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It's the same GNR cycle of contempt all over again


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Grow up Kaneda. What is your problem? Pathetic? Us? Because we're fans? :fuckyou: It's about time you drop the negativity....You go back to your burger flippin. Back to your sad life! If you think we're pathetic, then sucks to be you! Cuz the most pathetic member on this board is staring right back at you in the mirror!

All together now, FUCK OFF KANEDA!

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How come Kaneda is still posting in this section?

I thought Madison only allowed him to post in ex gunners or original gunners section?

did she also banned people from the ex gunners and VR section like ....

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Kaneda is right in that all the most of you want to hear is that everything will turn out awesome and anyone who dares doubt is somehow out of line.

That's just not reality.

He just wears on the nerves saying the same thing ad naseum, but his concerns are valid to anyone who is being honest.

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We all need to control our emotions and wait until May is over and done with. I think at that point we will be able to realistically gauge the sitaution. And not a moment sooner. I will hold off bitching for a while. There is the slightest bit of momentum. But GNR are not touring Europe. It is more like they are play fetivals and shows. It is hardly a tour. And yes the Illusions were released in late Sept of 1991. But so what? The dynamics now as compard to back then is like night & day. But if the summer proves univentfull, we may all once again be standing at the brink of griefs abysmal valley. There is something seriously wrong with Axl. And I don't think any of us can help him. Wait and see, like always....

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This is so pathetic. Now band members are stating Sept, hopefully. I mean, enough of these ambiguous dates with words like, hopefully, maybe, should see it, attached to them. How many times have we looked to September as a release date? Wasn't the band supposed to get back together in 2003 to rehearse then for a winter release? It's the same shit again.

Why is Axl going to take the stage again with no release date set? September is going to come and go and then it's going to be more rumors of Christmas, then more claims that Spring 2007 has to be the date.

Axl is going to use this tour to "SEE HOW IT GOES", well, it's going to go poorly, the same as last time, and here's why; with no album out, what is he going to play, the same setlist?

Hey kaneda, it's not the same,cause last time i wasn't here to tell you to KISS MY ASS

And lemme make it easy for you, like it out not, THIER GOIN TO RIO, which means, you poor utter sack, that there may or may not be more cd, the last tour was a tour consisting of nearly all of afd, so thisone might have more uyi,(which i hope it dosen't) or more cd

the choice is yours wether or not you'll believe what is to come in ONE MONTH, but you can kiss my ass if you think everyone else will just suddenly believe you twisted view of the world

(or is it kanedaville where everyone wears happy fun white coats with long sleeves while listening to american idiot)

So Kaneda, let me leave you with with a quote from buckethead's album, enter the chicken

"It's more important to be tough, than to have any fun, like an insecure human that feels everyone. Music is art that we're afraid to enjoy, like a child thats outgrown it's favorite toy."

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kaneda paints his nails

his boyfriend don't know

he's got scott weiland on the phone

but all they do is bitch mone

about axl and times long ago

the man he wishers he was

scott means everything to him


his a 2 stone fag retard to go

who has pictures of scotty on his wall

someone should make him see

the 70's look went out a long time ago

he's just the retard of the week


it's friday night and his got a fraud boy on the phone

axl's a million miles away

kaneda dressed to kill :D

the tv's off candles on

waiting for the fraud to call

so they can bitch and mone

yet they know all of axl's songs

fraud boy don't know


about staying clean

along with 2 stone retard to go


yeah !


his a 2 stone fag retard to go

who has pictures of scott on his wall

someone should make him see

the 70's look went out a long time ago

he's just the retard of the week

anyone like ?

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I really, really truly cant believe you sat down and spent time bothering to think that up and write it. What are you 8 ????

I am embarrassed for you :no:

Its equally sad to spend hrs on the internet fantasizing about a band that hasnt released anything in 15 yrs and CONTINUALLY dissapoints without fail......as it is to spend time on the internet slagging of the same band.

anyone with over 1000 posts ....go get laid, or better still start a band.

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I really, really truly cant believe you sat down and spent time bothering to think that up and write it. What are you 8 ????

I am embarrassed for you :no:

Its equally sad to spend hrs on the internet fantasizing about a band that hasnt released anything in 15 yrs and CONTINUALLY dissapoints without fail......as it is to spend time on the internet slagging of the same band.

anyone with over 1000 posts ....go get laid, or better still start a band.

well i'm glad someone's embarrassed for me, 10 min's of my life down the tube fuck..........what have i done.........

just like your hours spent jerking off to your new girlfriend magazine in your trailer park, trailer park boyzzzz.........latest memeber of there club. !.

who's fantasizing?....... i don't swing that way sorry !. gnr's haven't dissapointed me yet man? every album has been an A bitch!.

well i get laid everynight, but i don't have a band, maybe thats why i post here, who knows, it's a fucked up place, i love when people come on here and think there so fucking cool, it's just not the case, just look at you. :no:

Edited by aussie_axl
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Look Im not just being nasty, Im sorry to be rude. But it was a pretty stupid post.

