think it's a bunch of garbage.

"'Duff was spineless,'" .....at what? Dealing with an ex? Attempting to cook lasagna? Putting up with Axl's shit for 20 years?...that would be a choice he made because he didn't want to deal with shit anymore. Again, it's all speculation and no real factual evidence of anything specific.

"'Scott [Weiland] was a fraud,'" .......fraud of what? In general? Who knows? Let's say everything since there is nothing to go off...

"that he 'hates Matt Sorum'" ..........seems to me it would be hard to hate someone you knew well, then get together and mutually decide to be in another band with them. Maybe he just HATES the way Matt's feet smell after a gig and they have been sweating in shoes for 2 hours. The statement, like all the others is pretty general.

"and that in this ongoing war, contest or whatever anyone wants to call it that Slash has waged against Axl for the better part of 20 years, that Axl has proven himself 'the stronger.'"

....Slash has been waging a war? On Iraq, Vietnam, ...oh, Axl? I seem to think the media and fans had one in their heads about who would 'make the better music(everyone has different taste)'. I know I certainly was curious ......maybe I am starting to forget things in my old age, but I don't recall Slash 'waging a war'. Plenty of times he said it wasn't exactly 'easy'(in a word) working with Axl, but this lawsuit is crap.

In the lawsuit it states "More surprising to Axl are recent media reports that Slash (Saul Hudson) is claiming that he has always been supportive of Axl Rose and the new GUNS N' ROSES."

>>Has Slash ever bagged on the band? He has said working with Axl wasn't cake, but that is about it. He hasn't been hoping for a failure or saying that the new GNR sucked and he hoped they would all make a crap album. If you think about it, Slash never really is negative or whines about bad stuff in the least. Does anyone think he would really do it to Axl at 5.30AM?

It also states "It would have been Axl's preference to resolve disputes with Slash and Duff in private."

>>As we all know, Axl hasn't met a courtroom he didn't like. And from what it sounds like, he hasn't tried to get in touch with Slash or Duff too often.

Hate to say it, but Axl, 'Man up' and understand that the old GNR wasn't just you. Deal with that stuff like a man. It involved the other guys too...they formed a good part of the legacy as well, and whether or not you think they are clowns or not, you can't erase history. Let it be. The original GNR history is already written. You can add Chapter 2, or you can leave the GNR legacy as it was and help create another bands legacy. You and the other band have got the power and the tunes to create a new history starting TODAY, so why don't you do it? Change the name of the band.....it's a healthy start and with a clean break you will be free to make the new one as you and the other members see fit.

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None of the suits have even gone to trial yet. If S&D win the other two, this suit wont really do anything. This is just in case Axl wins, then he can possibly get money out of the whole thing.

Im curious if Axl's press release wasnt trying to get another lawsuit response from Slash for slander. Im curious because Axl really hasnt shown any desire to get the record out. I guess when he shows up on tour that will mean hes serious.

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As a gnr fan I hope this news isn't true, but it seems like you are ready and willing to tar and feather Slash given the opportunity...

If everything is true, its a blight on the whole band, makes gnr look like a joke...

Its all unfortunate, but it seems to me Slash has been tarring and feathering axl and the band these last few years. The double standard some of you have is amazing..

Slash bitching about Axl has nothing to do with this article. I quite enjoyed the albany 2002 rant on the ex-gunners.

That paragraph about Slash sounds fake, the least you could do is stay neutral instead of being quick to jump on Slash's throat and call him a backstabber. Whether you want to admit it or not, its rather apparent you have something against Slash, which is fine, but to support this article blindly is silly...

Let's wait and see if this is actually real. I want to hear a VR statement to this....

The article is based on a countersuit to lawsuits filed by Slash and Duff! Read the bitching from those lawsuits. They were the ones who started this.

You're assuming those lawsuits are baseless, and I really don't see how you are in a position to make that call. Or maybe you think Slash and Duff should just bend over and take it no matter what? In America you have the right to sue unless your name is Saul Hudson or Michael McKagan. Or maybe everyone in America has the right to sue, unless they're doing it to Axl? We can talk about how frivolous their case is after a courts renders a verdict or a settlement is reached.

But whatever, that's going off on a tangent from the real issue. You'd have to be pretty naive to think this news release is because of the lawsuits (even though it is announcing a counter claim). Those suits have been in existence for months. Axl's camp never provided comment. Lately we get Axl sightings, a few song leaks, tour dates...and then out of the blue a voluntary (and quite lengthy) news release (with a lot of mud slinging) from Axl's side about an issue that most people stopped caring about a long time ago.

Edited by KBear
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This whole thing makes no sense at all. For the past couple of weeks we have had leaks and rumors about a reunion, then nothing......out of left field comes this questionable press release about "nothing" that has been going on recently. The way I see it, is that someone is changing the subject or diverting attention away from what the real story is. This is nothing more than a feeling that I have, More than likely i'm way off but I had to say it.

I tend to agree. Good insight.

