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Everything posted by DeNfr

  1. KISS - Reflecting On The Past, Present And Future As A New Era Begins
  2. yes Ron must be lying about that because it totally makes sense to lie about something that happened to you 12 years ago to recount your most "spinal tap" moment and everyone knows that Guns N'Roses fans are the most mentally balanced in the known universe and Brazilians are not at all hot-blooded I call bullshit on that
  3. I find it pretty amazing, perfect for a band like Kiss really, at that point, who cares who's behind the make up, it's like its own entity, the music is there, tons of albums, the technology is there too, so no problem to me, they always try to move on to new stuff and they are always ahead of their time about marketing and business (yeah well, you can even buy a Kiss coffin...) the next step I suppose is training an AI with all the studio albums and making a new album with it. Kiss would become the first immortal rock n'roll band, and that alone, is kinda amazing.
  4. yeah that's the same charade with all the bands really, "it's not the same since Terry left the band in 1987" "problem" with GNR is almost everyone left, plus it was around the same time. so there wasn't transition periods between changes of musicians. you add to that a long hiatus... funny thing is, I can be considered as an "old school" fan but musically I find many common points with UYI material and even songs who could have recorded for these albums (This I Love, Street of Dreams, There Was A Time, Madagascar...) so CD is not that different than 1990s GNR in terms of songwriting.
  5. fan since 1989 here, and I think it's one of their best. I'm incredibly proud of these last singles, + Monsters. proud to be a real GNR fan.
  6. I can't say yet, it could be, in terms of compression, general quality, mix... much different, or different at all?
  7. oh so I'm arguing alone then, well ok so I'm right.
  8. I still don't understand this theory and how some people can still think that it's just one song since it was played live
  9. probably not always, but the point is, if it works even sometimes, this invalidates your “never” argument.
  10. sure, but that never stopped Axl from writing, otherwise we wouldn't have all these fantastic songs
  11. he can't remember because nothing happened (said his lawyer)
  12. drugs and booze *helps* you write in fact, most genius of poetry and literature were ones of the most drug addicts and alcoholics in history, and talking about headspace, these Rimbaud, De Quincey, Baudelaire or Dostoyevsky weren't the most at peace with themselves...
  13. I always found him a bit flabby. Richard is so energetic in comparison
  14. no, for the simple fact that drugs and booze have no permanent effects except physical addiction, but the psychotropic effects are limited in time (thx god), so you can, for example, take speedballs the morning, and write your goddamn entry journal at night (or the opposite...)
  15. it doesn't affect your ability to keep a journal
  16. in the band you have Matt who remembers almost everything. I personally think Axl has an even better memory. and I'm pretty sure we'll all be amazed by the level of details of his memoirs if the book is released one day
  17. I'm no scientist but I'm pretty confident the brain doesn't work like that
  18. well, if Slash can remember sharing women with Axl or anyone else at that time, with all the drugs and booze he had in his system, Axl can.
  19. yeah I think he remember almost everything unless he was too stoned to. Axl has an amazing memory, he memorizes hundred of funny jokes, can talk about events none of the other guys can remember, plus he apparently keeps a journal(s) where he notes everything. maybe you remember that time where he was on the phone with Izzy and he began to tell him "yeah but at that precise date you told about..." Izzy was like "huh?" when listening to Axl turning pages of his journal... so yeah I think this kind of thing, he can remember very well, with whom, when, and what happened.
  20. if she said it was a consensual relationship before, it probably was, so there's no case. that said, that kind of defense "I have no recollection, I don't know this person, all made up, but it could be a photo, maybe I meet the gal..." sounds more like a "yeah I remember it's true but you can't prove it" luckyly Riki Rachtman is loyal and doesn't need money...
  21. it's like when Yoko Ono pretended she didn't know The Beatles before meeting John (but she met Paul first...)
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