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Posts posted by OTHAFA

  1. Can someone post a picture of what the tickets for this GNR tour look like? Like when you print them online or whatever? I'm going to buy some tickets for the Los Angeles HOB show tomorrow from a dude on Craigslist. I haven't ever bought tickets from Craigslist, so being a n00b I want to make sure I know what I'm getting. There was just a story on the news here about someone selling scam tickets for sporting events/concerts, etc.

    So yeah, if anyone could do that, that'd be greaaaaat. Thanks :thumbsup:

  2. Anyone been to the Palladium before? I got VIP balcony seats, so I'm wondering what time I should show up. I'm figuring Axl won't take the stage until Midnight, so can I show up at like 11:30 and still get a decent seat?

  3. It's sweet, when you think about it. Mr. Ashba is so young and naive. He's talking like a young Robin Finck. So energetic and full of life. Ready to dive head first into recording new material and put out a super duper new album. He either hasn't gotten the hint yet, or he knows and doesn't care and just wants to say whatever he has to say to keep the checks coming in.

  4. All I see in that list is Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose, and Rose.

    Probably because you're looking at the lyrics. There's another section called "music" - check there, bub. Thaaaaanks.

    The worst 3 songs from AFD (ITS, Mr. B, TAY) were not written by Rose. Coincidence? I don't think so.

    Three worst songs? According to whom? This is from the official shit-for-brains list of RocketKing99's best AFD songs?

  5. A bit off topic, but the thing that's always struck me as odd about this interview is how much he babbles on about Old Guns, but then says virtually nothing at all about the new band. Very strange.

    You're right, it's odd that he talked about the main subject people have been asking him to talk about for over a decade. That's bizzare.........

    Read much? I'm not saying it's odd that he talked a lot about Old Guns, I'm saying for a guy trying to get his new band off the ground, it seems strange to be all mysterious and non-committal about them, but go into extra-super detail about anything relating to the old band.

  6. I can't be arsed trawling through all the Axl chats, but I got the impression that the CDII stuff wasn't completed, nevermind a CDIII

    Infact, I'm pretty sure MSL alluded to the very same too

    edit - why would they be handed into Universal? I thought Interscope were in charge? Now that is confusing

    Interscope is Universal.

    When's the next album?

    Have no idea and don't care. Hopefully, we'll be working 'Chinese' for a good bit. Of course there's the same idiots that have been around forever already demanding release dates.

    How much material is there?

    Not as much as Baz [sebastian Bach] thinks he heard! Really, it doesn't matter. If things go well enough, we'd like to get another out at some point in our lifetimes.

    Is anything finished?

    Depends how you look at it.

    How do you look at it?

    Not something we've focused on.

    You're not saying much.

    You got that? What I can say is if you don't like this, then you probably won't like that. Same people, lots more approaches, bit meaner in places and darker in some. Robin does a really great Stevie Ray Vaughan-type solo on one track.


    "Depends on how you look at it"

    A bit off topic, but the thing that's always struck me as odd about this interview is how much he babbles on about Old Guns, but then says virtually nothing at all about the new band. Very strange.

  7. Sorry is actually a great track musically, but Axl ruins it with his "I'm a 12-year-old having a temper tantrum, let me list all the reasons why I hate you" lyrics and unlistenable vocal delivery.

    Therefore, Crucify the Dead wins.

  8. If Madison had done proper investigation she wouldn't have perpetuated her lies. She had some sort of weird fucked up agenda and thank God Axl finally called her on it.

    and what would she have to gain from this "agenda" exactly?

    Seriously. I mean, honest to god, where did this start then? Do the Axlites honestly think she just sat around one day and said "Hmm, what lie can I pull out of my ass...let's see..oh, I'm going to say Axl is banning Slash shirts from the shows!"

    I was a sports writer for 10 years and covered a lot of college and professional athletes and coaches. And I would need more than two hands to count the amount of times that coaches or players said something candidly to me, clear as day, on my recorder. Then, after seeing it in print the next day and dealing with the backlash, got really angry and retracted their statements and claimed they never gave that quote and tried to point the finger at me.

    I think that's what we're seeing here with Axl.

