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Posts posted by tinyrobot

  1. I wouldn't argue with the sales or success of UYI but you wonder if they had held something back to record later there wouldn't have been such a drop off or struggle to write more which led to the demise of band. No more Izzy songs left. Slash is trying to wing it to get back on the road. If they still had songs like 14 Years, Estranged, Heavens Door, Yeaterdays or a Slash and Axl epic like Coma to keep the band going maybe it wouldn't have run a ground.

    Thanks Lord they released everything because had they hold something, that material would have never seen the light of day. The story is, after 1993, there was no way to gather everybody in the studio at the same time, so imagine how hard it would have been to record anything.....

    I guess things happened for a reason and this line-up was meant to end that way. I think they gave us all they had at the moment and I am grateful for that.

  2. Bullshit. There would be a bunch of guys, playing cover songs and pretend to be GNR. Nothing more or less.

    You can't compare a Rock n Roll band with a brand, cause it isn't. It's a band and the more original members disappear, the lesser it is the same band.


    Yes, you can. And when Axl dies, the most likely scenario will be TB releasing post-mortem records.

  3. Is there a link of the thread or post where Axl blasted out at Madison? After she was kicked out or removed as an Admin, she came here as a normal person? As you said she was in in charge of everything before Subsy, So I assume she did spent a lot of time here and she would be a big GNR fan, so does she drops by here or she has no contact with anyone from here now?

    Not sure where the actual thread is, but here is the "rant":

    What the fuck do you know? That's right! You don't know jack fucking shit you fucking ignorant, know it all, fucking deluded, misguided, self important, self righteous, pious, small minded, clueless, loud mouthed, arrogant cunt. No one needs your opinions n' having to deal with your constant abuse of privileges or the miniscule amount of power you've had here you wield like an angry, lesbian, wannabe, high school parking lot rent-a-cop always mouthing off like you're some kind of authority which you're far from. I have to say it saddens me you continue to babble your horseshit to unsuspecting fans n' any names n' numbers you have are of people like you who try n' hurt others to promote themselves at their expense. That's the only real thing you got bitch. It's like Revolver's if not edited, cloudy recollection of events as I've never asked for anyone's shirt bein' thrown out of anywhere let alone say I did but hey he won a contest so he must be credible, whatever, no good deed goes unpunished. I don't work for you or have to do a goddamn thing you think ever. Your opinions of anything whatsoever don't count or mean jack shit to me or anyone in this camp. You're garbage, plain and simple. You're not a fan or a voice of reason... you're a sick n' diseased mind spilling it's bile over the internet. Well now you can drink up the rewards of the crap that's been spillin' out of your pie hole forever here n' enjoy the fermented, feted n' vulgar response you've been cultivating n' aching for... for so long . Find another board this one doesn't need you. Oh n' feel free to jump in all you wanna be web warriors, ho defenders n' bitch boi's, you ain't needed either. For the rest of you... Surprise gigs comin'!! -Axl

    I wish instead of writing a rant on here he made that into a song... That would probably be the meanest GnR song ever. :headbang:

    Somehow I feel that 'Sorry' is a song about Madison, Xozi, Renato and several other people from the forums :P

  4. never understood why a grown man needs a babysitter. why does he let her control his life the way she does. I know he can be childish but cmon grow up

    She's not a babysitter... She was hired in first place to assist him with household and domestic things. I'm pretty sure Duff, Slash and the rest also have people employed to help around with mundane things. We all need help at some point.

    Axl lives in a mansion... that mansion needs maintainance... do you think Axl is going to mow the lawn? cook on a daily basis? wash clothes, iron, clean house, etc. There are so many things to be done in a house and him being a single person, a celebrity and probably a lazy guy.. well, he does need assistance with all that and he's got the money to pay for that service.

    When you have a housekeeper and you don't have other family around, it's pretty common that those people become "family" to you. They live with you and deal with your life on a daily basis. It's inevitable that at some point they will know you and support you more than your own relatives. She gained Axl's trust and she has acted like a mother to him. What's amazing is that she's one of the few people who stuck around with Axl and didnt get fed up like his ex-bandmates. How is that possible? I don't know but it intrigues me.