It did cross my mind earlier, sort of along the sames lines as what you are saying, that this could all be diverting us from the real story of an Axl/Slash reunion. The rumours just wouldn't die, and if they are in fact getting back together perhaps they want to surprise the world. So in the meantime they have to kill the rumours so that nobody expects it can happen. Well, this is a good way to do that, to say the least.

And before anyone goes all fuckin' ape on me, it's just a crazy theory. No I do not think this is what is actually going on...although it is possible, it's highly unlikely. I think it was P4A who said it best...this wild story about Slash better be true, or else Axl will be slapped with a slander lawsuit faster than he can say "soon is the word." I guess the longer it takes Slash to respond the more suspicious I would get...either that the accusation on the part of Axl's lawyer is true, or that this is a set up and Slash is in on it.

The bottom line is that one of those things must be true. I feel to make this kind of accusation, if it is in fact baseless, is much too reckless for even a law student to make, much less a full-fledged lawyer. The alternative is that Slash has signed off on the release.

I also doubt Businesswire would edit a release. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is not what they are in the business of doing...they post news releases, not edit them. I think Axl's legal team may have had two releases drafted...one with the Slash stuff and one without. They may have originally sent out the release without the Slash stuff to Businesswire, maybe by mistake, or maybe that's what the original plan was and only afterwards decided they wanted to include that stuff...which is why they went ahead and issued a correction.

But in the end I sense this is all designed to distract us from something. Not to mention some of the claims are extremely hard to believe, and personally I'll doubt them until I see some corroboration.

Just some thoughts...

Good points, but I would also consider that ALL of this is manufactured. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find out that Axl and Slash had nothing to do with this "story".

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This whole thing makes no sense at all. For the past couple of weeks we have had leaks and rumors about a reunion, then nothing......out of left field comes this questionable press release about "nothing" that has been going on recently. The way I see it, is that someone is changing the subject or diverting attention away from what the real story is. This is nothing more than a feeling that I have, More than likely i'm way off but I had to say it.

I tend to agree. Good insight.

It did cross my mind earlier, sort of along the sames lines as what you are saying, that this could all be diverting us from the real story of an Axl/Slash reunion. The rumours just wouldn't die, and if they are in fact getting back together perhaps they want to surprise the world. So in the meantime they have to kill the rumours so that nobody expects it can happen. Well, this is a good way to do that, to say the least.

And before anyone goes all fuckin' ape on me, it's just a crazy theory. No I do not think this is what is actually going on...although it is possible, it's highly unlikely. I think it was P4A who said it best...this wild story about Slash better be true, or else Axl will be slapped with a slander lawsuit faster than he can say "soon is the word." I guess the longer it takes Slash to respond the more suspicious I would get...either that the accusation on the part of Axl's lawyer is true, or that this is a set up and Slash is in on it.

The bottom line is that one of those things must be true. I feel to make this kind of accusation, if it is in fact baseless, is much too reckless for even a law student to make, much less a full-fledged lawyer. The alternative is that Slash has signed off on the release.

I also doubt Businesswire would edit a release. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is not what they are in the business of doing...they post news releases, not edit them. I think Axl's legal team may have had two releases drafted...one with the Slash stuff and one without. They may have originally sent out the release without the Slash stuff to Businesswire, maybe by mistake, or maybe that's what the original plan was and only afterwards decided they wanted to include that stuff...which is why they went ahead and issued a correction.

But in the end I sense this is all designed to distract us from something. Not to mention some of the claims are extremely hard to believe, and personally I'll doubt them until I see some corroboration.

Just some thoughts...

Good points, but I would also consider that ALL of this is manufactured. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find out that Axl and Slash had nothing to do with this "story".

I don't know. Apparently Jarmo has confirmed this as a real release from Axl's side. I don't think Axl's lawyer would take it upon himself to make these claims in public without Axl's approval. Assuming the release is legit, Axl must have something to do with it, and at the very least he approved it.

Maybe I'm missing something here? :unsure:

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You're assuming those lawsuits are baseless, and I really don't see how you are in a position to make that call. Or maybe you think Slash and Duff should just bend over and take it no matter what? In America you have the right to sue unless your name is Saul Hudson or Michael McKagan. Or maybe everyone in America has the right to sue, unless they're doing it to Axl? We can talk about how frivolous their case is after a courts renders a verdict or a settlement is reached.

But whatever, that's going off on a tangent from the real issue. You'd have to be pretty naive to think this news release is because of the lawsuits (even though it is announcing a counter claim). Those suits have been in existence for months. Axl's camp never provided comment. Lately we get Axl sightings, a few song leaks, tour dates...and then out of the blue a voluntary (and quite lengthy) news release (with a lot of mud slinging) from Axl's side about an issue that most people stopped caring about a long time ago.

More good points. An even better question is where is all this shit coming from? That's the problem with rumours, with information in general: the more people that have it the more valuable it becomes, and the more credible. Someone's telling fairy tales and knows how to pass it around enough times through enough hands for it to build its own "validity". That someone has a rather vested interest in generating attention around these issues, presumably based upon an agenda that has something to gain from GNR rumours. That person or persons also knows just which hands things have to pass through to be considered "worthwhile sources". Look for the pattern; just open your eyes and look, its right in front of us.

