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Posts posted by Lio

  1. Just listened to SCOM. :wacko: Not trying to be an Ashba apologist, but shouldn't the blame go to one of the guitar technicians?

    He's been fired apparently. The guitar tech, I mean. Someone on the board here asked DJ about it and he replied: Yep, he's no longer with us.

    Holy shit is that true???

    That is insane if so. Any decent guitarist would have noticed straight away, stopped, retuned quickly, and continued on. Any guitarist slightly better than decent, would have adjusted the out of tune string while playing and not worried about it.

    Any shit guitarist would freak out and continue playing through, NOT DOING ANYTHING, just like Ashba...then blamming it on the technician. Fuck Ashba, he is lucky to have a technician quite frankly. I'm reminded of a post someone uploaded with a link to PremierGuitar going through his rig & guitars......it was embarrassing, he clearly knew nothing about his gear.

    I was shocked he was dumb enough to just continue on and didn't just stop & tune up. Twat. Knowing someone got fired due to that adds to how pathetic he and this band have become. Shame on him.

    Hold up, so Djs guitar tech got fired as a result of the scom incident?

    I bet he was glad to be fired after having to work with such an incompetent guitarist, the guy probably stuffed djs guitar on purpose...

    I found the quote, it's somewhere in this thread:

    Gibbo 27, on 26 Apr 2014 - 1:57 PM, said:snapback.png

    I sent DJ a pm on Facebook about sweet child. Saying i bet your guitar tech copped it last night ? He replied with Yep, he's no longer with us.

    Thats what he sent me he would be only joking


  2. Now I'm trying to remember what my five favorite songs were when I bought these in September,1991. It makes me feel old since some of us have been listening to these albums for almost 23 years now. I doubt back then I appreciated Coma and Breakdown like I do now. I think back then my favorite would've been YCBM.I think I even had the cassette single.

    True, but I included Don't Cry in my list. It was my favorite back then, well, both Don't Cry's actually. Coma wasn't. I loved Civil War, Breakdown, Estranged, November Rain. I think that were my favorites back then. Although I've always loved them all, except for My World. After Don't Cry, I always had to hurry to stop the cd-player :lol: YCBM never was a favorite of mine, although it seems very popular here.

    Almost 23 years... Wonder if we'll still be listening to AFD and UYI in 23 years time :lol:

  3. Haha, I FUCKING HATE the live version :rofl-lol:

    The live version RULES. You're crazy lol! I guess it is pretty "different" though so if you love the studio version so much I can see how the live one puts you off.

    As for your other songs mentioned, oh yeah I could definitely put on Civil War, Estranged, others. Its unfair because I've heard them more so its more a matter of overplayed as opposed to not being favorites. Before the band started playing Estranged, it was one of my absolute favorites. Its so weird, but now that they do play it the whole song has kind of lost something for me. I have to be really into it to dig it, which didn't used to be the case.

    It's Tracy and Roberta that ruin it for me, I'm actually listening to it right now to assess.

    Yep, the chicks singing ruin it for me.

    Same here. Never cared for Tracey and Roberta.

  4. Where does he announce the names? Do people see it on the setlist? Is it on his website or something? Its certainly not like the James Bond or Pink Panther themes which are universally known.

    He announced his latest solo in a kind of tv interview: Check out my new solo, Bella Vita.

    Or something like that.

    Interesting. So did Ballad Of Death and Mi Amor come in similar ways? I'm just trying to figure out where people got those from.

    No idea. I only rediscovered GNR last summer, so this time last year, I hadn't even heard of DJ Ashba yet :lol:

  5. If you want to move, do it now. You have no job, college is almost finished, you have nothing to tie you down there. Once you have a job, a relationship etc it becomes much harder to move, I think. I was always under the impression that Americans were more prone to move far away than we are here (in Europe). Maybe that's not accurate, but I always hear or see about Americans taking a plane to spend the holidays with their family. Maybe that's just in films and on TV though :shrugs:

    EDIT: Now you've edited your OP, I guess I'd better change my answer to: No, sorry, can't help you, I only moved about 20K :lol:

  6. Come on guys, cut it out, or you'll both end up crying. *switches off mommy mode*

    On topic: :lol: thread title

    I like wearing something nice, but I'm not up to speed with the latest trends and don't care if I'm wearing something that is 'so 2012'. It's not something I think too much about. When I'm going out to a party or something, I can think about what to wear, but not on an average workday. I think jeans and a T-shirt works great :shrugs:

    • Like 1
  7. garden of eden and dead horse were played on mtv back then

    they also had a don't cry alt lyrics vid which was the same vid as the don't cry original! but i remember (and recorded) the world premiere of the alt lyric video debut!

    also garden of eden had 2 versions...one with lyrics scrolling along the bottom, the other without

    yesterdays also had 2 versions

    and i think live and let die also had 2 versions

    Ah yes... Garden of Eden with the lyrics, the beginning of karaoke, with the bouncing little ball. Memories...

    • Like 1
  8. I have said this before, Axl looked nervous and anxious as fuck and that happens when you're so disconnected from the world. He has lost that serenity he had while giving interviews.

    He was nervous on Kimmel. He was nervous on TMS as well. The fact that he made the "It cost me an awful lot to pay him to say all that stuff" joke shows that he didn't know what to say. It was funny, though.