    How do you know, when Beta says you can't talk to Axl because you talked shit about him, that they are indeed Axl's orders of not letting you in or it is Beta's own judgement on who can talk to Axl or not?


    It seems Beta controls Axl and she keeps him away from the people related or saying Good things to Slash, but I guess If Axl tells her to shut up, then she cant do anything, like the thing with Duff, once Axl and Duff met even Beta could not stop them to be together

    Marc has never talked bad things about Axl, in many cases he has defended Axl, so Marc knows who is right and wrong which is the best thing of him, Its sad that so many people come inbetween so they cant be friends again, If marc had called Axl directly then I don't think so Axl would have said NO YOU DONT COME cause somewhere even Axl knows that he and marc were very good friends

    While it is a problem to have filters between people and its not good to not address problems personally, I think if Axl really wanted to talk to Marc then he would pick up the phone himself and try to fix it. Looks like when Axl doesn't want to deal with a person he sends someone from his entourage to deal with them, which is not cool either.

  5. You didn't answer my question with this post. I ask again:

    If Axl dies someday and lets say Fernando jumps in as the new lead singer, fronting Ashba, Stinson, Pitman and so on, would you still consider it GNR?

    The scenario you are laying out will never occur because Axl is the solely owner of the brand Guns N' Roses and there isn't a natural successor to occupy his place.

    If Fernando was a talented singer and musician and he was Axl's son, then maybe under Axl's authorization he could take the spot and continue the story. But it's useless to think of it because it's pretty obvious the kid has got nothing to do with music and singing.

  6. 3) Guns N' Roses is brand at this point, just like Coca Cola or Apple and any other company out there. Should have Apple stopped all its production when Steve Jobs died? Ridiculous!

    There have always been change of members in Gn'R. Should we say Matt Sorum was not in GN'R just because he didnt start with the rest of the guys in 1985?. I know this line-up still needs some sort of legitimization with an album, but that's a mere formality.

    So if Axl dies someday, will GNR still exists, just because there's somebody in the band who can sing? C'mon...

    When Axl dies the GNR brand can still be exploited by releasing all of the unheard recorded material. Just like it has happened with plenty of deceased artists.

    Do you really believe Guns N Roses is the first and the last band in the world that has been dismembered and will suffer the physical loss of its original members? There are plenty of examples in the music industry of bands changing line-up, breaking up, reforming, coming back after decades of hiatus and lots of other nuisances, yet always finding a way to continue working under the same name.

  7. I think the years each album was released it is fine as it was and I wouldn't change it.

    Disappointment started when we got TSI, because there was a huge expectaction on what music they were going to put out after the marathonic tour and the two giant Illusion albums. And what we've got is an album of covers with only one single that wasn't that cool. It tasted almost like nothing and we were starving already, but with hopes that new original music would be released soon.

    Then "Sympathy for the Devil", another cover.... not so cool either...... by this time it was obvious this band was going to hell....

    Guess there isn't a point in playing manager because this is not a manager thing. Dossifying the songs or splitting UYI to be released years apart wouldn't have worked that much because the problem were the band members not getting along. They could have had 100 songs and they wouldn't still see the light of day because Axl wasn't going to release any material of the old line-up, given the situation they were in at the moment.

  8. ***********

    It's odd to me how some people on this forum represent what other people are thinking or what their motives are.

    If a musician says something bad about Axl - then that musician is a whiny jealous little bitch.

    If Axl came out and said something bad about a musician - it's because Axl is edgy, speaks the truth, doesn't give a f*ck, and is the last true rock star who isn't afraid to speak his mind.

    And then instead of just talking about the actual "event" or what was said......it always turns into bashing that guy's career.

    Technically, Dee is wrong. This current band is GnR. DJ Ashba is GnR.

    And if Axl sold or gave the name "Guns n Roses" To DJ, and DJ fired the rest of the band and hired a couple high school buddies to replace them (including Nickleback's Chad Kroger to sing) - then TECHNICALLY that band would be Guns n Roses.

