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Theres Only One Thing That Stands Between Axls Way For Sucess


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In seconds the tracks will be shared on limewire, uploaded on youtube etc etc, and millions of fans who are lazy fucks will listen and download illegally and just wont buy the album. Immediattely the news will get out that axl coudltn even top half of the figures for AFD, the press will criticise axl for not making it good enough, but the more better it is, the more people will download it, so immediately we will think axl ddint deliver when really its ourselfs that are fucking it up for him, so i urge ANYONE at ALL who likes gnr, Buy the album, even if you hate axl, BUY THE ALBUM, keep it in your store if you have to, show it to yours kids saying you were there when the 15 year album in the making finally got released (or as much corny as that sounds) but lets say 20 people in every town dowload the full album, eventually gets to 400 or something in england, 300 in scottland, etc etc grows eventually worldwide to 1 million, then axl would be losing out LOADS, and axl would think his album sucks, so i urge everyone to NOT download the album but to buy it!!!!

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In seconds the tracks will be shared on limewire, uploaded on youtube etc etc, and millions of fans who are lazy fucks will listen and download illegally and just wont buy the album. Immediattely the news will get out that axl coudltn even top half of the figures for AFD, the press will criticise axl for not making it good enough, but the more better it is, the more people will download it, so immediately we will think axl ddint deliver when really its ourselfs that are fucking it up for him, so i urge ANYONE at ALL who likes gnr, Buy the album, even if you hate axl, BUY THE ALBUM, keep it in your store if you have to, show it to yours kids saying you were there when the 15 year album in the making finally got released (or as much corny as that sounds) but lets say 20 people in every town dowload the full album, eventually gets to 400 or something in england, 300 in scottland, etc etc grows eventually worldwide to 1 million, then axl would be losing out LOADS, and axl would think his album sucks, so i urge everyone to NOT download the album but to buy it!!!!

Oh my god....Axl....it's you!!!!!!!! I love all your work man!!!!!!

(Just kidding, in a certain way you have a point)

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im not saying dont download it but all im saying is atleast buy the album, if all you people are who you say you are and buy the album etc then the album will have sold millions of copys! so it really depends on us if we want to save rock!

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Yes, we are all downloading motherfuckers.

But the times have changed. And so has the market.

I won't lie to you all, I am gonna download it. So I can hear it on my mp3 player. But I am also gonna bye it for the artwork etc. And becouse I'm a fan.

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Critics will judge it on reviews, not sales figures. Everyone knows albums sell less these days. I download all the gnr stuff I can get, not because I'm cheap, but because I know that there's a real probability i will not hear it for a long time, if ever. I was looking forward to Pearl Jam as much as CD and I didn't download that. And I will still buy Chinese Democracy.

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my comptuer is so old n so fucked that the only way for me to listen to my music on my ipod is if i download so yes i am going to download. and axl or GnR 2006 or who ever you are, thats sad if you really care that much for the money. yea you will lose some money, but isnt GnR about the music and not about the money? have all these fans defending you (axl) saying that you're in it for the music not the money wrong? if my computer wasnt old as hell then yes i would buy it but i dont know sence i dont even listen to my cds. welcome to 2006, most people now have ipods or some form of mp3 players, and i dont even have a converter and im not about to put more money into it.

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In seconds the tracks will be shared on limewire, uploaded on youtube etc etc, and millions of fans who are lazy fucks will listen and download illegally and just wont buy the album. Immediattely the news will get out that axl coudltn even top half of the figures for AFD, the press will criticise axl for not making it good enough, but the more better it is, the more people will download it, so immediately we will think axl ddint deliver when really its ourselfs that are fucking it up for him, so i urge ANYONE at ALL who likes gnr, Buy the album, even if you hate axl, BUY THE ALBUM, keep it in your store if you have to, show it to yours kids saying you were there when the 15 year album in the making finally got released (or as much corny as that sounds) but lets say 20 people in every town dowload the full album, eventually gets to 400 or something in england, 300 in scottland, etc etc grows eventually worldwide to 1 million, then axl would be losing out LOADS, and axl would think his album sucks, so i urge everyone to NOT download the album but to buy it!!!!

