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Everything posted by Blackstar

  1. It was probably Melissa's tech. He filled in at the last show she was absent. He's on there only for some songs. Yes, exactly.
  2. There seem to be some technical issues. It probably wasn't their fault that they were late.
  3. Lol no, they haven't played it much this tour - I guess they did only when Axl wanted to take a break or whatever.
  4. I don't think he would release anything recorded during the CD sessions as solo stuff, because he sees it as GN'R, unless maybe piano instrumentals he wrote by himself. I was thinking more of other kinds of stuff, like covers or instrumentals since he likes movie soundtracks.
  5. It aligns with what I posted earlier about Eddie Trunk saying that he talked to Slash off the record and Slash told him that this last leg was his favourite since 2016.
  6. I think Axl just liked the idea of having two drummers. The first time there was an attempt for that was in 1997 when both Chris Vrenna and Dave Abbruzzese were rehearsing with GN'R. It also seems that there was a similar idea for the 2016 April shows with Adler playing some AFD stuff and Frank playing the rest.
  7. Yes, unless the next releases are disconnected from the touring or there will be some sort of live release, it's going to be a long uneventful period. Slash's solo album and the Schenker album both Axl and Slash recorded on are the only things to look forward to.
  8. We haven't assumed it just because of that, but mostly because it has orchestral work from Marco Beltrami, and Beltrami himself heard the leak and recognized the work he did for one of the four non-CD songs in 2002 (although he didn't remember the title it had then). We already knew from a Beltrami interview at the time that one of the four songs was "Leave Me Alone" which, according to Axl, later became Soul Monster (and fits Axl's description of the song, too). This is corroboration. It would be good to get official confirmation from the band, of course, but it's really pretty obvious. And certainly way more obvious than the (wrong, as turned out to be) assumption that Me and My Elvis was Soul Monster.
  9. It may be the band My Dying Bride (which would be the only band I've heard of) Edit: I've heard of Front Line Assembly and Accused, too.
  10. But there's also Slash's solo album with guest singers coming after that and I assume he will want to promote it and probably do even a limited scale tour in support of it.
  11. They're still having that fake "Atlas" cover art in the video thumbnail. The Atlas/Monsters rumour started by "insider" information that claimed that The General was originally a very long song Monsters was a part of (and so Monsters wasn't Soul Monster) but was split in two so there could be two b-sides. That "insider" info has been proven wrong already regarding Soul Monster, apparently because the source of it is unreliable. I'm not saying that it's unlikely that Monsters ends up being released with Atlas. But I think if that happens it will be for reasons unrelated to all this "information" and not because it was originally planned that way.
  12. It's just a theory about the case Monsters doesn't end up being on the 7-inch. Like I said, I think that the two songs are or were meant to be released together (based on the registration, Fernando's inside joke and the fact that they leaked together). So maybe Monsters is still on the 7'', but if it's not, it's a logical theory about the reason why.
  13. He may be a good guy (I don't know him). But the source of the information is unreliable.
  14. Lol, they have a link to a fake The General that I hadn't heard before
  15. It could be easier for him now exactly because there's nothing at stake and not much to prove or lose. And he seems a bit more confident in the last few years. He has done guest spots, live and in the studio, and solo appearances (even if it was just singing November Rain at private parties).
  16. Slipknot played last night and it looks like Muse is playing tonight as scheduled. https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/slipknot/2023/foro-pegaso-toluca-mexico-5ba1abe4.html It seems that the festival screwed the local and smaller bands, which sucks.
  17. Yes, but he didn't see it that way and he did it under the GN'R name. I'm thinking it more along the lines of him doing something outside the GN'R name.
  18. Although, to me, some of these CD "leftovers" are better than even half of CD - especially these last ones are up there with the best songs on CD - I completely agree about letting that era go. It has dragged on for so long that it's ridiculous. It's crazy to think that Axl told Bach in 2006 that The General would be released in 2012 and that looked so far in the future, and that song is being released in 2023 (better late than never and it's great that these songs are being released, but...). I wish Axl just decided to finally close that chapter by putting everything out within, say, the next year (first the rest of the rehashed songs by Slash and Duff, and then all the original demos etc. in a box set or even just a digital package). I wouldn't go as far as to say that it could be good if they disappeared, but as much as I want them to write new music (which is mostly being curious to see if they can do it and what they can do), I would be equally, if not more, interested in Axl doing something outside of GN'R and even if he let go of GN'R completely, e.g. if he went solo or wrote instrumental music or became a producer etc. But of course I don't expect any of that to happen. I just expect them to slowly release the rest of the reworked CD era songs and continue touring, probably after a one or two year long break, as long as Axl's voice holds up to a level of weak-hitting the high notes. After that, it will probably be the time that he opens the vault of the classic era (we've already gotten something, though - the Ritz blu-ray was awesome). I think that the UYI movie will eventually see the light of the day, even earlier than that. The main issue with it is not the controversial stuff (they can easily censor it, after all), but that it appears that it exists only in the form of, likely, hundreds of hours of unedited footage. So they would need to hire someone to go through all that and edit it, and then sit with them and choose what they want to be in it. As far as the near future, I expect more or less the same that has happened before when GN'R took a break from touring: Slash and Duff will be out there doing stuff and Axl will disappear from the public eye, or maybe he'll show up at another Carrie Underwood show. I'm curious to see what he has recorded for that Schenker album. I'm also interested in hearing what Slash has done with his new "blues-oriented" solo album - and they super tiny chance of Axl being on it would be something to be excited about.
  19. That wasn't exactly what Bach said, though. He said that Axl had told him that The General would be on the third album, because the lyrics related to other songs that were going to be on that third album.
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