    The guy should be out there and interact with the media, just a little bit. I mean, I see bands like U2 or Bruce Springsteen getting nominations for many awards, even for things like The Oscars, and yeah, call it shit award, it's all politics or whatever, but I believe it must be so fuckin' cool for their fans to actually have the opportunity to see their favorite bands receiving some recognition.

    Like Groghan said, the missed opportunity is what most people are complaining about. We all wanted Axl to give a killer performance, me included.

    I agree, Axl looked very anxious and nervous. On Kimmel he didn't really look like his old self either. It's such a difference from how he used to be. All those years have really worn him down, it seems. He used to be beaming with selfconfidence, and now he's like a nervous kid that is about to do his first speech in class. It's sad. I wish he could just leave that behind him and just be confident again.

    As for the thing in This I Love, I'm not really sure what was going on there. Was he so nervous that he forgot the lyrics and BBF had to snap him out of it again ? Someone who saw it live said he seemed to be in trance. I don't really think he was so touched by it all that he forgot to sing, as some suggest. Maybe Gia can shed some light onto it, because I think she mentioned BBF's gesture towards Axl in TIL...

    I think Axl is extremely sensitive to criticism and it is as if he used to react by getting angry and giving great performances when GNR was on top of the world, but now it seems more like he's doubting himself, now GNR hasn't become what he originally envisioned it to be. I just wish he regained some of that attitude he used to have. And then maybe we'd see more music.

    Of course I'm only guessing, but that's how I see it.

    • Like 1
  9. To me her resume is irrelevant. I don´t care if she was Quaker or Microsoft CEO in Brazil or in the Bahamas. It is about how they run GN´R. I don´t think that saying complaints. complaints, complaints. is the way to run business. I don´t think Fernando´s statement about announcing an announcement is the right way a band manager should express himself. We have the Vegas DVD issue. Yet not official word from the band about why it was cancelled. We have Tommy´s broken rib issue and yet no official word confirming his injury. Not to mention no official word about a new album next year as Richard hopes that will be the case. There is never official information nor explations about anything except tour dates.

    All we have is UK Subs contacting his sources. It can´t be this way. They have been band´s mamagers for a couple of years already. Why is it that hard for them to make a statement addressing current issues?

    Yes, communication wise, there's not much to defend about TB...

    Another thing that I was thinking about, regarding Tommy. I loved it how BBF praised Axl, Richard too. BBF also mentioned in a tweet that he looked forward to the GG where Axl would be honored. Yet, nothing from Tommy. That's odd, isn't it ? I mean, okay, he has fractured ribs, but he could've shown up, just as a manner of honoring his long time boss and/or friend. But nothing, not even a tweet, at least not that I've seen. I don't want to restart the whole 'Is Tommy leaving GNR' thing, but it just strikes me as very odd.

  10. spkphw.jpg

    I can't get over how many awkward pictures of Axl there are. I guess it's just a matter of getting old, but it used to be impossible to get a bad pic of him. He was one of the most photogenic dudes I'd ever seen. Now he looks like a goofball most of the time. And look at Beta in the background, so proud of her son who looks like he's just stepped on stage for the high school talent show. :lol:

    True, but the old pics are almost always professional or pictures he posed for. In those days, no one was running around with a camera taking pics all the time. There's an incredible amount of horrible pictures of almost everyone floating about the internet. When I'm out somewhere and I see people taking pics, I always dread to think on whose FB page I'll end up looking a complete idiot just biting into my sandwich or making an odd move :lol: Those poor celebrities nowadays :(

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  11. Axl Rose is pretty street smart and sharp, this weird fantasy people have that Beta is a sly parasite is hilariously twisted and a little fucked up. She is aware her life is a lot more comfortable due to his wealth and so is Axl, it's reciprocal for god's sake. There's a lot of things wrong with how GNR has turned out but the guy is consciously aware of Beta and her family and obviously gets a lot out of such a relationship so as to feel comfortable in sharing his life and assets..

    This! Axl ain't a fucking retard.

    Sometimes feels like he is...I mean who would hire a housekeeper as manager?..Where are Beta's skills to manage a rockband?? This shit is so ridiculous..

    I worked in Quaker, in Itajai, Santa Catarina. I was an executive secretary.

    It's been repeated so many times about her previous employment before she became a "housekeeper" you shouldn't need to keep asking. An Executive Secretary practically runs the office for her boss, I didn't get as high as that but I know how tough it is to keep a boss "in line" and to "manage him". She had more business sense than most.

    We are now talking about a fucking rockband..not some corporation which Beta could run pretty well since she has that business background..So are you saying that if you have business education/background u can also run rockbands?

    This is getting ridiculous. What do you study to become a rock band manager ? She's been with GNR since the beginning of the nineties. I bet she learned a thing or two during that time.

    I don't know if she's a good manager, but please, stop with the housekeeper story. Rock4eva explained she wasn't a nanny in Brazil, she was a nanny for what ? A few years of her life ? Trying to make a better life for her kids. Then she became a PA and whatnot, now she's a manager. But people still call her a nanny :shrugs:

    I just don't think that's fair. You can criticize her all you want, but in a fair way. The housekeeper story is hitting below the belt, if you ask me.

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