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Everything posted by MaskingApathy

  1. Not really surprised tbh, there's a lot of women doing OF now.
  2. Someone on that GnR Fanspot FB group said that apparently Slash told one of them (within the last few days or so) that they are in fact planning to hit the studio after this tour. Did anyone see that? Didn't see it mentioned here.
  3. I'll be there too. Waiting for prices to go down more though.
  4. I don't understand why people want them to drop Slither, they actually play it pretty well.
  5. Stone Blind is awesome, I like this performance of it.
  6. The videos are gone, which songs were they?
  7. I feel the same way too. I think in the context of an album Perhaps is fine but on its own it's a little boring, doesn't really go anywhere. But I've still been playing it a lot.
  8. Yeah I'm really wishing now that they had done all this promotion for HS also, it could've really taken off. I could see it happening too. I think what Slash was saying about getting together to write a new album might be a possibility too, after this stuff is all released. I think he mentioned it because it's something that they've talked about doing. This is a great analysis, I agree with all of it. Just wish Slash's rhythm part was louder in the mix like in HS. I hope so too!
  9. That's what I'm hoping too, and some heavy riffs. I think the delay was worth it, since we got the video and the news that the General is finally getting released.
  10. I've listened to the song a few times now. It's not great but it's not terrible either. The mix is kind of muddy, wish Slash was louder overall. I like the song the more I listen to it though.
  11. What exactly did she play though? I don't hear anything. Absurd has much more energy though.
  12. Also them premiering it on radio is kind of a backwards thing to do now, since streaming is the main thing. Oh well.
  13. Going to wait until I hear it on Spotify tonight before commenting on the mix etc, but so far I'm not really impressed. I prefer Absurd and HS. This song could've been developed more.
  14. I'm ready! I've got the station pulled up on iHeart on my Firestick, going to blast it for all the neighbors in less than an hour!
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