    But music isn't just about contracts and technicalities. Hell, that's one of the reasons people love Axl so much.

    But deep down all of us know that Dee's point is correct in the hearts of 99.99% of rock fans out there. And it will stay that way until DJ Ashba and Chris Pittman help create their OWN LEGACY in the band.

    DJ is "in" Guns n Roses.

    But until he actually creates some music with GnR - then he isn't really "GnR' - he's just a paid band member.


    1) Dee Snider did not attack Axl directly. He attacked the players who are hired to play with him under the name "Guns N' Roses". It's really important to point out this because there's a lot of confusion and trouble started because of this.

    2) The way I see it and it's just my opinion, of course: it doesn't matter if Dee Snider is right or wrong. I guess he's technically right but what's the need in stating the obvious? Why hurt colleagues that way? That is what bothers me the most, because Fortus, Ashba, Tommy, etc... should not be crucified, bullied and singled out just because they joined a band that broke up. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's a job! and I find it pretty shitty when a person attacks the job of someone else, unless that "job" would be something shady, illegal or in some way detrimental of others.

    3) Guns N' Roses is brand at this point, just like Coca Cola or Apple and any other company out there. Should have Apple stopped all its production when Steve Jobs died? Ridiculous!

    There have always been change of members in Gn'R. Should we say Matt Sorum was not in GN'R just because he didnt start with the rest of the guys in 1985?. I know this line-up still needs some sort of legitimization with an album, but that's a mere formality.

    4) All in all, I think it's distasteful to attack people out of the blue, specially when they are colleagues and they don't mess around with you. And this goes for Dee Snider, Axl Rose, Taylor Swift, Kanye West and whoever the heck thinks they have a right to mess with the jobs of others. Respect your colleagues and mind your own business. Unless you are trying to gain some free press at the expense of someone else's fame..... which is the cheapest way to go for it.

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  9. He plays the poor me game. "Nobody cares what I have to say." Boo hoo. When he does speak he blows smoke up everyone's ass, strings the fans along, makes excuses, points the finger at everyone else without giving concrete reasons, and mostly talks in vague, cryptic messages. Then, the few disciples he has left, try to decipher his message.

    I'm sure if he wanted to talk about the touring band and all the things they were doing to "move forward" the press would be interested in hearing about it. Oh, but poor sensitive, paranoid Axl doesn't trust just any interviewer. So, he writes the questions and still gives open ended, vague answers.

    To admit to the world that he doesn't care about moving forward with his grand vision would be to admit that there is no Guns n Roses, they aren't a "band" creating original music, that he is a solo artist, or at least, a solo performer, and that everything he "fought so hard to keep going" is gone. And, that would be fine. But be honest about it and stop dicking everyone around.

    The problem is you and some other people here treat Axl as if he was a politician or someone who is in a place owing something to somebody else. The man is an artist!

    He will produce art whenever he feels right and if he feels he don't want to do anything else ever again, then he won't. There isn't an obligation or contract signed with anyone (except with his recording company) to do stuff.

    It's not like the world stops because he doesn't release music. It's not like a million of people are starving because he doesn't release music. Stop demanding shit from a guy who has no major responsability over the life of anyone in this planet.

    Getting so mad and aggressive as you get will not take you anywhere, dude. Just move on with your life, try other artists and if Axl ever decides to put music out, you'll find out.

    This habit of complicating something that is so simple is getting ridiculous.

    • Like 2
  10. He has also said that he hasn't done interviews because 'nobody wants to hear what I have to say' i.e. the publications want to ask about the past instead of promote the future.


    Why people do not pay attention to what Axl says when he actually talks?

    Because his answers are not some ppl want to hear. :no:

    • Like 1
  11. I've seen new GnR 4 times. The reaction to CD songs has pretty much been "Beer break" or "Piss break". the life is literally sucked right out fo the shows when a CD song begins. the last show I saw in 2010 the guy in front of me was angry every time a new song started. yelling obscenities like "enough of this shit! play some fucvking real music!". The general public did not recieve CD well including those who heard it. Some may have but the vast majority did not like it. That's reality and only on GnR forums is the delusion alive and well that most people if they just gave it a chance would like it.

