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Everything posted by JimiRose

  1. There was no press release at time of release by the band. there was no IG post at time of release, (it came several days later) and there was no music video. several months later we got a lyric video
  2. I just assume slash and duff dont care tbh. and axl and tb are just as incompetent as one an other
  3. we dont need a party, a press release and an IG post will be a start! and heaven forbid..... a music video!
  4. Are you seriously comparing the release and promotion of the GnR singles to Metallica, RHCP etc? the videos. the spotify streams, the interviews, the radio play. Of course they're not going to be number 1, but the difference is like comparing some barely known band (GnR) to a very successful act. GnR are massively behind those others on every metric for the recent releases.
  5. Odds they don't even mention or acknowledge the perhaps debacle? Guaranteed
  6. My 3 year old daughter tells me she wants to fly an airplane, i dont just agree to it because she told me to. If these are the directions coming from the band, what we have seen the past 21 years, then any half competent non moronic management would not be following them. They would make them better, whilst placating the band and lead them to success. Absurd and Hardskool (and HS was about as close to classic GnR sounding as we'll ever get) were massive flops due to no promotion, no marketing campaign, no music video, surprise release when no one cared, no interviews and no link to radio play. 2 years have passed and now GnR are doing the EXACT same thing again, despite its spectacular failure twice previously. if TB haven't brought that up with the band then what is the point of their existence other than to annoy the fanbase?
  7. Wtf is up with that GnR reddit page - PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Anybody who does not adhere to Rule 2 of this subreddit will get banned This includes anybody who posts links, anybody who gives details on where to find leaks, anybody who spreads awareness of them, anybody who asks to DM files, or other such behavior. Consider this both a reminder and warning. They can't even talk about the only semi interesting thing about GnR on a GnR reddit? haha fuck me. I hope everyone leaves that page and starts a different one. This is worse than Johnny Rotten selling butter.
  8. Definitely Axl Rose said chinese democracy was going to be a trilogy of albums. I really dont think we can trust anything Axl rose says
  9. seems rather coincidental that the first 3 songs we've got from this 'massive vault' of GnR songs were all on the locker leaks... especially when you consider Atlas is one of the next rumoured. And the general which we've known about and had cell phone leak of. Suggest to me, its highly unlikely there are tracks with completed vocals that we have no prior knowledge about already.
  10. claimed to be on reddit. with no proof of it being legit. However, it was then removed quickly by the mods which suggests it might actually be legit and was requested to be taken down lol true, just the ones with vocals! But even Slash would say no to eye on you...
  11. Because it leaked in 2019. That seems to be how it's decided by Axl. 'yo nando my home boy, tell ya mac daddy what songs leaked in 2019? Oh cool, send them to slash and duff, we'll release those!'
  12. I havent noticed any in TWAT. I have in scraped and Riad, but those songs are soooo electronic and weird industrial crossover things i just assumed those weird cuts were meant to be
  13. Agreed, the may solo is perfect. I hope they keep it. Maybe slash can noodle very quietly in the outro choruses.
  14. in 1990, they were 25-28 and all over the press and radio. in 2023 they're 58-61 and a touring legacy act. So sadly I don't think any comparisons can be drawn between eras. If something happened that way in 1990, it is highly unlikely they'll do it again in 2023 unless those things are done on purpose..?
  15. True, CD is certainly extreme in the way it was made and obv these singles. But I don't think it changes much, you can't pick out a song on CD and say it sounds wrong because these drums are recorded in x place and the bass was recorded in y place. that's the beauty of protools. you could record it in your living room and just be a great producer on pro tools and no one would be able to tell.
  16. Nearly every single album is made this way. Ok not to the extent of CD, but generally a band writes a song together. When it's recorded all parts are done separately. this process can be weeks, months, years. they over dub. re record. edit, play around on pro tools. change the solo again, re record. individually. It's just a myth that CD is soulless because of how it's recorded. Its more likely to be you dont particularly like the songs, and an easy reason is because you know how it was recorded and use that as a reason. i dont think bands have gone into the studio and recorded albums 'live' in the same room for decades. I know Slash tries to with SMKC and the foos did a few times on tape over pro tools, but it just isnt really done anymore.
  17. Lol, they may have been drunk but it's certainly not sloppy. it's actually 'perfectly' out of time and moves into time at an even rate, so it is very obviously intentional. Whether you think it's good or bad or ruins it, that's peoples personal opinion.
  18. Very hard to tell with the jukebox phone recordings, so will have to wait until actual version is released. But it's not as uncommon as people hear seem to think. When we are cutting solos in my band, it could be our actual guitarist playing or my bro who guests on a couple songs or even me on lead (im a bassist by trade) laying down 3 seconds of a lick. if it's on pro tools and the same amps you can't tell its a diff guitarist, just making sure you get the best bit to fit and create the best solo. Everything is cut and paste now! Axl was well ahead of his time tbh Yes.
  19. Im not sure what you are asking me to explain exactly, but the first verse is a beat out of time and the second is half a beat and then the 3rd moves into time. this is done on purpose just moving it back in the studio on pro tools. Why Axl wanted it like this, who knows. probably to mask the fact the song has no chorus and only 2 different verses, to make it seem like the song has more substance i guess.
  20. Thank you for not being as dumb as some others here. Still can't believe there's people that think Absurds vocal was an error
  21. I believe if it hadn't leaked in 2019, we wouldnt be hearing it now or maybe ever anyway. So be thankful for the leaks!
  22. That's because they are incompetent. However incompetent you think they are, it is much much worse.
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