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Everything posted by JimiRose

  1. if the world is a great song aside from the corny simplistic lyrics in the verses. the vocal performance is one of his best and the music is totally unique in the gnr catalogue. should have been a bond theme.
  2. The extra long KOHD and RQ are most likely for Axls benefit. gives him 5 minutes of water, oxygen and a towel down. It depends if you care more for trimming the fat or for quality of the show. the extended jams could easily be replaced by some audience interaction, like talking to the audience, an anecdote, a story. very rare at GnR shows these days. Someone said earlier the long shows are great if you can accept the massive dips in quality (mainly axl) but tbh i don't think Axls vocals will be better if its a 90 minute show anyway. he cannot sing anything in that mid range and his rasp when he does bring it out is weak and rough. so you might as well have 3 hours of shit than 90 minutes of shit in GnRs case. get drunk, singalong and tune axl out that way.
  3. RHCP are a joke. 90/95 minute sets. 3x in 10 years ive seen them and they've been the same length always cut out half the hits. they usually learn two sets and alternate each show so it's different which is good, but it shows they know a 3 hour set and just choose to play half.
  4. Living the dream shagging multiple 20 year olds every week, eating take out food. Yes. Works on music not related to guns? Don't be ridiculous!
  5. You lose all credibility here. Giving a guy that has released 1 original album in 33 years (and fucked that up) enough credit to suggest he had a plan, or even gave a fuck is absurd.
  6. I dont think it will be popular, but it will be way more popular than absurd and the general. whilst it doesnt sound like a gnr song, It is obviously slash on guitar, his tone and style and it is clearly a massive axl vocal, which most people appreciate. It'll be loved by nugnr fans, appreciated by axl and slash fans, but probably just ignored by the public, not hated. They can enjoy perhaps and hardskool, dw. GnR fans are hypocrites, they said the evader thing was incredible and the general was shit, but they're all saying the gnr general is so much better. not the smartest fan base
  7. shall we call you xen monster? Nothing seems to piss you off or make you anything other than a perfect calm equilibrium of peacefulness.
  8. One in a million (great song, but obv very extreme lyrical content) My world (that was mocked) Oh My God (Industrial, poor mix, first release without slash etc) So GnR have definitely had backlash to songs, I think this one is a mix of everything. Poor release, fucked up release date, 8 years since reunion was announced and getting very nugnr era style b sides with slash and duff. The leak of the infintely better monsters, and then it not coming out. It's a perfect storm of shitness. I think the song is ok. 5/10, good album track with an alternative style. Released as a digital single and a vinyl b side, it's a disaster. Some clowns here will defend it, but ignore them.
  9. Youtube update - 429k views in first week since release. Utterly embarrassing for a ban GnRs size. sunk without a trace as predicted by many. Why on earth they are choosing to release songs this way.
  10. Don't sell yourself short. Anyone can write lyrics. Axls for the most part aren't complex poetry. I'm pretty sure Evader would know something about music to be able to piece it all together, which key and note etc.
  11. That is much harder and painstaking a process than sitting there and writing a 2 verse 1 bridge 3 chorus song. Any musician here could bang out a song like the general in fucking 60 minutes. Any and all credibility your point might have had was lost right there
  12. its two different songs which ever way you look at it. If anything Evaders version is a hybrid of the two. We believed it to be the general from the phone clip. Evaders mix is called the general and the orchestra at least is still from the General. there's no point comparing it to soul monster because we never once thought that the phone leak was soul monster. That wasnt just the consensus here, it was stated as fact. So it's a simple question that has been made incredibly difficult. Evaders 'General' or GnRs 'General' there's no Axl rose loopholes questioning required. which song do people think is better. Not ' BuT iT wAs SoUl MoNsTer AlL AloNG'. No shit, I didnt ask that! At face value when you listen to either of those songs which is better. That's all it was. Majority here have slated GnRs General, and eulogised evaders, social media has had people asking for it to be the 'original' demo. Yet the vote here says over 80% of you prefer GnRs. Doesn't really make sense. Especially as you all say evaders is based more on soul monster which again, majority love. So why is everyone voting for GnRs general...? Cognitive dissonance? Objectively the vote should be the other way round right?
  13. If ever the massive hypocrisy of the GnR fanbase needs pointing out, it's in this thread. 'EVADER WE LOVE YOUR VERSION OF THE GENERAL, I'M SO EXCITED, HOW DID YOU DO IT?' 'GnRs General is shit, poor mix, computer made, dreadful song, no hook, fucked up release' 'OH well of course we prefer the GnR version to evaders shitty fanmade, his doesn't even exist, so even though we hate the GnRs general at least its real (LOL)' maybe its a mix of completely misreading the question, rewriting history, maybe its the cognitive dissonance of the GnR fanbases feelings towards Axl, but it's been an eye opener for sure. and yes i am well aware that Generals evader was (partly) based off a phone leak which turned out to be soul monster. However we did not know that until late october. Some people seem to think a song is only real when it's released on spotify or uses actual instruments. As lovely as that is, it isnt the case. But anyway, run back to talking about clipping because you all think you know more than millionaire producers about how to produce music, but can't see how two songs called the general bear any relation at all And evaders general is better. Deal with it nuthuggers
  14. Fanmade nonsense is a bit harsh. I think my point is this, when evader did his version it was met with overwhleming positivity and to most, it was considered a great idea of what the song could sound like. The reaction to the general that GnR did is mostly negative and meh. People can say one isn;t real, but evaders probably took more effort and skill and GnRs is probably 90% computer made too. So to call one version and real and one not even existing isn't correct. one isn't made by a band, but musically it's probably better than the one that was.