  9. 1:17 into the clip "Get that guy outta here... hand me that shirt, etc"

    Does this man live in some sort of reality distortion field? He clearly HAS done stuff like this in the past, and its not unreasonable to believe that he could be capable of it again given his track record. Another example of T.A.B: Typical Axl Behavior. While I love GNR in all its different incarnations, people like Axl hate the internet because there is now a way of actually researching and documenting lies and distortions and misinformation. Ive been on this board in the past and never thought much of Madison but this kind of stuff just makes Axl look small. Any GNR fan worth their salt has seen the Rock in Rio concert, so for him to flat out lie about his antics and behavior really says a lot about how he feels about his fanbase. Wasn't it Axl himself who said: "You think anyone with an IQ over 15 is gonna believe your shit?"

    You have some valid points.

    This is exhibit #1,201 of why Axl really can't be trusted about anything. Ever.

  10. ... He should have came out and said all this publicly.

    Agreed. If he had come out right away and said that he believes fans should be able to wear whatever they wish, this would have ended the entire discussion. But he didn't.

    And I have to say that it saddens me that Axl thinks the sources are "fake." The security manager is very real and I have his name and phone number if he's interested in following up. Also, our forum members who witnessed this firsthand had no reason to lie. Axl can talk to them as well if he doubts they exist.

    Revolver - glad you had a great time. :)

    What the fuck do you know? That's right! You don't know jack fucking shit you fucking ignorant, know it all, fucking deluded, misguided, self important, self righteous, pious, small minded, clueless, loud mouthed, arrogant cunt. No one needs your opinions n' having to deal with your constant abuse of privileges or the miniscule amount of power you've had here you wield like an angry, lesbian, wannabe, high school parking lot rent-a-cop always mouthing off like you're some kind of authority which you're far from. I have to say it saddens me you continue to babble your horseshit to unsuspecting fans n' any names n' numbers you have are of people like you who try n' hurt others to promote themselves at their expense. That's the only real thing you got bitch. It's like Revolver's if not edited, cloudy recollection of events as I've never asked for anyone's shirt bein' thrown out of anywhere let alone say I did but hey he won a contest so he must be credible, whatever, no good deed goes unpunished. I don't work for you or have to do a goddamn thing you think ever. Your opinions of anything whatsoever don't count or mean jack shit to me or anyone in this camp. You're garbage, plain and simple. You're not a fan or a voice of reason... you're a sick n' diseased mind spilling it's bile over the internet. Well now you can drink up the rewards of the crap that's been spillin' out of your pie hole forever here n' enjoy the fermented, feted n' vulgar response you've been cultivating n' aching for... for so long . Find another board this one doesn't need you. Oh n' feel free to jump in all you wanna be web warriors, ho defenders n' bitch boi's, you ain't needed either. For the rest of you... Surprise gigs comin'!!

    Jesus, what an insufferable asshole. No wonder America doesn't give a shit about Guns N' Roses anymore. Look at how the lead singer treats his fans.

    What an absolutely ridiculous thing for you to say! America still loves Guns, open your fucking eyes. And maybe if you'd taken the time to browse this forum, or at least this particular thread, you would've seen all the reasons why Axl came down so hard on Madison. You saying that she can endlessly bash the band, continue to perpetuate stupid rumors even after they've been confirmed as lies, and Axl is just supposed to ignore this? Mygnr's a huge community and bullshit perpetuated here gets spewed all over the internet. People who talk shit deserve shit, and seems to me this is what she got. No less than what was coming to her.

    As for how Axl treats his fans, how the fuck would you know? Maybe you should read Revolver's post at the beginning of this thread, how warmly he and the rest of us were received by Axl and everyone in his camp. I don't think I've ever met more down to earth, unassuming and friendly people. Axl et al. are highly misunderstood.

    Except, she didn't do any of those things. She was told something that apparently other sources were also told and she reported it to us, just as she's always done. Considering that she has contact information to back up her claims, maybe it's worth a little investigating on Axl's part to see who from the Guns camp is spewing stuff like this, rather than just responding with a "FUCK YOU, FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK CUNT".

    Yeah, I read Revolver's post at the beginning of the thread, and then I read in Axl's reply how he wasted no time taking a little swipe at Revovler ("Hey, he won a contest so he must be credible") - Axl is just a fucking asshole. It used to be cool, now it's not. That's why Guns played to half-empty arenas in the US in 2006 and will do the same if they tour here in 2010. The way to avoid his wrath is be a yes man, never question him or the band and agree with every stupid thing he says. Apparently some of you are getting that down pat.

    Worth investigating on Axl's part? No. He's got more important things to do I'm sure than track down rumors and bullshit about himself on the internet. On the other hand, maybe Madison should have done some proper investigating herself. If she wanted to check the validity of a rumor she really should have went to the only reliable source i.e.: someone within the GN'R camp!

