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Everything posted by JimiRose

  1. Because you are a very rich man and are happy to take a chance on getting a shit product from a shit band. We like value for money.
  2. GnR couldnt lace a dirty overworn boot of any beatle when it comes to releasing songs, releasing them properly and promoting them. But hey it's cool and mysterious right...? No. dont do it to yourself! There is no album dropping
  3. Yeah, gutted. I think it probably never was. We heard the 2-3 minute orchestra and assumed it was an intro, then heard soul monster and heard the slow grind and build into the final verse vocal and joined the dots. sadly it wasnt even the right song we imagined. I do think that is what the whole CD era lacks. that 8 minute+ epic. There were 3/4 on UYI and CD got closest with TWAT i guess. maybe prostitute though thats really just a longer normal song
  4. No it isnt. You've just said something that is completely untrue and factually incorrect. Your credibility was already low, but now it's nothing. Your defending of the shitshow that is the gnr (mis)management and release plans is breath-taking. they wont shag you mate.
  5. all i heard was wah wah ive had to repeat myself wah wah ive said the wrong thing 4 times to defend lord tb and lord Axl and i know so little about music i think it takes 15 years to release an album. oh yeah and wah wah i care so little i replied 4 times wah wah. that about right?
  6. Ignoring the fact that how long it takes to release a single or an album are not 24 years are we? Are you aware of any other bands apart from GnR or do you think this is normal process? Even GnR didn't operate this way pre 1994...
  7. 1. They never got a release video, and they sold over 3 million records. comparing a 2008 non video full album release song to a youtube and streaming only release is your first sign of mass ignorance. I've never listened to those songs on youtube ever. why would I? ive spun them several hundred times each on the cd i bought. extrapolate that by the millions of sales. They have no music video. YouTube is a visual mean. 2. I tried, but most of what you are saying is complete nonsense. you've said it'd be pretending to be a choice between singles and an album. Why is that pretend? We know a full album was ready in 2010. We know it was again ready around 2015. So there is a full album ready. We know slash and duff were given songs to play on 4 years ago. not last week. Whether they only did 6/7 is neither here nor there. There was/is an albums worth of completed material, maybe even 2. So yes it is a choice between a couple singles every couple of years and an album. And they have chosen the dumbest lamest option. Ignore how long an album takes? Does it take 24 years? this is the dumbest comment ive seen in a while. Slash and duff whip up a fully serviceable album in a couple months. Like every other band in history. I know how long an album takes to make, and if your argument is it takes as long as Axl rose takes to make an album then you're living in the stars. Maybe your english isn't great and you didn't mean make, you meant takes to release. again that would also be a few months. Let's be realllllllllly stupidly generous and say a whole year (it doesn't for anyone else). Slash and duff recorded in 2019/20. first singles dropped 2021, we're about to hit 2024.... hmmm something about what you're saying just doesnt quite add up. Still nice try at sucking up to the band. They are lame as fuck. accept it and move on.
  8. I'll be honest, these two songs sound nothing like any other bands. People can argue thats good or bad. but very few songs have such a blend of so many different things. it kind of sounds like they've thrown 5 genres in a bowl and out its come. lets have some dirty bass, some hip hop drums, a 100 piece string orchestra and blues guitar. hell lets sing the vocals different in each section with a completely different effect on each line
  9. Perhaps died within a week. it had like 4m youtube views and trended. 2 months later it's barely changed and people moved on. that's throwing a song away. If that song was immediately followed by another then another then an album it wouldnt have. If you give people an album they move onto the next song on that album and the next etc, then they go back to the song they loved at first and the cycle continues. You release songs one every few years they fall off a cliff and you forget about the band. you have them in an album you're continually eating those M&Ms
  10. Hope this is the case for monsters too. General seemed the worse of the two mixes. Get the strings up, and slightly clean the monsters cant get me bit. and oh yeah.. RELEASE IT I've got an either better idea. Tracks 13 and 14 at the end of a new album!
  11. this. it's beyond any logical comprehension. Madness. Imagine sitting on soul monster for 23 years it still hasn't come out, and when it does it'll probably be an unpromoted vinyl b side.
