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It's the same GNR cycle of contempt all over again


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I normally give you the benefit of the doubt but your posts have become repetative and boring, stop rehashing the same GnR hatred and disappointment because Axl does not leads his band in a way the mighty Kaneda wishes.

At least try and make your topics a bit different ;)

Well said dude!

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What's all the fuss about the album will be released October 2nd :)

For me the tour is a worry, not because there is no album but due to other factors.

Can Stinson get up to speed with the GNR songs? I guess he knows the old stuff but GNR must be showcasing new songs this summer, if not then there will be no album released on October 2nd.

If there is a new guitar player as the 3rd guitarist will they be able to perform and be tight with the rest of the band?

Then the music is the next concern, is it going to be the old tunes with only Madagascar, The Blues and Chinese Democracy as the new songs or will GNR perform IRS, Better, There Was a Time, Catcher In The Rye and a couple more new songs?

Also how tight will they be? Download Donnigton is one of the bigger events on the tour but RIR is also a big show and the first one where the worlds media will be awaiting, some will want to write how Axl has failed other will have opened minds. With RIR being the first show can they pull it off successfully because they will have to hit the floor running, by the time Download Donnigton arrives they should be on form.

And then there is the situation with Back to back shows, Axl can still perform there is no question about that, but I imagine doing back to back shows will be tough on Axl's vocal chords, he has suffered in the past and to have his voice pack up on him during the tour would really hurt GNR

In this crazy world of GNR who knows what will happen, what I do know is that this summer will answer some serious questions about the future of GNR and that my friends is the best for all of us.

Edited by King_of_Beers
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This is so pathetic. Now band members are stating Sept, hopefully. I mean, enough of these ambiguous dates with words like, hopefully, maybe, should see it, attached to them. How many times have we looked to September as a release date? Wasn't the band supposed to get back together in 2003 to rehearse then for a winter release? It's the same shit again.

Why is Axl going to take the stage again with no release date set? September is going to come and go and then it's going to be more rumors of Christmas, then more claims that Spring 2007 has to be the date.

Axl is going to use this tour to "SEE HOW IT GOES", well, it's going to go poorly, the same as last time, and here's why; with no album out, what is he going to play, the same setlist?

Well, I hope they play old songs rather then new. And I know that many Norwegians and Swedes want to hear the old songs. I think it would be more successful if they did use the same setlist. Mabe not in US, but in Europe. What if they opened with TWAT or Madagascar instead of WTTJ or It's So Easy. I think that would be a "turn-off". :confused:

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Axl has changed...he has grown some beard and has knocked some n... down in a bar and he's showing around with some CIRCUS "FRIENDS"...with a fat lady with open eyes wide shut and a fat bearded elphant cleaner :ph34r:

...oh btw...NO SIGHTS FORM MERCK!!!...NOW I THINK MERCK "THE MANAGER IS DEAD"...yaaaaaaaaay, fainally :lol::lol::lol:

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I love how people keep saying that this is going to be like the last tour. If you fucking payed attention to what Axl said back when that tour began, you'd realize that the point of the last tour was to give the band some "road legs" and show that they were legit and could play the old shit. Axls tells us that this is a long term project, and just the start of it with the first tour. So nevermind that the tour got cancelled or that some of the venues sold out, it doesn't really matter. The tour would have ended and I bet we would have been at the same place. Bucket left so that fucks things for a year or two. But now it is here.

The time has finally come and Axl is ready to pull the pin on the rock-grenade called "CD" and throw it into Europe first. If you don't think the album is going to come out in or around the tour, then your mind is pretty fucking finite.

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I normally give you the benefit of the doubt but your posts have become repetative and boring, stop rehashing the same GnR hatred and disappointment because Axl does not leads his band in a way the mighty Kaneda wishes.

At least try and make your topics a bit different ;)

If Axl Rose keeps making the same mistakes repeatedly, then people will be complaining about the same things repeatedly. We're all responding to the GN'R situation and if that stays the same, how can you expect our opinions of it to change?

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you the guy alot of people dislike on here aren't you?

think of all this which ever way you want, gnr are doing a euro tour which is great, perhaps a us tour will


Yeah but the tour wasn't cancelled and the album DID come out the same year. It's stupid to compare the pre-Illusion tour to this

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Keep up the good work, Kaneda. You know you're on the right track when the moron brigade led by Warchild and Aussie_Axl start cracking the sads.

Things are an absolute shambles at the minute. Unless things start improving dramatically, I can easily see a 01/02 repeat.

Look I think it's fine to be skeptical given the history of this band. Some skepticism is healthy and certainly valid.

But to claim with such certainty that things are in shambles is just not accurate. Why? Because you simply don't know what state the band is in...at best it's an ignorant comment. In case you didn't notice GN'R are quite secretive. That's probably by design. They probably want to make a massive announcement. What if they do it a day, or a week, before RIR? Then things aren't really in shambles now, are they? In fact, quite the opposite. Things would be building. They would have a plan that they are waiting for the right time to execute.

In short, we don't know their plans. Therefore, we cannot comment on the state of the band or on their future prospects. I will say this - given what happened in 2002, the chances of doing the same thing are pretty much nil.

The demos leaking, seeing Axl running around New York, the info on Sterling Sound's website, the Euro tour, plus all the other stuff...we will get an announcement. It's simply a question of when.

Edited by KBear
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