This isn't the kind of promotion I was talking about last week with regards to building a community of music fans as a business strategy for them. This is purpose driven and specific; but not to what Axl or Slash or their management would want to build their businesses.

I think we're closer to the truth than we all realize... :unsure:

This whole thing makes no sense at all. For the past couple of weeks we have had leaks and rumors about a reunion, then nothing......out of left field comes this questionable press release about "nothing" that has been going on recently. The way I see it, is that someone is changing the subject or diverting attention away from what the real story is. This is nothing more than a feeling that I have, More than likely i'm way off but I had to say it.

I tend to agree. Good insight.

It did cross my mind earlier, sort of along the sames lines as what you are saying, that this could all be diverting us from the real story of an Axl/Slash reunion. The rumours just wouldn't die, and if they are in fact getting back together perhaps they want to surprise the world. So in the meantime they have to kill the rumours so that nobody expects it can happen. Well, this is a good way to do that, to say the least.

And before anyone goes all fuckin' ape on me, it's just a crazy theory. No I do not think this is what is actually going on...although it is possible, it's highly unlikely. I think it was P4A who said it best...this wild story about Slash better be true, or else Axl will be slapped with a slander lawsuit faster than he can say "soon is the word." I guess the longer it takes Slash to respond the more suspicious I would get...either that the accusation on the part of Axl's lawyer is true, or that this is a set up and Slash is in on it.

The bottom line is that one of those things must be true. I feel to make this kind of accusation, if it is in fact baseless, is much too reckless for even a law student to make, much less a full-fledged lawyer. The alternative is that Slash has signed off on the release.

I also doubt Businesswire would edit a release. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is not what they are in the business of doing...they post news releases, not edit them. I think Axl's legal team may have had two releases drafted...one with the Slash stuff and one without. They may have originally sent out the release without the Slash stuff to Businesswire, maybe by mistake, or maybe that's what the original plan was and only afterwards decided they wanted to include that stuff...which is why they went ahead and issued a correction.

But in the end I sense this is all designed to distract us from something. Not to mention some of the claims are extremely hard to believe, and personally I'll doubt them until I see some corroboration.

Just some thoughts...

Good points, but I would also consider that ALL of this is manufactured. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find out that Axl and Slash had nothing to do with this "story".

I don't know. Apparently Jarmo has confirmed this as a real release from Axl's side. I don't think Axl's lawyer would take it upon himself to make these claims in public without Axl's approval. Assuming the release is legit, Axl must have something to do with it, and at the very least he approved it.

Maybe I'm missing something here? :unsure:

I'm not sure Axl had anything to do with this, unless there's some very convincing evidence to the contrary.

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*side note* - Isn't fun being a Guns N' Roses fan? Come on, its hardly boring stuff even without music! :D

Just when you thought Axl and Slash were saying nice things to each other and starting to at the very least build bridges, then BANG!

How many Chapters has this book got?


No it's not fun. It's getting fucking old.

"Their attacks on Axl stand in sharp contrast to Rose’s conduct. Axl has at all times worked diligently to maintain the artistic integrity of the band by choosing with great care which properties to license Guns N’ Roses songs to and refusing to participate in what he believed were potentially embarrassing projects."

The movie Black Hawk Down was not an embarrassing project. It was a very good film.

Agreed. It's pretty funny how Axl's idea of an embarassing movie is Black Hawk Down, but a good movie for a GN'R track is Big Daddy. :rolleyes:

:D Exactly. KBear you've had some really good posts in this thread. B)

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"In October of 2005 Slash made an unannounced 5:30 AM visit to Axl Rose's house. Not appearing to be under the influence, Slash came to inform Axl that: 'Duff was spineless,' 'Scott [Weiland] was a fraud,' that he 'hates Matt Sorum' and that in this ongoing war, contest or whatever anyone wants to call it that Slash has waged against Axl for the better part of 20 years, that Axl has proven himself 'the stronger.' Based on his conduct in showing up at Rose's home, Axl was hopeful that Slash would live up to his pronouncements that he wanted to end the war and move on with life. Unfortunately that did not prove to be the case.

FFS - shitty writtin - so fake

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Why does everyone keep questioning it?

Mysteron, Jarmo and ...I think Merck...have all confirmed it as true.

First of all, Mysteron and Jarmo don't know shit!! They have proved that about 1650 times before they were right about something once.

Jarmo might not know shit, but Mysteron has his ties..

Please don't talk that way about Jarmo. He is a VERY respectable admin and his site is HOSTED by Sanctuary so therefore, they feel the same way.

Madison has said that she was told that Mysteron talks to Merck now and then so why do you people feel the need to discredit when it's already been verified?

While i agree that there is no need to slate Jarmo( personaly i don't like HTDGTH) it is fair to say they dont know shit.All thses so called inside sources only give information after the event, the fact that they are connected to Sanctuary only makes me more concerned about the information, even you JALP can't believe they are impartial.Im just very concerned about info coming from them when they have an interest in keeping Sanctuary happy ;)

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