  12. i cant tell you its genuine with absolute certainty, but i can tell you it definitely came before 2019. So my considered opinion is 99% positive it is genuine
  13. oooooooh miss blackstar, going to have to pull you up on this! Dude looks like a lady? Crazy? Angel? Aerosmith brilliant tracks with child. Living on a prayer, Bon jovi, I was made for loving you kiss, posion alice cooper? ok i get they are all very much of their time and a little bit 'sappy' compared to what we like to think of as GnR gutter rock. But they are great songs. If he can help gnr write one of those, we'd all be loving it! GnR have used outside writers before (though usually friends) one radio single hit to help push the album of GnR only written stuff. you'd love it!
  14. People listen to music on streaming platforms like eating a packet of M&Ms. you open the packet, you eat it, you throw it away. Onto the next bag. You release an album, you get CDs, Booklets, magazine and newspaper reviews, interviews (well maybe not) you get 1 or 2 singles released to build the anticipation. Then it arrives you get 14 songs. I like track 3 and 5 best, listen to them loads, you prefer track 7 and 8. after a couple weeks i think well faceless turtle loves them, let me hear them again properly, then boom they hit me, i feel that love, and the cycle continues, to the point where eventually the whole album means loads to me and now i can spend a whole hour listening to it al the way through singing every word and picking up instrumental bits i never heard before. How it flows between songs, trying to find hidden messages. One song every two years? lame as fuck. Look how hyped we were for 10 years for the general. there was a week of mass hysteria when it got leaked, then, dead. now no one gives a fuck. if that was part of an album, we'd be still bringing it up constantly with every other songs. GnR have completely fucked CD2. It should have come 2010. then it should have come 2014. then it should have come 2021 in full with slash and duff. Instead we're about to hit 2024 with only 3 songs over 3 years officially released currently. Lame as fuck
  15. since when? since after the leak? because that is just an obvious assumption to make. if he was claiming this before mid october then id give him some credit. If not, then he knows as much as my dog.
  16. Yes but i would still live to be alive for when this happens. Plus consuming them 1 at a time, and 2 every two years is a dreadful listening experience. If they'd have just released 10 together you could listen to the in sequence, like ones first then later, then get a full experience. They are so THROWAWAY, being released this way. You hear it non stop for a week because it's the only one, then you just move on and wait for the next. what the fuck is the point.
  17. It's a shame. Monsters is by far the best of of the 5 we have heard re done by the band. yet it'll be 2024 more likely 2025 till it actually gets a release despite it being recorded in early 00s, and redone with slash and duff in 2019-2020. another half a decade. Absolutely mental how pathetically shockingly shit this band is in every possible way to do with releasing music.
  18. The thing i question about this theory is why would they care? Why would a random studio tech be so annoyed that gnr didnt release them when they said they would they anonymously leak them? unless they were someone coincidentally on the forum who was a gnr nut, but the odds of that? i'm playing devils advocate, obviously im not suggesting it was TB that is absolute trash, zero chance it was them.
  19. it is incredibly thin, cant believe they did that to them tbh. coz the acutal vocal take is good, but it's been neutered. it's the kind of thing i would do on my voice to hide the fact im a bad singer, but axl is great so not sure why it's been done
  20. instrumentally sounds much better. Axls vocal still sounds like he's singing through a cone in a hollow room. could probably do with some bass and reverb added to it. or another vocal track.
  21. I'd say it was definitely made into a full song as someone said above it was on the CD2 tracklist, having heard what they did with all the other songs that had 1 verse and barely a chorus, it wouldnt surprise me if they just kept it repeating either. there's 32 completed songs somewhere. CD + 4 released plus omg. thats 19. atlas nothing state of grace soul monster eye on you going down is 25. that means there's 7 more songs with lyrics we havent heard yet. possibly quick song, possibly seven, thyme. theres still gotta be at least 4 surprises we're clueless about.
  22. You're not suggesting they're only in it for the payday and everything else they do is merely to make sure they get paid the most money? never!
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