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Posts posted by tinyrobot

  1. j95mf.jpg


    I just found out Twisted Sisters were sort of popular in the 70's...

    Geez, my parents hadn't even met :popcorn:

    For a club band it sounded like they packed the clubs. They drew 23,000 people to an amusement park parking lot on Long Island as an unsigned band. I think GNR played Street Scene to that many people but there's a difference between a city festival and a parking lot in the suburbs.

    Isn't it weird how a few people in here are trying to downplay Twisted Sister's importance in the hard rock world - just because the guy said something that wasn't 100% positive about Axl Rose? Kind of like Justin Bieber fans making fun of the pop stars that paved the way for a guy like him to become successful.

    I never thought I'd see the day where Axl Rose fans were on the same mental level as Justin Bieber fans.


    Whomever posted that picture - what was your point? It really makes no sense.

    Anybody who was alive in the 70s/80s knows how important TS was to the hard rock world. And people who weren't alive, but have a little rock history knowledge knows about TS and Dee's career. Only those people who are ignorant of rock music history don't understand where TS reside in history. Well, those people and the ones who based their entire music opinions solely on how other artists talk about Axl Rose. But that would just be f*cking pathetic, so hopefully nobody on here does that.

    I don't know what kind of bad trip you're on lately but everything you just said above is ridiculous for a guy your age. Oh... btw, weren't you the one who weeks or months ago was preaching to the younger ones here about how being a fanatic, a zealot sucks and we shouldn't be like that?

    Guess you don't have mirrors at home. Because you've been a zealot to this Dee Snider guy for more than a week now. And tell me something, Apollo, why are you always bringing young people down? Isn't that sad? Are younger generations to blame for not having been born in your amazing timeframe of "hair metal bands"? What's wrong with Bieber fans and how do they affect your life in any significative way?

    The fact that you want to shame me or anyone else here just because we weren't born or old enough to appreciate Twisted Sister stardom is nothing but lame. Should I do the same with kids now who couldn't witness the Gn'R grandiouse era?

    I will speak for myself and no one else... Twister Sister never meant anything to me AGES before this recent comments about Gn'R, and be sure they will not mean anything ages after. I find it utterly offensive that you imply that most people here are idiots, zealots and in general brainwashed by the love of Axl. No, we are not all like that, so please don't refer to me in those terms. You don't know me at all. You don't have the slightest clue of who I am and how I function, the amount of knowledge I have on things and for how long I've been into rock n' roll.

    Let's see how you like this......

    By the looks of it, if at some point we found out Bin Laden said shit about Axl, you'd be the first one to stand up for Bin Laden's spotless career in voicing the truth to the masses. :no:

  2. Slash continued being a drug and alcohol wreck even after GN'R. Him blaming Axl for his drugaddiction is a fuckin' joke. No one forces you into drugs. You get into them and get out of them by yourself.

    Drop the shit, Salsh :thumbsdown:

    Slash dropped the shit and is doing fine. He works his ass off and is a machine when it comes to getting shit done. Axl is drinking way more then all of the old Guns members combined. Slash's gut is a new unexpected development though. Both are chubby, yet likable.

    I know he dropped it. Now. Like 5 seconds ago. I was just making clear that its not like he left GN'R and inmediately got clean, because that's BS. It's in his book. Even Perla was an addict and was his drug-buddy as well.

    Not sure til what point Axl's drinking has become a bad habit. I hope he drops that too and embraces a healthy life.

  3. Sad that we never got to see the vision for this album come to fruition. It seems Axl got in his own way on this thing. Somewhere down the road he started making excuses for why things couldn't go his way instead of pursuing that dream. Yea maybe CD wasn't the best album ever made like many thought it should be, but I still feel it was Axl's project and I looked forward to what he would bring. Looking back at what has leaked and what we have received so far in terms of official releases, I can't help but feel let down by what could have been. I feel like I received 15% of Axl's vision.

    He gave up on the fans, the label, the name (GNR), and he basically has said he's done. He started hiding behind sunglasses, coats and hats. He sticks to the classics at shows bc it's an easy sell. He stopped pursuing the vision of Chinese Democracy and moved on to what's easy. It's a shame because we look forward to a rare CD song being played like Prostitute or There was a Time, instead of getting giddy about a AFD song being played for the first time in a while.

