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if axl had any balls he would open the show with Chinese Democracy


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I agree, and I hope that CD will be the opener once the show is out.

With that whole new long intor they have going now, its a perfect show opener.

And I have never liked WTTJ as the opener. I think one of the highlights of the UYI bootlegs is when its mid show and Axl hits you with the random and unexpected "DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE FUCK YOU ARE?"

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I also think the intro to Better would work quite well to getting a show kicked off

I'm tired of Jungle opening every one of the hundred something shows they've done this year - but I understand why they keep it there

Trying one of the CD songs would kind of symbolize " Out with the old, and in with the new " and I'm for that

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Unfortunately for Axl, none of the new songs are good enough to be neither openers nor closers.

Hopefully the "big guns" are still to come.

Oh please, gnr have opened with perfect crime and right next door to hell before, CD is better than both of those songs. Gnr used to open wiht its so easy or nighttrain before too. IT was not always WTTJ. When CD drops CD should be the opener.

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Unfortunately for Axl, none of the new songs are good enough to be neither openers nor closers.

Hopefully the "big guns" are still to come.

Oh please, gnr have opened with perfect crime and right next door to hell before, CD is better than both of those songs. Gnr used to open wiht its so easy or nighttrain before too. IT was not always WTTJ. When CD drops CD should be the opener.

if it has to be one of the new songs i would prefer better ten times more than chinese democracy

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Unfortunately for Axl, none of the new songs are good enough to be neither openers nor closers.

Hopefully the "big guns" are still to come.

Oh please, gnr have opened with perfect crime and right next door to hell before, CD is better than both of those songs. Gnr used to open wiht its so easy or nighttrain before too. IT was not always WTTJ. When CD drops CD should be the opener.

If CD is better than Perfect Crime and Right Next Door to Hell is debatable. Anyway, they didn't open often with Perfect Crime, did they ?

It's so Easy and Nightrain are among the best GNR songs, CD isn't a patch on them. It's an average song imo, but maybe we should get used to average songs with this new band, shouldn't we ?

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Unfortunately for Axl, none of the new songs are good enough to be neither openers nor closers.

Hopefully the "big guns" are still to come.

Oh please, gnr have opened with perfect crime and right next door to hell before, CD is better than both of those songs. Gnr used to open wiht its so easy or nighttrain before too. IT was not always WTTJ. When CD drops CD should be the opener.

If CD is better than Perfect Crime and Right Next Door to Hell is debatable. Anyway, they didn't open often with Perfect Crime, did they ?

It's so Easy and Nightrain are among the best GNR songs, CD isn't a patch on them. It's an average song imo, but maybe we should get used to average songs with this new band, shouldn't we ?

Yes, I remember seeing them open with Perfect Crime before UYIs were released. No one in the crowd knew the song but it sounded hard and angry.

IMO, they should consider using CD as an opener after CD is released. Right now the crowd energy that WTTJ generates is amazing.

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He should try at a few of the shows opening with CD and not WTTJ and see how it goes.

I'm sure Axl Rose, a guy who has played countless hundreds of concerts, who has performed in front of countless millions of fans, who has a pretty good idea of what those countless millions of fans want to hear has things under control. Until 'CD' has the same mystique and recognizability as WTTJ (quite arguably an iconic track burned into every ear of every English speaking person in the world thanks to its use at sporting and other events), which it won't, it probably won't be an opener. Casual fans are going to want to hear the huge classics and what better way to get a casual crowd fired up than the use of Jungle as an opener.

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I was in the Meadowlands for both GNR/Metallica shows back in early nineties, and the second show , yes, they opened with Perfect Crime

The reason he is playing Jungle now, is because he knows that there are still a lot of people going to these shows because of what GNR HAS DONE......not necessarily what GNR WILL DO in the future

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Unfortunately for Axl, none of the new songs are good enough to be neither openers nor closers.

Hopefully the "big guns" are still to come.

Oh please, gnr have opened with perfect crime and right next door to hell before, CD is better than both of those songs. Gnr used to open wiht its so easy or nighttrain before too. IT was not always WTTJ. When CD drops CD should be the opener.

If CD is better than Perfect Crime and Right Next Door to Hell is debatable. Anyway, they didn't open often with Perfect Crime, did they ?

It's so Easy and Nightrain are among the best GNR songs, CD isn't a patch on them. It's an average song imo, but maybe we should get used to average songs with this new band, shouldn't we ?

Why would you assume that songs the new gnr puts out are going to be average? Weren't you a fan of the old band? Wasn't Axl part of a band that put out some of the best rock music ever? Seems like you'd assume that whatever Axl put out now would be WAY more than "average." Course, I guess after what Slash has put out without Axl (velvet, snakepit) your used to old band members putting out average rock.

But you should at least wait and give Axl a chance, before assuming the worst.

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can't promote the new band without having a dig at the former members eh?

They're the bane of GNR's existence now. Everywhere one turns there they are. Why couldn't they just dissapear into nothing after leaving GNR, then we wouldn't have to always be reminded that they will always be around and people will never forget their contributions to GNR. Why couldn't they just stop making music and not get along so well outside of GNR that they are back making jamming together?

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can't promote the new band without having a dig at the former members eh?

They're the bane of GNR's existence now. Everywhere one turns there they are. Why couldn't they just dissapear into nothing after leaving GNR, then we wouldn't have to always be reminded that they will always be around and people will never forget their contributions to GNR. Why couldn't they just stop making music and not get along so well outside of GNR that they are back making jamming together?

OMG. Talk about the pot coloring the kettle Black.

Yes, people often talk about the old guys when talking about the new band.

JUST LIKE VR fans cant talk about their band without taking shots at Axl and Chinese Democracy!!!!

Thats what amazes me about the VR crowd. They apply different standards to people than they follow themselves.

It's OK to rip Axl, the new band and Chinese Democracy the album. But if somebody says something negative about Scott or Velvet . . . it's not an opinion like they have about Axl/CD . . . but it's disgruntled, jealous fans just ripping apart the old guys.


The old saying "do as I say, not as I do" comes to mind.

I bash Velv Rev because I think their singer sucks, their album was boring and I personally expected much more from Slash/Duff. You apparently didn't. Guess my expectations were too high.

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