    Really? You think he has more important things to do? I don't think he does, actually. In fact, I'd wager that he spends probably 2% of his average day actually doing something important. So he can fit an "important" thing like that somewhere in between his 1 PM World of Warcraft session and his 4 PM "Google My Own Name for 2 Hours" session.

    Madison DID the proper investigating. She claims to have a source within the GNR camp and was willing to provide proof of such. Is she lying? Maybe, I don't know, but here's how two logical adults would have handled it...

    Madison: Axl, someone within the band's management told me this. Would you like his contact information?

    Axl: Yes, It's probably worth it to get to the bottom of this and see if it's true or not.

    HERE is what actually happened.

    Madison: Axl, someone within the band's management told me this. Would you like his contact information?


    If Madison had done proper investigation she wouldn't have perpetuated her lies. She had some sort of weird fucked up agenda and thank God Axl finally called her on it.

    And how do you know what Madison said was a lie? Did you follow up? Did you contact her source? Or are you just saying this because Axl said its a lie? Because, you know..Axl has NEVER lied to his fans before :rolleyes:

    Don't act like you're some fucking insider because you spent a day backstage with the guy.

  11. ... He should have came out and said all this publicly.

    Agreed. If he had come out right away and said that he believes fans should be able to wear whatever they wish, this would have ended the entire discussion. But he didn't.

    And I have to say that it saddens me that Axl thinks the sources are "fake." The security manager is very real and I have his name and phone number if he's interested in following up. Also, our forum members who witnessed this firsthand had no reason to lie. Axl can talk to them as well if he doubts they exist.

    Revolver - glad you had a great time. :)

    What the fuck do you know? That's right! You don't know jack fucking shit you fucking ignorant, know it all, fucking deluded, misguided, self important, self righteous, pious, small minded, clueless, loud mouthed, arrogant cunt. No one needs your opinions n' having to deal with your constant abuse of privileges or the miniscule amount of power you've had here you wield like an angry, lesbian, wannabe, high school parking lot rent-a-cop always mouthing off like you're some kind of authority which you're far from. I have to say it saddens me you continue to babble your horseshit to unsuspecting fans n' any names n' numbers you have are of people like you who try n' hurt others to promote themselves at their expense. That's the only real thing you got bitch. It's like Revolver's if not edited, cloudy recollection of events as I've never asked for anyone's shirt bein' thrown out of anywhere let alone say I did but hey he won a contest so he must be credible, whatever, no good deed goes unpunished. I don't work for you or have to do a goddamn thing you think ever. Your opinions of anything whatsoever don't count or mean jack shit to me or anyone in this camp. You're garbage, plain and simple. You're not a fan or a voice of reason... you're a sick n' diseased mind spilling it's bile over the internet. Well now you can drink up the rewards of the crap that's been spillin' out of your pie hole forever here n' enjoy the fermented, feted n' vulgar response you've been cultivating n' aching for... for so long . Find another board this one doesn't need you. Oh n' feel free to jump in all you wanna be web warriors, ho defenders n' bitch boi's, you ain't needed either. For the rest of you... Surprise gigs comin'!!

    Jesus, what an insufferable asshole. No wonder America doesn't give a shit about Guns N' Roses anymore. Look at how the lead singer treats his fans.

    What an absolutely ridiculous thing for you to say! America still loves Guns, open your fucking eyes. And maybe if you'd taken the time to browse this forum, or at least this particular thread, you would've seen all the reasons why Axl came down so hard on Madison. You saying that she can endlessly bash the band, continue to perpetuate stupid rumors even after they've been confirmed as lies, and Axl is just supposed to ignore this? Mygnr's a huge community and bullshit perpetuated here gets spewed all over the internet. People who talk shit deserve shit, and seems to me this is what she got. No less than what was coming to her.

    As for how Axl treats his fans, how the fuck would you know? Maybe you should read Revolver's post at the beginning of this thread, how warmly he and the rest of us were received by Axl and everyone in his camp. I don't think I've ever met more down to earth, unassuming and friendly people. Axl et al. are highly misunderstood.

    Except, she didn't do any of those things. She was told something that apparently other sources were also told and she reported it to us, just as she's always done. Considering that she has contact information to back up her claims, maybe it's worth a little investigating on Axl's part to see who from the Guns camp is spewing stuff like this, rather than just responding with a "FUCK YOU, FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK CUNT".