    Most people who attend shows of artists like GNR are not die hard fans like us in here.... Most of this people didn't buy CD.... Actually, most of them the only album they may have is the Greatest Hits. So when they protest during show like you say, it's not because they hated CD and dislike it. It's because they never heard the fucking shit!

    Most of them are there to listen to SCOM, PaTience, KOHD, Live & Let Die, November Rain, Don't Cry and Paradise City. Anything beyond that pisses them off because they don't know the songs, don't know the lyrics and feel awkward around the real fans who sing along every song.

    It happens to all artists of all genres.

  12. If he has no music to talk about then what can he talk about?

    People are desperate for him to talk about Slash and he doesn't wanna do that (at least not in the time being). If it's not about old GNR then interviewer has to move onto private life and Axl hates talking about his private life, so really, aside from music there's not much you can ask him, unless he was willing to open up and give one of those massive historic interviews Oprah style, which will not happen in the immediate future.

    His silence, actually, speaks volumes....

    Yes, it says "I know that nobody gives a fuck about me and they all think I'm a big joke. So, I'll take a page from Bob Dylan, play up the mystery card, be a recluse, try to garner some sympathy because I'm such a "sensitive" soul. They'll wonder what I'm writing, doing, what my grand vision is." Unfortunately, time has called his bluff and exposed him for a fraud.

    A fraud? WTF!

    Axl is such a millionaire he must have travelled the world 20 times already. Just because he's not on the cover of People magazine every month every year doesn't mean he's a "recluse". I'm pretty sure he goes wherever the fuck he wants to go, stays months in the Everest mountain and you would never find out. That recluse bullshit is so old and boring and certainly exposes yourself for a fraud.

  13. What irritates me is when people start making weird comparisons between the two. Like saying Axl has more integrity than Slash because he doesn't release music every two years and he doesn't do interviews very often. Or they bash Slash for releasing music and doing interviews - like that is somehow a bad thing. Slash plays superbowl - bad. Slash plays a charity event - bad. Slash releases an album - bad. I don't understand how people have put themselves in the middle of the Axl-vs-Slash feud. It makes no sense to me. If Slash donated a million dollars to cancer research tomorrow, there would be people on here bashing him for it "He just did it for publicity. He should have done it privately AND he should have donated at least two million." I don't get people who constantly bash Axl or Slash like it's some sort of competition. And I don't get people that dislike Slash - just because Axl doesn't like him.

    Good post, Apollo!

    But the integrity thing. Integrity is about following your convictions. You could easily have more integrity while being unproductive - if that means you aren't losing yourself or changing in the process. Or you could be full of integrity being very productive, if that doesn't mean compromising your personality. Integrity simply has nothing to do with whether you do things that are popular, or living up to others' expectations, it has all to do with being true to oneself. So, both Axl and Slash could be said to have their artistic integrity intact, unless they at some point decided to make compromises for money, or other rewards.

    Secondly, I don't think anywone is calling out Slash for being productive. What people have been saying -- and you constantly seem to not get this -- is that it is not the volume of production but the quality that is the problem, and that if Slash would, say, spend a bit more time on each album, it would result in better music that more people would like. To make it short: people would prefer one stellar album to two mediocre albums. You might disagree with this as much as you want, but don't continue to use this argument in your "war" on people you claim only bash Slash because Axl doesn't like him. Regardless of what you think, disliking Slashs's tendency to apparently uncritically release all the music he comes up with, has nothing to do with Axl or your ongoing polarization of "Axl nutters" and "Slash bashers".

    *Standing Ovation*

    And yes, good post too, Apollo (I've ran out of likes to give you one). I wish he had made that post 30 replies before! LOL because it's pretty educational on who are the Twisted Sisters, and also this silly little war wouldn't have become so rough.

    I wanted to add that I re-read the whole thread and seriously, there weren't a lot of people attacking Dee Snider just because he bashed the NuGNR. Actually, in first page of this thread you see a lot of people anticipating chaos way before anyone said anything bad about Snider. There is a variety of opinions, lots of people agreeing with him, some others dissing him for his career and others in the middle.