    Yea Axl doesn't owe me anything or any of us really. He didn't owe us the greatest album of all time, but at one time I felt like he was trying to achieve that. Maybe it was for himself or maybe it was for us. Somewhere down the line he got lost though. The thing is CD didn't have to be the greatest album ever, we just wanted his vision, but we only got a portion of that vision.

    In this aspect I feel let down as a fan. I know this is all a little off topic but the whole red hand booklet and missing albums from the "trilogy" just make me feel like something went wrong. I just hope Axl finds his way again. I think the vision can be brought back to life.

    I'll be here waiting like the rest, but I'm not sure for what. Maybe Axl feels we gave up on him. I guess, a trip here would be a wake up call.


    my feelings too... except that I never hoped for ChinDem to be the "greatest album ever made". Being a person into art and trying hard to be an artist myself, I know that is impossible, it doesn't exist and there will never be a greatest anything regarding to art. It is what it is. Actually, the things I admire the most are the least popular when it comes to audiences.

    I'm sad this essay and the rest of the artwork never made it to the fans. I'm sad Axl didn't go around talking more about what ChinDem means but I also wonder if he was allowed, because probably when he wanted to come back to the scene, all media wanted was for him to talk about his stuff with Slash and since he didn't want to do that, they blocked anything related to ChinDem.

    I don't know... really don't know what happened and if it's even fair to say Axl gave up... I guess Slash is right when he says Axl stands up for stuff to the point of autosabotage and auto-damage. A lot of potential wasted, as we see from the outside, however none of us are in his shoes, we can only assume shit and will never know what goes behind in his life. The man is only human after all. :shrugs:

  4. That's what I'm saying.

    When I heard it on my friend's system, you could hear more "stuff" going on than just listening to it on an ipod or computer.

    So maybe Axl did do a lot of layering and tinkering.......but maybe it really does sound good. People just aren't listening to it with proper equipment.

    And my Ipod is 10 years old. I actually ran over it once in my car on accident. But still plays just fine. I'm just a poor American. I can't afford to keep paying $500-1,000 for a new phone, ipod, tablet, kindle, lap top, etc every year!!!

    I play it in several devices: ipod, computer, sound system and even an old stereo with cd player. I do notice the difference. It's more annoying when I play it on iPod and put on the iPod earphones. If I use my cool new headphones, the songs sound so much better.

    The big huge difference happens when I play it in my sound system. The whole shit is like being in a movie, the intro to ChinDem is grandiouse, feels like a lot of people are really whispering in your house!!! This is the way I have played it to my friends and they fuckin' loved it. The entire house was glowing :)

    Were people dancing in the hallways?

    People were :headbang: and :devilshades: and :hahafyou: @ the neighbours...


  5. That's what I'm saying.

    When I heard it on my friend's system, you could hear more "stuff" going on than just listening to it on an ipod or computer.

    So maybe Axl did do a lot of layering and tinkering.......but maybe it really does sound good. People just aren't listening to it with proper equipment.

    And my Ipod is 10 years old. I actually ran over it once in my car on accident. But still plays just fine. I'm just a poor American. I can't afford to keep paying $500-1,000 for a new phone, ipod, tablet, kindle, lap top, etc every year!!!

    I play it in several devices: ipod, computer, sound system and even an old stereo with cd player. I do notice the difference. It's more annoying when I play it on iPod and put on the iPod earphones. If I use my cool new headphones, the songs sound so much better.

    The big huge difference happens when I play it in my sound system. The whole shit is like being in a movie, the intro to ChinDem is grandiouse, feels like a lot of people are really whispering in your house!!! This is the way I have played it to my friends and they fuckin' loved it. The entire house was glowing :)

  6. I don't know about all the layers and technology behind making an album, so maybe you all can explain it better.

    Is it possible that all the extras/layers or whatever sounds better if the album is played on a better sound system?

    Meaning - I listened to CD on my friend's sound system that is top of the line. He's a musician, records his own albums, etc. I listened to CD in his studio and it sounded 100 times better than listening to it on my crappy ipod and $40 head phones.

    So could it be that all the layering and whatever Axl did to it actually does work or make the album sound better - but only if you have the proper stereo equipment to play it? Obviously ALL music will sound better on a $10,000 system than on a $500 Ipod or computer speakers. But in the case of CD, can the better stereo allow us to "hear" all the things Axl was trying to do, instead of it sounding like a jumbled mess over cheap speakers?


