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I don't think we've heard the best off of Chinese D yet,


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Since Guns N' Roses has said that they are picking 13 from 32 songs for Chinese Democracy it is very possible that this album may have 13 songs we haven't heard yet. Which I think would be totally awesome, however I still would love to have the new tunes we have heard on an official album.

I know this doesn't really apply to the topic but does anyone know if they are going to end up releasing two more albums after Chinese Democracy with the remaining 19 of 32 songs?

Edited by CrashNRide
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First off, The Blues is not November Rain...Axl is not sitting at the piano playing the song and it isn't completely Piano driven the way November Rain is. Also, November Rain has already established itself as one of the greatest GNR songs of all time, #1 video on MTV, all the accolades and awards...The Blues is just an unrealesed track at the moment, so it has a long way to go before it dethrones November Rain as GNRs best ballad.

People that want songs like Perfect Crime, Out to Get Me, Shotgun Blues, Right Next Door To Hell, prepare to be disappointed, because Axl is 43 years old, it makes no sense for him to create songs like that now...

It's even silly watching him sing IRS, he just doesn't have the energy and stage movement to pull it off live...now a good video and that song, much different story.

Mark my word, Axl took 14 years off to recreate GNRs sound, and when all is said and done, the hits off of Chinese D will be the songs that sound like GNR of old...people loved that sound, no need to change a forumla that worked.

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First off, The Blues is not November Rain...Axl is not sitting at the piano playing the song and it isn't completely Piano driven the way November Rain is. Also, November Rain has already established itself as one of the greatest GNR songs of all time, #1 video on MTV, all the accolades and awards...The Blues is just an unrealesed track at the moment, so it has a long way to go before it dethrones November Rain as GNRs best ballad.

People that want songs like Perfect Crime, Out to Get Me, Shotgun Blues, Right Next Door To Hell, prepare to be disappointed, because Axl is 43 years old, it makes no sense for him to create songs like that now...

It's even silly watching him sing IRS, he just doesn't have the energy and stage movement to pull it off live...now a good video and that song, much different story.

Mark my word, Axl took 14 years off to recreate GNRs sound, and when all is said and done, the hits off of Chinese D will be the songs that sound like GNR of old...people loved that sound, no need to change a forumla that worked.

kaneda? i thought you were read-only?

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What I really want to see on Chinese D is a piano song like November Rain (I believe This I Love is that song) and an accustic song along the lines of Patience.

WHY?!? we already got The Blues and Catcher In The Rye...

The last thing we need is another ballad.

my thoughts exactly... bring on more songs like Out To Get Me and Nightrain!!! then again that is living in the past but as long as there are some rocking tunes and the majority sounding what I perceive as good then I'll be happy

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Kaneda, as much of a ball less bastard you can be sometimes, I actually kind of like your post and happen to agree with you for once. It sucks that when you post something positive about the band no one really notices too much but when you're a dick they post 20 pages of bitching and complaints.

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This band needs to bring the rock, i don't want another piano type deal.This band could be a great rock band but i fear they may become overblown again and that would once again have a bad ending.This band has the potential to become a huge rock act again but not if we get over blown ballads.They seem to enjoy the rockers more as a band so im hoping they will give us a rock album with the odd ballad. rock3

More IRS and Better rock1

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I agree with you though, it's gonna be the slower, more emotional songs that take the band to the top of the ladder again. Better is great, but a little too hard core for alot of people.

Nothing wrong with hardcore.

GNR needs to get back to the top of the ROCK ladder.

Not the Celine Dion approved power ballad ladder.

So you think The Blues is a Celline Dion-type song?

I think it is better than any of the new songs, apart from I.R.S., and it's way better than November Rain, for instance.


Edited by 3rd Wheel
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It's pretty much guaranteed that Better, There Was A Time, and The Blues will be on the record. Those are Axl's three favorite songs. It's also probably for sure that Chinese Democracy will be on the record because its the title track. Now as for Madagascar, it's been played at pretty much every show this band has done so there's a good chance it will be on it. For IRS, its already been played on the radio and in some cases been on the rock charts, plus them playing it live, so they might as well put it on the record. As for Catcher in the Rye, Axl said he doesnt know if it will be on the record and Richard Fortus recently said it will be on the record, so that one is up in the air. I guess we can pretty much rule out Rhiad And The Bedouins and Silk Worms.

Now for The Blues being compared to November Rain. You just cant do that. The Blues is live and November Rain is released studio. If you listen to the live performances of November Rain before the record came out in '91, they dont do it justice. Its a masterpiece on UYI 1. With that said, The Blues is awesome, its really beautiful. I think the studio version will sound huge, a near masterpiece in my opinion.

