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Everything posted by Blackstar

  1. If, let's say, the orchestra or an instrument is more prominent, will be easy to tell if it's because of a different mix or just because of the bad quality of the leak?
  2. Yeah, although those jams sounded to me more like something from the CD era than something Slash and Duff would come up with. But who knows... Anyway, I think if they have worked on new songs surely Axl must have at least given them the green light to do so, because they would know better what (not) to expect if he hadn't.
  3. You mean Fernando's personal account or the band account? Because if it's the band account, it's not Fernando running it, but a company.
  4. I'll say The Ritz, too, and then Perhaps. I also have a soft spot for Absurd, mostly because of the way it was released. Very unpredictable and wtf moment
  5. Yes, he had access to those people then, but he doesn't seem to have any access to the Axl camp now. He does seem to have some access to the Slash camp though, but it's unknown how close to Slash his source is and how informed they are. And whoever that person is, they're at not at liberty to say much more than what Slash himself says in public.
  6. Yes, the wording in the response is different from the wording in his original post.
  7. I asked him (since I saw you deleted yours) and he responded: "Slash said, they have new songs, and he's hoping for a GN'R album late next year, and they have also worked on older songs, no details on that. Separately, on another day maybe a month later, he was asked about his comments album releasing an album with the current songs, and that received no comment." I guess the key word here is "hoping".
  8. It was a totally different time and they're all different people now, but in light of the recent developments I wonder if they're having deja vu's from 1993-94. They had completed a long tour and the plan was, after getting some rest, to start working on new music - meanwhile, they released a covers album and intended to also release a documentary and an official biography. Then Axl was sued by Stephanie and Erin, and it all went to hell. Now Axl has not been sued by an ex, but about something that happened years ago (and he probably doesn't even remember). And the other factors that caused the band to fall apart then (contractual stuff, power plays, third party involvement, musical differences, drugs, serious mental problems) seem to be non issues now. So the main question is whether and how much the current lawsuits are affecting Axl - and, even more importantly, what, if anything, is left from his creativity and if there's a drive to create (regardless of lawsuits etc.).
  9. Yes, it's not clear. Let's hope he clarifies. But since he mentioned "new GN'R material that is not related to CD", I take that the "historic old material" is not related to CD either. Maybe it's in reference to the mid-90's sessions or it just means an archival release, e.g. live material from AFD/UYI eras.
  10. It's not clear from the wording if they have started working on new material, if there's a concrete plan to start working or they'll just start "looking very seriously at what they're doing in that regard" at some point next year. I think it's more likely that the "historic older material" is from the mid-90s than from the CD sessions. In addition to what was said at the time and what Axl said, Tommy and Richard have confirmed that such material exists.
  11. It's a tiny possibility, but it would be great and equally or even more exciting than the release of another reworked song by GN'R.
  12. I'm not 100% sure, but I don't remember reading about them playing together again before KoC. Edit: I see Gilby joined Slash on stage at Sturgis 2012 - and of course there was the RRHOF before that.
  13. Gilby's opinion on Velvet Revolver after he jammed with them on stage in 2005 is also interesting: HOST: What do you think of Velvet Revolver? GILBY: I think.... (pauses) well I mean look, they are what they are, they are straight forward hard rock. What you see is what you get. They are definitely a great band. HOST: You seemed kind of conflicting in that answer (laughs) GILBY: Well it's just...(laughing) ah man, well I get the feeling they aren't really into it.. like Slash and Duff, mostly Slash. I mean Slash is playing, but he's not really PLAYING. Listen to the record dude, is that really Slash? I just kind of feel at times his heart isn't really into what that band is doing, like he's going through the motions. Man I'm gonna get myself into trouble (Laughing) HOST: Do you think he wants to re-unite with Axl? GILBY: Shit... (laughing). Look, I'm sure if they could both sit down and talk and smooth things over it would happen, but the chances of that happening are slim and none, and slim just left the building. But yeah, I mean.. in the back of their minds they both want to get the thing back together. See Axl and Slash hate each other, at the same time I think they know they... complete each other... Wow that sounded lame, but yeah. https://www.a-4-d.com/t5345-2005-06-dd-kkrw-texas-interview-with-gilby-excerpt
  14. I believe that jam at the Cat Club in 2000 was the first time (if that counts). After that it was a Velvet Revolver show in 2005. For a full show it was Kings Of Chaos, yeah.
  15. And have appointments and conferences with lawyers. He probably would at least have continued going to parties and various events if it weren't for that.
  16. Yeah, they thought he looks more like her now than when he was younger.
  17. Some of the stuff they seem to know directly, e.g. they seem to have known Axl's stepfather and the way he conducted himself. This is the saddest part, if true (and it probably is): After The Rolling Stones interview Axl came back to see Sharon and try to make amends with her. He showed up to the west side house but refused to come in because he didn’t want to see Steve. He asked Sharon to come out and sit in the limo so they could talk and she refused and ripped him a new one over “humiliating them” with the article. She took Steve’s side and defended him. Had she not done that they probably would have had somewhat of a better relationship and maybe he would have shown up when she was dying. Steve was 95% at fault for the falling out but she was definitely at fault as well.
  18. I think the person is being honest, however a lot of what they know is from hearsay and some of it not directly from people who were around at that time, as some of the Bailey family members who were around are not alive now. The sexual abuse, if it happened, is something that probably no one would know. But the physical abuse seems to be common knowledge among the family
  19. Taking the second comment into account, the first one can't be considered confirmation (they say "a lot of accuracy" anyway, which is vague), as this person (or anyone in the family, for that matter) wouldn't be in position to confirm it. It's likely that it did happen, but this person wouldn't know.
  20. Where did they confirm that? I only saw a comment by them (in a thread about the Tom Zutaut quote, I think) saying they hadn't heard anything about sexual abuse by his stepfather (but the family believes that he could have abused Amy).
  21. The kidnapping was in court papers, but the abuse is something that is very hard to have evidence for.
  22. Duff said that if he tours his album it will probably be in the fall of 2024 (and meanwhile he will likely release another album).
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