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Posts posted by CAFC Nick

  1. I remember everyone discussing how amazing this was at the time, back in 06, but until the other day I hadn't really heard it. I think I heard a version they played of this at the Cuckoo Club? This is truly INCREDIBLE. One of my favourite Axl performances of all time.

  2. I see...

    Is it possible to make it louder? I mean, more clear.

    Like it was done to Sebastian Bach at the Sorry chorus, someone made it crystal clear.

    And just for the record, a lot of Autotune :lol:

    Well it's not that much hidden during live performances. But it should've been more front in the album mix.

    Not really... I mean, it's not supposed to be there, is it? Ron recorded the solo to be put there, so I'd guess they would completely remove Buckethead solo.

    The Baz autotune was crystal clear in the 'Additional Instruments' .mogg of 'Sorry'.

  3. I don't understand your issue with BBF's role on the album. The album was largely written and completed by the time BBF joined and still he played on every track and had solos on several tracks. The only other option I would see to give BBF a larger role would be to discard some of CD material.

    One possible legitimate reason the band hasn't entered the studio is that perhaps the focus right now is not on new material, but on arranging a US tour. Perhaps, after a long year of touring in 2010, Axl just wants to relax and focus on getting the US tour together prior to doing anything else? Also, perhaps there is no desire to discard the other CD-era material in favor of starting fresh with the current band? Perhaps, the focus for the future in terms of album releases will be to get another record out of the CD sessions rather than discarding that material completely.

    The problem I see is that either new material is written and recorded at the expense of the rest of the CD-era material, or new material is held off on until the CD-era material is released completely as Axl wants it. I don't see wanting to release additional CD-era material as being at the disservice of the current lineup because that doesn't preclude fresh material being written with the current lineup down the road. However, discarding any additional CD-era material would be a great disservice to everyone who put their heart and soul into that material, as well as the fans who would like to hear it.

    And, I don't think you can release any material the CD sessions and NOT market it as being representative of GN'R currently. The only option would be to not release that material at all, which again, is not a reasonable option to me.


    I have no problem whatsoever with Bumblefoot's “role” on “Chinese Democracy”. My issue is with you seemingly legitimizing the notion that Axl respects Ron's studio “prowess” because he allowed him to play a fairly elementary role on the album (people may prefer certain aspects of the record contributed by Thal, but the reality is had he not featured at all the majority's opinion would be relatively unchanged).

    Wouldn't you agree that “new” material of some sort would enhance the possibility of a U.S tour being successful? Its seems a bit chancy (for want of a better word) to tour behind material the majority of people in America weren't taken aback by, as such. With more songs at the band's disposal (through downtime recording or unreleased existing material) surely there's a greater capacity for success (as I've said)?

    Don't you see the illegitimacy in releasing albums comprised between 1999-2008 as representative of GN'R ala 2009? The rest of “Chinese Democracy” can be put out there without being credited as Guns N' Roses' seventh studio album (by releasing it as part of the initial album release as opposed to another concept entirely).

    Buckethead and Finck's efforts should not be tampered with by Dj or Ron. In the same way that Buckethead's or Finck's prior involvement should not compromise the immediate potential of this “new” line-up (by Axl continually prolonging their now defunct role when he could just as easily close that chapter for good).

    Again, I didn't propose “Chinese Democracy” II/III be released under another pseudonym or brand. What I did propose is that all of the material from that particular era be marketed under one concept (the initial “Chinese Democracy” release).

    In my opinion Axl should clearly signal his intention to collaborate with Dj and Ron (in the studio) or stop kidding himself and give Buckethead/Robin a call.

    This guy gets it.

  4. Just picked up the Red Hand cover at a used record store in LA today...for $5! Totally shocked to see it. The new artwork is both cool and weird. There's an alien rape painting for Shackler's Revenge. Still like the bike cover and the pics of the band in the original release...but it's cool to have the correct lyrics and a few additional liner notes from Axl.

    What's interesting is that the back says Copyright 2008-2009

    Pics of GTFO.

  5. Wheres the original video of the audio?

    It was the fanmade video that surfaced online around the time that CD came out with a guy dressed up as BBF, Bucket and Slash and playing along with the songs; haven't seen the video in so long and am quite intrigued to see it again.

  6. I also wonder when the CD songs were written and recorded, and what the oldest song is on there--Oldest lyrically, that is.

    This I Love 1992

    Catcher 199?

    CD 1999

    TWAT 1999

    Prostitute 1999

    The Blues 2000

    Madagascar 2000/01

    IRS 2001

    Rhiad 2001

    If The World 2001

    Better 2002 (?)

    Sorry 2003/04

    Scraped 2005

    Shackler 2005

    Just an educated guess from when I first heard (about) them.

    Shackler's and Scraped are both predominantly Buckethead songs, so they have to be dated to pre-2004.

  7. Axl said that Sorry was based on many things, like each portion of the lyrics relates to something different. One of those subjects is Slash, in my view anyway, so when Axl says the song isn't about Slash he isn't lying, the song was not written purely with Slash in mind, just certain lyrics relate to him.

    This guy has got it spot on. I don't think it's purely about slash, but to say that it has absolutely nothing to do with slash is very naive.

  8. 'That was denied and I didn't walk till several months after having 3 to 4 hour phone conversations nearly every day with Slash trying to reach a compromise. I was specifically told no lyrics, no melodies, no changes to anything and to sing what I was told or fuck off.'

    Sorry lyrics: "Just shut up and sing"

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