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Posts posted by DownUnderScott

  1. What are your reasons for paying money to ride the Nightrain?

    - Because I'm a GNR fan in all forms

    - I want to give some support to the band

    Same here. I can afford it, its no big deal. Just a shame its a fuck-up like alot of things GnR. Band needs proper management but even if that occured (and has been in the past) the roadblock is Axl. We all know it. He's the central figure in the dysfuncional band we all tragically love! :)

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  2. what I like about axls lyrics is that you can apply them to an endless variety of senarios

    Great comment dude! I think this sentiment applies to a great many number of the most brilliant songs out there - that they can be applied and interpreted in many ways depending on the individual listening to it. So true. :)

  3. I'd love to see Axl collaborate with lots of artists. Anything from Axl would be welcome. He and Billy could potentially make good music together but like someone mentioned i am not convinced their voices would go together too well. I think Axl's voice is very intense & dynamic and probably best alongside a more simple voice like In 'Going Down'.

  4. Bloody oath I will buy the new album next year...

    (Ok, i can be delusionally optimistic right?).

    I can still remember the feeling of having the physical CD in my hands after all those years waiting with false hope and to have another official release from Axl in my grasp was pure fucking magic! I hope i get to experience that feeling again some day.

  5. G'day Marc, just wondering on how far Axl has dissapeared out of the general USA public's eye and consciousness in the last two decades. If he was to walk around Malibu or Santa Monica for example, or even walked down Sunset during any given day or night - would anyone recognise him these days? Would many people actual care to stop him? It would be strange for him to not be hassled in some ways as opposed to the late 80's or early 90's when he probably couldnt go anywhere in America without being noticed and mobbed. Do you think that his declining fame would be hard for him to take? Just curious...

    Cheers, Scott

  6. I know Axl brought about a lot of the bad media publicity in the early years but is he still so paranoid now? He knows how much people want to meet him & you see the videos of people crowding around to get a photo, autograph & a chat. Doesn't that make him realise the media doesn't matter, the only people who believe it are those that aren't fans & in reality he is the focal point of gnr - always was & always will be?

    Marc you would have an insight into what Axl thought about the fans who wanted to meet him desperately & still do, do you think he was vain when young & feels less secure now he's older? Or does he understand that he is an idol to many & having his own idols throughout his life he knows what it means to fans to get a photo & just talk to him?

    Axl does what he can to stop and talk with the fans when they find him.

    If true (I've never heard/read otherwise) that's cool. I hate dbag celebs who 'don't have time' for the fans. Kudos to Axl for that....

    Last time I saw Slash play he met fans and signed stuff for hours after the gig outside the gates - that was really cool of him and he was totally nice and classy about it. I think Steve and Duff are pretty good to fans too. Unfortunately Axl is a lot harder to even get near to be able to say hello to.

  7. For me its hard to say because I have so many things and they all still hold lots of memories. The Troubadour tickets are pretty special but I think Slash's tattoo sketch that he made to get it done is the rarest although he got it done before he was even in GNR, but because it was a part of his image in GNR and for a long while the only tattoo he had, I will still count it as a GNR item


    Marc, is that tattoo sketch of any particular woman or just a random picture?

  8. Marc have you ever had a serious chat with Slash to see if he would consider it? I'm not talking about a total take-the-blame kind of apology because that would be nonsense, but maybe a public explanation of sadness for the decline in their professional and personal relationship, with an acknowledgement of some responsibility for how it all went down? That way opening up the pathway for further talks in the hope Axl would also acknowledge some ownership of the problems between them???

    Also, what kind of a public apology would satisfy Axl do you think? Like a full interview with Rolling Stone Magazine? Some kind of talk show? YouTube ? A combination of a few different media vehicles?

    I wish so bad that these two could mend their personal relationship :( Forget a reunion, I like what they are both doing but to see them get along would be really cool...

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  9. Slash doesnt 'Flip flop' - he just tells it like it is. Are you saying it would be easy working with a drug-fucked Scott.W ? I imagine Slash trying to stay clean & sober would be annoyed by the constant bad habits of people around him when he has cleaned up his act and matured alot as a man.

    On topic - i liked Snakepit but VR was awesome and I liked the heavier music in it. Just my opinion though. Slash's current band is fucking great and i have really enjoyed his last couple of albums.

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