This is just bullshit. Who are you? A record label executive trying to sell us an artist sob story while it´s your own ass your worried about. Axl Rose will do just fine no matter how many people download it. The record will sell just fine too becuase it´s AXL ROSE (GN´R) releasing a NEW album! Downloading has been around for quite a while now and the record (and movie) companies have been saying what a big threat it is for years now. Still the sales figures don´t show a big change and record stores are still selling both records and movies. The record labels need to re-think their role in this business or they will soon be dead. Trying to fuck the people over again (like they have done with their high prices forever now) with new laws and paying organisations to chase kids (and others) for downloading just shows how fucked up the priorities of modern society are. An economic crime is more important than the violent ones. Cause god forbid the rich don´t get richer!

I say: SHARING IS CARING! Keep downloading! rock4

I´m not saying you should NOT support the bands you like, only the record companies try to define dowloading as something that fucks bands over. I know most of you still buy records and many of you buy merch and go to shows too, so your support is solid even though you download. But downloading should also be concidered like free advertising. I mean how many of you have found new favourite bands thanks to the infinite music treasure chest that we have thanks to uploading/downloading?

So to the guy who started this thread: Go home! (read: Suck my fucking dick you capitalist scum. Not everyones economic situation is the same and do you really want music to be a fucking class-thing?)

All the other people with the heart in the right place and who don´t need a map to find their ass, you all ROCK! ;)

Edited by Lukinx
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Yes, we are all downloading motherfuckers.

But the times have changed. And so has the market.

I won't lie to you all, I am gonna download it. So I can hear it on my mp3 player. But I am also gonna bye it for the artwork etc. And becouse I'm a fan.

Those are my plans exactly. I have been waiting a long time for this album. Just downloading it would not do it for me. I want to purchase it and go through the old tradition of unwrapping it and looking through the booklet of art, lyrics and all the thank yous. It's going to be awesome... :)

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Yes, we are all downloading motherfuckers.

But the times have changed. And so has the market.

I won't lie to you all, I am gonna download it. So I can hear it on my mp3 player. But I am also gonna bye it for the artwork etc. And becouse I'm a fan.

Not only that but CD quality is better.

Axl will have to think of a way to stop those downloading motherfuckers

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In seconds the tracks will be shared on limewire, uploaded on youtube etc etc, and millions of fans who are lazy fucks will listen and download illegally and just wont buy the album. Immediattely the news will get out that axl coudltn even top half of the figures for AFD, the press will criticise axl for not making it good enough, but the more better it is, the more people will download it, so immediately we will think axl ddint deliver when really its ourselfs that are fucking it up for him, so i urge ANYONE at ALL who likes gnr, Buy the album, even if you hate axl, BUY THE ALBUM, keep it in your store if you have to, show it to yours kids saying you were there when the 15 year album in the making finally got released (or as much corny as that sounds) but lets say 20 people in every town dowload the full album, eventually gets to 400 or something in england, 300 in scottland, etc etc grows eventually worldwide to 1 million, then axl would be losing out LOADS, and axl would think his album sucks, so i urge everyone to NOT download the album but to buy it!!!!

Don't worry man i've downloaded some of the leaks but i'm still certainly going to buy the album i guarantee you 100% and then when that one gets scratched and worn from over usage i'll buy it again :)

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people will download it regardless. I think it would be wise for GN'R to offer the full album for listen on their website. This is the ultimate publicity, and with the kind of money advertisements make these days on the web, they won't be losing much, if at all. and all the fans WILL go out and buy the album. myself, I am going to buy two copies, one for my car, and one for my home. and i will still download the entire album as soon as it is available.

record companies are doing the opposite of what they should be. it's a new generation, a digital generation, and they have to embrace it. the best way to embrace it and the best form of advertisement and publicity is to offer the album up for free :)

that is just my $0.02 though....

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i don't think we should worry about downloading,i mean even j lo or britney or whoever sell loads of albums,even with all the downloading going on. i know they're the popular thing right now,but i'm sure guns will be too once the album comes out. plus we have to considder the fact that guns have their base of die-hard fans,which i'm sure isn't the case with most of the mainstream "artists",who have many casual fans,but i'm sure nobody who's a really big fan,because,well,they don't have many reasons to be...of course CD won't sell as well as AFD,but it will probably sell better then most of the music around nowadays

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Axl couldnt be anything but a success, he'll succeed in most downloads in short time and in sells!

People will buy the new CD no matter what, they, as always, will want to be a part of history and having that new classic in original will be part of new age rock history rock3

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