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Jesus, going back to World War II for COD 5, what the hell? It looks cool and all but come on, isn't that like a step in the wrong direction?

Don't waste your time - COD5 is being developed by Treyarch who made COD3... they're a really shit developer and they're recycling the COD4 engine.

The "real" sequel to COD4 will be COD6 which is being developed by Infinity Ward. Don't waste your time with COD5.

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Guest Jack_the_ripper

The conduit is a game for everyone who owns the wii should check out (and perhaps everyone who doesn't own a wii should check it out as well, pretty intense graphics for the wii.)

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So - guess who got MGS 4 today from play.com? :shades:

Me>All of you.


I'm going to wait until im back from holiday (two weeks) until i order MGS. Get practicing bingy baby ;)

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Guest Jack_the_ripper

:lol: that line sold you for real? do you have any idea how cliched that comes off as?

Anyways, I have no need for bad games, I have Ikaruga.

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To be honest, I wasn't really excited about MGS4.

i'm glad you can admit it. from what i'm reading on websites many people who have never played MGS are hyped for this game. most will hate it because it's so different, it's not as fast paced as other games and gameplay is different. some used the horrible online beta to judge the game. bad idea. but i know most people who haven't played others will say this was over hyped, whereas fans of the series will realise it's not. i wouldn't reccomend anyone start with MGS4, i haven't played it yet, but judging from past MGS games it will be a bad idea

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Guest Jack_the_ripper
To be honest, I wasn't really excited about MGS4.

i'm glad you can admit it. from what i'm reading on websites many people who have never played MGS are hyped for this game. most will hate it because it's so different, it's not as fast paced as other games and gameplay is different. some used the horrible online beta to judge the game. bad idea. but i know most people who haven't played others will say this was over hyped, whereas fans of the series will realise it's not. i wouldn't reccomend anyone start with MGS4, i haven't played it yet, but judging from past MGS games it will be a bad idea

... you realize that even if they never played the games previously, but are hyped for this game, and gets disapointed... that's the definintion of overhyped...

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To be honest, I wasn't really excited about MGS4.

i'm glad you can admit it. from what i'm reading on websites many people who have never played MGS are hyped for this game. most will hate it because it's so different, it's not as fast paced as other games and gameplay is different. some used the horrible online beta to judge the game. bad idea. but i know most people who haven't played others will say this was over hyped, whereas fans of the series will realise it's not. i wouldn't reccomend anyone start with MGS4, i haven't played it yet, but judging from past MGS games it will be a bad idea

... you realize that even if they never played the games previously, but are hyped for this game, and gets disapointed... that's the definintion of overhyped...

here we go again :rolleyes:

no it's not, because people who know what they're getting are being hyped up for this game. i haven't played it yet but i'm 100% sure this will be the best MGS4 game. now if it turns out to be shit, then it's over hyped

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Guest Jack_the_ripper
To be honest, I wasn't really excited about MGS4.

i'm glad you can admit it. from what i'm reading on websites many people who have never played MGS are hyped for this game. most will hate it because it's so different, it's not as fast paced as other games and gameplay is different. some used the horrible online beta to judge the game. bad idea. but i know most people who haven't played others will say this was over hyped, whereas fans of the series will realise it's not. i wouldn't reccomend anyone start with MGS4, i haven't played it yet, but judging from past MGS games it will be a bad idea

... you realize that even if they never played the games previously, but are hyped for this game, and gets disapointed... that's the definintion of overhyped...

here we go again :rolleyes:

no it's not, because people who know what they're getting are being hyped up for this game. i haven't played it yet but i'm 100% sure this will be the best MGS4 game. now if it turns out to be shit, then it's over hyped

but... it's the same thing, you seem to be missing the point of what overhyped is... it doesn't matter if they've never played any of the other games, it's not the series that's being overhyped in this instance, it's this particular game.

Here's an example: Someone hears constantly about Zelda Twilight Princess, never played any of the other zelda games, he goes out and buys it because of this and disliked it, that means it's overhyped, because they bought it because of the hype.

MGS4 definitely falls in that category if that does happen.

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Guest Jack_the_ripper

No, your being absolutely ridiculous

If a large majority of people are disappointed by a game with alot of hype, it doesn't matter if it's part of a series or not, it makes it over hyped.

I don't understand why you're arguing with me on this point.

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Guest Jack_the_ripper
I don't understand why you're arguing with me on this point.

I don't know why anyone would bother Jack. You're always right about anything to do with videogames because you're cultured and they're not.

you're finally catching on :lol:

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