    There's a huge difference when I play the album in my iPod (which is not crappy, its the latest version) and when I play it in my sound system which has all sorts of shits and buttons to make you feel as if you were at the stadium :P

  7. So you believe it is the name and brand that matters, not the actual musicians?

    When I say No Slash=No GNR, I mean it in the same way No Axl=No GNR. If in the 90's, Axl had been the one to walk away and the remaining guys had pulled in Cornell, as good as that might've been musically, still not GNR for the vast majority of fans.

    And just because Axl's able to pull in some amount of fans for shows doesn't mean many consider the band GNR.

    Names mean nothing without the people behind them. But more interestingly, if Axl got back together with Slash, Izzy, Duff and Steven and said, "Screw it, we're not the same, we're gonna give ourselves a new band name for this go around", most would still consider the newly named band Guns N Roses because of the musicians involved. :tongue2:

    You think Apple Inc. is not Apple Inc. just because Steve Jobs died and Tim Cook is fronting it now? That is a reduced vision to have!

    Regardless of what I believe, you may consider that Axl Rose is still alive!!! He's the one carrying the GN'R flag now and it doesn't matter if Slash is not there, because there are millions of people who love Axl and support him. If the case was Axl dead and Slash gone, then yeah, you don't have Gn'R anymore.

    It doesn't matter who do not consider the actual Gn'R as Gn'R because those people are not the ones who attend the shows or buy the albums. Why should anyone care?

    It's like saying non-Bieber fans think Bieber is a fraud... Who the hell cares if there are millions of people thinking Bieber is a fraud when there are other millions of fans attending his shows and buying his music.

    Focusing on the negative, seeing the glass half-empty is what leads to flaw logic.

    Guns N' Roses exist whether some people like it or not. The ones who don't like it, have already walked away and are now probably buying someone else albums. It's not a loss. There will always be new generations of listeners because GN'R is a classic band now.

  8. Hello everyone.

    Once again, this is Mke Mazzarone from AlternativeNation. I will do what I can to explain what happened. To those who have said that I knew GNR questions weren't allowed, that couldn't be further from the truth. When I booked this interview, I was never given a full fledged anything regarding topics being "off limits". I have also spoke to BBF's PR, numerous times, he had the chance, numerous times to explain to me that GNR questions were "off limits" and he failed to do so. I also, was never given the album by the PR and any further follow-up in an attempt to be able to listen to it was swiftly ignored. Once again, I do ask, how can I ask Bumblefoot about his new album, in any context when I was never given it? It's just not possible.

    We asked a few soft ball questions, we asked about a potential tour and about AOA, not only was I told during the interview that he did not want to talk about GNR, which again was the first time I heard about that but he also seemed very hesistant about talking about Scott Weiland.

    I did not question anything, I ran through what I had and I published everything in the correct context. I don't feel I was being "unprofessional" when I was given a limited amount of resources by BBF's publicist. I actually got an e-mail from BBF today and he apologized about the how he handled the awkwardness of the interview on his part and made sure that the PR sent over the album. So we will give it a proper review within the coming weeks. I will also note that had I gotten the album, like I was meant to then I would of asked more questions on it. However, I am not going to spend a majority of the interview asking questions about the album and his solo career. My goal is to ask the questions that the majority of music fans care about, and that is questions about Weiland and GNR. All softballs don't cut it. Had I had known that he wanted questions strictly about the solo album and nothing else, I most likely would never have booked this interview. It would be like talking to Mick Foley and not being able to discuss wrestling.

    This is the first time that I've ever had such a massive crossing of the wires with any publicist. Whether it be sports, music,film/TV, anything and I believe any blame should be directed towards BBF's PR. Had I gotten the album ahead of time, I would of included a few extra questions. It's really as simple as that. However, this was an isolated event and should not be reflective of my work. I understand that with any interview comes the risk of criticism, however, all of my past interviews that I have done have been done in the upmost professional manner. Sometimes, you get a few rotten publicists that aren't the best at communication. That happens in my field. Rare, but it happens. After speaking to BBF today though, we are on good terms and it is all basically water under the bridge. He understands that what happened was a massive misunderstanding and not the fault of anyone but his publicist.

    Hopefully you all can see that as well.