    I really didn't see the so-called Axl nutters ripping Snider's skin apart. It was all a big confusion and tons of animosity.

    Hopefully this topic ends here. :)

  14. I know Axl was not happy with Slash working with Michael for that reason but there is a lot more to why Axl won't work with Slash than the fact the Slash worked with Michael Jackson. I do belive that Slash and Doug were tight at one point and that they did take care of the things it took to keep the band running but at some point I think Doug was afraid of getting fired by Axl so he started do what Axl wanted done and thats when things started to fall apart between Doug and Slash.

    Its been discussed in that thread at the main board the accuracy of dates of these events. How did Axl and Doug know in 1991 about Michael Jackson's alleged pedophilia if the first legal accusations appeared in 1993? Can you clarify this, Marc?

  15. This happened here...

    Axl I would like to know why you avoid the press so much. I think it's definitely hurting album sales, I mean, you haven't even done one interview. I know for sure you'd be able to get a few magazine covers. So why don't you? Why be such a hermit/recluse?

    Dexter wrote:

    That's ur opinion and it very well could be true.

    What I have to say a lot of people have no desire to hear.

    With our team we were able to negotiate thru a mountain of issues to be able to release the album. Within' those negotiations I believed I had secured agreements, commitments and assurances that would have allowed a promotional strategy to be implemented that obviously I've had a fair amount of time to consider. Unfortunately those things never happened and once the record was closer to release the biz went about things in their standard business as usual mode.


    I never understand what he means... so frustrated :(

  16. lol

    There is too much "wrong" there for me to even reply to it all. I brought up age because the poster you were agreeing with was bringing up age!!!! It's weird how you bash me for things that you then praise other people for......simply because they are defending Axl and I'm not. And you do that all the time. Stella was another great example. The double standards you have are hilarious.

    This is a forum. You have every right to post your opinion on Twister Sister, just like I have every right to post mine. If you and Gunner are going to dish it out, why aren't other people allowed to respond???? It's OK for you guys to post "funny" memes - but not for people to post actual facts? Think about that.

    And f*ck off with your young people comment. That's just an idiotic statement. And I'm not a Dee or TS zealot. I said I didn't even like their music (of course, you ignore that). BUT I am able to look at things factually and not be Axl-biased on every issue.

    Dude - life is too short for you to constantly be getting so angry about me and about what posters say regarding a rock singer. USE THAT IGNORE FEATURE - I think it will help you become much happier!!!! :thumbsup:

    Were did Gunner PT bring up the age issue? I can't find his post. Really. :shrugs:

    Maybe it was me the one who said that. I don't remember. But I do know that I wasn't born when this TwS band was great and then I did a little search and found out they were popular in the 70's. So all I said was that I wasn't around to appreciate their fame, even though I was born a decade later, when I was old enough to remember anything, back in my childhood the huge bands were Bon Jovi, Europe, Aerosmith, Motley, etc. (therefore, I concluded their period of fame must have been short).

    I didn't dish anyone's opinion either..... Did you read my first response to the thread? I said I don't respect Snider because he has no code. That he shouldn't be talking liek that about colleagues who are just making their living and ultimately, they are not to blame or have nothing to do with Guns N' Roses break up.

    You and the other troublemakers are the ones who turned this into an "Axl fans issue", just to be able to bash people. The truth is Snider didn't say anything bad about Axl. He was badmouthing the new line-up, so your whole trip is completely wrong.

    Also, I didn't post any meme.... I'm not into memes. I just laughed at what Gunner posted because it was funny. Can't I laugh now? :shrugs:

    Facts? No one is preventing you from posting anything but you? facts? no, you never post facts.... Most people here (me included, yeah) post their OPINIONS. Facts, rarely. Most of us are not the so-called insiders who hold the "facts", so I don't believe in that.

    I will use the ignore button whenever the fuck I want. You don't dictate me when to do it and I'm never angry. Actually, at this point of my life I'm happier than ever. What about you? :shades:

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