    Yeah, I read Revolver's post at the beginning of the thread, and then I read in Axl's reply how he wasted no time taking a little swipe at Revovler ("Hey, he won a contest so he must be credible") - Axl is just a fucking asshole. It used to be cool, now it's not. That's why Guns played to half-empty arenas in the US in 2006 and will do the same if they tour here in 2010. The way to avoid his wrath is be a yes man, never question him or the band and agree with every stupid thing he says. Apparently some of you are getting that down pat.

    Worth investigating on Axl's part? No. He's got more important things to do I'm sure than track down rumors and bullshit about himself on the internet. On the other hand, maybe Madison should have done some proper investigating herself. If she wanted to check the validity of a rumor she really should have went to the only reliable source i.e.: someone within the GN'R camp!

    Really? You think he has more important things to do? I don't think he does, actually. In fact, I'd wager that he spends probably 2% of his average day actually doing something important. So he can fit an "important" thing like that somewhere in between his 1 PM World of Warcraft session and his 4 PM "Google My Own Name for 2 Hours" session.

    Madison DID the proper investigating. She claims to have a source within the GNR camp and was willing to provide proof of such. Is she lying? Maybe, I don't know, but here's how two logical adults would have handled it...

    Madison: Axl, someone within the band's management told me this. Would you like his contact information?

    Axl: Yes, It's probably worth it to get to the bottom of this and see if it's true or not.

    HERE is what actually happened.

    Madison: Axl, someone within the band's management told me this. Would you like his contact information?


  12. ... He should have came out and said all this publicly.

    Agreed. If he had come out right away and said that he believes fans should be able to wear whatever they wish, this would have ended the entire discussion. But he didn't.

    And I have to say that it saddens me that Axl thinks the sources are "fake." The security manager is very real and I have his name and phone number if he's interested in following up. Also, our forum members who witnessed this firsthand had no reason to lie. Axl can talk to them as well if he doubts they exist.

    Revolver - glad you had a great time. :)

    What the fuck do you know? That's right! You don't know jack fucking shit you fucking ignorant, know it all, fucking deluded, misguided, self important, self righteous, pious, small minded, clueless, loud mouthed, arrogant cunt. No one needs your opinions n' having to deal with your constant abuse of privileges or the miniscule amount of power you've had here you wield like an angry, lesbian, wannabe, high school parking lot rent-a-cop always mouthing off like you're some kind of authority which you're far from. I have to say it saddens me you continue to babble your horseshit to unsuspecting fans n' any names n' numbers you have are of people like you who try n' hurt others to promote themselves at their expense. That's the only real thing you got bitch. It's like Revolver's if not edited, cloudy recollection of events as I've never asked for anyone's shirt bein' thrown out of anywhere let alone say I did but hey he won a contest so he must be credible, whatever, no good deed goes unpunished. I don't work for you or have to do a goddamn thing you think ever. Your opinions of anything whatsoever don't count or mean jack shit to me or anyone in this camp. You're garbage, plain and simple. You're not a fan or a voice of reason... you're a sick n' diseased mind spilling it's bile over the internet. Well now you can drink up the rewards of the crap that's been spillin' out of your pie hole forever here n' enjoy the fermented, feted n' vulgar response you've been cultivating n' aching for... for so long . Find another board this one doesn't need you. Oh n' feel free to jump in all you wanna be web warriors, ho defenders n' bitch boi's, you ain't needed either. For the rest of you... Surprise gigs comin'!!

    Jesus, what an insufferable asshole. No wonder America doesn't give a shit about Guns N' Roses anymore. Look at how the lead singer treats his fans.

    What an absolutely ridiculous thing for you to say! America still loves Guns, open your fucking eyes. And maybe if you'd taken the time to browse this forum, or at least this particular thread, you would've seen all the reasons why Axl came down so hard on Madison. You saying that she can endlessly bash the band, continue to perpetuate stupid rumors even after they've been confirmed as lies, and Axl is just supposed to ignore this? Mygnr's a huge community and bullshit perpetuated here gets spewed all over the internet. People who talk shit deserve shit, and seems to me this is what she got. No less than what was coming to her.

    As for how Axl treats his fans, how the fuck would you know? Maybe you should read Revolver's post at the beginning of this thread, how warmly he and the rest of us were received by Axl and everyone in his camp. I don't think I've ever met more down to earth, unassuming and friendly people. Axl et al. are highly misunderstood.