    Don't worry, pal..... No one cares about BBF! Most people don't know who the hell he is and he should be thankful he's getting interviewed because the main reason why he's even raising a bit of interest to be interviewed is because of Guns N' Roses.

    Props to you and move on to your next interviewee. For sure will be someone more interesting than BBF :sleeper:

  9. "momentary brother in law and former brother in law of Erin".... whaaaaaaaaat? I got lost!!! Who would that be? Erin has sister?

    By the way Axl describes this guy, sounds like it's either Bin Laden or Snowden or the members of ISIS :headbang:

  10. If you've played "Rock Band" or bought a tour program, you've seen the red hand (AKA Cover B). There's only a few out there, by my count no more than 25 are in the hands of collectors (someone please correct me in the thread in memorabilia trading if I'm way off). All the artwork is different, there's different lyrics and credits too. They're all "promo CDs". They've sold from anywhere between $250-1000, and yes, I do have one.

    I have never played Rock Band and never bought a tour program... :( Didn't even come close to one of those :shrugs:

    (man, do i stink...)

    Thanks for the info... Sucks those shits were only released to the priviledge ones....

  11. Most people go the opposite way of you. Most aren't fans of a band name or brand, but are fans of the musicians themselves.

    With Guns, it was always gonna be No Slash=No GNR to most fans.

    The actual musicians are the ONLY thing that matter and Nu-Guns never came close to passing the smell test...

    Where did you get from that MOST fans think No Slash=No GNR?

    If that was the case, there wouldn't be so many people attending GN'R shows even after 20 years of Slash long gone.

    There are lots of people who like and appreciate the nu-Guns line-up and actually, Guns N' Roses as a whole dysfunctional band to the max, still works in a great dysfunctional sense. What do I mean? GN'R fans attend nu-Guns show, Slash shows, Duff shows, Gilby shows.... It's like the band, all dismembered as it is, it's still working as a desintegrated whole, if that makes any sense.

    Slash came to Argentina with his band, played with Duff and Gilby and the audience was chanting GUNS N' ROSES to them. He got kinda pissed off, but that shows the fans will go follow GN'R and its ex-members wherever they go, and that's a good thing after all!

  12. At one point he had dinner with David Tang, founder of Shanghai Tang clothing line:



    I didnt understand the Axl mention in that article... LOL

    Since the release of CD Gn'R are banned from China and I assume Axl too?

    The text shows huge ambition I think.

    When was this written? Didn't he go to HK in 2002?

    Everybody who believes in democracy are banned in China!

    I don't remember news of him being in HK but my memory is fucked up from drugs so I dont know. I'd love to see pictures of that!

    The essay is pretty cool. Axl's smart and he knows China is taking over. I wish he would have done something similar for Cuba, though.... The situation is somewhat the same and Cuba is in this continent he belongs to. Don't need to go as far as China to find obscurity and repressed souls.

  13. I'm sorry if it's been discussed before but I've become curious about this image that I bumped into a couple of days ago.


    Apparently, it's an essay written by Axl for the Chinese Democracy booklet... I double-checked my CD's booklet and there's nothing similar in it :( so I was wondering if this is real, fake or is it a leak?

    The whole thing looks like something Axl would write but I don't know.... he says he's visited Honk Kong but I have never heard about it or seen pics of him in China. Would he be allowed? LOL.

    Ok, if any of you can illustrate me it'd be highly appreciated! :)

  14. CD spent too much time in the oven and got burned.

    It should have come out in 2006 when it was firstly announced. Axl had all things in favor back then, he looked great, his performances were outstanding and big crowds attended the shows. He was back in the spotlight, making public appearances and even VMA's. That was the perfect timing for the album to come out. If they had released Street of Dreams as a single and then Madagascar and Better, that would have been the perfect mkt plan.

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  15. The proximity of Beta's voice makes it seem like she is filming it all. Lol

    No, it's not her... believe me, I'm from Argentina. Check the beginning, the girl is at the bar having coffee, then she gets up when she sees Vanessa passing by with luggage. Then she sees Axl's taking pics with the girls and she stands next to Beta, who's trying to take the pics but have problems with the camera. She actually asks Beta something about Fernando, but I can't hear clearly.

    Then the girl moves and asks someone to "film" her, she wants a video, not a picture and the person says no, then she goes next to Axl and turns camera around. At that moment, Beta grabs it and starts filming and the video ends abruptly, so I don't know if she could get what she wanted.

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