And as for "GNR haven't ever dissapointed me" ....???? What planet do you live on, It's fine having a glass is half full attitude. Hell even I feel that way about GNR sometimes (espec after the leaks), but you havent been dissapointed by GNR in the last say 15 yrs??

Seems to me that most people are either defend GNR like it's a taboo subject or a religion that cant be critisized, or simply hate them.

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Look Im not just being nasty, Im sorry to be rude. But it was a pretty stupid post.

And as for "GNR haven't ever dissapointed me" ....???? What planet do you live on, It's fine having a glass is half full attitude. Hell even I feel that way about GNR sometimes (espec after the leaks), but you havent been dissapointed by GNR in the last say 15 yrs??

Seems to me that most people are either defend GNR like it's a taboo subject or a religion that cant be critisized, or simply hate them.

i think your post fucking suck too, oh mighty wise one........... so it's all good.

well i've never been to a live show?, everything they have released has been great!, even the demo's, ask anyone on this board man!, i've given a ton of shit to all members of this band!, i'm not one to hold back my opinion!, i've been pissed off with them because they haven't done what i wanted them to do, but never dissapointed!, axl always comes with his A game!.

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Guest Yanni_16

Fuck Kaneda.

And fuck all the "I hate to admit it, but he's right" responses. 719 posts since October of 2003. Which basically means over the past two and a half years, on over 700 separate occasions, this guy has tried convincing people that Axl Rose is the devil... on an online forum dedicated to a band that he believes there is no hope for... truly, truly pathetic.

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kaneda paints his nails

his boyfriend don't know

he's got scott weiland on the phone

but all they do is bitch mone

about axl and times long ago

the man he wishers he was

scott means everything to him


his a 2 stone fag retard to go

who has pictures of scotty on his wall

someone should make him see

the 70's look went out a long time ago

he's just the retard of the week


it's friday night and his got a fraud boy on the phone

axl's a million miles away

kaneda dressed to kill :D

the tv's off candles on

waiting for the fraud to call

so they can bitch and mone

yet they know all of axl's songs

fraud boy don't know


about staying clean

along with 2 stone retard to go


yeah !


his a 2 stone fag retard to go

who has pictures of scott on his wall

someone should make him see

the 70's look went out a long time ago

he's just the retard of the week

anyone like ?

Dude, that was classic. Thanks for that 10 mins of your life. Kaneda, Go suck some more lemons.

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Keep up the good work, Kaneda. You know you're on the right track when the moron brigade led by Warchild and Aussie_Axl start cracking the sads.

Things are an absolute shambles at the minute. Unless things start improving dramatically, I can easily see a 01/02 repeat.

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Fuck Kaneda.

And fuck all the "I hate to admit it, but he's right" responses. 719 posts since October of 2003. Which basically means over the past two and a half years, on over 700 separate occasions, this guy has tried convincing people that Axl Rose is the devil... on an online forum dedicated to a band that he believes there is no hope for... truly, truly pathetic.

I'll bet ya that Kaneda has said the phrase "This is pathetic..." in over 3/4 of his posts.

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Fuck Kaneda.

And fuck all the "I hate to admit it, but he's right" responses. 719 posts since October of 2003. Which basically means over the past two and a half years, on over 700 separate occasions, this guy has tried convincing people that Axl Rose is the devil... on an online forum dedicated to a band that he believes there is no hope for... truly, truly pathetic.

I'll bet ya that Kaneda has said the phrase "This is pathetic..." in over 3/4 of his posts.

thats because he is pathetic my friend!, he just doesn't seem to understand he can't control axl's next move!.

and flower boy...........absolute shambles ? how would you know? a sold out tour of europe? hell i wouldn't mind some shambles.

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Kaneda I have an idea how about you just shut ur trap and let the GNR fans that support the band Enjoy this because the album will be out and just let the fans listen to and enjoy the new material. I mean if the Euro Gunners didn't want to see the band and didnt think an album could be released then they wouldnt have sold out there first few shows.

But i bet i know why you have all of this doubt towards the news your just upset that Guns N Roses has a better chance of having a succesful tour and album relase then your all time favorite Air Supply

Hahaha Im just messin with ya


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and flower boy...........absolute shambles ? how would you know? a sold out tour of europe? hell i wouldn't mind some shambles.

It's April and we still have no fucking idea who's actually in the band. How can that not resonate in your mind? No communication from Axl. Same shitty official website. It's beyond a joke.

Of course the dates have been selling well. The Guns n' Roses brand name still holds a shitload of power.

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and flower boy...........absolute shambles ? how would you know? a sold out tour of europe? hell i wouldn't mind some shambles.

It's April and we still have no fucking idea who's actually in the band. How can that not resonate in your mind? No communication from Axl. Same shitty official website. It's beyond a joke.

Of course the dates have been selling well. The Guns n' Roses brand name still holds a shitload of power.

i think your mind is in shambles, i bet axl knows who's in the band, everyone will know when the tour starts, so de-stress, chill out i'm sure axl will talk to us on tour!, he's here to put on a show......and thats what he's going to do in europe!, and who needs an offical website whe you have this one? i wouldn't visit the offical one anyway!, this is my home for gnr info!, so head back to your vr section and cry me a river dick face!.

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