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Some of you are taking crazy pills!

Turd Ferguson

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So many negative post about Axl. Yet we all love his music and are waiting for his album. Yet it seems that some people here need to be critical to erase the hole of boredom in their lives. Nobody here knows what is going on with the ALbum or why Axl does this or that, so for those of us who got to see Axl this year, great, for everyone else on here who is pissed off at their parents and vent about Axl to make themselves feel better.

Find another hobbie aside from waiting for CD. It will come out, eventualy.

Oh, anyone ever consider merk leaving Sanct as a reason why there might be hold ups? could be maybe, since people here seem to grasp to any excuse.

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So many negative post about Axl. Yet we all love his music and are waiting for his album. Yet it seems that some people here need to be critical to erase the hole of boredom in their lives. Nobody here knows what is going on with the ALbum or why Axl does this or that, so for those of us who got to see Axl this year, great, for everyone else on here who is pissed off at their parents and vent about Axl to make themselves feel better.

Find another hobbie aside from waiting for CD. It will come out, eventualy.

Oh, anyone ever consider merk leaving Sanct as a reason why there might be hold ups? could be maybe, since people here seem to grasp to any excuse.

Hey, I dont know who you are, or where you are from, but you look new by your post number., and you have absolutely no fucking right injecting logic and common sense into this forum. It doesnt work, trust me I have tried, good post though ;)

Edited by Gunzen
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Only people taking "crazy pills" are the ones who thought this band was gonna rule the world and change the musical landscape while playing 80% of AFD.

I think we're reaching a point where Axl AND all the fans need to "move on", or just use these communities to discuss the band in its former glory. Its obvious to anyone that isn't blind that CD just didn't get off the ground like it was supposed to.

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Only people taking "crazy pills" are the ones who thought this band was gonna rule the world and change the musical landscape while playing 80% of AFD.

I think we're reaching a point where Axl AND all the fans need to "move on", or just use these communities to discuss the band in its former glory. Its obvious to anyone that isn't blind that CD just didn't get off the ground like it was supposed to.

Why aren't you moving on then?

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Only people taking "crazy pills" are the ones who thought this band was gonna rule the world and change the musical landscape while playing 80% of AFD

I dont know who those people are, I was just hoping for a good tour and some good t-shirts, mission accomplished rock1

I am not greedy, just hungry.

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Only people taking "crazy pills" are the ones who thought this band was gonna rule the world and change the musical landscape while playing 80% of AFD.

I think we're reaching a point where Axl AND all the fans need to "move on", or just use these communities to discuss the band in its former glory. Its obvious to anyone that isn't blind that CD just didn't get off the ground like it was supposed to.

Why aren't you moving on then?

I have. Just hang around the forum to get in on a few of these conversations while the Titanic is sinking. I dont buy anything GNR related anymore, and IF the album ever comes out, not only will I be downloading it, I'll hand out cd-rs of it with as much enthusiasm as an old lady handing out candy to trick or treaters on Halloween.

For years, the "cupcakes" have constantly said "this isn't GNR". While I disagreed for along time, the cupcakes ended up being right.

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CD just didn't get off the ground like it was supposed to.

Geezus!!! Is is the middle of January already! Did I hit my head and go into a coma!

Somebody needs to SERIOUSLY fill me in because my web browsers aren't refreshing... keeps saying it's December 13th.


This kind of shit ALWAYS happens to me. Big record release... BAM... I get clunked into a coma somehow and miss everything.

I can't believe the album sucked and it didn't get off the ground.

Somebody PM me and fill me in with all the details.

The Ravens haven't won the Super Bowl yet, have they?

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So many negative post about Axl. Yet we all love his music and are waiting for his album. Yet it seems that some people here need to be critical to erase the hole of boredom in their lives.

We're being critical because inbetween no C.D., cancelled shows, being scolded by Axl's minions etc, there's quote a bit of stuff to be critical about. If anything, it's the 'Chinese Democracy will be out this year, Axl poops strawberry ice cream and anyone who doesn't agree should just fuck off!" crowd who are taking crazy pills.

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CD just didn't get off the ground like it was supposed to.

Geezus!!! Is is the middle of January already! Did I hit my head and go into a coma!

