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Everything posted by JimiRose

  1. Agreed. Bring Back Pele. Word. babies are pure in their emotions. They get abused or mistreated they act out and dont take that shit. The biggest babies are the ones just accepting this shit from GnR 'Oh lol it's GnR being unreliable again' I tell you what, get fernando down, i'll warm up on him then we can get in the ring then have a nandos afterwards. And fernando can pay
  2. Where you hiding till then? I'll come to you. How will i remove your nose from Fernandos rectum though? I wouldn't want you struggling from being shitblind
  3. I'd love to say couldnt make it up with GnR, but the sad thing is it's entirely predictable. They think they are edgy and cool and mysterious. They're really not, they're so predictable they're run of the mill dull.
  4. Lets have it dingbat, ill kick the shit out of you with a paper bag over my head you axl dick sucker
  5. I fucking hope they do. you lot all have stockholm syndrome. this band abuses and beats down month after month year after year. and we say 'thank you sir, may i have another'. no more. fuck GnR. Fuck Axl. Fuck slash Fuck Duff Fuck fercuntdo and that fat slag beta. fuck your general
  6. Everyone needs to cancel. Who was it earlier saying 'dw you're all pathetic, it literally has a shipping date in less than 24 hours and you're all still fretting something will go wrong' haha... guess what. This band is an abomination. They are all sad pathetic little cunts. Hey fernando hey axl, you deserve to have the shit kicked out of you. All of you pussies still defending gnr. DM me, lets meet and kick the shit out of each other. fuck this band. cancel your orders, burn your merch. Shit brand.
  7. Where did it say vinyl only release? It says vinyl release. Release on Vinyl. It doesnt say 'Vinyl only release' anywhere. You're making things up to back up your point. and your point is generally incorrect. 99% of all releases will include digital, and it is a natural assumption to make it will come out on digital in the next 7 days. In terms of shipping, as others have said, i have had books and cds tell me a shipping date and they come 1 or 2 days before that date or on that date. rarely do they arrive several days later. Yes i get it. this is GnR, they are shockingly bad in nearly all aspects of marketing, looking after their fans, doing the righ thing or the obvious thing. But you are matter of factly correcting people, incorrectly. So wind it in. thanks This
  8. It makes no sense at all to release the song on Vinyl only. it's 2023. I know GnR are a relic for a fallen time, but there is nothing to be gained commercially (we know all they give a fuck about is the bottom line) and nothing to gain in terms of the songs success doing it that way. There are barely any recent examples of a band doing that and it enhancing it for the fans or the band. I get it, GnR are cunts, shocking marketing, terrible humans and little to no clue how to manage a modern band. They don't care much for the fans. I get it. We are let down year after year. But there is no world where it makes a scintilla of sense for it not to be out digitally. either fir 27 or nov 3 absolute latest. as stated by many, it would be ripped to YouTube in lesser quality anyway, meaning no stream money for GnR and poor quality for the fans.
  9. This would make zero sense. It'd mean 99% of fans first listen of the song would be a low quality copy from a vinyl uploaded to youtube. why on earth would the band want that to be how fans experience it for the first time? I cannot fathom a world where it is a vinyl only release. No band or management are that stupid SURELY
  10. The only solo slash truly sucks on time after time is this i love. he completely misses the point and feel of the song, almost like a big fuck you to fans and axl. fincks solo was one of the best gnr solos ever, whether people rate the song or not. slash does well on CD and better. he does ok on TWAT. the rest aren't as good as the album, with just this i love as downright atrocious. hardskool is ok, absurd is ok. perhaps i think is worse then robins but only just, it's not like his was incredible.
  11. The linkfire for the general up yet? (or the general and his big gay monsters, whatever the title may now be) Harsh, By the sword was fantastic. Anastacia outro solo too. obv there are other very good ones, but those two compare with any of his previous work
  12. in my 20 years as a GnR fan, anything can happen really hasnt been the vibe ive had. almost nothing has happened that entire time.
  13. it'll be out in like 40 hours in NZ on streaming platforms. I think if someone uploads a voice memo version from a vinyl playing in their living room tomorrow or thursday, ill be happy to wait an extra few hours to hear it in clarity.
  14. This list was 1000% going around years before 2019. i lurked here from about 2008 before actually contributing in 2016, and i remember it. Can't tell you 100% what songs were def on there, but the 'V Ch Br' stuff after all tracks was all there. it probably wasnt mentioned much between 2016-2018 because it had been discussed and seen year earlier and the reunion was taking place with little hope (correctly) of any imminent new music.
  15. Anyone that states sog is general should be banned. This old broom has had 17 new heads and 14 new handles. How the hell can it be the same bloody broom then? Well there's a picture of it, what more proof do you need. Quite apt in 2023 GnR land
  16. I think we are also influenced by our personal bias in a positive way though. Like we will say 'yeah but it's better than 2021' - when it was dreadful. Or 'he sounds good on bad obsession and its so easy' like any fan cares about that. most people will have seen axl in 16/17 or know him from the 80s/90s. so when you hear 2023 vocals it is so drastically worse from that is shocking to people. we don't see it as much because we've seen such a gradual decline over 12 years. and will search for low register songs that sound good. but most normal people won't do that, so of course it will be extremely negative. as i said, just imagine you had people tell you axl is one of the greatest singers of all time, and the first time you heard him live was on this usa tour. You'd naturally be shocked and think it's terrible
  17. That's what the online perception is though, when people talk about singers who can no longer sing and should retire they say 'vince neil, bon jovi and axl rose' I think we look through 'rose' tinted glasses a bit. If we heard axl sing for the first time tomorrow, we'd never listen to him ever again. it is what it is sadly
  18. remember at the start of this tour we all thought axl sounded better than 19-22 era and now he sounds worse than ever. I don't think this is recoverable now sadly, the mocking on line is getting worse and he's on par with bon jovi and vince neil now. we'll always have 2006 and 2010, i just wish there were more official releases from the era
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