  15. There is nothing that sounds appetite, so must mean classic sounding and that would apply to perhaps for sure. can't believe anyone would hear monsters and of course the general and think it sounds like GnR.
  16. Evaders version doesnt exist? Wow, that's strange im listening to it right now. Someone call the doctor I HAVE LOST MY MIND IT DOESNT EXIST. Seeing as most people here and on social and in gnr fandom think the general sucks more ass than elton john, i'd say you aren't correct. When evader did his version, everyone said 'wow this sounds so cool, evader you are incredible, i can't wait to hear gnrs version' then gnr release it the reaction is mostly negative and me at best, now you;re saying it doesn't count as a song? You really aren't going to like the future of music... Yes it is fanmade. but it is real. It exists. and it was highly prasied. but just because it's fan made it can;t be better than axl using a pro tools loop...? sounds a bit hypocritical and not very subjective. Don't believe the question was anything to do with which one was made by a real band (if you can call nugnr that) it was which sounds better as a song. and on social media, most people are saying evaders... don;t shoot the messenger.
  17. I'm 100% sure he doesn't. He didnt spend long tinkering with these songs. maybe in 2001/2 he spent a lot of time trying every single vocal sound effect and background synth sound available on protools. But he didnt spend any time on mixing, mastering, re doing lyrics, vocals, changing melodies etc. everything we've heard recorded in 99 is almost identical but just worse mix in 2023. That's someone who doesn't care and re stumbled across these songs and just thought he'd chuck them out in the least caring way possible, every few years 1/2 at a time without any marketing budget.
  18. It's coz weve heard scom for decades and 5000 times. I'll listen to the general lots in the next few months and i could go years without hearing scom again. Doesn't mean SCOM isnt a much better song. it's instantly accessible to anyone who likes any style of music. to like the general you have to have been on this gnr train for a long time for your brain to adjust. Not sure this song will endear any non gnr fans to the band!
  19. to be fair, If the songs weren't left in the vault for 24 years, and just released every 2-4 years like a normal, non shambles of a band, we wouldnt.
  20. Hopefully 2024 they release a 4 song EP Atlas Monsters State of Grace Seven I'd love that to have quick song and nothing and the rest but tbh it'd be nice to get those 4, end the CD era and 2025 is the new album and tour. as we know, neither of these things will happen sadly.
  21. We always assumed what we heard was the general not soul monster on the phone leak. for several years evaders mix has been the general to many. So much so that on facebook / IG people have been commenting saying the prefer the original demo and dont like how it was reworked, ie they thought evaders mix was the original demo (understandably, if you heard it you'd assume it was real unless you were mygnr nerd) and that it was a better version of the song. Also, Monsters as a fully fledged track seems like a top tier CD era tune. I prefer Evaders general to GnRs. I like GnRs general, i know that wont be popular consensus, but the guitar drops and tension in that version is better.
  22. All lyrics are subjective tbh. one persons fantastic is anothers dreadful. look at all Axl lyrics. You could see them as relationship poetry or corny nonsense. Sometimes you might think they're both depending on your current cirucmstance. When I was 18 and going through a break up with childhood sweetheart, chi dem lyrics really appealed, i thought they were incredible, they said how i felt. Now I'm a grown man in control of my emotions, they come across as corny and cheesy. But then again, most of classic rock are corny nonsense love songs! Pussy full of maggots, i doubt is to be taken too literally, people here look into that lyric so deeply but it's probably just something axl thought was funny and ties in with the rest of the song. Others call its so easy misogynistic, but songs and films shouldnt be taken that way, even if the content is racist, sexist etc, sometimes it just the story of something that happens in the real world. racism, sexism, male hubris all exist, and those things should be spoken about in music, even if it offends the weaker minded. That's what art is for, especially rock music. it's not all to be taken literally. One of the most powerful songs ive ever heard is cop killer by body count. it's raw its real. they wanted it cancelled. How many cops were killed because of it? it's a song about a real thing and feeling. that hits harder.
  23. Which version of the General do you prefer? We only had evaders to go on for so long, and I think we all thought he was right that the orchestra would be an intro (probably just conflated due it being the show openers previously) and we obviously all thought the phone leak was the general when it was in fact Soul Monster (monsters) So if you could only choose one what would it be?
  24. Yeah, I don't think any of these songs should be seen as leftovers, but inevitably they will because of how axl has chosen to release them. The leftovers are the ones that never got past the instrumental stage. The ones Axl chose to turn to fully fledged songs (allegedly 32) are the ones he believes were of an equal standard. the 99 hardschool and atlas are way better than riad or if the world for examples and both would have fit in on the illusion albums. Soul Monster is better than most of chi dem and we all know silkworms (absurd) was initially going to be on chi dem. But the difference in mixing and mastering between chi dem and these. and then again between each of the 4 NITL have released. It is so weird. It's like they've used a different producer/mastering programme, and person and studio in different eras for each mix. you'd have though when slash and duff did the 6 nu songs, they'd have all been mixed and mastered there and then to at least give them some continuity. Another baffling GnR incompetence.
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