Somebody needs to SERIOUSLY fill me in because my web browsers aren't refreshing... keeps saying it's December 13th.


This kind of shit ALWAYS happens to me. Big record release... BAM... I get clunked into a coma somehow and miss everything.

I can't believe the album sucked and it didn't get off the ground.

Somebody PM me and fill me in with all the details.

The Ravens haven't won the Super Bowl yet, have they?

I'm referring to the 1998-2006 CD era of GNR. Not one fucking month. But you knew that already. Your fake optimism has to use lame sarcasm that is supposed to be witty to try and get your "point" across.
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So many negative post about Axl. Yet we all love his music and are waiting for his album. Yet it seems that some people here need to be critical to erase the hole of boredom in their lives. Nobody here knows what is going on with the ALbum or why Axl does this or that, so for those of us who got to see Axl this year, great, for everyone else on here who is pissed off at their parents and vent about Axl to make themselves feel better.

Find another hobbie aside from waiting for CD. It will come out, eventualy.

Oh, anyone ever consider merk leaving Sanct as a reason why there might be hold ups? could be maybe, since people here seem to grasp to any excuse.

How about, I've seen the new band, paid good money to see it, and I'll be critical if I please and I'll care less if it bothers you? :shades:

Hole of boredom in my life...I spend about 3 minutes a day combined on here and HTGTH...I own all their records, 60-70 bootlegs, boxers and a t-shirt. I'm seeing them next week, and if I have an opinion I feel like sharing, you can tolerate it like a mature adult...mmmk?

I qualify as a fan. I'm also a fan of the Red Hot Chili Peppers and own just as much of their stuff. They've played less than half of their amazing new album live. Does that bother me? Hell yeah it does. I'm allowed to be critical of bands I love.

Some of you are Facists at heart, I swear.

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Only people taking "crazy pills" are the ones who thought this band was gonna rule the world and change the musical landscape while playing 80% of AFD.

I think we're reaching a point where Axl AND all the fans need to "move on", or just use these communities to discuss the band in its former glory. Its obvious to anyone that isn't blind that CD just didn't get off the ground like it was supposed to.

The band is in the middle of an evolution and they have probably evolved more in their point of view then how we see things. So don´t judge this band before it is on its final stage of this evolution. We maby in the end gets more then we were supposed to have.. We don´t know that yet. But I agree with u sort of. When this band "moves on" I hope the fans will follow.

Oh, and they´re playing less then 50% of AFD ;)

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Only people taking "crazy pills" are the ones who thought this band was gonna rule the world and change the musical landscape while playing 80% of AFD.

I think we're reaching a point where Axl AND all the fans need to "move on", or just use these communities to discuss the band in its former glory. Its obvious to anyone that isn't blind that CD just didn't get off the ground like it was supposed to.

so why aren't you moving on? :lol:

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So many negative post about Axl. Yet we all love his music and are waiting for his album. Yet it seems that some people here need to be critical to erase the hole of boredom in their lives. Nobody here knows what is going on with the ALbum or why Axl does this or that, so for those of us who got to see Axl this year, great, for everyone else on here who is pissed off at their parents and vent about Axl to make themselves feel better.

Find another hobbie aside from waiting for CD. It will come out, eventualy.

Oh, anyone ever consider merk leaving Sanct as a reason why there might be hold ups? could be maybe, since people here seem to grasp to any excuse.

ha ha

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merckybobih4.jpg :chef:

You are my new God.


2005 is the year of gunsNroses!

someone put axl's face there next,

CD is coming in 2006!

gunzen and matt, the blind beezus and butthead, which ones beezus?

Ausswipe, you still don't get it! I'm a fan of GNR! Is it wrong to support them on a fan forum? Do I think the CD just might come out around the 18th... given the three shows in LA and since the band hasn't commented or retracted their 2006 comments? Sure! Do I think it will happen? Probably not. But you know what, I'll still come here and support the band and not CRY LIKE A BABY if it doesn't happen. Big difference between folks like me who come here to support the band, and lifeless pricks like yourself that come here to do nothnig but make it a point to attack the band, and it's true fans any chance you can get (when you're not downloading porn or following American football).

Now, go round up those kangaroo's that have been eating mommy's tomato plants before they get to her keyboard too. Maybe that wouldn't be a bad thing, actually :laugh:

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