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If Better, There Wasd A Time and The Blues are Axls favourites of 36 songs he should shot down the project and dont give out Chinmese democracy. The Blues is good but the other ones is not good enough for the GNR name.

I hope there will be as many new song s as possible. That would rock!

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Now for The Blues being compared to November Rain. You just cant do that. The Blues is live and November Rain is released studio. If you listen to the live performances of November Rain before the record came out in '91, they dont do it justice. Its a masterpiece on UYI 1. With that said, The Blues is awesome, its really beautiful. I think the studio version will sound huge, a near masterpiece in my opinion.

You know, you're not obliged to like November Rain that much just because you are a GN'R fan. It has never been a favourite of mine, and probably never will.

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I agree with you though, it's gonna be the slower, more emotional songs that take the band to the top of the ladder again. Better is great, but a little too hard core for alot of people.

Nothing wrong with hardcore.

GNR needs to get back to the top of the ROCK ladder.

Not the Celine Dion approved power ballad ladder.

As much as I love those piano ballads I have to agree. I would love to hear a few tunes on the album that are in the same form as Perfect Crime, It's So Easy etc. Some fast paced rockers are what I love best.

..yeah..wee need ballads and kickin' ass rock songs...GUNS n ROSES...

..and true ballads with whole orchestra and this shit...accoustic guitars...electric solos though...

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Now for The Blues being compared to November Rain. You just cant do that. The Blues is live and November Rain is released studio. If you listen to the live performances of November Rain before the record came out in '91, they dont do it justice. Its a masterpiece on UYI 1. With that said, The Blues is awesome, its really beautiful. I think the studio version will sound huge, a near masterpiece in my opinion.

You know, you're not obliged to like November Rain that much just because you are a GN'R fan. It has never been a favourite of mine, and probably never will.

Dude your miss-reading what I was trying to say. People were saying that The Blues is nothing compared to November Rain. And I was saying they are comparing a live track to a studio track. You just cant. It really isnt fair. I wasnt saying that I like November Rain more or that other people need to love November Rain. I was defending The Blues, saying that it will be a masterpiece on the record.

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Now for The Blues being compared to November Rain. You just cant do that. The Blues is live and November Rain is released studio. If you listen to the live performances of November Rain before the record came out in '91, they dont do it justice. Its a masterpiece on UYI 1. With that said, The Blues is awesome, its really beautiful. I think the studio version will sound huge, a near masterpiece in my opinion.

You know, you're not obliged to like November Rain that much just because you are a GN'R fan. It has never been a favourite of mine, and probably never will.

Dude your miss-reading what I was trying to say. People were saying that The Blues is nothing compared to November Rain. And I was saying they are comparing a live track to a studio track. You just cant. It really isnt fair. I wasnt saying that I like November Rain more or that other people need to love November Rain. I was defending The Blues, saying that it will be a masterpiece on the record.

OK, sorry then. But, no matter what, I prefer The Blues live to November Rain, either live or in studio.

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How much money do you think Guns & Co. would generate with the release of just one new song, as a single or a soundtrack?

I'd say Guns is in good shape right now as far as being in a good position in the grand scheme of the current rock scene. They have an appeal to many age groups and nationalities.

It's going to payoff for Axl & Co. BIG TIME. Fucking Genius & Heart. Keep the Train Rolling. rock3

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Just a quick point about what Axl said about Catcher in the Rye.... he was asked if Brian May would be on the album and he said "He's on the demo, but we're not sure if he's gonna be on the album or not... we're still playing about with a few things...." Or something along those lines - maybe I shouldn't have "quoted" that...!

But anyway... to me that sounds like he was saying the Brian May was on the demo of the song, but his parts have beed re-recorded/removed/re-written and would probably not feature on the final (album) version.

So I don't recall him ever sayin CITR would not be on the album? Unless I'm talkign about the wrong interview! :unsure:

So with Richard saying it would be on the record, and Axl just saying Brian May might not be on the record, then I think CITR has a very good chance of being on CD. Which is great cuz I love it.


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But really these songs TWAT and Catcher in the R are all a bit like past GNR songs. Past singles. I think there will definitely be a progression. Like November Rain was really a song where every one was like blown away. This is GNR? Wow this is long. It was instant classic. A long ballad isn't going to have the impact it did in 91. I dont know what the answer to this is. Better is a good rock song for 2006 and CITR is most radio friendly song GNR has ever done. It starts out with chorus and just gets catchier. Hooky is that the right word?

But is that enough?

Maybe the singles won't be the best tracks?

I can see Axl doing something very long - like 20 minutes - which is like Estranged and Locomotice combined but more experimental. Space rock - something that really goes far out and never comes back.

I hope Izzy has thrown Axl a few rock n roll songs for the album.

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