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Everything posted by colonizedmind

  1. So do we have a best show of this run? I suppose the band are pretty tight most nights, so it comes down to which was Axl's best night? Glasto? Those that went to multiple nights and were actually there should be in the best position to answer, especially those that went to 7 shows, etc... Do we not do threads now for best performance (YT links) of songs from the tour? 🫤
  3. Well I was kinda being facetious but with Axl it's not something that would be entirely outta the question and realms of possibility...especially with his reluctance to leave that era fully behind...apparently....
  4. I wonder why that Collider Slash interview is embargoed...what's it to coincide with? His new movie...
  5. Maybe he'll try this again, with Slash and Duff re-recording the whole of CD along with a couple of bonus new tracks like HS and Absurd 😉. I always wondered if they actually went and recorded studio versions of the CD tracks they play live, kinda likely....even if just to hear how they sound before touring in 2016...touring demos are often made....I mean Better got that whole new "Lose Yourself" style opening, so I certainly think that was reworked in the studio....so there's probably instrumental versions of at least 9 CD tracks of D and S! The CD era is FAR from over....it'll never be over, until about 30 years from now and you know why...
  6. But you often get info you wouldn't get anywhere else because of that carefree, freeflowing style...
  7. More to the point, why couldn't wack job Yoda veto the Lebeis photos 😆
  8. To do JR's job, you gotta always been husslin, so I'm sure he asked or exchanged details at the very least...it would be one for the ages...that S.Tyler episode was WILD man! - BTW was there not a rumours a few months back about Axl and Joe? Funny they meet like this after that...maybe Joe's stalking him
  9. Shit!! I'd forgotten about Yoda! Axl went through some weird ass times...he seems to.be relatively mundane and "normal" these days...
  10. Is there more of this...nice he went to them but this ended as they surged towards him!! Did he stick or security get him outta there? Almost like the 90s for a moment 😵
  11. I was thinking Madrid too...was solid all around...
  12. Hence why the other night he played TWAT very close to how was...big compliment to Bucket there and concurs with what he said about admiring him as a "fucking amazing player"...
  13. Glad it went ahead but usually for an end of leg they play a longer set but I think the heat was a factor (only human even all the (blowing) fans in the world) and it probably affected Axl's voice and stamina...those that were there agree? Apparently wasn't as chatty, etc... So do we have a best show of this run? I suppose the band are pretty tight most nights, so it comes down to which was Axl's best night? Glasto? Those that went to multiple nights and were actually there should be in the best position to answer, especially those that went to 7 shows, etc... Infact do we have a page for best performances of individual songs from the tour? We used to do that for other tours, didn't we? Not this one?
  14. It's especially funny since Slash has dabbled in all genre, playing with Fergie and even on the Barbie track now and NB probably forgot this...
  15. Wow, Fortus was pretty polite and calling Nuno a "great" and then he gets that response....NB is just pissed his quote isn't going away and that a fellow professional brought it up ...but he's (RF) Slash's sparring partner these days, obvious decent friends, so he felt he should....Nuno should own his words or correct the record as he did in the latter half of his statement...the first half was bitter and derogatory towards Richard, who is probably more talented as a musician (obviously doesn't have the output!)
  16. Axl obviously had to be the one in o suction Slash and Duff to go on and work on the CD tracks...so he was happy enough for that....either they're coming (sometime...SOON) or he wasn't happy with what they did or the reaction to the last drop from these sessions....who knows! It's a fluid situation. All we know is, it's definately been soundchecked multiple times and planned to be played at least once upon a time...The General is way more dubious!
  17. From your subconscious dreams or where does this come from? I mean it would make sense BUT...
  18. Take your t-shirt off and you'd be burnt to an inch of your life If the news is anything to go by...
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