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Posts posted by Lio

  1. I don't believe she made it up and I don't believe Axl or TB didn't realize chances were it would get out. They know how things work. Even if she hadn't posted about it openly, she might have told a friend, and then another and then someone would like to feel important and tell the story. That's just how the internet works, and the GNR fan world.

    Maybe they hoped to debut it in Chicago and the little buzz it created on various news outlets around the world last week was always a good thing.

    But then Axl got sick and the moment passed again.

    I think it's a missed opportunity. GNR rarely is in the news here, but last week you had the HS thing together with the UYI anniversary which got quite a bit of attention, but it's a new week now, and the rest of the world is onto sth else by now. Pity.

    After Absurd I was awaiting an imminent release of HS and even the new album :lol: But now I'm not expecting HS in these last shows anymore. Hopefully Europe next summer.

  2. 15 hours ago, alfierose said:

    Some quality education on this thread. :lol:

    My theory is that he's sent them as an emergency aid package to the good people of Portland where flannel shirts still look fly.

      Reveal hidden contents

    Portlandia reference - in case I'm the only person who used to enjoy this show!


    Flannels seem to be back in style here though. Just when Axl stopped wearing them, they've become a thing again. Axl Rose, fashion icon.


    • Haha 2
  3. 2 minutes ago, jimisbatman said:

    This is not a concern......... What's fu+k'n concerning is ABBA, yes ABBA(with the 2nd B backwards) has risen from the dead....... And is releasing a single, album with normal promotional material BEFORE gnr, whom has been touring the global since 2016.....for fux's sake

    Been 40 years since their last. Axl still has some time then.

    Can I just say their new single sounds atrocious and I prefer soon to be 60 Axl over a hologram of his young self. GNR still wins :P

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, jamillos said:

    1. Keep the forum accessible to registered users only. No more "guests". All the guests would see is a login page. 
    2. Kick out anyone who registers and then doesn’t log in for a certain period of time, similarly to Discord. 
    3. Temporarily disallow registering of new users around times like the beginning of a tour or anything exciting of the sort. Imagine the traffic when they actually release a new single...
    4. ?????
    5. Profit. 

    I agree with this.

    First I'll say I know nothing about the finances of the forum, but I did feel annoyed at not being able to access the forum on a show day. It's kind of the point of being on a GNR forum to discuss when something happens with the band. Even if the first show of a new tour is the same as many past others. Like someone said: what if there actually is a release? That will generate a lot more traffic. Will we be able to discuss that on the forum? Or find info? Or do we have to resort to Discord or wherever else?

    Seems a bit pointless to only be able to go on a GNR fan forum when nothing is happening (granted, which is most of the time anyway).

    Isn't there any possibility to make it 'members only' during that time? I'd be willing to pay a few bucks to be able to go on the forum on moments where people actually want to talk to other GNR fans.

    • Like 4
  5. 21 minutes ago, Gimpy Hewitt said:

    Is it just me or during the breakdown of Hardschool do you hear the Axl tracks going “ay ay ay” like one of his voice ad libs. If that’s what he plans on doing during the breakdown that’ll be a cool little throwback GNR sound.

    Yeah, I hear it too.

    I think they'll have one addition to the show tonight. Maybe PTU? Or did they play that before?

    Maybe one of the next shows they'll have Hardschool.

    Still slightly hoping to be surprised regardless!

  6. 50 minutes ago, Dazey said:

    Had an interview for a new job earlier this morning and apparently it went well as they’ve scheduled another one with their head of engineering for later today.

    Job is developing hydrogen fuel cell technology so looks really cool. Fingers crossed it goes well later. 🤞

    Weren't you moving to California? Or am I making things up? Either way, I hope you get the job!

  7. 23 minutes ago, BrayWyatt said:

    I tested positive on Tuesday for covid and believe me when i say you don't want to catch this. 

    Symptoms so far are high temperature, coughing constantly, banging sore head, feel sick all the time, arms and legs sore as fuck, cannot taste anything. Apart from that I'm ok.


    That's awful. I hope you get well soon!

    • Like 1
  8. Getting my second dose on Saturday. I feel a bit odd, as it's as if I've set in the quarantine ways. The thought of having people over or being in a bar without a facemask is a bit daunting to me. It's not that I'm really scared, but I don't really look forward to it. I've been for drinks once since the bars here reopened, and that was fun, but I don't feel like going all out yet.

    The only thing I really look forward to is doing fun stuff with my daughter.

    I guess the challenge will be in a few weeks, when we're going on a holiday for the first time in two years. Sitting on a plane for a few hours will be something else after over a year of being mostly alone and in my bubble. Luckily we are going up north, where people are naturally distacing, so I can ease into the socializing again :D

    • Like 4
  9. 2 hours ago, Padme said:

    However Portugal shoot themselves in the foot with those 2 own goals :no:

    Don't think those would have been regarded as own goals before this tournament. Whoever happens to touch the ball even the slightest before it goes in, gets names as the one making the goal. It gives the wrong image imo. And it sucks for the one who really scored (even if the ball gently touched an opponent).

  10. 1 hour ago, downzy said:

    Both my parents and my wife’s parents have had their first shots of Pfizer five weeks ago. No side effects other than a sore arm for a few days. 

    Three of my neighbours have been fully vaccinated for three months now and never had any issues.

    My wife took AstraZeneca last week and it kept her in bed for two straight days. I’m not a fan of vaccine shopping but i think i would advise anyone who hasn’t had a shot yet to try and get Pfizer or Moderna. Too many people I know had a rough go with AstraZeneca whereas I don’t know anyone who had troubles with Pfizer or Moderna. Most provinces in Canada have now stop administering AstraZeneca as a first shot due to clotting issue being more prevalent than first noticed during trials (that said, the side effect is still extremely rare). 

    A friend of mine was in bed for two days after the second Pfizer shot. She had no trouble at all after the first one.

    I know two people who got Moderna and were sick for two days too. One of those works at a hospital and she said about 1 in 3 nurses there had flulike symptoms for a day or two after getting the Moderna shot. So from my experience, flulike symptoms seem to occur with all three vaccines quite randomly. Nothing really bad though.

    I think I'll just try to keep my agenda as empty as possible the days following my shots, just to be on the safe side.

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