    Except, she didn't do any of those things. She was told something that apparently other sources were also told and she reported it to us, just as she's always done. Considering that she has contact information to back up her claims, maybe it's worth a little investigating on Axl's part to see who from the Guns camp is spewing stuff like this, rather than just responding with a "FUCK YOU, FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK CUNT".

    Yeah, I read Revolver's post at the beginning of the thread, and then I read in Axl's reply how he wasted no time taking a little swipe at Revovler ("Hey, he won a contest so he must be credible") - Axl is just a fucking asshole. It used to be cool, now it's not. That's why Guns played to half-empty arenas in the US in 2006 and will do the same if they tour here in 2010. The way to avoid his wrath is be a yes man, never question him or the band and agree with every stupid thing he says. Apparently some of you are getting that down pat.

  13. Team Madison-REPRESENT! People are using the Axl post a reason to bash her. Isn't she part of the reason this Forum got so big in the first place?

    Thank you.

    And I built the membership (from a handful to more than 35,000) by starting threads, recruiting members, posting news (uncensored), being honest with everybody, and always encouraging freedom of speech. As I mentioned earlier, you would not have seen Merck's letter if it weren't for me refusing to censor it. That's just one example.

    You and I have both (strongly) disagreed on certain topics from time to time, but for the most part, you've always handled issues maturely and have never been unfairly critical towards Axl or anyone else in the GN'R "camp." I think it's ridiculous how this is being handled.

    If the shirt thing was false and it was false from day one, a rep should have shot it down instead of whining about it later. You can't let rumours grow and then complain when people start believing it.

    I don't doubt that someone told Madison people were being turned away for having Slash shirts, but maybe instead of attacking Madison you should find out who told that guy she talked to. Because it's probably not too good that a head of security at a show is under the impression (regardless of whether it's true or false) that Axl personally gave out these demands about the shirts. This all seems like wasted energy, but what do I know - I'm just a bitch boi.

    Exactly, funny how Axl is always the guy who whines like a little pussy about how nobody ever listens to him or gets his side of story or ever really gets the "truth".

    Yet here, in this situation, we have him doing exactly what he always bitches about. Madison is simply stating what has been told to her by the band's management. She is providing names and contact info of these people to prove this. The mature thing for Axl to do, if he really wanted to get to the bottom of this, would be to contact her privately and resolve the matter. Instead... well, we all saw what happened.

    How soon before this board turns Jarmoville 2.0?

  14. ... He should have came out and said all this publicly.

    Agreed. If he had come out right away and said that he believes fans should be able to wear whatever they wish, this would have ended the entire discussion. But he didn't.

    And I have to say that it saddens me that Axl thinks the sources are "fake." The security manager is very real and I have his name and phone number if he's interested in following up. Also, our forum members who witnessed this firsthand had no reason to lie. Axl can talk to them as well if he doubts they exist.

    Revolver - glad you had a great time. :)

    What the fuck do you know? That's right! You don't know jack fucking shit you fucking ignorant, know it all, fucking deluded, misguided, self important, self righteous, pious, small minded, clueless, loud mouthed, arrogant cunt. No one needs your opinions n' having to deal with your constant abuse of privileges or the miniscule amount of power you've had here you wield like an angry, lesbian, wannabe, high school parking lot rent-a-cop always mouthing off like you're some kind of authority which you're far from. I have to say it saddens me you continue to babble your horseshit to unsuspecting fans n' any names n' numbers you have are of people like you who try n' hurt others to promote themselves at their expense. That's the only real thing you got bitch. It's like Revolver's if not edited, cloudy recollection of events as I've never asked for anyone's shirt bein' thrown out of anywhere let alone say I did but hey he won a contest so he must be credible, whatever, no good deed goes unpunished. I don't work for you or have to do a goddamn thing you think ever. Your opinions of anything whatsoever don't count or mean jack shit to me or anyone in this camp. You're garbage, plain and simple. You're not a fan or a voice of reason... you're a sick n' diseased mind spilling it's bile over the internet. Well now you can drink up the rewards of the crap that's been spillin' out of your pie hole forever here n' enjoy the fermented, feted n' vulgar response you've been cultivating n' aching for... for so long . Find another board this one doesn't need you. Oh n' feel free to jump in all you wanna be web warriors, ho defenders n' bitch boi's, you ain't needed either. For the rest of you... Surprise gigs comin'!!

    Jesus, what an insufferable asshole. No wonder America doesn't give a shit about Guns N' Roses anymore. Look at how the lead singer treats his fans.

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