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Everything posted by colonizedmind

  1. Axl doing ANY interview would be a fine thing! He should go to Disney with Bucket and have Mickey interview him...that'd be top quality trolling of the universe!
  2. Well this ended unexpectedly....waiting for that beer photo in after the Boston gig! Extreme to support Guns someday...things move on fast!
  3. Or those "fucking amazing songs" that DJ said Axl bangs out on the piano all the time...an Axl piano album, I'm there!
  4. Do we think that early version of Perhaps developed and found a 2nd verse...you've got to hope if they're releasing it, it did...as otherwise it's a bit unfinished! Every chance it got worked on further down the line vocally...as otherwise why release this (reportedly) All mash tweet Fernando that you're holding off buying tickets...he might get in a panic, that the Lebeis family $$$ is in trouble and push that red button accidentally!!
  5. If by the end of their career we have another couple of albums and then postumously some odds and ends, that would probably be a massive success...while not looking likely right now...nothing in life is static, something could change in the future....perhaps VR kills off the big bucks in touring and music finally finds an experience you can't really pirate, like the one Bono banged on about for a good while....then music again becomes the dominant $ stream. Unlikely....but the future moves quickly...I do think we will have a much better catalogue than we do now in 25 years but before you swoop on me, I'm an eternal optimist (usually)
  6. You can STILL buy that limited CD on Amazon too 👍🤟 Not. Bad release at all! I'd kill for a 3D Blu ray of Houston or another particularly good '16 gig. Or even a best from 16-23 with Troubadour thrown in as a bonus! I mean, I remember what a ball ache it was for Rock Fuel to get that product out, amazing it came out just before the reunion rumblings....a bookend farewell to that era if you like... Which is like most bands after an initial 5 years or so as a band! 😲
  7. Guys are we gonna still be talking about Chinese Democracy in 2040? Maybe it really will happen in the country before THIS ends! I mean I left for 4 years and it's like an Episode of EastEnders, you've not missed a major plot development since September 2019! 😵
  8. How many officially released songs has Guns put out in total, not counting any boots...? Sucking dickies dick eh! 😉 I just think GITR should of made comebacks everytime Axl had a rant, then he could of put it across artistically 👍
  9. I suppose if Axl weirdly turns up on the JRE one day....that's about as close to MSL interviewing him as you can imagine....wrestling and UFC background collide.
  10. I thought they weren't all stadiums on this leg? Have I remembered incorrectly? I know the couple of Festivals, etc.
  11. Anyone in the know? How many of the upcoming dates are indoor, in arenas? The sound is always much better indoor (for obvious reasons) and usually less restrictions on end times...depending on area.
  12. If Keanu Reeves can take advantage of the writers strike to put Dogstar back together and finish a whole album (out In Oct) Axl could of pressed the big red button on one single right now....I mean the only thing holding it back is anxiety or I guess label pressure for promo!
  13. Hold your rasp Dustin! Shirtless Duff's just debuted the new single! 🤟🤟🤟
  14. Tons of smoke but yet the band's history makes as completely paranoid and filled with anxiety that it'll happen...understandably....I just want it out, so we can talk about it/enjoy it...and move on to moaning about something else, like why can't I buy Pittman's towels anymore!
  15. I remember that...I guess it may have a long instrumental beginning or at least the bed of music M.B made for it has legs as they used to go several minutes pre-cpnxert with that intro. What's our facts again for knowing that was definately The General for the intro? It sounds like a much fuller and more epic song than anything from Village shizzle...which is cool and after all, we should remember that stuff was 2000, surely there could/was many sessions to advance and record other stuff in the 8 years post those studio days....I'm sure there may be other lockers out there with discs from studio sessions in 2001-2007!
  16. ...And Brain said on that YT podcast that Axl recorded vocals for The General...so I guess so. All that effort and no will to put them out, perhaps the older mellower Axl is far away from the feelings of these songs...after all, he was pretty angry around the writing of all this...
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