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Everything posted by Blackstar

  1. Here is the video from GN'R's IG story: https://streamable.com/f9s86o
  2. Duff played The Garden on his latest radio show. Said he hadn't listened to it in years.
  3. The Teleprompter person may be in trouble (there's a similar story from the UYI tour)
  4. I think they flew from Rome to Düsseldorf , so he was confused
  5. There is always a crew for what is projected on the video screens. That's where the Selects footage came from. That's a standard. But a film crew that takes panoramic shots or shots from different angles, or like the one they had on the UYI tour and followed them behind the scenes is a different thing.
  6. I don't know, the shots, the angles, etc. look more professional. I don't think they compiled this from cell phone clips taken by crew and entourage members and from shots by the stage screens video crew.
  7. That doesn't make much sense to me. The photos they already have by the Guillherme guy would suffice for this purpose. And Axl looked good last year, too (it's mainly his new stage attire that makes him look better this year), so they could use Kat's pictures from then as well, as she made them more flattering (and they're not all black and white, there are color and b&w versions of each picture). The footage from the show in Rome suggests that they may have a filming crew on this tour.
  8. Yeah, it's the same one you found the Duff posting about Live Era on. We have that about the soundtrack, too. Here's the articles we have for 1999: https://www.a-4-d.com/t2861-interview-and-article-index#17637
  9. Thanks. I've been doing some digging up via web.archive myself. From a look I had on Duff's old site, we seem to have the stuff that's from external sources, including this interview. But I found some articles we don't have on this site: https://web.archive.org/web/20140831110755/http://home.swipnet.se/~w-52838/gnfnrs1.html
  10. Yes, he photographed them at Hyde Park. Could be coincidental, because he has been shooting the Motley Crue/Def Leppard tour and they happened to be playing in London a day after (?) GN'R played. It's still interesting though, as he hasn't been at any GN'R reunion shows before. And, considering that professional photographers are not allowed at GN'R gigs, he was there with special permission (or was invited). Moreover, Axl's friend Sante D'Orazio was there to take pictures (it seems Axl invited him). So it might mean something.
  11. Chinese Whispers is a great source about the sessions. And here you can find what was known about the sessions until 2016 (it's not all in one place, so you'll have to scroll down and find the chapters that interest you): https://www.a-4-d.com/t4924-02-global-index Also some information on what was said about rumoured tracks until 2015, here: https://www.a-4-d.com/t2206-the-unreleased-and-rumoured-songs-thread You can also look at the pages for each song in the song database (e.g. the pages for Hard Skool and Absurd/Silkowrms have been updated with all the info): https://www.a-4-d.com/f8-gn-r-song-archive
  12. There'll even be some pointing out how much better The General sounded on the phone clip
  13. I think someone mentioned something similar happening on Apple Music a few days ago?
  14. Duff has solo material to promote, so I guess a big part of the interview will be about that.
  15. Yes, it's common practice when it comes out to print magazines. Usually outlets give a sneak preview of an interview on their website and then the full interview appears in the printed version.
  16. Apparently Duff gave a more extended interview and that's what will be published in the printed version.
  17. They didn't. Last year Slash played a bit of the riff of Don't Damn Me just playing around during soundcheck.
  18. It seems that's what transpired. Maybe just one or two people in the crowd asked for it and Axl was in the mood to play it, and so they did.
  19. Maybe they hadn't heard about his passing yet (although the person who updated setlist.fm apparently had).
  20. Then Ι guess whoever updated setlist.fm misheard the dedication to Berlusconi. Shame. The logo designer deserved it much more.
  21. According to setlist.fm, KOHD was dedicated to Billy White Jr. (the designer of the AFD cross logo who died recently) but I didn't hear anything like that either on the live stream last night or in the video of the full show. The only dedication I heard was to Berlusconi.
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